
Being only 6 months old sucked, the shame of incontinence, being unable to feed myself. It really makes you appreciate being an adult. Without being able to communicate I had to learn where I am by silently listening to the adults and my elder clan mates.

I was put in a clan while I was asleep, it has a dumb name of Hawkbat Clan. The next youngest clan mate is about 1 year older than me, or cycle as they use around here. He scared me the first time I saw him, I only screamed a little, he looks like a tiger on two legs, apparently he is a Togorian named Jak'zin. He is the only clan mate that does not go to the classes yet, so I have to sit hear and listen to him playing and reciting the Jedi code over and over like a religious mantra.

I couldn't read anything to learn ahead of time before classes start for me, because I would need to either self teach myself to use a data pad or a holocron, both of which are not to be found just sitting around (I know, I looked). All I could do is try and improve my hearing ability for now.


6 months later


I can now use full sentences, I thought they would call me a genius, but apparently there are many races in the galaxy that mature faster than humans and they took it as me being Chiss. I am going to be starting classes along with Jak'zin. The classes will cover mathematics, biology, hyperspace theory, hyperspace navigation, astrocartography, botany, communication installation, and the Art of movement. Obviously not all at once, but as I complete one lower subject I can move to it's higher equivalent, also they want us to meditate 5 times a day.


6 months later


I find it frustrating I can not raise my attributes much until I unlock gamer body, though I learned my birthday is on the first of the cycle, because my gamer ability gave me +3 to each attribute for my birthday. Oh and it seems the average 1 cycle old human male has only 1 in each. so I'm going to take what I can get.

It turns out I can raise my intelligence and wisdom attributes by doing my school work, I also seem to learn faster in this life. So far I've been able to advance in my classes, I have done 1 cycle of schoolwork in just 6 months.

My most difficult class is Art of Movement with Master Fy-Tor-Ana. It's basically just going through ever changing obstacle course faster and faster. I have to get good enough at this to get the approval of Master Fy-Tor-Ana to move onto lightsaber forms. It has gotten easier, because after the first hour I got the ability parkour, and as it levels I am able to go faster and faster with less effort.


Lash Zume

1 cycle 3 months

Attributes - Str +3, Dex +3, Con +3, Cha +3, Int +6, Wisdom +4

Skills, Abilities - Enhanced Hearing +2 levels, Parkour LvL 18, Meditation LvL 46, Sense Force LvL 5, Force Body Enhancement LvL 2