Laughter from disgusting creatures

* Clang *

The sound of an iron clang could be heard in the air, sparks of fire were seen when the White Katana in Shishio's hands fended off a Black Object that was rapidly advancing towards him.

Even Shishio was a little surprised because of the strength produced by the Black Object, even though it had only a slight shock effect on him.

His position shifted slightly, his expression slightly changed, all that did not change was his eyes closed.

'Tch ... That black object was strong enough to make me flinch'

Not stopping there, the Black Object that was slightly distant due to being parried by Shishio miraculously turned around and attacked Shishio again.

Black objects have doubled in speed which makes it almost impossible to see using an untrained eye.

Nanami's mouth fell open because of the sudden attack and Tetsuya with his small face seemed to eliminate his flat expression and made a serious expression.

Meanwhile, even with his blind eyes, Shishio could still see the Black Object in front of him with another meaning. His ears seemed to sway slightly, which was then followed by a change in the way he held his sword.

Shishio's two legs were then slightly bent and quickly deflected the first momentum of the Black Object.

* Clang *

Sparks flew through the air when only White and Black flashes of light were visible in Tetsuya's sapphire eyes. But for Shishio, the world seemed to slow down so that he could focus completely on cutting the Black Object.

After the first clink, Black Object bounced a little but returned to Shishio very quickly.

* Clang *

* Clang *

* Clang *

Three consecutive cuts were released by Shishio and he managed to slash the Black Object so that it bounced a little further.

' This time!!! '

After feeling that the distance of the black object was far enough for him to make his form, Shishio changed his grip on the handle of the Katana and also changed the position of his two legs.

"Mizu no Kokyu, Ichi no Kata (Water Breathing, First Form)"

After that, Shishio's White Katana slashed straight and fast towards the black object that was still in a moment of bouncing back.

When the sword rubs air, the flow of water quickly makes a straight current that is strong enough to follow the direction of the sword's slash.

With his blind eyes, Shishio pointed right at the midpoint of the Black Object and ...

"Minamo Giri !!! (Water Surface Slice)"

* Swing *

Blue light cuts Black Object such as blades cut butter, splashes of water scattered into the air, smooth waves in a straight line to make the deadly slice seem elegant.

The black object was neatly cut and split into two which then quickly fell to the ground.

Slightly rolled in front of Tetsuya, Tetsuya reflexively looked at the half of the Black Object, and a drop of sweat ran down his forehead.

The black object then slowly disappears into dust then spreads into the air, then disappears.

The sky was completely dark when the dripping sound sounded against the wood, but Tetsuya knew the battle was not over. Because his instincts say something very dangerous is approaching from outside.

This was also reinforced by Shishio who never sheathed his katana and instead re-prepared to cut down something.

Shishio looked back slightly and spoke to Tetsuya and Nanami.

"If you still don't want to leave, it's better to stay away from here, because I can't guarantee what will happen next, I'm not even sure I will live or protect you."

Shishio's words reached Nanami's mind, she then thought of leaving here immediately and began to trust Shishio a little after seeing the attack from the black object earlier.

Tetsuya also thought the same thing, he then turned and looked at his mother, then said while putting on a half-flat half-serious expression.

"Let's get out of here, mom!"

Nanami, who heard her son's words, turned her attention to Tetsuya, and then answered even though his face was a little hesitant.

"Uh ... Um ..."

Shishio who heard the conversation between mother and son was a little relieved because he did not want if there was a human who died in vain.

However, before Nanami and Tetsuya took their first step, Tetsuya's instinct told him to stop, and he immediately stopped.

Likewise, Shishio immediately released his sword forward, before the Three Black Objects that were exactly like before with crazy speed were aimed at them.

* DUAR!!! *

The wooden floor in front of Tetsuya and Nanami was immediately destroyed when it was hit by the Black Objects, wood chips flew towards the air and poked into Tetsuya's eyes.

"Gah !!!"

Tetsuya immediately closed his eyes in pain while the Nanami behind him had less effect.

* Clang *

* Clang *

At the same time, Shishio quickly managed to fend off the remaining two Black Objects with a single motion, but as happened before, ordinary slashes could not cut through the Black Object.

When Shishio couldn't get back to fixing his form, he felt a presence approaching very quickly towards him, then stabbed him.

* Cing *

In the blink of an eye, a sharp black object had pierced Shishio right in his face, but luckily Shishio avoided him by tilting his head slightly, leaving only a slight scratch on his cheek.

* Crack *

Smoke billowed and slowly disappeared, then showed a creature that was right in front of Shishio.

The creature smiled, a pair of horns grew on both sides of its forehead, its blood-red hair flying in the air as if against gravity.

Behind his smile, hiding 2 pairs of fangs that are ready to bite anyone and at any time.

"Kekekeke, you're pretty good for a human."

The creature's voice sounded very terrible and his laugh was like inviting evil itself. The gripping aura spread through the air which made Nanami and Tetsuya feel their neck was being strangled right now.

Shishio who was praised by that creature was not even the least bit proud, he was even disgusted by being praised by such a creature.

So Shishio only smiled mockingly at the Being that he could not see, that smile was a mixture of insults and arrogance.

So Shishio said ...

"Being praised by disgusting creatures like you actually makes me want to vomit more than just hearing your voice, so please ..."

* Cing *

The blade of the sword shifted, and a stream of water formed in the air, however, the creature's expression did not change, a broad smile still appeared on his ugly face, and at once ...

"... Scram!!!"

"Mizu no Kokyu, Ni no Kata. (Water Breathing, Second Form.)"

Sensing danger, The creature made a strange signature and clenched his fists.

* Clap *

Then, at the same time as Shishio began the attack, the black objects changed into spears and with terrifying speed, surrounded Shishio and aimed directly at him.

However, the dice has been rolled.

"... Mizu Kuruma !!! (Water Wheel)"

With a circular direction, the sword that was followed by the Water Flow slashed through the sheet and directly cut down the black Spears fiercely.

The creature also quickly avoided the range of the Water Breathing Technique used by Shishio.

" Almost! *Phew* "

Said the creature still with a smile even in a precarious situation, but Shishio did not stop there, he turned his form back and prepared to attack.

"Mizu no Kokyu, Ichi no Kata (Water Breathing, First Form)"

"... Minamo Giri !!! (Water Slash !!!)"

* Splash *

Shishio's slash went straight to the creature's neck, and would immediately cut it quickly, but ...

* Crack *

The ground suddenly cracked and was destroyed when it immediately raised a black object from the ground which immediately stopped Shishio's slash.

* Clang *

The clang sounded and Shishio, who was usually able to cut the Black Object with his technique, failed this time and was stopped by force, and then bounced back.

* Krieet *

"Tch !!!"

Shishio who bounced back confirmed his position and looked at the creature he could not see, he knew the creature was currently smiling from the tone of his speech earlier.

"Kekekeke, apparently only that much of your slash strength, I thickened and compressed my Gudousasame and the result was... bam !!! You can't cut it, kekekeke."

Shishio's face looked annoyed when he was insulted by this creature that even disgusted him.

Meanwhile, Tetsuya who was behind and watched the battle put on a serious expression and Nanami put on an astonished expression and said while stuttering.

"T-That creature ..."

Shishio who heard Nanami's voice looked slightly but after Nanami finished saying, he said in a rather serious tone.

"Your hunch is right ..."

He then positioned his katana right in front of his body and said with an eyebrow indicating that he was more serious this time.

"The disgusting being in front of us right now is ..."

* Cing *

Tetsuya's eyes widened and shined, he unconsciously said a word and continued Shishio's words.

"... Oni."