A look without mercy

"Aren't you very arrogant, Human?" Said Ginjou with a smirk of disdain when he saw a boy in front of him. Seen from anywhere, Tetsuya's small body looked much weaker compared to Ginjou's giant and muscular body.

The temperature dropped dramatically when Tetsuya and Ginjou faced each other, none of them had started the attack, Tetsuya turned around and grabbed the handle of his Nichirin, as if he wanted to immediately kill Ginjou.

That is understandable because from the beginning Tetsuya was not someone who talked a lot, besides that, he also wanted to immediately look for the fig villagers who had been abducted, even though the possibility of them having been eaten was also very high.

Then, the distinctive iron clank of a katana pulled from its scabbard was heard, seeing that Ginjou also did not stay silent, he immediately pulled the two axes on his back, despite having a large body, Ginjou moved very fast.

* Click *

Tetsuya's eyes immediately sharpened, his sapphire blue eyes brought a brutal killing intent, Ginjou who saw that of course shuddered, his disparaging feelings immediately vanished, because he knew, the killing intent that Tetsuya radiated from his eyes was terrifying.

Without using his Breath of Ice, with incredible speed, Tetsuya slashed his sword right at the neck of Ginjou.

* Clang *

The white flash produced by Tetsuya's Nichirin stopped when he hit one of the axes in Ginjou's hands. Sparks spread in the air, as both of their weapons collided. Without wasting even a little time, Ginjou who saw an empty space to cut down Tetsuya immediately swung his ax mercilessly.

However, Tetsuya's reaction was much faster than Ginjou's attack, he rotated his body 360 degrees from his original position, and immediately fended off Ginjou's attack. Seeing that, Ginjou could only be amazed by the sword techniques demonstrated by Tetsuya.

* Clang *

It can only be judged by the words, Elegant, Efficient, but deadly.

'This boy ... seems like I have to be a bit serious about fighting him. 'Ginjou's grin grew wider when he realized that the enemy he was facing was ' a pleasant enemy '. Then, Ginjou's veins tighten and can be seen all over his body, showing a more intimidating appearance than before.

"Feel This, HUMAN !!!"

The ax which deflected Tetsuya's slash was immediately swung right above Tetsuya's head, it was so fast that Tetsuya had no other choice, besides ...

* Fwuossh *

Cold breath blew from Tetsuya's mouth and gathered together to form a layer of ice large enough to freeze Ginjou's hand that holding the ax and tried to split Tetsuya into two parts.

* Crack *

The momentum of Ginjou's attack was stopped by force, which surprised him due to the sudden appearance of Ice.

' What? Ice...!? '

From the beginning, Tetsuya was able to make Ice even on a much smaller scale than when he used his Ice breathing Technique, it was because the Nitrogen element in the air helped the cold steam coming out of Tetsuya's mouth to form Ice.

Seeing Ginjou who was still in shock, Tetsuya immediately released his Nichirin sword to Ginjou. Instantly, Ginjou recovered from his reverie and immediately tried to fend off Tetsuya's attack.

However, Tetsuya won't repeat his mistake twice, Ginjou will again try to ward off his attack this time, therefore, Tetsuya without hesitation uses his Ice breathing technique.

"Kori no Kokyu, Roku no Kata (Breath of Ice, Sixth Form) ..."

Changing the direction of the blade, Tetsuya made a new Form. Seeing that, Ginjou knew that his life would end here, time seemed to slow down, and Ginjou could see Tetsuya's sapphire eyes.

It is filled with revenge, hatred, anger, suffering, and various other negative emotions. That look, unmistakably directed at him and all of Oni, he knew that, and understood very well, because such a gaze he saw almost every day.

Ginjou then smiled bitterly and clicked while releasing his grip from the ax in his hand. He then thought.

'Tsk, I hope I can serve Kioo-Sama much longer. '

"Hyoga no Nami! (Glacier Waves)"

* Fwuossh *

In less than a second, hundreds of chunks of ice swept Ginjou's body, made terrifying waves, and formed a mini iceberg, like when Tetsuya killed Oni in a hut on the edge of the village.

Inside the transparent ice, you can see Ginjou's frozen body with his two favorite weapons. Seeing that, Tetsuya didn't budge, and mercilessly broke the Iceberg that towered along with Ginjou's body inside.

* Crack *

Flakes of ice were scattered, and immediately melted and seeped into the ground. Tetsuya then regathers his nichirin, while looking up at the mountain. Previously, he felt the existence of one more Oni, which was probably the boss of all the Oni he had just killed.

It is very rare for an Oni to act in a group, except to have someone far stronger than themselves. For this reason, Tetsuya concluded that the remaining villagers were kidnapped and taken to a cave on the mountain there.

'I must hurry immediately. 'Tetsuya thought. However, before he could go any further, a terrible roar came from the cave on the mountain. Which made Tetsuya stop immediately, and made a surprised expression.

' What is that?... '


Meanwhile, in the pitch-black cave, a large Oni was seen kneeling behind a woman who was much smaller than himself. The big Oni was Kioo while the woman in front of him was Shinobu Kocho.

Kioo's body trembled in fear when faced with Shinobu, who didn't even have the slightest stain on her shirt. A smile was still on her face, inversely proportional to Kioo's pale face.

With his large index finger pointing at Shinobu, Kioo said while stuttering.

"Y-You ... You are a Demon!"

Hearing Kioo's words, Shinobu could only close her mouth while trying to hold back laughter.

"Pfft ..."

However, she managed to hold it in and returned to speak.

"... Sorry, I'm sorry, it's just that it's so funny, are you really one of the 12 Demon Moons?" Said Shinobu, her stomach was still amused by the words of Kioo earlier.

She then smiled softly and said to Kioo.

"Ah ... but since you are a cute Oni, you may be my friend." Said Shinobu innocently.

Hearing Shinobu's words, Kioo's self-esteem suddenly defeated the fear and terror he felt towards Shinobu, so he immediately roared loudly, and lunged towards Shinobu.


Seeing that, Shinobu's vision darkened, then she pulled his Nichirin who had a unique shape. Broadly speaking, it's like an ordinary katana, it's just that, it doesn't have the blunt side of a normal katana.

"Apparently not, huh ..."

Then, Shinobu leapt into the air elegantly like a butterfly flapping its wings, then she aimed her katana in a piercing form.

"Chō no mai ... (Butterfly Dance ...)"

Then it pierced Kioo's body repeatedly with incredible speed, while what Kioo saw was that thousands of butterflies approached him, without realizing that the deadly poison that the special had made to kill Oni had spread throughout his body.

Shinobu landed perfectly behind him and sheathed her sword.

"Tawamure. (Caprice.)" She said slowly.

At first nothing happened, but, after a while, Kioo's entire body turned purple and many disgusting bumps appeared. Kioo could only moan in pain in the ground for several minutes, before finally dying suffering under the poison of Shinobu's Wisteria Poison.

Seeing that Kioo had been killed completely, Shinobu immediately stepped foot to check into the cave, maybe there were still survivors. Suddenly, she felt someone approaching very quickly, which made her stop immediately.

That person also immediately stopped when he reached the cave and heard a word in Shinobu's ears.

"This ..."

Sensing that the visitor this time was a human, Shinobu then turned around and saw a 15-year-old boy, his navy hair tied in a white cloth and he was wearing a blue Haori. However, what attracted Shinobu the most was the white Nichirin hanging from his waist.

Meanwhile, Tetsuya also focused his attention on the woman in front of him, it must be admitted, the woman in front of him today was very beautiful, one of the most beautiful women he had ever seen, his body was quite small but, Nichirin was hanging on his waist and the black shirt worn by the woman that was the most seizing his attention. .

The two of them just kept quiet and looked at each other, but they asked the same question in their minds ...

"Demon Hunter ??? "