Dawn of Grief

His mother was dead right in front of his eyes, Tetsuya sobbed while holding his mother's hand that had turned pale and his pulse was no longer felt.

While Shishio could only gasp, before a voice from behind him woke him up.

"Tch, Tch, What a heartbreaking family drama, kekeke."

He forgot, Shishio forgot that the cause of all this havoc was still behind him, right behind him.

'Damn, I forgot !!! '

Realizing that, Shishio immediately turned his body around, only to feel a hard kick right in his stomach.

"* Cough *"

Shishio's stomach was kicked brutally by Oni, causing him to spit blood and immediately fly backward, towards Tetsuya and Nanami, before stopping when he hit a wooden wall.

* Crack *

Shishio's entire body instantly felt numb as he hit the wooden wall, while Tetsuya who didn't care what happened at all, his vision was dark.

* Tap. *

The Oni slowly stepped towards Tetsuya while licking his lips and saliva was flowing in his mouth.

His eyes when he saw Tetsuya, like a predator who saw his prey.

Shishio while enduring the pain tried to rise from the fall, even though he felt his spine slightly broken, and some of his ribs were crushed by Oni's impulse.

His eyes closed to Oni who was now getting closer to Tetsuya, his footsteps were increasingly heard in Shishio's ears.

'Damn! Move Shishio, you must save this kiddo !!! '

Meanwhile, the Oni who was still smiling broadly was already 3 steps ahead of Tetsuya, 2 steps, 1 Step, and when he was right in front of Tetsuya, he tried to grab Tetsuya's head before, Tetsuya's voice stopped him.

"I'll kill you!"

Hearing that, Oni's heart seemed to stop beating, his eyes suddenly widened because he felt a terrible feeling that he had only felt when he met that person.

He then instinctively pulled his hand and looked towards Tetsuya's body, and that's where his life seemed to end.

"What a horrible creature ..."

His mouth dropped open, fear could no longer describe his feelings. This was now, this was a truly pure terror, he was currently being stared at by a Death God.

Hearing the sound of footsteps stopping without being followed by the sound of blood, Shishio realized that this was his chance, he then forcefully grasped the handle of his katana.

And make Form from a sitting position, while saying.

"Mizu no Kokyu, Ichi no Kata (Water Breathing, First Form)."

* Cing *

Streams of water, as usual, flowed from Katana Shishio. Oni who was aware of Shishio's movements was aware, but he was completely unable to move.


And taking advantage of that, Shishio's Katana smoothly cut down Oni's neck.

"... Minamo Giri !!! (Water Slash !!!)"

* Swiing *

Oni's head cruelly flew into the air and separated from his body, his eyes open but only staring blankly at Tetsuya.

And the last word he said was.

"Shinigami ..."


A few hours after the fight between Shishio and Oni. Nanami's body was buried right behind his house.

Even though his body was feeling extreme pain, Shishio was now standing praying in front of the grave of Nanami.

Likewise with Tetsuya who was praying while crouching beside his mother's grave.

"Mom ..."

Back a while before, after he had cut Oni's head, Shishio who realized that Tetsuya was currently experiencing an extraordinary mental attack due to the death of his mother was trying to console him.

However, to his surprise, when he woke up Tetsuya who was drooping down, Tetsuya immediately wiped the frozen tears off his face and his gaze was not like someone who had just lost a precious person.

But it was a look of determination and burning fire that might even defeat the coldness of his skin.

Shishio certainly didn't see that, but he knew from Tetsuya's tone of voice.

Then he helped Tetsuya to bury Nanami's body behind his house.

Tetsuya, of course, did not simply forget the death of his mother, but rather he thought that there was no point in continuing to cry over what had happened.

His mother had also told him that a man should not cry, so he did not cry.

After praying, Tetsuya opened his eyes and he then stood up from his squatting position.

still staring at his grave where his mother was buried, he then glanced at the eastern horizon which had slightly emitted a yellowish light.

"It's morning, huh ..."

When Tetsuya's sapphire eye was staring at the rising dawn, he was interrupted by the voice of Shishio's rasping behind him while leaning against the wooden walls of Nanami's house that had begun to break.

"So ... what are you going to do from now on?"

Hearing that question, Tetsuya did not look or turn around, instead, he raised his hand to the sky and looked at it with a deadpan look.

Tetsuya didn't answer Shishio's question at all, sensing that he was ignored, a little blue vein appeared on Shishio's forehead.

After all, he was the type of man who had difficulty controlling his emotions, really in inverse proportion to his Water Breathing Technique.

"Geh, Oi you-"

However, before Shishio could finish his words that contained traces of annoyance, Tatsuya's voice cut him off and immediately stopped him.

"Can I be someone strong if I go with you?"

Tetsuya said quietly which made Shishio only say a word.

" Hah? "

Hearing Shishio's confusion, Tetsuya then turned around and looked at Shishio with a serious and demanding look, his hands were clenched, he then again said.

"Can I be strong if I go with you?"

Shishio didn't see that but he felt the determination behind Tetsuya's words, and could only think with a smile.

'This boy !!! '

His vicious smile then disappeared, replaced by a broad smile.

"Hoho, being strong huh ... well, that depends on yourself and I can't guarantee that you will become strong if you come with me ..."

Hearing that, Tetsuya immediately decided to join.

"Then I will joi-"

Before Tetsuya finished his words, Shishio interrupted and said to Tetsuya.

"Eitsss, wait a minute, I haven't told you that you can come with me."

Hearing that, Tetsuya was not angry and instead asked Shishio.

"Then how can I go with you ???"

Hearing Tetsuya's question, Shishio responded with a serious, serious question.

"Then after you become strong and get the strength you want, what will you do?"

Shishio asked, he knew what Tetsuya would answer.

'If you answer that you will protect the loved one, I will immediately reject it, because that is no hope, good people will die in this world, no exception. '

That's how Shishio thought, who though impressed was cynical, but was indeed a reality.

While Tetsuya who heard Shishio's question was silent for a while, then he took a small breath with his eyes closed, and when his sapphire eyes opened.

The terrible aura that Shishio had felt before reappeared, greeted with a voice full of killing intent from Tetsuya's mouth.

"I will kill, every inch, and every Oni in this world, that is my oath."

Tetsuya's words and his aura immediately shocked Shishio, his heart seemed to stop even though he knew that all this killing intent was not aimed at him.

'What kind of killing intent is this !!! How can a kid like him have the Terrible Killing Intent? '

Shishio's neck was strangled, but the relief subsided as the black aura that slightly enveloped Tetsuya slowly disappeared.

Shishio was in pain, but he didn't show that side to Tetsuya, he then turned and said to Tetsuya.

"I see ... revenge huh ... you know Kiddo, one day your revenge will kill you, well ... even though I don't hate that."

Hearing Shishio's words, Tetsuya asked him.

"So can I come with you?"

Hearing that, Shishio answered with a slight nod.

"Well, you may come with me ... but there are a few things I must say to you."

Hearing that, Tetsuya was silent and invited Shishio to continue his words.

"The first, I will only train you, that's all my job, your death is none of my business. Secondly, I will not provide food to you at all, you will find your food and eat your food. to you, so in short, I will only train you, about your life is none of my business, after all, there is no benefit for me. So do you still want to come with me? "

Very cruel words that came out of Shishio's mouth, but Tetsuya did not think at all to change his intentions, he instead said to Shishio.

"I didn't expect to be given anything for free by you, so you made me strong, for me, that was enough ..."

Tetsuya said, making the smile on Shishio's face widen. After feeling Tetsuya's confirmation, Shishio turned and said.

"In that case, hurry up and do what you want to do and bring your remaining belongings, we will depart right after the sun fully appears."

Hearing that, Rays of dawn slightly dazzled the Tetsuya's Sapphire Eyes, who said.

" Ok. "