First Mission

Two days passed, Tetsuya was currently having breakfast in the dining room of the hotel he was staying in, with a fried fish and a bowl of warm miso soup, Tetsuya enjoyed his breakfast. His body was refreshed after two days of rest.

All Tetsuya did for two days was only light training, sharpening his sword, playing with his crow, and walking around the city. When Tetsuya was eating breakfast, suddenly a man came towards him.

"Are you Tetsuya Yashuhiro-Kun?" Asked the man in his 20s. Tetsuya looked at the man and nodded.

"Um, please sit down." Said Tetsuya, the man politely sat in front of Tetsuya

"I'm Yanagi Keiichiro, I'm in charge of delivering your Demon Hunter Uniform." He said as he pulled out a box wrapped in purple cloth. The man carefully unwrapped the cloth and opening the wooden box.

Inside, Tetsuya could see a neatly folded black shirt, the shirt had gold buttons, and white trim on the collar and breast pocket. Tetsuya who was quite impressed then put his chopsticks and took the clothes from the box.

He looked at it, and behind it was the white "Demon Hunter".

"Not bad," Tetsuya said with a flat face.

Yanagi just quietly heard that, and when he felt that his business with Tetsuya was over, Yanagi then stood up and leaned towards Tetsuya.

"I have finished my job, so I'll excuse myself first," Yanagi said.

"Um, Thank you," said Tetsuya.

Hearing that Yanagi nodded, then smiled and said to Tetsuya.

"Good Luck," he said, then walked out of the dining room. Back alone, Tetsuya, who had finished eating his meal, turned and looked out while sipping a cup of tea. The hotel he occupies is quite good because it has a small garden inside.

Then, the calm atmosphere was broken by the sound of crows approaching Tetsuya.

* Kuoaak *

Hearing that, Tetsuya looked up and saw his Kasugai Crow. The Kasugai Crow Tetsuya named Kuro, of course, was named after the color of his fur. Kuro then landed in Tetsuya's hand, and said in a strange voice.


Hearing that, of course, Tetsuya was enthusiastic, this was what he had been waiting for. He had been waiting for this moment, and tried to find the mastermind behind Demon's appearance in this world, and killed him using his own two hands. The person that Shishio told him.


Hearing that Tetsuya stood up from his place, while Kuro was still perched in his hand. Tetsuya then muttered softly.

"Yokohama, huh ..."

After a short silence, Tetsuya then immediately turned around and walked to his room to get ready to go on his first mission, in the port city, Yokohama.


Yokohama, a densely populated city in the bay of Tokyo, southern Tokyo. in the current Taisho Era, Yokohama has become one of the industrial centers in Tokyo and even Japan. Because it is geographically close to water, the majority of the livelihoods of residents in Yokohama are Fishermen or Fish Traders.

This was supported again by the number of foreigners who came to Japan via Yokohama. Which indirectly raised the Economic standard there.

Even so, behind the glitter of Yokohama as an industrial city, in this city, there is also the largest slum area in Japan, which is named Kojiki-Yato. And crime is quite common in Yokohama

Auction District is a quite popular place in the Port of Yokohama. Being a means for fishermen to sell their fish which is considered quite good at a fair price. Nobles or respected people also come here to buy quality fish.

One of them was the Young Girl who was currently standing surrounded by several people. This young girl is the daughter of the famous Nobility in Tokyo, the Hamabe Family, Hamabe Arisu.

She has a beautiful face, her black hair is worn as a bun like a woman from a distinguished family. Her eyes are sharp and look smart. Arisu is a 17-year-old girl who is in the phase of maturity.

According to the tradition in her family, the girl who will turn 18 years old, will be given some tasks determined by the Head of the Family to do, it has been done in the Hamabe family for generations.

And the assignment given to him is ...

"Bringing a fish that can fly away huh ... * Sigh *"

Arisu's graceful face disappeared as she sighed tiredly. She has carried out all the tasks given by her father except this last one.

'Does such a fish exist ...? 'Arisu thought, she screamed from her mind.


Hearing that, the crowd became boisterous, and the bidders began to submit their bids. Arisu's bodyguard who saw that also whispered to his young lady.

"Arisu-sama, this must be the Fish who can fly that you're searching for, shouldn't we offer it ...?"

Hearing that Arisu thought.

'Flying Fish can indeed fly, but that is only a few meters from the surface of the water, let alone fly away, they cannot even fly high, especially without water ...'

When Arisu was thinking, suddenly a child crashed into her, the guards who were watching the crowd didn't notice that.

* Thump *

The boy then fell to the ground and looked in pain.


Seeing that, the guards realized their mistake, but they denied it and scolded the child.

"Hey kid, don't you have eyes, huh?" Said one of the guards.

Seeing his bodyguard's behavior, Arisu was displeased and scolded him.

"Stop that!" She said calmly, which immediately made them silent.

She then knelt before the child and said with a smile.

"Are you all right?"

And when Arisu saw the boy's face, she knew him. But before Arisu could speak again, the boy suddenly took the gold necklace hanging from Arisu's neck and immediately stood up and tried to run.

Seeing that, both Arisu and her bodyguards were shocked, they knew that crime rates in Yokohama were high, but they did not expect that even such a small child had done various methods to steal.

The boy ran with all his strength, but suddenly someone passed in front of him with ease. The boy who did not have time to stop then crashed into the man's hard and bounced quite far.

That person who was eating Grilled Squid only tilted his head when he saw the boy crashing into him.


Meanwhile, the boy was very sick because he seemed to have just hit an iron, his head dizzy and his eyes dizzy. Until finally he felt both hands gripped by the hands that belonged to Arisu's bodyguards.

"You can't run now, Little brat." Said one of the bodyguards, he was increasingly annoyed and gripped the boy's hand very hard.

Although the boy had tried to steal her jewelry, Arisu who knew the boy's face said to her bodyguard.

"You guys, don't be too harsh on him," Arisu said.

People began to gather around them when they saw the commotion, but Arisu ordered her guards to bring order back to the crowd.

Arisu then knelt before the child whose hands were gripped.

"Hello, do you still remember me?" Said Arisu, but the boy just said.

"Kill me!"

Hearing that, Arisu realized that the child she knew seemed to have forgotten her, so she decided to give her name.

"Have you forgotten about your Arisu-nee, Daichi?"

The boy's face changed when the woman in front of him mentioned her name, he then glanced at the woman in front of him and looked more closely, before saying.

"You ... Arisu-nee? Really Arisu-Nee?"

The child stuttered, hearing that, Arisu only nodded and smiled. Seeing that, tears could no longer be blocked from the boy, he cried and immediately hugged Arisu.

"Arisu-nee !!!"

Seeing that, Arisu hugged him back, even though his clothes were dirty, she didn't care. She has regarded the child as her younger brother, even though they separated two years ago and never met again.

"* Pat * * Pat * calm down Daichi, Arisu-nee here, you don't need to worry now." Said Arisu while trying to calm Daichi.

"A-arisu-nee, Yuuki ... she is sick, please take her with you for treatment, we don't have money to do it." Said Daichi while trying to hold back his hands, hearing that Arisu was shocked, Yuuki was Daichi's younger sister, and as She has considered Daichi as her younger brother, as well as Yuuki.

"Yuuki-chan is sick, you say? Where is Nagi-Ojii san?"

Hearing Arisu say his father's name, Daichi's face turned pale and depressed. But he tried to strengthen his heart and said while stuttering.

"D-dad hasn't come back from the sea since 3 days ago and there is no news from him."

Hearing that, Arisu returned.

"What !? 3 Days?"

Daichi just nodded, then Arisu asked Daichi back.

"Daichi, tell Nee-san about Nagi-Ojii san who hasn't come back from the sea since 3 days ago."

Hearing that, Daichi gulped, and said doubtfully ...

" That... "

But before he could speak, a young man's voice could be heard.

"If you don't mind, can I also listen to the story?"

Hearing that voice, both Arisu, Daichi, and their guards saw the origin of the sound. The voice apparently came from the young man who was hit by Daichi earlier, the young man had navy blue hair tied in a white cloth, he wore a black shirt and Haori blue with a white motif. A white scarf wrapped around his neck, and he was seen eating a Grilled Squid with a flat face.

Arisu and the others were silent, before the young man returned to speak.

"Don't mind, right ...?"