Youngling Progress

It took me another 3 months of the Art of Movement, before I was able to start Lightsaber forms. Battlemaster Anoon Bondara is our instructor, he started the class with an introduction to all seven forms.

Form 1, or Shii Cho is the original fighting form and is based off of the old world fencing tactics. It is the base form and if we want to learn any other form we need to get a passing grade in this form to build a solid foundation.

Form 2, or Makashi is a form created to fight fellow lightsaber users. It was originally a dualing form, but with the splitting of the Je'daii order into Jedi and Sith it became a killing form against enemy factions. This form was made obsolete with the blaster fire of the Mandilorians. This form still has important footwork for later forms so is still required to be taught as a foundation like form 1.

Form 3, or Soresu is the form created to replace Makashi and is a pure defense form. This form is excellent at combating baster fire and is used to tire out the enemy, or make them waste ammunition. It was seen as a lacking in the later confrontations with the Sith so they invented two newer forms to cover this weakness.

Form 4, or Ataru is an aggressive form based on speed and agility. It is often used by Jedi of shorter stature to to overcome their physical limitations. Master Yoda is a prime example of this.

Form 5, or Shien is an aggressive form based on strength and smooth movements. This form was later refined into an even more aggressive form by the Sith called Djem So.

Form 6, or Niman is the form created by later Jedi believing the 4th and 5th forms were to aggressive. This form is a balanced form of forms 1 through 5, it is often called the diplomatic form and is the most widely used form amongst Jedi.

Form 7, or Juyo is the combined form of the Makashi footwork, speed and agility of Ataru, and the smooth movements of Niman. This form requires you to master all other forms. The true secrets of this form has been lost with the death of the Jedi Council on Dantooine. Master Windu has attempted to unlock the secrets and is so doing created his own style Vaapad.

I was so excited that to be moving onto Lightsaber forms. The obsical courses were not doing much for me after I maxed out Parkour at level 50. After maxed out it seemed all my experience went towards force body enhancement, because the level went up slow until the last week after I maxed out Parkour. The level went up an average of 1 or 2 a week, but went up 10 levels in the last week.

My academics are moving along great, but I'm having a hear time getting along with my fellow clan mates. Jak'Zin was alright, but I left him behind when I was moved onto forms. My other clan mates are always competing with other clans, bragging, and/or plating boring games That I can't bring myself to enjoy any of them. I've always been the type to only compete with my own best self, I mean I set a self record and the strive to pass it, why waste time on others? You are not them, it will not help you improve.

I do not know when I am, but I am sure I'm before episode 1, because Obi-Wan looked like a teenager when I saw him, and I believe he was in his twenties during episode 1. I also saw that Master Dooku is still part of the Jedi Order. I believe he left the Order and became a Count some time before the movie.