
I've made a change to learning curve, changed date to GR 957 which is the year he turns 5.

I will also take this time to let you guys know I'm basing the looks of my Chiss off the game Knights of the Old Republic. Also the main character has only watched the original 7 episode movies and Rogue one, but things may divert before it gets that far. He has also been in this universe for years and it will be harder for him to remember all the content. Please note that my character has gamer mind so will be restricted in learning and/or improving in many of the Sith force uses due to their emotional driven usage.

The gamer ability he has is good for skills like lightsaber forms, Force powers and abilities, but not daily abilities like ship maintenance, mathematics, navigation, or cooking and cleaning. Also the gamer attributes are limited to racial extremes.

Average male with proper nutrition and teaching:

STRENGTH 10 (46kg = little more than 101lbs)






Average male Jedi

STR 15 (69kg = little more than 152lbs)

DEX 15

CON 15

INT 20

WIS 20

CHA 15

This means the average Jedi male is half again as strong as the average male. They are almost twice as smart as average.

Please note gamer body will be like in the Manwa with sleep healing, resistances, and body skills like shooting, piloting, and Jedi Forms, but the attributes will have a maximum stat for his race and gender that it can not exceed, but it will be easier for him to reach and keep without degradation with minimal effort that increases with age past racial age prime.

This means that if the OC maxed his STR he will still be weaker than a wookie, but will be stronger than almost all humans. I will also not be using health points or force points because he will not be able to see them, but will feel a percentage when it comes to his health without exact numbers.

The force in the movies is not like the games they have made. People have a fixed amount of the force they can tap into with their bodies midilorian count, but they do get tired from constant use, or without training to be able to use their full potential. The OC has not had his midilorian checked.