The Yuki-ona, an ice type lady monster that wear the Japanese kimono, and this time, having a katana on one hand, bluish tinge and longer than the one Rean having, and on the other hand she's holding an umbrella, and I don't why she decided to open it up and use it. Her appearance screams icy queen both literally and figuratively. The Yuki-ona we fought back at the challenge dungeon was a limbo between A to S rank in terms of power, but this one in front of us is definitely an S rank based on her mana alone.
"Why did a powerful monster like that doing in the main road" [Linda]
"Sincerely reminded me of Mahsuri" [Ash]
Like mention before, every dungeon have a main road literally right in the middle of each floor and monster tend not to appear here, which make traveling easier and safer should you not stray away from the main road. The further you go from the main road, you will encounter monster more frequently, and they will gradually becoming stronger, which is why having a powerful monster right in the middle of main road is strange and dangerous nonetheless
"Please. Follow me" [Yuki-ona]
"!?" [Other]
Did she just speak? If so, how... Well, not that surprising since there are record of intelligence monsters that can communicate with human. The behemoth I once fought kinda understand what I wanted to say, though this is the first time I came across a talking monster, the Thanatos back at Malsia and Drakaini which fuse with the Kiserre's prince didn't really count
"Is this a trap?" [Alaric]
"Well, she seems smart enough, so I don't think she would try something so foolish as to trap us, considering our line up" [Seraph]
"Then again, because she's smart, she might actually plan just that in order to win" [Ash]
"Dear Yuki-ona, why do we need to follow you?" [Saint Louis]
Directly asking a monster hub... Well, there's nothing wrong with that I guess.
"The master of this dungeon wanted to see the one blessed with the Goddess Achalasia as well as the God of Death blessings" [Yuki-ona]
"!?" [Other]
The master of the ice dungeon wanted to see me!? The master, I can only think of...
As we walk just behind the silent Yuki-ona, the scenery of the dungeon begin to change. From that like an artic to that thriving with the winter trees. There are multiple trees with fruits that only grow in cold environment, and some of it are actually quite rare that I uses my wind magic to pick it up from the trees and immediately stores it inside my item box. I guess I should just pick it up as much as I could, for the journey as well as for the kids once I get back home
"Ancient tunnel?" [Linda]
"looks like it" [Ash]
And now, we enter a cave. The structure of the cave is like that of any other cave, but what makes it feels like the ancient tunnel is because of how unnaturally well structured it is. I'm no geography expert but shouldn't cave be something like vast, not like a tunnel that is only constant in size
As we go further and further inside the ancient tunnel, I can sense a magic being use to all of us
""This is..."" [Ash, Alaric]
""Space magic!"" [Seraph, Linda]
(Quite different from the time I encountered Titania, but I guess just like back then, we are being transported to..) [Saint Louis]
The space magic teleport us to an icy platform, and right below us is
"That is!" [Linda]
"The master of the dungeon" [Alaric]
"Yeah, The Holy Beast of Water, Reshir the Ice Dragon" [Ash]
What a huge ice dragon. Drant is big but this one is even bigger. If my ice shark missiles is around 6 meter in length, and Mahsuri's tyrant Megalodon which is around the size of a blue whale around 25 meter, than Reshir is at least a 100 meter. It has four wings made out of clear ice crystals as well a single horn protuding from it forehead. Plus, the mana around Reshir is thick enough to form its own miasma. I don't know whether there is a rank between holy beasts but Reshir here is indeed a terrifying dragon.
"So, you have come" [Reshir]
"Yes, and may I know why you're requesting this meeting?" [Ash]
"To ask you, regarding the children" [Reshir]
"You mean those siblings of mine?" [Ash]
"Indeed, those ten heroes. Their progress are rather slow, even with her being there" [Reshir]
"Her? You mean Mahsuri?" [Ash]
"Indeed, but what truly baffling me is that why has she decided to move? An unresponsive homunculus who suddenly regain back her life. I can only think of you being the cause" [Reshir]
"Who knows. My theory is that homunculi and God of Death are closely related, but I am nowhere near to solve the problems just yet" [Ash]
Huh, from the children then to Mahsuri. I wonder what next
"And the blue hair girl, Charlotte. Is she doing fine? And did Mahsuri do anything yet to her?" [Reshir]
"Why her specifically?" [Alaric]
"Based on your reaction, I can assume those mermaids still in bind" [Reshir]
Mermaids? Is he talking about the strange mermaid activities over the past one year? There have been sightings of strange mermaids appearing all over Achalasia. Do Charlotte and Mahsuri have anything to do with that?
"And you, King of Angel, Seraph. I can sense shape shifter and few other traits not found in angel being inside of you" [Reshir]
"The previous Seraph are known for marrying variety of species in act of polygamy, though I suppose shape shifter is one of my stronger genes" [Seraph]
"I suppose God of Light doesn't bother anymore about angel" [Reshir]
"?" [Other]
I do know majority of angel follow the god of light, and those granted power by her are called angelic, but why did Reshir suddenly brought that up?
"And lastly, why did the lingering of Titania's mana still persist on you?" [Reshir]
"Me? Titania's mana?" [Saint Louis]
"Looks like you didn't notice it yourself. She will only do that to an Avery, so why did she do that to a human?" [Reshir]
"Could it be, to give Farhah..." [Linda]
"Plausible..." [Alaric]
"This conversation is a stale one. We aren't going anywhere..." [Ash]
"That's up to you. Just like Goddess Achalasia, I believe nothing good will happen should you spoon-feed a person. Yuki-ona, if you would" [Reshir]
"Understood" [Yuki-ona]
"Wait! I wanted to ask you somet..." [Ash]
Not being able to finish my sentence, we are all transported out, back into the ancient tunnel, before the Yuki-ona left us.
"That was rather... unproductive" [Ash]
"There are few things that I find strange, but let just discuss it at night when we are resting" [Alaric]
"Agree" [Saint Louis]
When we exit the ancient tunnel, we walk in for a bit before
"Just like Titania back then..." [Saint Louis]
"That's the entrance to!" [Ash]