Chapter 140: The determination of the Saint-Germain team!

Tang Jue stood by the metal fence, looking at those excited faces, and said loudly, "This is the first trophy. Ten days later, we will raise the second trophy!"

  Bigger applause, more screams. Let more people at the airport turn their heads and look here, looking at the familiar faces, and they gathered here. There are more and more people outside the metal fence.

  At the suggestion of Wyid Alilotsik, the other members of the team also went to the fence. The purpose of Wyid Alilozik is to make zero contact with the fans and let them experience the joy that the championship brings to the fans. This is to inspire them to fight more and fight for the championship.

  Several reporters have long occupied the most advantageous position. They have an important task at the airport today to interview the greatest contributor to the game last night.

  Occupying the best position is a female journalist, she shouted that Tang Jue hopes to interview him.

  "Hello Don! I am Chloe, a reporter from Paris. The fans are very satisfied with your wonderful performance last night. What do you think of this game yourself?"

  Crowe handed the microphone to Tang. Tang said with a smile: "I am also very satisfied. The most important thing is that we won the championship. Even if I can't play or score goals, as long as our team finally wins the championship trophy, I am also happy."

  "Master, you're acting again ..." Xiao Feifei's voice sounded in Tang Jue's mind. Tang Jue did not bother about it.

  He continued: "Last night our team performed very well, especially Pauletta. His goal evoked our hope of equalizing the score. When I replaced him, he told me that his task was completed The rest is left to me. I told him at the time, you can sit in a chair with confidence, we will win the game, we will. "

  Tang pointed to the teammates who were signing the fans and said, "Last night, we fought together side by side. We completed the reversal together and won the championship."

  He turned his head and looked at the camera lens firmly and said, "There are still two matches in the league, we will definitely win, and we will have the championship trophy, we must get it!

  Outside the metal fence, thunderous applause!


  Saint-Germain's opponents in the last two rounds were Metz and Rennes. They first had to challenge Metz with Ribery away and then play against Rennes at home.

  Lyon's last two opponents were Marseille and Nice, with the same schedule as Saint-Germain, away first and then home.

  The two teams fighting for the championship experienced the minds of other teams in the last round.

  They just want to stop the champion!

  Each of the last two games was a key game, and both were tough games. The two teams aiming to win the Ligue 1 title are preparing very seriously and carefully for the last two games.

  On the morning of returning to Paris in the morning, Wyid Arilozick did not return home directly, but called the members of the coaching staff to the club to discuss the training content of these three days and the details of the match with Metz.

  Lunch was settled in a restaurant near the club, and at the table, the coaching staff continued to discuss details.

  Lyon does not have the French Cup final and they have been training since the last match against Porto. Legon is repeatedly practicing the lineup to adjust the state of the players. He encourages players from time to time during training: last year's miracle will definitely occur!

  After a few days of adjustment, the Lyon players got rid of the draw with Porto and they regained confidence. For the Champions League, they abandoned the French Cup early, but they fell out of the semi-finals. If they lose the league title again, then they will have nothing to gain this season, and they will be caught in an embarrassing situation without a championship trophy.

  This is the end they cannot face.

  In order to avoid this situation, they must defeat their opponents in the last two games, and then expect Metz and Rennes to burst out of the way, and St. Germain to be dismissed. Then they will have the chance to win the league championship. This situation is the same as last year.

  After years of ecstasy, Lyon players have reason to believe that miracles will still be born. To make a miracle happen, they must win the last two games perfectly.

  An invincible confidence emerged from their hearts. Lyon was ready to defeat Marseille, leaving the suspense of the champion at the end of the last match!

  Maybe a miracle will really happen!


  At 4 pm on May 11, Saint-Germain players arrived on time at the training venue.

  Dewu had a smile on his face, and everyone patted each other's shoulders. He will infect others with a smile and drive away the shadows that buried deep in their hearts last May. Deu Pai bowed his head and said: "Sack, the last game is over and you performed well. I made mistakes in the first game and gave my opponent a penalty."

  Dewu shook his head and continued: "We lost that game, and I suffered for a long time for this. But you are different. You are lucky. You don't see us finally winning the championship."

  "Brother, keep up your spirits, we have two more games. We are going to win the double crown!"

  Sac looked up at the bright smile on Dewu's face, and after a moment of hesitation, a smile appeared on his face.

  Pauletta sat on the turf and installed a leg shield. He said to Tang Ju beside him: "Tang, on the Internet, in newspapers, and on TV, you are talking about your volley. They praise you for being great. Star. "

  Tang Ju pulled up the white socks and turned to look at Pauletta. Since the night of drinking in Russia, the relationship between the two has changed and they have become friends.

  Tang never discussed this with Pauletta, because he had always been hopeful about his future. Tang Ju set out on the green field to become a great striker like Ronnie. Now he has a long way to go to that goal.

  In terms of technology, he has to improve quickly. That glance was a flaw, and as the fame increased, all the defenders would target the flaw and conduct targeted defense.

  In the game last night, he has begun to try to change. In the course of the second goal, he first looked to his right and then to his left, so that Sosho's goalkeeper lost judgment. He thinks this change is a good start, and he should play like this in the future.

  For example, his current shooting method is relatively single, more than 80% of goals are through breakthroughs, looking for shooting opportunities. With the rise of fame, the opponent will definitely not give him so many breakthrough opportunities. Then he must increase his own shooting methods, such as grab points, such as free kicks ...

  In addition to technical improvements, he also needs to improve his ability to read the game. For example, when must we break through, when to cooperate with teammates and so on.

  Next season will definitely leave Saint Germain to play for the giants, where competition is more fierce and the locker room is more difficult to handle. The giants are all big names and star players, and he is only a young man now, just like when he first arrived in Saint-Germain's team, he has no say at all in the locker room.

  The club told him that there are currently three giants to choose from, and hopes he will seriously consider this issue. Until now he has not made a final decision.

  Tang Ju looked at the veteran stadium veteran who was playing in many national leagues next to him and asked, "What is the difference between La Liga and Serie A?"

  Pauletta did not look up and continued to arrange the leg guards. He lowered his head and said: "La Liga's defense is relatively loose, which is very suitable for a skilled player like you. In the case of the ball, there is a great chance of breaking them.

  I haven't played in Serie A. From my experience playing with them, their defenders have better defensive skills. They usually stay close to the opponent's forwards, their tackles are ranked first in the world, and it is difficult to break through them.

  To break through them, you must strengthen the protection of the ball. Then you must have a good body. "

  Pauletta was finished, but Tang still didn't understand something. He asked, "Why do you want a good body?"

  Pauletta satisfactorily arranged his leg guards, looked up at Tang Jue and said, "The Serie A defenders are very hard. Many talented players fall at their feet. Basten chose to retire at the age of 28. Luo "Nea has been injured many times in Serie A, and these are inseparable from the fierceness of the Serie A defender."

  Pauletta looked at Tang Jue seriously and said, "Tang, I know what you are asking me for these purposes. My personal point of view is: You better go to La Liga and stay away from Serie A. You like to break through. In Serie A, you must It's the target of those tackles. If you don't, you will be caught in injuries for a long time like Ronnie! "

  Pauletta patted her leg and said, "This is our tool for eating, it's broken, our future ..."

  Tang Jue was thinking, and he nodded and said, "Thank you for your advice, I will think seriously."

  Pauletta thought the topic was too heavy, and said with a smile, "Don, how was it last night?"

  When Tang Jue heard this, she remembered Alice's madness last night, and her face couldn't help turning red. Pauletta looked at Tang Jue who was blushing and laughed. The smile attracted a lot of attention on the court. Boskovich came over and asked Pauletta curiously, "What's so happy?"

  Pauletta looked up at Boskovich and said with a smile: "I asked him how he was last night, and his face turned red!"

  Think of Alice's peerless face, Boskovich smiled and looked at Tang Jue and said, "Tang, you are young and you have to seize the good times. You do n't know, there are many guys in the team looking at you The back is full of jealousy. "

  Tang Jue looked angrily at the two big players and was about to speak. Dewu's voice came over: "Don't make fun of him, you were the same as you were then."

  Tang gave a grateful look at Dewu and said, "You don't consider the day after tomorrow, but make fun of me here. I'm afraid it's not right!"

  Pauletta said with a smile: "What is there to consider, no matter who stands in front of us, we will take them down at."

  Boskovich nodded and said, "Yesterday we were able to reverse under such unfavorable circumstances. We had nothing to consider."

  A decisive gaze flashed through Dewu's eyes, saying: "Last year was always painful, and this year we will not let history repeat itself. We must use the championship to break the nightmare of last year, we can certainly."

  Tang Jue stood up, patted the grass on the buttocks, and said, "Your confidence is enough."

  Boskovich looked at the two next to him, and then looked at Tang Jue and said, "Don, we all know that you will leave Paris at the end of this season. Before you leave, you must at least leave us a league Champions trophy. "

  "This request is not excessive!"

  In Boskovich's words, there was no parting sadness, only unreasonable demands.

  Tang looked at Boskovich seriously, and then said solemnly, "Extremely!"

  He suddenly laughed and said, "However, I like your excessive request!"

  Dewu turned to look at the other teammates and called their attention with applause. Dewu shouted, "Come here!"

  After a while, the players gathered around. Dewu stretched out his right hand, and the other players put their hands on top of each other, overlapping them into a high tower. Dewu's eyes showed resilience. He glanced at everyone and said, "We need to clear the shame of last year by action. we are the champion!"


