Time Jump


I do not know why, but yesterday my master was removed from the Jedi Council. He told me he put me up for Jedi Knight trials and should be called today to get my trial.

Over the last 10 almost 11 cycles I've made some amazing progress or so I believe. I've also finally been able to level up, which was really weird. I Did not think that instead of attribute increases I would get a boost in midilorian count instead, which is so much better. I also get to choose one of my skills that levels up 30% easier for a week.

I was able to level up when on a mission of diplomacy with Master Sifo-Dyas or as I've been calling him Master Sifo. We interrupted an assassination attempt on Dantooien when we were in the middle of talks with their intended targets. Apparently a third party did not want these two to come to an agreement, so decided they wouldn't.

We were attacked by a team of 6 Mandilorian bounty hunters. I was able to take out 2 of the 5 that came into the room. I had a harder time chasing down the 6th one who was using a rifle at a distance. It was after that chase I learned how the loot system of my gamer ability works.

After I kill an enemy, important that I either helped or did the killing in order to have a looting option. There is a floating blue arrow, that appears to be a tear drop shape pointing at the body. It floats about 6cm off the body and can only be seen by me. The blue marker gives me looting options without having to touch the body. I just need to mentally interact with the marker to be able to use the options.

I still need to be within reaching distance, but when I used the loot all function on the Mandilorian, the one I chased down, it all automatically went into my inventory and took everything. I mean everything, Underwear, gear, notes from secret pockets in the armor, piercings, and even his tattoos. I promised myself to never do that again, but on the plus size all armor is automatically repaired from the damage caused to the armor before looting, and fitted to my body size. After experimenting I learned while the size keeps changing, my inventory does not repair damages cause after first looting the item.

After this I found myself in possession of two blaster pistols, a blaster rifle with a really advanced scope, and highly customized Madilorian armor, plus a jet pack. The armor was really cool after experimenting with it, mainly through the helmet's on board computer interface I learned it had wrist rockets, poison darts, a flamethrower, and it is even environmentaly sealed to be space, under water, and toxic environment safe. It also had a voice changer.

I learned I can set up a gear set option in my inventory that lets me quickly equip any 5 gear setups that I can make, so far I have 3, naked, Mandalorian, and Jedi. Beggars can not be choosers, but wish it came with a cleaning function.

When I returned back to the meeting area I was able to descreatly loot the 2 other bodies of the items I believed valuable and easy to sell including the ownership title for a speeder bike, and a cruiser-class spacecraft. After I found these I was able to convince my Master to take them back to the Temple with us when our mission was over, but I would need to pay for the title change, docking fee and fuel costs myself. I had to manually look over the bodies my Master defeated to find their valuables, to which my Master asked me what I was doing. I told him I was looking for any possible information leading to why or who hired them. I was lucky enough to find a data pad on the one that looked like the leader, the one I checked last, and spliced it to find this group's bank accounts, (which I took), it also had their mission details and who hired them. This information I gave to my Master, who used it to to help the peace talks now that they had a common enemy.

My master's main job was as a member of the Jedi Council, which ment I spent most of my time either training or looking through the Jedi archives now that my Master gave me access. I learned that while the archives had a few central computers that I can download information from, I had to look through the lower floors to find their holocrons. I found some skill books, but in order to not to destroy the holocron I copied them before using them.

The first skill book I found was force healing. It took me a long time of digging through the bottom floors before I found another along with a hidden passageway leading to what was a destroyed Sith Temple which had a few holocrons of their own. The skill book I found before the hidden passage told me it was a skill book, but it was damaged so I put it in my inventory to try and fix it later.

The Holocrons in I found in the Sith Temple were actually mostly skill books, but the vast majority were locked to me due to the emotional requirements. The only one I found I could learn was made by a Lord named Belia Darzu, it gave me the option of learning either Mechu-Deru-Vitae or Mechu-Deru. I could only pick one, so I used inspection on them and learned that Mechu-Deru was a force ability to manipulate and understand technology, including computers, spacecrafts, and droids, where as Mechu-Deru-Vitae was about integrating technology, corrupted with the dark side of the force, with living or mechanical beings, like humans or droids. I chose the less dark of the two to avoid Jedi scrutiny.

I reported what I found to Master Sifo and the Jedi Council summoned me and swore me to secrecy and asked what had lead me to finding the Temple and what I was doing so deep in the archives. I told them mostly the truth of how I was looking through the older Holocrons for unedited knowledge. This led to a discussion about how history is written by the victory and that in order to find real truth you needed to look past common believed truths. I told them that I wanted to be able to fight against the Sith and I can not do that if I do not know what they can or will do. I was told the Sith were dead, to which I replied "That may be the common believed truth, but the dark side of the force still exists so the Sith can never stay dead only delayed. The force is a coin, light on one side and darkness on the other, you can not have light without darkness and vise versa. I believe our battles against the darkness is not over, nor will it ever be over. To believe otherwise is to allow darkness to win." At this point I was sent away.

I was able to level up the force skill Mechu-Deru enough to repair the damaged holocron I had taken and was pleased to note it was made by a Master Kavar and that it included two skills, duel wielding lightsabers and Form 7 Juyo. I didn't want to destroy this holocron so copied it twice and then use them to learn the two skills, then I used the original holocron to help me speed up my training of these two new skills. When I maxed the skill dual wielding I unlocked the ability ambidextrous.

On my 15th Birthday my Gamer Mind leveled up to level 3, which is Max level and now I no longer need to sleep, this sped up my Juyo training. It gets annoying having all the extra time so I do still some times sleep to avoid boredom or increase energy recovery when I was practicing force heal on myself and needed to recover faster.