Chapter 142: Alice is mine!

It was late, and Tang was hugging Alice in bed. Alice stroked Tang's strong chest muscles and said softly, "My dear, I'll have a catwalk tomorrow morning. If you go and see, it can be considered a break."

  Tang Jue stroked Alice's beautiful face in the dark, thinking that she hadn't been to the scene to see Alice's catwalk, anyway, she wouldn't train tomorrow morning, just go and see. So he answered, "Okay."

  Alice was so excited when she heard this, she turned over Tang Jue and kissed Tang Jue's lips. After a long time the two lips separated, Alice said, "Dear, you will definitely see a more amazing Alice tomorrow!"

  Tang Jue coddled gently on Alice's face and smiled: "Alice in our family has always been amazing, especially at some times, it is amazing.


  Tang Jue began to answer Alice's question with his own hand, and looked over Yufeng, looking deep. Alice's breathing was getting heavier and heavier, the two youthful bodies turned from tenderness to wildness, and a fight began. The battle between the two was in full swing, and the battle reached its climax, both of them howling and sprinting hard!

  At the end of the battle, the two hugged and slept.


  Gorgeous stage, soothing and very rhythmic music, models are showing the work of design masters on the stage. Alice came out of the background wearing a light green skirt. When she stepped on the T-stage, countless eyes under the stage shifted from other models to Alice.

  Alice's skirt was very elegant, but she gave a glorious feeling. Looking up confidently, sweet smile, Alice is the focus on the stage. People under the stage couldn't help clapping gently.

  In the rhythm of music, Alice was visiting her territory like a fairy queen in the forest. Animals in the forest tweeted to show respect to their queen.

  Tang absolutely patted his palms and looked at those blue eyes. Alice did not make a mistake, she was amazing!


  After an hour of performance, the song ended. Tang Jue walked to the door of the locker room and waited for Alice after removing her makeup. In front of Tang Jue, there are several young talents who are holding flowers freshly and want to present flowers to the goddess in their hearts.

  The locker room door was surrounded by five or six strong young men who looked like bodyguards. A young talent was clearly dissatisfied with the situation, and he stepped forward.

  A bodyguard turned around and said coldly to the young talented man: "Stop!"

  The young talent was obviously very angry. He frowned slightly and said in a colder voice: "This place is a public place, you have no right to stop me."

  "Get off!" Said the young talent.

  "Yes! Get out!"

  "Step aside!"

  More people shouted. They are passionate and no one can have privileges in public places.

  No one gave him a way, and the bodyguards in front of him stood still and looked at him with cold light in his eyes. The young talent was obviously very angry, and he went straight forward!

  Seeing the conflict start soon!

  "Stay here!"

  At this time the bodyguard gave way, and a middle-aged man came out. The talking master looked at the young talented man and said with a smile, "I'm sorry, we'll take one person and leave."

  Middle-aged man in his fifties, wearing a well-dressed dark suit and a yellow checkered tie. In terms of temperament, it looks like a successful person.

  The young talent was preparing to say something, and the locker room door opened. The models with great stature pushed open the door and came out. They were clearly scared by the scene at the door.

  Alice walked out the door while talking to her girlfriend. When she looked at the familiar back of the middle-aged man, her picturesque brows slightly frowned.

  The goddess in his heart appeared, and the young talent who offered flowers was more excited. They cheered and shouted. The middle-aged man smiled at the young talent in front of him and said, "They have already come out, and I will leave after picking up people."

  The middle-aged man turned and walked towards the door. The bodyguard blocked the gap left by him. The young talent shot a sharp look in the eyes, and he finally put up with it.

  The middle-aged man walked in front of Alice, with a smile on his face, and there was a surprise beneath it. The female partner beside Alice looked at Alice in surprise, and then looked at the middle-aged man. Doesn't Alice already have a boyfriend? I heard that his boyfriend is a football player. Who is this?

  "You're here!" Alice said lightly.

  "Here, he should have come a long time ago!" Said the middle-aged man. "Let's go!"

  Alice hesitated for a moment, then followed the man and walked outward. The bodyguards embraced the two. The young talented man's face was even more ugly. He stepped in front of the bodyguards and looked at the middle-aged man.

  The middle-aged man smiled and said, "Why?"

  Alice looked at the young talent, her brows frowned even more. Alice said to the young talented man, "Grand Terrace, I said I already have a boyfriend, so don't hang on."

  The young talented man looked at the middle-aged man, his mouth slightly tilted: "You are talking about him? Bodyguards? I can wave more hands to come to more people!"

  The middle-aged man thought it was funny, and he laughed, "Well then you wave!"

  The young talent raised his right hand!

  A dozen guys in black suits came out of the crowd, and surrounded the young talents instantly, watching him silently. As soon as he gave an order, they immediately went to help him solve the problem.

  For the dozen or so bodyguards that suddenly appeared, the middle-aged man flashed fiercely in the eyes of the middle-aged man. Suddenly he returned to peace. Just when he was about to speak, Alice said, "Grand Terrace, this is my loved one, you misunderstood."

  There was a doubtful look in the young talent's eyes. He looked at Alice seriously and said, "Alice, you don't have to be afraid, he has someone and I have someone."

  Alice shook her head and said, "I didn't lie to you!"

  Relatives? Tang Jue appeared in the crowd. Alice kept telling him that she had no loved ones in this world. That said Alice has been lying!

  Who is he?

  What is his relationship with Alice?

  Tang Jue was impatient.

  The young talent thought for a moment to prepare to make way. He looked at Alice and said, "Alice, if you encounter any difficulties, as long as you speak, I will help you at any time.

  Alice shook her head and followed the middle-aged man out of the crowd.

  As soon as this group left, the guy holding flowers ran towards the door. Tang looked at the group with amazement, he began to think that they were here to present flowers to Alice.

  The middle-aged man wanted to say something to Alice along the way, but when he looked at Alice's cold face, he couldn't say a word.

  A black-haired guy stands in front of them!

  The ice melted on Alice's face, and a surprise flashed in the middle-aged man's eyes. He looked down Alice's eyes. Glantai, who was embraced by the bodyguards, looked at the black hair, thinking in his eyes.

  Someone was standing in front, either pushing him away or bypassing.

  The bodyguards neither pushed him away nor detoured. According to their habits in the past, they will surely push this guy in front of the road away. However, they were instructed by the middle-aged man and stopped.

  "Alice is mine!" Tang Jue said looking at the middle-aged man through the gap.

  As soon as Alice heard this, her face appeared annoyed. It sounded hard to hear. How did I get yours?

  A smile on the face of the young talent, the hero saves beauty?

  Boy, I have used it just now!

  Besides, the beauty does not need to be rescued at all, he is her loved one. Stupid!

  Don't be a fool, he needs an answer!

  The last time a young talent clashed with a middle-aged man, Alice came forward to solve the problem. However, Alice didn't mean to speak this time. When the middle-aged man saw that Alice was silent, he was full of doubts. He stepped out of the bodyguard's protection and stood in front of Tang Jue.