Chapter 130: Fighting Everywhere!

 Just as Alice was about to start a new life, Tang Jue left her. Alice looked resentfully at the open door, and her ears were still ringing when Tang Jue left: "Alice, you see this night is deep, I should go back to my room to sleep."

  With a bite of silver teeth, Alice knew she was being played again!

  This abominable guy ignited the fire. He didn't come to fight the fire, but ran away. This...

  Alice turned off the light, and savored the kiss just now. Her cheeks began to heat again, and the little rabbit in her heart began to jump again.


  Tang returned to his bedroom with great satisfaction, sneering in his heart: Fight with me, you will never be an opponent!

  Having said that, he really worked hard.

  Damn, what's this called, living with a fairy-like girl is a real torture. Otherwise, go back now?

  However, Alice will make fun of it!

  Hey, goddamn pride!


  Don't understand, Tang must fall asleep slowly. At this time, Alice couldn't sleep, she remembered the ridicule of the sisters in the dressing room, she thought that she would get rid of the embarrassment tonight, but the damn guy ...!

  The more Alice wanted to get angry, the anger was burning in the dark. She suddenly thought that the two had been together for so long, as if she had been passive and at a disadvantage.

  Why is this happening?

  Alice exhaled a long breath, and she made the next decision, her heart began to stir, and her cheeks turned red again!

  Alice's heart was full of excitement and excitement. She got out of bed lightly, opened the door, and fumbled forward in the dark!

  The closer she was to the door of Tang Jue's bedroom, the faster her heart beat, and she pushed the door of Tang Jue's bedroom gently like a thief. Her steps are firm, as if she is doing something big!

  Alice said firmly in her heart: "In Chinese, this is 'You are my dish tonight!'"

  The night game consumed too much energy for Tang, he was very tired. By this time he had fallen into deep sleep. The super computer Xiaofeifei didn't stop, it looked strangely to Alice walking towards her master's bed, it didn't understand what Alice was going to do.

  Need to wake up the host?

  Should not be needed, Alice did not emit a dangerous breath.

  So what does Alice do? Xiaofeifei transferred some information from the database, and soon Xiaofeifei analyzed what Alice was going to do.

  Hey, human, is n't life so complicated?


  Alice went into Tang Jue's quilt gently, so what should she do next? Alice has no experience in this area. Alice sniffs the taste of the man on Tang Jue, slowly fades her clothes, and peels herself into a little white sheep.

  Her fingers tremblingly touched Tang Jue's body, and she began to stroke slowly, starting with the strong pectoral muscles and slowly downward, her little hand hit the obstacle!

  Alice's face turned redder. Her hands were frightened, and she quickly closed them back.

  Alice was even more ashamed. She was ashamed of her timidity.

  Damn guy is sleeping naked!

  But that's fine, it saves a lot of trouble.

  She remembered the words of the sisters in the dressing room. The sisters often exchanged experiences in the dressing room. Under the influence of ears, Alice's theoretical knowledge was quite rich, but she had never practiced.

  Tonight I can finally unravel that mystery. Alice remembered that the sisters once said that men like women to do it with their mouths. So Alice's head got into the quilt and started her great practical work.

  Tang Ju had a dream, a spring dream, and a beautiful woman like Tianxian lingered with him. The beauty's face was Alice's for a while, and Wen Ting's for a while.

  Chun Meng's taste is very good. In the dream, Tang must kill the enemy bravely, and the beautiful girl is panting and sighing. In the end Tang Jue fired the bullet of victory.

  Alice felt that the sisters lied to her. The taste was very bad, a little salty and a little fishy. Alice couldn't stand the taste. She vomited it into the bathroom.

  Lying next to Tang Jue again, Alice had a sense of accomplishment in her heart, thinking that she had finally practiced it, and she would not be ridiculed by her sisters tomorrow.

  The night is really deep, Alice has completed her task, and her life is very regular. Sleep fell on her like a mountain, and Alice closed her eyes and began to sleep.

  Before her mother died, Alice often got into her quilt in the winter. Sleeping with her mother, Alice was like a child, with her hands and feet on her mother.

  Now she habitually puts her hands and feet on Tang Jue.


  At seven o'clock the next morning, Tang woke up on time, and the sunlight penetrated the gap in the curtains firmly into the bedroom. Tang Jue felt strange. First of all, the familiar body fragrance that got into his nasal cavity, and then felt a hand on his chest and a leg on his leg!

  This is where?

  How is this taste so familiar?

  Whose hand and whose foot is this?

  Tang Jue opened his eyes and took a closer look. Yes, this is his room. At the last moment, he thought he was in a hotel.

  Then the owner of this hand, this foot is ready to come out!

  How did Alice sleep in her bed? When did she come?

  Xiaofeifei said, "Master, Alice came in from the door last night at 12.35 am and 25 seconds, 12.35 am ..."

  Tang Jue shook his head in his heart. He interrupted Xiao Feifei and said, "Xiao Feifei, I have told you many times. The details need not be so detailed, it will really be annoying."

  Xiaofeifei said, "Okay master, Alice is lying on your bed when you enter the door."

  Tang Jue asked, "Nothing?"

  Xiaofeifei shouted grievances: "It's over, don't you let me go into too much detail."

  Tang Jue thinks that there are two people who are not good at communicating now. One is Wen Ting. Her language is very jumpy. When talking to her, you must listen very carefully and think very carefully to know that she is What do you mean by what you say.

  The other is Xiao Feifei. This omniscient guy is always so shy.

  Tang Jue said angrily, "Pick up the important places!"

  Xiaofeifei had to start splicing his own words, and spoke out what Alice did last night.


  Isn't that a loss for yourself?

  Damn, what's this thing, it was offensive in others' sleep!

  How does this work, we must return indecently!


  Alice was still asleep because she slept too late last night. Tang must put Alice's hands and feet gently, and he plunged into the quilt.

  Be sure to come back indecently!

  Alice began to dream, and she also dreamed of spring!

  The sound of Alice's breathing gradually thickened, made a seductive sound, a pair of small hands helplessly scratched, and finally caught Tang Jue's hair. Alice was awakened by her own voice, and she noticed that itching came from below, making her feel a feeling she had never experienced before.

  Very comfortable and somewhat strange!

  Opening her eyes, Alice finally understood where she was, and now what happened!

  How could it be so passive!

  Alice's legs were so severe that Tang Jue's head couldn't move. After a moment, Alice pressed Tang under her body, and two bodies like Aries began to entangle. No, exactly, they were fighting.

  The tongue is fighting, the hands are fighting, and the whole body is fighting.

  The battlefield is the mouth, the opponent's body, the weapon is the tongue, and the hand!

  The temperature in the room rose sharply due to the fierce fighting, and Alice broke free, and she clumsily tried to grab an object and put it somewhere.

  Where would Tang miss this opportunity, he took the opportunity to hold Alice under him!

  "Lighter! This is my first time ..."

  Alice is ashamed, because in France, there are almost no girls like her who have not experienced this. That's why her sisters in the locker room laughed at her.

  Well, now they can finally get rid of their ridicule, and finally they can lift their chests!


  In the process of pain and happiness, Alice was willing to pay.

  Tang Jue is working hard and tenderly, and he will leave good memories for Alice's first time!

  After a gentle and lingering battle, both men were willing to pay. Alice closed her eyes and began to fall asleep, Tang looked at Alice, left the bed contentedly, went into the bathroom to take a bath.

  The relationship between the two has changed substantially.