Its named Karma

From behind the darkness of the forest, a pair of sapphire eyes stared intently at the Oni who was currently seen patrolling underneath. Without describing the slightest presence, Tetsuya surveyed the entire forest with a flat expression.

His pale hand had already grasped the handle of his nichirin, he thought while getting ready to cut Oni's head again.

'There are 6 Oni's that I saw walking around the forest, and one of them is stronger than the others, this will be a pretty difficult battle, and also ... the Last Boss is still not showing up. Tetsuya thought as he glanced at the Cave which was about 1 mile from his current location. '

Tetsuya then closed his eyes for a moment and exhaled lightly, which immediately let out a cold vapor from his mouth, then said.

"Breath of Ice ..."

Tetsuya instantly disappeared from his place, even his shadow wasn't left.


Meanwhile, Genrou and Ganryou who were eating the human body felt their bodies shiver, a tense feeling suddenly appeared which made their appetite disappear.

"Hey Genrou, do you feel it ???" Said Ganryou with a serious face, even his accent that used to disappear.

Hearing his brother's words, Genrou could only nod hesitantly, cold sweat trickling down his slimy forehead. The color of his green skin turned pale.

Then the temperature around them experienced a drastic decrease, the stagnant water from the Hail that slowly melted again solidified and froze. Cold steam was exhaled by the two of them.

' What is this??? Why does it suddenly become cold like this? '

Then, the silence was broken by the sound that brought those two tremendous killing intentions.

"... Kori no Kokyu, Ichi no Kata ... ( Breath of Ice, First Form ...)"

Genrou and Ganryou who heard that, already knew that the person who killed one of his colleagues was the person near them now. In reflexes and reactions, Oni will be far superior to ordinary humans, but Tetsuya is not an ordinary human.

The speed, agility, and vision of Tetsuya are out of human reason. The training that Shishio gave to him was no joke. It was a terrible training regime that was very difficult to do. However, with Tetsuya's talent, determination, and hard work, training for the training provided by Shishio was through.

Produces the current Tetsuya. Ganryou only thought of one thing in his mind, he gritted his teeth in despair and cursed at his bad luck.

'Shit !!! This cold atmosphere ... '

"... no more mistake. "

* Fwuossh *

Then, without giving a second's pause, with a speed that could not be followed by the eyes, Tetsuya slashed with a zigzagging motion in a semicircle towards Genrou and Ganryou.

"Fuyu no Kawa! (Winter River)"

Bluish-white lightning cut through the air and cut right at Genrou's neck, which did not have the chance to evade as his twin Ganryou did. Its disgusting body separated from the frog's head.

Even blood cannot come out of the corpse, because the body immediately hardens and freezes, and so does the blood.

Seeing his twin just die, Ganryou, who was initially stunned, immediately shouted loudly.

"GENROU !!!"

Hearing that shout, Tetsuya did not flinch, he shifted the shape of his form slightly and formed new for, preparing to kill Ganryou as quickly as possible. He then, with a deadpan expression pointed at Ganryou using his Nichirin, and said.

"You have a good reaction to disgusting oni with frog heads."

Hearing that, Ganryou only lowered his head trembling, his eyes darkened, he then raised giant claws from his hands. It has a size of about 50 cm, which is half the height of the user.

"How dare ... How dare you kill Genrou !!!" Ganryou roared loudly at Tetsuya, he did not accept seeing his twin killed just before his eyes, and he could not do anything, Even if he was an Oni.

Hearing the roar of Ganryou, Tetsuya said with a deadpan expression.

"Didn't you also do this to the villagers? You killed them, tortured them, saw the pain they felt, ... you heard screams for help from them ... and now you are angry when your dear ones I kill ??? "

Tetsuya said in a mocking tone, he tightly gripped the handle of his nichirin with a little frustration because he could not save the lives of the villagers who were killed. Ganryou was at a loss for words because he could not deny Tetsuya's words.

Tetsuya then said again.

"What a bad joke, you watched to die ... Oni" Tetsuya's cold gaze swept over Ganryou's body, but he still tried to deny it by trembling and speaking while stuttering.

"S-shut up you !!! I will kill and tear your corpse, HUMAN !!!"

Ganryou rushed towards Tetsuya frantically and roared like crazy. And that was a mistake in facing Tetsuya, who just chuckled and said mockingly before slashing Ganryou very quickly.

"Tsk, really not worth it." Said Tetsuya while shaking his head.

He then tore down the direction of his Nichirin blade and only made an ordinary form, not his Breath of Ice Form. Tetsuya had no intention of using his Breath of Ice to face Ganryou because he thought it was an insult.

Against an enemy whose brain is not currently working properly using his Breath of Ice is a vanity.

* Swing *

Silver lightning slashed through the air and neatly cut off Ganryou's head. Blood poured into the air and flooded the moist soil due to the cold produced by Tetsuya's breathing technique. Tetsuya then released his Nichirin into the air to cleanse the blood in the blade.

Then sheathed it back into the scabbard hanging from his waist. It was a short battle, all the Oni he had met up to now were quite weak because even Tetsuya had not gotten a single scratch on his body.

Tetsuya then looked at Ganryou's body that he just cut, and thought for a moment. Nobody knows what he is thinking. He then murmured while closing his eyes.

"Now, there's only one Oni left in the forest."

Tetsuya prepared to go to the last Oni, which was a little stronger than the other five Oni before he felt a presence that was quite far behind him.

"Looks like I don't have to bother looking for you, Oni." Said Tetsuya turned his head coldly towards Oni who calmly grinned even though his location was exposed.

"Aren't you very arrogant, Human ???"


Meanwhile, a few miles away from Tetsuya, there was a beautiful and petite woman who was watching towards the mountain in front of her. She uses white Haori, with black patterns and a little pink polish.

The smile on her face did not disappear, as she continued to observe the area behind her. This woman is one of the 9 Demon Hunter Corps Pillars, the Insect Pillar, Shinobu Kocho. She looks thoughtful.

'I didn't know that Hailstorm could fall in an area like this, even in early spring like this. '

Thought Shinobu, who was still confused by the hail. She suddenly felt the presence of Oni from within a cave a few miles from the forging tree she was standing at this time.

"Over there ... I hope they are friendly Oni, ufufu."

After laughing sweetly, Shinobu immediately disappeared very quickly, even almost twice the speed shown by Tetsuya. With a pillar intervening, Kioo did not even have hope for life.