Chapter 143: Alice's closest relative?

The middle-aged man looked at Tang Jue very carefully, and after a moment he laughed!

  "Alice cannot be yours!"

  Tang frowned, looking at the middle-aged man in front of him and saying, "Alice is mine, and she can't go with you. Besides, she never told me that she has relatives."

  There was a flash of pain in the middle-aged man's eyes, and he felt like he was out of shape and quickly recovered calmly. The middle-aged man looked up at Tang Jue and said, "That's our own business. It has nothing to do with you."

  Tang absolutely chuckled: "I'm her boyfriend, why is it nothing to do with me?"

  The young talent shot a sharp shot.

  The middle-aged man looked at Tang Jue more carefully. He waved his hand backwards, and the bodyguards, Alice, went around a luxury car on the side of Tang Juexiang's road. Tang was about to riot, and the middle-aged man said, "Don't worry, we will never hurt Alice. I have a few questions for you."

  Alice did not look at Tang Ju when passing by, which made Tang Ju very angry. He turned to look at the middle-aged man in front of him and said anxiously, "Ask!"

  The middle-aged man drew his tie and said, "On September 13 last year, Alice disappeared. Did you take her away?"

  Tang absolutely looked at the man in front of him. Did he say that he was really Alice's relative?

  Tang must have thought that Alice had no relatives, otherwise he would not choose Alice. At that time, Tang Jue just wanted to find someone to take care of his life. I thought God was unaware of the ghosts, but his whereabouts have always been under the eyes of others. This feeling is very bad, there is a stupid feeling of covering the ears.

  "Master, he's guessing. We didn't leave much clue, and his tone is questioning." Xiao Feifei's voice sounded in Tang Jue's mind.

  Tang Ju exhaled and looked at the middle-aged man and said, "Yeah! I took it!"

  Tang Jue did not deny it, but answered the question of the middle-aged man positively.

  The middle-aged man received an affirmative answer and tried to calm his rapid breathing. He continued to ask, "Have you cured her?"

  Tang turned his head to look at the white building next to him, and his heart began to stir. After the last UEFA Champions League group match with the CSKA, he returned to Lyon with Alice. That night Wen Ting said that she always knew that Tang Jue was studying drugs and that he had cured his own illness. At that moment, Tang absolutely sweated cold.

  This feels really bad. After a long time Tang turned his head and looked at him and said, "Yes!"

  An excited look appeared in the eyes of the man. He patted Tang Jue's shoulder lightly and said, "Wait a minute!"

  After that, the man walked like a luxury car by the road. Tang looked at him with confusion as he walked away.

  "Boy, you just said you were Alice's boyfriend!"

  Tang turned his head, and Grandai stood in front of Tang Jue with the support of the bodyguard. Tang said lightly, "Yes!"

  "You deserve it too!" The young talent squeezed this sentence from his teeth.

  Tang absolutely shook his head and exhaled a long breath. He really did not expect that there would be so many situations today. A suitor with a bodyguard, a "relative" with a bodyguard.

  Alice has a lot of secrets.

  "You're an idiot!" Tang said with a smile. "Have you pursued Alice for so long. Have you ever touched her hand? Have you ever kissed her face? Have you eaten her cooking? You Do you know when she sleeps at night? "

  Tang like a bang ball cannon to Glantai!

  Glantai's face changed, his face flushed and he was about to fight back, at which point a voice interrupted him.

  "What are you doing?"

  The voice was so vicious that before Tang had turned around, the master of the voice came up. The middle-aged man looked at Glantai and said, "Ruihua has fallen into a funding problem. The stock has fallen 32% in three days. It is now asking for help from many French banks. Do you think you are rich?

  "Perhaps you will soon run out of pocket money!"

  In a word, it breaks the family history of Glantai and the plight of their family. Tang was very surprised. He looked at the middle-aged man differently.

  Glantai's face turned white, and he looked at the middle-aged man in shock. With a little thought, Glantai took his dozen bodyguards away in silence.

  "Sister-in-law!" Said the middle-aged man, shaking his head while watching Glantai's back. He looked over at Tang Jue and said with a smile: "Don, hello! Meet again, Francis Paulillo!"

  Others gave smiley faces, and they should politely give a smiley face, not to mention the fact that Mr. Francis had also given him relief. Tang said with a smile: "I'm glad to meet you!"

  "I want to know your relationship with Alice."

  The middle-aged man said with a smile: "Let Alice tell you. But you're mistaken. I'm not Alice's relative, my boss is."

  Tang looked at Francis with no doubt, shocked in his heart, and did not speak for a long time.

  Francis took a check from his arms and handed it to Tang Jue: "In order to thank you for saving Alice's life, this is the reward given to you by the boss!"

  Tang never received the check, because he saved Alice to let her take care of his life, and the two signed a five-year contract. This matter has nothing to do with others.

  Tang Jue shook his head and said, "I can't get that check!"

  Tang Jue vaguely thought that if he took the check, he might have asked what the other party would ask. No one in the world will get you money for no reason, this money is very hot.

  Francis said with a smile: "You don't see how much money you have?"

  Tang shook his head. Although he needed money now, Francis couldn't get any more money. The so-called proper way, the five-year contract between him and Alice has solved this problem, not to mention that now they are lovers again, to save their lovers, but also to get money?

  "Ten ten million euros! What a pity!" Francis shook his head.

  Ten million, still euro!

  Who is his boss? Who is Alice's relative?

  Tang tried his best to suppress the shock in his heart.

  "What are you thinking?"

  The familiar body fragrance appeared beside him, and Alice looked at Tang Jue strangely. Tang turned his head to look at Alice and found her mood was good. Alice asked Francis, "Uncle Paulo, what are you talking about?"

  Alice looked at the check in Francis's hand again, took a look, and thought in her eyes.

  Francis quickly said, "Alice, this is ... he means."

  Alice looked at Francis and asked, "What do you mean?

  "I have my own business!"

  Francis was embarrassed. Tang Jue looked at the two of them and understood the meaning of their words. It really was so. To use this ten million euros, he wanted to drive himself away from Alice!

  I think so beautiful!

  Is Alice money measurable?

  At this time, Alice did not return the check to Francis, but packed it in her own bag!

  Tang looked at Alice strangely. He didn't understand why Alice did it.

  Alice looked at Francis and said, "Go back and tell him that since he is so rich, the ten million is my pocket money. As for my own affairs, he had better not get involved.

  Alice didn't even bother with embarrassing Francis, turned around and held Tang Jue's arm and said, "dear, let's go!"

  Ten million euros of pocket money!

  Tang was absolutely shocked by Alice's mighty reasons and wondered about the man's identity. Who is Alice? Why did Alice dare to speak to him like this?

  Tang Ju once asked Alice's life, and Alice said she had no loved ones. If it wasn't for a loved one, how could Alice say so and do so?

  Then it's time to tell the truth!

  Tang Jue traveled to this world and always thought he was extremely intelligent. He thought that he was very clean and did not leave any traces. However, with Alice back to Lyon, Wen Ting said that she always knew that Tang Jue was researching drugs by himself, and he had cured himself. At that time Tang was absolutely sweaty.

  Just now Francis asked him if he had taken Alice or if he had cured Alice's illness. Tang began to be shocked.

  He always thought that no one knew, everything turned out to be a self-deception, just a joke!

  Tang must sniff Alice's faint body fragrance, and endless Xiaosuo in her heart. Alice also did not speak along the way. The two sat silently in the taxi, silently went upstairs, and silently sat on the sofa in the living room!