Ice dungeon, its cold alright, or supposed to be cold. Good thing I know how to perform adaptability magic and apply it constantly, to me and the three other (apparently Linda doesn't feel the cold striking her).
While traveling the dungeon, Seraph with his ever changing musical instruments keep on playing his various masterpieces, while the rest of us just listen, appreciating his fine artistic touch. Some of his song burn our spirit while other make us feels relax. I must say, as annoying as he usually was, I really love hearing his musical performances. Maybe I should create a CD? No, maybe not, the camera I created and integrated with the phone already have recording features, but then again, it's still expansive and only few people can get their hands on it. Plus, with my kinda bad reputation among the noble (thanks to my foul mouth and usually bad attitude to the noble), the sale is actually kinda low. So, maybe a CD with affordable cost can be sold to commoner, so they can enjoy the masterpiece, or maybe I can use the CD and integrate it with the communication stones that are placed alongside the road of neighborhood area, that way Seraph masterpiece can be played at set time. Or maybe a musical box? That is also affordable and easy to made
"You seem to be in deep thought" [Saint Louis]
"Oh, hearing Seraph's masterpiece actually give me plenty of idea" [Ash]
"Oh, care to share" [Seraph]
"Well..." [Ash]
I told them. Their reactions are actually favourable, so much so that I think this might actually work
"You're always full of ideas. As expected of someone from another world. Your view is quite different from us" [Alaric]
"Now that I think of it, does your people worship Goddess Achalasia as well?" [Linda]
"No. At least to my knowledge, no" [Ash]
"Then what religious belief does your people hold onto?" [Alaric]
They're rather interested in this subject, not just Saint Louis. Guess I should just tell them
While I told them regarding the major religions back on earth, I also told them a short history of each religion. I kinda realize that while back on earth there are different religions, here in Achalasia, well, ultimately, they all worship Goddess Achalasia. Even the squabbles between the old and new teaching here still worship the same goddess
"Hmm... with so many religion, I bet there are many conflicts arises" [Seraph]
"That's true. Not to say I blame the religion, but it basically boils down to those in power, using religion and races as one of the reasons to start conflicts. You can say what happen here and back on earth are almost identical. You want to grab political power? Boom, blame those who are different from you and have them targeted for each and every single thing, however nonsense it sounds, they will buy it. You want to seize the economy? Well, support our people or else those people will squeeze every single penny from your pockets. I can rant non stop, but, all and all, I believe us common folks just wanted some peace, but those who are in power, not so much I guess" [Ash]
"Getting philosophical, but that is indeed identical to what happen here in Achalasia" [Saint Louis]
I can see that my opinion just now affecting Saint Louis more than I thought it would. Heck, I was just giving him my serious two cents, and he takes it very, very, very seriously. Not surprising, considering that one of the new religion teaching prohibited needless and groundless discrimination being bashed from every single direction, especially by the old teaching, he must have felt some sort of connection to my talk.
"Still, I can't believe your people discriminating other based on skin colour as well. What happens to other races with different skin colour, for example, the blue wing angle? Were they discriminated more than other?" [Seraph]
"Ohh, I forgot to tell, there are no other races beside human on earth, I mean there are no intelligence species other than human. Dwarf, elf, beastman are mostly fairy tale while demon and angle appear inside a religious script" [Ash]
"Really!" [Linda]
"Not that I aware of. But... now that I think of it, is it a pure coincidence that those old fairy tale back on earth described the races and creatures that can be found on Achalasia" [Ash]
"Interesting indeed. Maybe there are some sort of parallel between your world and our world, and maybe that is one of the reason why Goddess Achalasia bring you here as well" [Saint Louis]
"Maybe. Well, she did mention that the reason was because my parents giving up the chances to be reincarnated, but..." [Ash]
Parallel between Achalasia and earth, and reason of my reincarnation beside that of my parents deed. Is there so hidden connection that I fail to look at?
"Well, just out of curiosity. What will you do should the holy palace suddenly decided to make peace with other people of different races?" [Saint Louis]
"Well, theoretically if they somehow decided to do just that without any sort of hidden bad intention, then I will support them as well. But, we are speaking of those people right. The same people that wanted to pull out Cupid's horns from her head just to be sold into black market, and the very same people that wanted to peel Savel's dragonewt scales as well, and the very very same people that wanted to kill my siblings and when they found out they're the ten heroes, suddenly wanted to take care of them. Somehow, I can't see that happening. At least not in the nearest future" [Ash]
"Well, if only I am a better saint, maybe I can sort thing out nicely so all of that wouldn't happen" [Saint Louis]
"It wasn't your fault O saint" [Alaric]
"Indeed. Whatever you do, they will always react negatively and try to bring you down" [Seraph]
"If anything, I am glad there are people like you and Princess Diana. It makes me wanted to support them wholeheartedly" [Linda]
"Cliche, but I agree" [Ash]
Despite the cold environment of the ice dungeon, our topic of discussion sure aren't.
"Oh yeah, can you tell me more about the old follower and their teaching? My knowledge of it is superficial at best" [Ash]
"Well..." [Saint Louis]
Just when Saint Louis wanted to say something, a monster that I once beat, appear. A Yuki-ona