Chapter 141: The Young Man's Pursuit in the Indus Grove!


As promised that I will release a chapter on mid January. So here it is.


The members of the coaching staff 15 meters away heard this majestic voice and looked at the serious faces, and their hearts inevitably raised their determination to win. Vaid Alilozick was relieved. He was not in Saint Germain last year. He had not experienced the pain of Dewu. But he understood that it was a constant pain in their hearts.

  He has been thinking of ways to resolve the psychological obstacles of the players. Hearing the determination revealed in the majestic voices, watching the faces that decided to sweep away the haze in his heart with victory, he was finally relieved.

  Vaid Alilozick was only relieved and did not think that the league title was already in their pocket. The last match with Ajacci made him realize that Metz and Rennes would use their best ability to stop them from winning the championship. In order to win the league championship, in addition to the fighting spirit of the player, he needs to do a lot of work as a head coach.


  The two winning teams are preparing nervously and orderly. The media in Paris and Lyon again started a war of words. The first to launch the artillery was the Lyon media. They thought history would repeat itself. Saint Germain is very likely to have the situation of last year again and lose the championship at the last moment.

  The Paris media counter-attacked: winning the French Cup, Saint-Germain was up and down, and no one can stop the progress of Saint-Germain. They must not let history repeat itself.

  In order to severely stab the Lyon media, they said: Saint-Germain's 29th, this season since the eleventh round of the French League played for the club, they are invincible and have repeatedly captured the opponent's goal. Moscow, which is more than a dozen degrees below zero, cannot stop his goal, and powerful Milan cannot stop him.

  Then in the last two games, Metz and Rennes could not stop Tang's goal.

  Don is expected to compete for the European Golden Boot award this season, and he is now in second place. At the top is Arsenal's Henry, who has now scored 26 goals in the Premier League. Tang has only one goal missing, but to his disadvantage Arsenal have five games left, while Saint-Germain has only two.

  They finally said: Thank you Lyon Junior Team for training such a good young shooter!

  The satire of the Paris media made Lyon the media very uncomfortable. They have heard that Landot was fired by Lyon. But this cannot completely compensate for Lyon's losses.

  Unable to find the direction of the counterattack, the Lyon media finally had to end this drool war.

  The day before the game, Ribery said in front of the media: Preventing Saint-Germain from winning the championship is currently the most important work for Metz. Tomorrow's game, Metz vowed to win Saint-Germain at home.

  Dewu reluctantly said in front of the Paris media: No one can stop Saint-Germain and win the league championship. Metz can't do it, Rennes can't.

  Tang Jue said in an interview with the Paris media: Ribery has no ability to stop Saint-Germain's determination to win a double crown. Saint-Germain will win at St. Simeon.

  When a Paris reporter asked Tang Jue: Now that you are behind Henry with only one goal disadvantage, you are very likely to win the European Golden Boot Award. Are you going to kill in the last two games and win the European Golden Boot Award?

  Tang Ju answered: Now the league championship is important. Saint-Germain has not won the Ligue 1 championship for eleven years. I'm still young, and I still have a lot of chances to win the European Golden Boot. As long as you can help the team win, it doesn't matter if you score or not.

  For Tang Jue, the appeal of the championship trophy is greater than personal honor. More importantly, Boskovic told him on the training ground that he should leave them with a league championship trophy before leaving Saint Germain.

  The Chinese people promised that Tang must decide to fulfill his promise.

  Despite what he said, the reporter's words undoubtedly disturbed his heart. The European Golden Boot Award, which is the trophy of Europe's best scorer, which striker can refuse that trophy.

  A drool war between Metz and Saint-Germain players,

Lyon and Marseille did not have a war of words.

  This matter became clear after a little thought. Lyon was in a passive position at this time, and they had no capital to launch a drool war with Marseille in front of the media. They set off for Marseille in silence the day before the race, preparing for the race they must win.


  A lead is an advantage, as is pressure.

  Tang Jue is very irritable these days, which is obviously different from Sochaux before the French Cup final. At that time, Tang had only one ambition to compete for the championship. Now, if they want to win the league, they must win the last two games, and they must not give Lyon any chance. He is now the team's top scorer, and siege is his task. He felt immeasurable pressure on his shoulders.

  The opponent of the French Cup is Sosho, and Tang Jue has no grudges with them.

  The opponent of the league is Lyon, and Tang Jue has a complicated relationship with Lyon. Another reason that makes Tang absolutely irritable is his commitment to Dewu.

  Commitment is stress!

  Tang never thought about why Boskovic pressured him. He also did not know the deep meaning behind Boskovic's doing so. Now he is in irritability and anxiety.

  Fighting for the European Golden Boot Award is also stressful!

  The multiple pressures are like several mountains, and they are put on Tang Jue's shoulders together.

  Tang is very irritable and anxious.

  In order to prevent the team from being prematurely nervous before the game, Saint-Germain decided to fly to Metz's home on the morning of the game.

  After dinner, Tang Ju was sitting in the living room, thinking of the upcoming game the night after tomorrow, Tang Ju was both looking forward and a little scared. Tang must know that his emotions are very bad for tomorrow's game.

  Alice came out of the kitchen, took off the apron with a cartoon pattern, and hung it on a hanger in the corner of the living room. Watching Tang Ju sitting on the sofa watching the TV openly, Alice stepped briskly, making Tang Ju a cup of green tea, and then making herself a cup of coffee.

  Tang Jue looked at the tea in the glass, as if seeing his own heart.

  Looking at Tang Jue aside, Alice was thinking. Since yesterday, when Tang Jue returned home, it was this soul that did not keep his house.

  With Tang Jue's eyes, Alice looked at the tumbling tea leaves in the glass and said, "They are so beautiful!"

  Tang Jue looked at Alice sideways, at those blue eyes, at the picturesque daimei, at the rosy lips. Tang never stretched out his mouth and left his kiss on it as before. He looked at it like this, no one knew what he was thinking at this time.

  Alice turned to look at Tang Jue and said with a smile, "Don, have you decided now, where will you go next season? Milan, Munich, or Madrid?"

  Tang Jie shook his head and said, "I haven't thought about it yet. Which city do you think is good?"

  Alice crooked her head, her dark brown hair dancing in the air, as if swinging on a swing. Tang definitely wanted to swing on it, and wanted to return to the carefree childhood.

  Alice said: "I don't know which city you like. As far as I'm concerned, I like Milan. Milan is a fashion capital, and it's as good as Paris in the fashion world."

  Setting aside the contract between the two, according to the current relationship between the two, where Tang must go, Alice will also go.

  Now that she loves her, consider her feelings. This is why Tang must ask Alice.

  Tang nodded utterly and said nothing. He understood Alice's idea. Alice looked at Tang Jue and said, "Dear, you don't need to pay too much attention to my thoughts. Munich and Madrid are also beautiful cities."

  Tang Ju gently embraced Alice into her arms and sniffed her light fragrance. The transfer is certain. Whether it is to compete for the Champions League or to improve their level, the giants are the goal of their next stop.

  The stars in the giants are like clouds, and the competition is very fierce. Many people are competing for a position. If you don't perform well, you can only sit on the bench. If so, where is your pride?

  Tang must ask himself in his heart.

  Since stepping on this green field, competition is inevitable. The fierce competition is also the pressure. If the pressure before us cannot be resolved now, how can we gain a foothold after the giants!

  Thinking of this, Tang Jue leached with cold sweat.

  Tang Jue touched Alice's beautiful face with his left hand, and the silky satin-like touch felt through the nerves to his brain. Tang Jue felt a little warm. Tang Jue said on TV and said, "Alice, these two days I was very anxious and felt a lot of pressure. Is my appearance very decadent?"

  Alice stroked Tang Jue's right hand and said gently: "Dear, I know you are under a lot of pressure now. You are anxious, I think those are normal. Just because you want to be perfect and want to be wonderful That pressure. "

  "It was the same before I got on the T stage for the first time. It was both exciting and embarrassing. I wanted to succeed and I was afraid that I would fail."

  Tang Jue kissed Alice's hair gently, and said gently, "Sorry, I should go with you then."

  Alice shook her head and said, "You may be more nervous when you go. This kind of psychology can only be adjusted by yourself, and there are few places where others can help."

  Tang Jue asked, "How did you adjust at that time?"

  Alice moved in Tang's arms to make herself more comfortable. She said: "I thought then: I will succeed, I am the best. I am the most beautiful model in the world, and the catwalk is specially prepared for me.

  In this way, I kept suggesting myself. The moment I actually got on the T stage, my confidence returned to me. My agent later said that my first catwalk was very successful. "

  Tang watched the TV thoughtfully.

  "I will succeed, I am the best. I am the most beautiful model in the world, and the catwalk is specially prepared for me."

  Really very powerful!

  So why did you walk on the green field yourself?

  What is the reason why the boy in the Indus forest in Lyon 2 is lonely carrying a football through the woods?

  Dig into yourself and approach Wen Ting, and make excuses to use her laboratory for what purpose?

  A Ligue 1 champion almost loses his position, so what do he use to compete for a more important championship?

  I am about to go to the giants, no matter which one I go to, there will be fierce competition. If you ca n't even go through this hurdle now, what do you fight for?

  Tang embraced Alice tightly. He was like a lost child and finally found his way!