New Journey Begin

Seven days passed so quickly for Tetsuya, without going through any significant difficulties, the dawn which signaled the end of the Examination dawned from the east. In these seven days, the number of Demon that Tetsuya met was getting smaller, he did not even find one on the last day, so he slept soundly at night.

After he met Zenitsu on the first day and dragged him away, Tetsuya then left Zenitsu's body where he thought it was safe. Because Tetsuya thought, there was no advantage in getting Zenitsu with him, after all, this was a test that tested someone's eligibility to become a Demon Hunter.

On the fourth day onwards, Tetsuya began hunting animals and picking some edible fruits from the trees because his Onigiri had been used up. It is very difficult to find animals in the forest filled with Demons inside.

Under the morning sun, Tetsuya who was seen still sleepy walked casually towards the gathering place of the swordsmen who had passed the Demon Hunter's test, he put his hands into his Haori.

"* Yawn * How many people have passed, huh?" Tetsuya muttered until finally he came out of the forest and arrived at the destination. There Tetsuya saw that there were 4 people standing there, and one of them was the person he knew.

Tetsuya did not stop and continued walking and greeted the person he knew.

"Apparently you survived, Zenitsu." Said Tetsuya, who immediately attracted the attention of Zenitsu and everyone, because it was very quiet before.

Zenitsu who saw Tetsuya, immediately excitedly wanted to hug him.

"TETSUYA !!!" Zenitsu shouted while crying, cheating on the visible cuts and dirt, seeing Zenitsu trying to hug him, Tetsuya just slapped his hand on Zenitsu's head and immediately caused him pain.

* Pow *


Zenitsu can only complain while rubbing his head in pain. He saw Tetsuya who looked clean and unharmed, but Zenitsu was not surprised because he had seen Tetsuya's abilities for himself.

Tetsuya then looked at the other participants who escaped, first he saw a young man who had red hair and red eyes and in his ears hung Hanafuda Earrings. Next is a boy with Mohawk hair, and has a scar on his cheek that extends past his nose. And the last was a girl, whose hair was tied to her right using a butterfly hair tie that was familiar to Tetsuya, the girl continued to smile while looking at the butterfly in her hand.

The atmosphere of silence returned before being broken by the sound of the two small children.

" Welcome back. "

Then the two twins who opened the Final Examination 7 days ago walked to the table which was already on the altar.

"Congratulations! We're glad you're all well."

Then the child who has the scar interrupts, but is only ignored by the two and they continue to talk.

"First, you will get a uniform. Your body will be measured, after that, you will get ranked."

"There are ten rank Demon Hunters. Kinoe, Kinoto, Hinoe, Hinoto, Tsuchinoe, Tsuchinoto, Kanoe, Kanoto, Mizunoe, and Mizunoto."

"At the moment you are in the lowest rank, Mizunoto."

a Boy with scars again interrupts and again ignored.

"Today you will choose a metal to make a katana, Tamahagane. Your sword will be finished in 10-15 days."

Hearing that, Tetsuya suddenly thought.

'Hmm ... roughly where is the Nichirin Sword used by this Demon Hunter to be made ...? There was no way the Nichirin sword that could be made of this special metal was made by random blacksmiths. '

Then, the sound of the crows awakened Tetsuya from his reverie.

* Kwooeek *

The crows flew one by one Tetsuya and the other one, saw a crow in his hands Tetsuya made an intimidating face and made the Kasugai Crow tremble in his hands. Then, the boy spoke again.

"From now on, Kasugai Crow will accompany you ... Kasugai Crow is a crow that used to communicate."

Hearing that, Tetsuya glanced back at the Crow sharply.

"Hmm ... So you can talk, huh?"

Until suddenly, the child with the scar who had been interrupting shouted and walked towards the twins on the altar with an angry face.

"Fuck this stupid crow!" He said as he grabbed the white-haired child, who didn't seem to feel the slightest pain.

But Tetsuya just ignored him because that was none of his business, he just kept talking and testing his Crow's communication skills. Until the sound of pain can be heard from the mouth of a child who has a scar. He held his hand that seemed to have been held firmly by the red-haired child.

Seeing that, Tetsuya only thought with a flat face.

'Breathing Technique, huh ...? '

"Is the conversation over ...?" Said the black-haired boy who did not even look annoyed when his twin was hurt. he then opened the cloth that covered the table above the altar.

"Then come here, you will choose your Tamahagane, the Metal Katana Blade that will be used to destroy Demon ... you will choose it yourself."

Zenitsu seemed to be muttering pessimistically, and Tetsuya walked closer towards the altar. On the table, he saw stones of different sizes arranged in such a way.

'So this is Tamahagane Metal...' Tetsuya thought, he unhesitatingly took it and examined it carefully, then put it back and said.

"I don't need this, is that okay ...?" Tetsuya asked the two children in front of him.

"Do you mean to use the Nichirin on your waist right now?" Asked the black-haired boy. Tetsuya just nodded and said briefly.


"It's not forbidden, but I don't recommend it. Nichirin also has another name, Katana which can change color, and the color is adjusted to its original owner, if Nichirin is used by someone who is not the original owner, Nichirin will be easily broken and destroyed. And it's very dangerous if it happens in the middle of a fight. "Obviously the child was at length.

Tetsuya and the others listened carefully because this information was quite important. Although, Tetsuya didn't care and said.

"Well, I'm sure I'll be fine." He said nonchalantly, hearing that, the black-haired boy did not continue.

Then, all the children chose their respective Tamahagane Metals except for Tetsuya who only had to wait for the uniform measurement session.


After finishing all his business, Tetsuya then went to the nearest town to rest. According to the twins, the uniform will arrive in 2 days, it is 5 days sooner because he did not order his Katana.

After arriving in the city, Tetsuya immediately looked for a hotel to stay at. After he found the right hotel and checked-in, Tetsuya then washed because he had not showered for a week.

After being refreshed, Tetsuya then got his relaxed time, sitting in seiza on the floor, while enjoying a cup of Green Tea in his hand.

* Spuuurt *

"This is the best, indeed." Said Tetsuya. The glowing moon was seen by Tetsuya from the window in front of him. This calm atmosphere is what Tetsuya sometimes needs, for a moment he can calm the flames of anger and revenge in him.

Tetsuya then said with a pensive look at the Moon.

"What a beautiful world this would be if there were no Demons in it."