(A/N: This is just a side project that has been in my head for a while. I'm not going to be working on it as much as my other stories. I just wanted to put it out there. If it gets positive feedback, then I might continue.)

Third POV: (this is during the Devil Civil War time, so Canon didn't happen yet.)

Serafall was having what could be described as the worst day of her life.

It was supposed to be a normal day in the Anti-Satan military, as normal as it gets for a high ranking general like herself.

Sign papers, look over the enemy movement, go through attack plans with her lieutenant, and check on the soldiers under her to make sure they're all doing their work.

Serafall's troops were meant to go near the city of Leviathaia. They weren't supposed to even encounter any enemies except some scouting squads from the Old-Satan faction.

Her job was to establish a foothold for the Anti-Satan faction against the descendants of the original Satans. Just a camp for the troops to gather around and plan an attack on the city when they have enough forces.

Originally, that was Falbium's job. But, like always, that lazy bum took the first chance to dump it on one of the other generals, and Serafall was the unlucky winner.

She didn't even need to stay there. All she had to do was make sure that the troops managed to make a base of operations for the Anti-Satan faction, and then she was free to do what she wants.

When she made sure that her job is done, Serafall was planning to immediately leave someone in charge of the camp and go back home to get some rest. Maybe even get lucky and meet Sirzechs on the way.

But, the universe apparently decided to throw her plans out of the window and fill her life with problems.

She didn't know how, but Serafall was sure that Gabriel had something to do with her terrible luck.

Before they even finished building the camp near the city of Leviathaia, Old-Satan faction troops appeared out of nowhere in the hundreds. And, if that wasn't enough, a descendant of Asmodeus was leading them.

Since they were supposed to just establish a base of operations and not encounter much resistance, Serafall didn't bring that many troops since the high numbers would have made them easy to spot.

She had only brought 300 soldiers, at most. They barely had any ultimate class Devils, and her troops were getting cut down faster than she liked.

'How did this happen?' Serafall thought as she used blades made of ice to cut down ten of the enemy troops into tiny pieces. 'I was sure that no one spotted us, or to leave any evidence indicating that we're here.' another enemy soldier tried to attack her from behind. But, without even turning around, she waved her hand and the soldier turned to a giant ice-cube before shattering into pieces. "The only way they could have known about us is that... Someone told them of us being here...," Serafall grumbled before gritting her teeth. "We've been betrayed."

The only good news she received was that they managed to send the emergency request for backup, but by the time they get here, the battle would be over.

Normally, handling a few hundred Devils isn't a problem for her. Without restrictions, just a snap of her fingers can turn this entire area into a frozen wasteland. But, her troops are mixed in with the chaos, and she didn't want to kill her own men.

"Well, well, well. If it isn't high generally Sitri," Someone chuckled. She looked up to see a man with long black hair, royal robes, and a smug smile flying in the air. "I guess the information you gave me was correct."

Serafall then noticed someone floating behind the man. She recognized him as one of her scouts.

'At least now I know who the mole is,' Serafall thought to herself before glaring at the man who spoke. "And who might you be?" she asked.

The man's smug smile got wider if that was even possible. "My name is Lukas Asmodeus, and I am a decedent of the original Asmodeus," he states with nothing but arrogance, so much that Serafall wanted to vomit. "I was born to rule the Devils, such is my birthright, but you people from the Anti-Satan refuse to give me and the other descendants that right, and it's about time you realize your foolishness."

If looks can kill, Serafall would have killed that man a hundred times over. "The only thing foolish here is that you lunatics want to continue the war between the three factions. Our people are dying, and you want to send them to war!?" she yelled at him.

Lukas, however, merely grunted in annoyance. "Why should I care? It's the job of low born Devils to die for us. You idiots fight like you have any rights other than being our servants," he said in a matter of fact manner. Serafall's furious aura was freezing the ground under her. "Now, I'm sure that you realized how outmatched your troops are. So just save me the trouble and surrender," he said before looking at Serafall's small but still curvy body with lust. "Who knows, if you manage to please me, I might spare your soldiers."

The aura of general Sitri intensified as her glare got more heated. This was only one of the many reasons she hated the Old-Satan faction.

It's because they truly thought they were better than everyone else, that every Devil was just born to be their slave for their sick enjoyment.

Part of her mind was telling her to forget her soldiers and just freeze the descendant in front of her as slowly, and painfully as possible. But, that would make her no better than the enemies they fight.

Of course, Serafall would rather die than surrender, let alone give herself to the enemy. However, her options did not exactly open a lot of doors.

Suddenly, a loud roar was heard as the screams of the soldiers around them intensified.

Looking at where the roar came from, they all saw a silhouette in the smoke that built up from the battle.

Seeing the figure of the silhouette, along with the roar, it wasn't hard to realize what it was. "A... Dragon? Here?" Asked a shocked Serafall.

"That's impossible!" Lukas yelled with shock and anger. "Dragon Territory is on the other side of the underworld!"

As much as it made her feel disgusted, Serafall had to agree. The closest Dragon to this area was Tiamat, but even then she was all the way near the city of Lucifaad, and she made it clear that no one crosses her territory.

The sound of battle and soldiers cutting down others reached her ears. Serafall noticed unknown soldiers fighting on the battlefield.

The Sitri general noticed that these unknown soldiers and the Dragon were targeting the Old-Satan soldiers.

"Did... The reinforcements get here?" Serafall asked hopefully but noticed that she doesn't recognize the armor those soldiers were wearing. "No, this is something else."

"What's going on here!?" Lukas yelled outraged. He also noticed that only his soldiers were being killed, fast. "Who dares mess with my plans!?"

No one answered him. The Dragon and unknown soldiers kept cutting down Old-Satan soldiers without hesitation.

Serafall could only watch in awe as her soldiers were being saved by these strangers. True, she was happy to get help, but the fact that it was from strange forces troubled her.

Not even a few minutes later, and the sound of battle had already seized. The ones left standing were Serafall, Lukas, the mole, and the Anti-Satan soldiers that managed to survive.

Serafall's soldiers were weary of the new arrivals, as they should, but the strangers and the Dragon paid them no mind.

Lukas was beyond outraged. After he finally managed to get a mole in the forces of general Sitri and discover her plans, he was stopped by people that he never even heard of.

The descendant landed on the ground gritting his teeth as he glared at the strangers that dared to foil his plans. "Who are you?! Do you have any idea who I am?!"

His only answer was a roar from the dragon. The roar had so much killing intent that everyone, but the soldiers that came with it, took a step back. The message in that roar was clear. 'Shut up'.

The smoke from the battlefield settled down giving everyone a good look at the soldiers and Dragon.

As their appearance was made clear, everyone took another step back.

The soldiers were wearing bone-like armor equipped with a blue cape. every and each one holding a sword. But the most notable feature was that they all looked less human and more demonic.(Dark World Knight)

The Dragon, however, looked far more menacing. It looked like a combination of a dragon and a carnivore plant. It was covered in dark purple armor and along that armor was Crimson orbs. Between some of its joints were similar orbs but yellow.(Starve Venom Fusion Dragon)

The dragon started looking at Lukas and the mole with saliva dripping from its maw. It obviously viewed them as some sort of delicacy. The ground melted as the saliva touched it, making everyone realize it was acid.

No one said a thing, either out of fear or because they were waiting for the strange creatures to do something.

Lukas kept his glare at them, but they didn't move. "Why aren't they doing anything?" he asked since these strangers killed his soldiers and suddenly stopped, which made him anxious.

Serafall realized that the soldiers were standing in formation, and were holding their swords. It then struck her. "They are waiting," she said as her soldiers gathered behind her. "Waiting for orders."

Suddenly, the soldiers and the Dragon started moving and everyone tensed, but they realized that they weren't attacking... They were making a path.

The soldiers split into two sides with the Dragon standing on the left creating a path. Much to everyone's shock, the soldiers and Dragon got on one knee.

It wasn't a surprise to see soldiers bowing down to those higher than them, but what shocked them is that a dragon, a very prideful creature, would bow to anyone or anything.

"Lord Haou," all the soldiers said in unison.

They all saw someone walking through the path made by the soldiers. Once he reached the end, his form was clear.

He was wearing a black knight-like, spiky armor with golden outlines. On his back was a big blood-red cape. His helmet looked like it was mixed with a mask, and only two small slits were there for the eyes.

The man, who Serafall deemed 'Haou' judging by the last comment of the soldiers, had a very powerful influence around him.

Serafall had been in the presence of many powerful figures. In fact, it wasn't even a few days ago that she was having a meeting with Zekram Bael himself.

But this man... This man's very presence screamed 'Power' and 'Respect'.

However, it seems that Lukas didn't notice. "You! Are you the one who dares to attack my troops?!" he roared outraged.

'Haou' simply moved his helmet slightly, making it obvious he was looking at Lukas, but remained quiet. He was either ignoring the descendant, or he didn't understand the question. It was hard to tell without looking at his face.

A vain appeared on Lukas' head. He was beyond insulted at the fact that someone he never heard of was ignoring him. "You Low life! I'll teach you your place!" he said raising his hand and creating a magical circle.

Lukas sent a giant magical blast towards 'Haou', who simply stood there and took the attack.

The area that 'Haou' was standing on was covered in light and smoke as Lukas started laughing. "Serves you right! You should have known your place beneath me!"

While the descendant was busy laughing, Serafall noticed that none of the soldiers or the Dragon has moved an inch out of place. The Sitri general realized what that means and looked at where 'Haou' was.

Her suspicions were proven correct when, apparently with just a wave of his hand, 'Haou' had gotten rid of the cloud of smoke around him and revealed himself unharmed.

The action made Lukas stop laughing and look at 'Haou' in shock. Even Serafall's eyes were wide. "Not even his armor was scratched... And that attack should have killed an entire squadron of ultimate class Devils..." she mumbled surprised.

'Haou' then raised his arm with his palm pointing upwards. Over his palm, golden flames suddenly appeared, and with great speed, he hurled it towards Lukas.

The descendant barely had time to put up a barrier. "You think such an attack is going to-" he didn't even complete his sentence as the golden flames passed through the barrier as if it didn't exist and devoured his arm.

Lukas started screaming in pain holding where his arm used to be. Serafall was surprised that the barrier didn't even slow down the attack.

She also realized that the arm wasn't destroyed, it was completely incinerated. The arm socket wasn't even bleeding anymore. Serafall knew that whatever those flames were, she didn't want to be on the receiving end of them.

"W-What-" Again, Lukas couldn't finish his sentence as 'Haou' suddenly appeared and tightly grabbed his head with one of his arms.

Serafall eyes widen more than they already were. She didn't even notice when 'Haou' moved.

'Haou' raised Lukas off the ground. The descendant grabbed the arm holding him with his own remaining arm trying to break free. "Let go of me! I am an Asmodeus! You can't-" 'Haou' silenced him by slamming his head so hard on the ground that it made a small tremor, shaking the entire area.

Despite the strong hit, Lukas was still alive, barely. "Know your place, filth," 'Haou's' voice was heard for the first.

Suddenly, Lukas' body caught fire with golden flames. The descendant started screaming while trying desperately to get out of 'Haou's' grip.

The screams of pain lasted for a few minutes before Lukas' body was completely vaporized. Not even ash was left of him.

'Haou' raised his head and looked at the scout that had betrayed Serafall. The scout froze under his gaze unable to move from fear.

However, 'Haou' turned his head looking at the dragon over his shoulder. "He's all yours," he said.

The Dragon apparently grinned and the scout realized what's coming to him. Before he even attempted to escape, the dragon had already grabbed him in its huge claws.

The Dragon then sunk its Jaws in the flesh of the scout before ripping the flesh apart. The acid saliva added more pain to the bites.

Serafall watched all this with awe and some pink dusting her cheeks. As a Devil, she was drawn to power and seeing 'Haou' beat a person she hated while showing off his own power was... Much to her shame... Arousing.

"Serafall!" her train of thought was interrupted when she heard a familiar voice call her name.

She looked and saw Sirzechs with his own troops flying towards her. But she also had someone with him.

A woman with silver hair and eyes wearing an equally silver battle armor mixed with royal robes.

'Wait, isn't that Grayfia Lucifege, one of the biggest supporters to the Old-Satan faction?' Serafall thought recognizing the woman. Her eye twitched noticing something. 'Why is she so close to Sirzechs!?' she asked in her head.

However, she dismissed those thoughts when Sirzechs and Grayfia landed in front of her. "We got your emergency call. What happened?!" he asked. Sirzechs then noticed 'Haou and his soldiers along with the Dragon. The Gremory general activated his power of destruction. "And who is that?"

"Wait!" Serafall stopped him. But, she didn't know for whose sake.

She knew full well about Sirzechs' power, but she didn't want to take chances with someone who just killed an Asmodeus like it was child-play.

Sirzechs looked at her confused. Serafall merely turned around and faced 'Haou' before she started walking towards him.

After stopping a few feet in front of him, she spoke. "I am Serafall Sitri, a High General of the Anti-Satan forces, and I would like to thank you for assisting me and my soldiers against our enemy," she said giving a small bow of gratitude.

After hearing her words and seeing the corpses of Old-Satan soldiers around them, Sirzechs finally got the picture of what happened. He relaxed upon realizing that the man didn't attack his fellow General, but in fact, saved her.

After a few seconds of silence, with the only noise being the dragon who was finishing his meal, 'Haou' spoke. "Your gratitude is unnecessary. I was merely here to deal with these Old-Satan fools. Helping you and your men was just a fortunate side effect."

Serafall was confused that he didn't take any credit, but shrugged it off. "May I ask, who am I speaking to? I have yet to get your name," she said.

As a response, 'Haou' raised his hand and she tensed thinking that he might summon those golden flames again.

However, instead, 'Haou' simply reached for the mask part of his helmet and slid it upwards revealing his face.

He was a young man, roughly her age. She couldn't see the rest of his head but his face was still visible, and if Serafall was honest, he wasn't bad to stare at.

The most notable thing, however, was his eyes. They were demonic golden in color and had white pupils. It felt like those eyes were staring at her very soul.

After staring at those golden eyes for a few seconds, Serafall was brought back to reality when 'Haou' spoke. "My name... Is Supreme King Haou," he said before his eyes narrowed to a glare. "And the Old-Satan faction... Has made an enemy out of me."

(A/N: Thank you for reading this. As I said, this is just a side project, so I might not even go through with it unless I see a lot of positive feedback. Tell me your thoughts.)