Born again?

* You have received carbonite sickness *

- effects:

- temperary blindness

- invertago

- duration: 23:59:59

When I awoke I didn't think it would be to darkness, at least I didn't have to experience child birth and breastfeeding. I did not know where I was and could only here buzzing, whearling, and hissing. I could feel I was on cold metal, but was unable to move, so decided to check my status.

* Status*

Name: Lash Zume (Pom'olash'zumemi)

Gender: Male

Age: 3 Months

Titles: Exile

Level 1 (Locked until 3 cycles)

Class: (Locked until 3 cycles)


- Strength: 1

- Dexterity: 1

- Constitution: 1

- Intelligence: 18

- Wisdom: 18

- Charisma: 3

Racial Abilities: Enhanced Vision (partial infrared) LvL 1 , Enhanced Hearing (twice as strong as human) LvL 1

Unique Abilities: Gamer Mind LvL 1, Gamer Body (Locked until 3 cycles old) LvL Max, All language Comprehension LvL Max

Skills: Inspection LvL 1

Passives: Force sensitive (prodigy) LvL Max, Enhanced Hearing LvL 1, Enhanced Hearing LvL 1

WARNING: currently suffering from carbonite sickness

[Okay, so that's a bunch more information than I expected. I think Menu, hoping to customize this Status screen.]

* Status - Inventory (Locked until 3 cycles) - Options *

[Wow, that is super limited. I remember reading reincarnation novels with gamer abilities and they all seem to have more than me. Well I'll take what I can get.]


- Notifications

- Status customization

- Customize User Interface (Locked due to temporary blindness)

I use State costomization and change it so it only says changes that happened from the last time I checked, or I can say full status to get all of it.

*Status - Full Status - Inventory (Locked until 3 cycles) - Options*


Lash Zume

3 months

Attributes - no changes

Skills, Abilities - no changes

Currently suffering from carbonite sickness

- duration: 23:59:09

With that out of the way I check why my gamer's mind ability isn't maxed out like those novels I've read.

*Inspected Gamer's Mind Ability*

Emotions can be felt, but are dampened to prevent permanent brain damage and emotional scarring. Gives a limited resistance to brainwashing and outside mental commands. Due to the limitation of host's brain maturity this ability is limited and will mature and level up with the host's age cycles. At Max level removes the need to sleep.

Side Effects: Causes the host to have a go with the flow mentality when in unknown situations, emotional extremes are suppressed faster with each level up.

*Inspected Gamer Body*

Allows host to level up and recover from injuries with only 8 hours of sleep. All damage, except limb severing, is registered as health point damage until fully healed. Currently Locked until 3 cycles old to prevent possible discovery from outside sources. Will activate before 3 cycles is life is legitimately threatened.

[Okay that makes sense, but what kind of psychopath puts a child in carbonite.]

When I think this, as if the outside world was waiting, I hear the loud shuffle sound of a machanical door being opened automatically. Then I hear clinking on the floor below me that gets closer to me. This lets me know I'm at least a few feet off the floor, maybe on a table or something.

[Curse this infantile body and it's inability to respond to my commands]

Male voice: "How is the child doing?"

Monotone voice: "The child patient is currently suffering from carbonite sickness, which will wear off in 24 hours. The child was restrained to allow intervenise injection of fluids and nutrients. Now that the child is showing signs of being awake, we can move to oral intake of fluids and nutrients. I would recommend against doing so, due to the patients carbonite sickness."

[WTF? I'm restrained, no wonder I couldn't move.]

Male voice: "That will not be necessary, when the effects of his sickness wear off, send him to live with the other younglings."

Monotone voice: "It will be done as you say, Master Jedi."

After their talk I hear what I assume is the Master Jedi who came in earlier leave. I check my sickness counter to see how much longer I'm going to be imprisoned, in what I believe to be the Med Bay.

*carbonite sickness *

- effects:

- temperary blindness

- invertago

- duration: 23:57:59

[WTF? This is going to suck, wonder if I can put myself to sleep until this wait is o....]