Frozen Tears

"... Oni."

Tetsuya said that word with a blank face, this was the first time he saw Oni, a name for a creature that he had heard his name very often.

Oni or Demon is a terrible creature who for thousands of years has been terrorizing the lives of Humans.

That happened because the main food of Oni was Human.

Looking at that Oni, Tetsuya's legs trembled for some reason all his senses stopped working when he saw the terrible smile from Oni.

When Oni and Shishio still looked at each other, the Oni suddenly glanced at Tetsuya with a look of interest.


The Oni laughed again with his trademark laugh, the laugh made Nanami and Tetsuya shudder in fear, but Nanami realized something from Oni's laugh, Oni's eyes were directed towards Tetsuya, Nanami indirectly thought.

'Is he after Tetsuya? '

Nanami thought, who was immediately greeted by Shishio's words to Oni while tightening the grip on his White katana.

* Cing *

"What are you laughing at? Is this fight funny to you?"

Hearing Shishio's words, the Oni laughed again and answered.

"Kekekeke, no, nothing is funny ... it's just ... kekekeke"

Although answering, but still Oni did not give an uncertain answer why did he laugh.

'Tsk, this Oni is too annoying! '

Because he was too upset to hear the laughter from Oni, without doubt Shishio shot towards him while tightening the handle of his katana.

"Mizu no Kokyu, Ichi no Kata. (Water Breathing, First Form)."

* Splash *

The water flowed very swiftly following the direction of the slash from Shishio's white katana that was trying to cut down Oni with incredible speed.

However, when he saw Shishio approaching towards him, the Oni did not lose his smile, he instead smiled wider when his eyes looked at something else.

His sharp fangs were seen as his smile spread to his cheeks, he then stretched out his hands and clenched it, and said with a laugh.

"Kekekeke ..."

His eyes then focused and said.

"Itadakimasu ~"

Shishio was initially confused as to why the Oni suddenly laughed and then stopped, he really didn't realize it at first, before ...

... suddenly he realized something.

'Wait a minute ... where are those black objects ???'

And now he realized, Shishio then immediately looked back, although he could not see he could hear it, and without being noticed by Nanami and Tetsuya, the black object that formed a spear had approached Tetsuya, and his voice reached Shishio's ear.

He heard the sound of friction between the black object and the wind, which he had memorized, and that was right next to the sound of Tetsuya's Breath.

Shishio cursed out of his mouth.

"Damn ..."

He then immediately stopped his attack and turned towards Tetsuya to try to help him.

Tetsuya would be stabbed, and the Oni smiled more and wider, because his prey was already in front of his eyes, in front of his death.

* Fwosshh *

The Black Spear shot, and ...

* Splash *

Blood gushed into the air, the black object's momentum stopped right after it hit something, and that was the human body.

However, it was not Tetsuya's body, but Nanami whose face looked in pain when the Black Spear pierced right in her stomach, she stood while stretching her arms beside Tetsuya.

Tetsuya who finally realized that after all of his senses were active and recovered from the effects of being surprised when he saw Oni, saw that his mother had been pierced by a spear in her stomach.

Then, Shishio had also lost his hope when he saw Nanami's body pierced by a spear.

"Ah ..."

He could only say a word when his left hand that was not holding the katana was in an attempt to reach for something that could no longer be reached.

Nanami's body slowly fell to the floor right in front of Tetsuya, with a Black spear through his stomach.

His mouth spewed blood, and Tetsuya who saw that was speechless, he then with an expression of disbelief, slowly squatted.

His eyes did not flicker for even a second, his pale little cold hand hesitantly touched the hand of his mother who had been covered in blood.

"Mom ..."

Tetsuya said in a tone of disbelief when he saw his mother pierced by a spear.

Nanami's eyes, aware of her son's cold touch, looked at Tetsuya with gentle and loving eyes, even though red blood had flowed from her mouth and stomach.

She then slowly raised her right hand and touched Tetsuya's cold cheek.

"Tetsu ..."

Said Nanami softly and smile in her mouth, Tetsuya who saw that even though his face still couldn't believe it, warm tears had flowed from his eyes.

And as it slowly ran down his cheeks, the tears slowly stopped and finally became Ice.

This had never happened, because this was the first time Tetsuya had cried, even though his expression did not look like a sad person.

Nanami could only think bitterly when he saw that, he then stroked Tetsuya's cold cheeks while saying.

"Tetsu ... don't cry, * Cough *"

While speaking a few words, Nanami suddenly vomited blood, while holding the pain in her stomach.

'Looks like I'm going to die soon, I have to tell Tetsu the truth right away. '

That's how Nanami thought, she then again said to Tetsuya.

"Tetsu ... mom will die soon, that's why you no longer have someone who will cook for you, joke with you, and play with you, so look for someone you can trust to take care of you, maybe your life will be very difficult from now on, I'm sorry ... Tetsu. "

Tetsuya who saw that, spoke to his mother while holding his hand tightly.

"No, mo,m, you can't go anywhere, don't leave me, mom."

Tetsuya rarely spoke much like this, especially with a richer expression than usual.

Seeing that, Nanami couldn't hold back her tears, and tears flowed from her eyes to the wooden floor.

' I'm sorry Tetsu, I'm really sorry ...'

Nanami kept repeating that in her mind before she regained her heart and spoke to Tetsuya.

"Tetsu, there's one more thing I want to talk about ... You're not my biological son, and your biological mother is still alive out there, so when I die, look for her."

"I don't care, you are my mother, now and forever !!!"

Hearing that, Tetsuya didn't care at all, he still tried to release the Black Spear in his mother's stomach, even though it didn't budge at all.

Nanami who saw that cried harder and a smile of sadness appeared on his face, as he returned to say in a low voice.

"Be a strong person who can protect what is valuable to you, and also ... men can't cry okay? ... Forgive your mother Tetsu, and ... goodbye."

After saying that, Nanami's eyes closed and her head fell to the side, her hand on Tetsuya's cheek also fell hard onto the wooden floor.

* Tap *

* Drip *

The atmosphere became silent when Nanami's last breath blew, Tetsuya immediately stopped moving and the multitude was open, he tried to work on Nanami's body while saying.

"Mom ... Mom, why are you silent ... Answer me, mom !!!"

However, that was useless, Tetsuya could not accept the reality, before he finally realized that his mother was dead, right before his eyes.

"* pant * * pant * * pant *"

He was breathing heavily, and then Tetsuya could only shout at Asa from the end of his lungs for the first time in life.

" Mom!!! "