Third POV:

Serafall, Sirzechs, and Grayfia were standing in front of the person that introduced himself as Supreme King Haou.

It was already a couple of hours since the attack happened. The Anti-Satan troops had already begun building a camp after tending to the wounded and counting the deceased.

Almost half of Serafall's soldiers were killed and most of what's left are wounded, much to her disdain.

Sirzechs' troops have joined in with the forces that were still capable of fighting. Their combined numbers were somewhere near a thousand.

With the reinforcements from Sirzechs, they managed to finally establish a base of operations near the city of Leviathaia. That leads them to this moment.

Right now, Haou's forces and the Dragon were standing behind him. They didn't move at all after he told them to be on stand by.

The two high generals of the Anti-Satan faction were now trying to identify these unknown forces, and Grayfia was there on Sirzechs' request.

"I think I speak for everyone when I ask, Who are you people?" Sirzechs asked. Going through the Civil War and the Great War made him cautious of all unknown factors.

"As I said, I am Supreme King Haou," the armored man replied, repeating what he said to Serafall.

Grayfia gave him a somewhat annoyed look. "You already said that. What we want to know, is where you people came from?" she asked. Never in her life has she, or the two generals, heard of these people, nor have they ever heard of someone with the title 'Supreme King'.

"Our home is rather far away," Haou said making it obvious he was hiding the important details. "It's also unpopular. Even if I say where we're from, you won't recognize the name."

All three Devils gave him a cautious look. "Forgive me, but that just makes you sound suspicious," the Silver-haired Devil said.

"That's rather hypocritical from you, isn't it," Haou said narrowing his eyes at her. "If I'm right, are you not Grayfia Lucifuge, the eldest child to the Lucifuge house, one of the biggest supporters to the Old-Satan faction," he said more as a fact than a question.

Grayfia tensed. She knew that her origin did make her suspicious, even more than he is. But, she was still curious about how he had so much information.

Truthfully, Haou had already done research on the major players of the Old-Satan faction, and the house of Lucifuge was on top of the list since a few of their members were children of Lucifer himself.

"I would also like to know what she is doing here, Sirzechs," Serafall asked glaring at the Silver-haired devil.

"Wait," Sirzechs got between the two female Devils. "I assure you, Serafall, she is on our side," he said trying to convince his childhood friend.

"That's right," Grayfia nodded backing up the Gremory general. "At first, I used to think that only those who hailed from the original Satans are supposed to lead Devils," she said looking down in shame at her past before she started shaking in anger. "But, I realized that you people are right. The Devils are on the brink of extinction, and if the war of the three Factions continues, we would all die out."

Serafall, however, couldn't look less convinced. "I still don't trust her," she grumbled. She couldn't just start trusting one of her former enemies just because of a change-of-heart… plus, she was a little angry at how Sirzechs was giving her all the attention.

"Of course you don't. It would be foolish if you did," Haou said drawing their attention. "Trust, like respect, is earned, not given. Only fools give trust blindly," he added.

Serafall was thankful for the support and was fighting the big victory grin that threatened to appear on her face.

Sirzechs and Grayfia, while offended, knew that the man in front of them was talking about the truth, and Grayfia has every intention of proving that she's trustworthy.

"If we take in your words, that also means we shouldn't trust you either, since you haven't done anything that grants you our trust," Sirzechs retorted realizing that Haou's words apply to himself as well.

Serafall wanted to remind Sirzechs that Haou had just saved her men, and probably her as well. But, she remembered that Haou said it was 'Just a fortune side effect'.

"Of course you shouldn't," Haou said catching them off guard. "I never said you should give me your trust, nor did I ask for it. As I said, I'm here to deal with the Old-Satan faction. Not meet with the Anti-Satan faction."

In truth, Haou expected to run into the Anti-Satan faction, but he simply didn't consider them an obstacle.

The two generals and Grayfia realized that the Supreme King was just here to deal with his own enemies, and not make friends.

Before any more could be said, one of the demonic soldiers came towards them. "Lord Haou,"

The Supreme King looked at the soldier as he bowed. "What is it?"

"We have gotten a massage from Yubel. All the forces are in place. With your word, the attack shall begin," the soldier said.

The three Devils looked confused until Serafall realized what the soldier was talking about. "You're planning to attack Leviathaia?" she asked in disbelief.

"That is most unwise," Grayfia said. She knew that, while Leviathaia isn't as guarded as Lucifaad or the capital of Lilith, it was still heavily fortified. "Taking over Leviathaia needs troops, planning, and patients. You-"

"If you think I came here without enough troops or a plan then you're delusional," Haou cut her off. He already had everything he needed. Yubel's massage was all he's missing. "Also, I have no plans to take Leviathaia. You can have that city if you desire."

The three Devils looked at him confused until they remembered that Haou said he's here to only deal with Old-Satan faction. They realized that he is merely going to kill the Devils there and leave the city on its own.

That drew mixed reactions, especially from the two generals. True, they can have Leviathaia if Haou succeeded, but it left a bitter taste in their mouths to get the spoils of someone else's hard work.

Haou turned around and looked at the Dragon. "Yuri," he called out. The dragon stopped eating the bodies of the Old-Satan soldiers, which was what it has been doing this whole time. "Are your brothers in place?"

'Yuri', as Haou called him, started looking around, almost as if it was looking for something.

"What is that dragon?" Serafall asked as she looked over Yuri's body. "I've never seen one like it before."

"That is Yuri," Haou replied still looking at the dragon. "The Starve Venom Dragon, one of the Heavenly Dragons."

"That's impossible," Sirzechs denied glaring at Haou. He knew that only two Heavenly Dragons existed. "The only Heavenly Dragons are Ddraig and Albion, and they've been turned to Sacred Gears."

"Do you really believe that the title 'Heavenly Dragons' is meant only for those two?" Haou asked still looking at Yuri.

The three Devils stayed quiet. Truthfully, all of them had once wondered if there was any more Heavenly Dragons, and with Yuri here, add to the fact Haou asked about he's 'brothers', they started believing that it might true.

Yuri stopped looking around and looked back at Haou before nodding. "Good," the Supreme King said as he looked at his soldiers. "The attack shall begin now, send the word." the Soldiers all bowed before immediately leaving to follow the orders. Haou looked back at the dragon. "You and your brothers may start early if you desire."

Yuri adopted a savage grin as he roared loudly, so loud that the three Devils had to cover their ears before it jumped away and started sprinting towards the city.

"Something is not right about that dragon," Serafall said while trying to stop the ringing in her ears. Sirzechs and Grayfia had to agree. They noticed Yuri's great blood-lust.

"Calm down," Haou said looking over Yuri as he vanished in the distance. "Between his brothers, and Dragons in general, Yuri is considered very bloodthirsty, but he's not unreasonable, so as long as you're not an enemy, you should be safe."

That eased the three Devils, but only slightly. They didn't feel comfortable with what appears to be psychotic Dragon running freely to do what it wants.

Haou then turned towards the city and started walking. "Where are you going?" Sirzechs asked.

The Supreme King brought down the mask part of his helmet to cover his face. "A king who hides behind his men while they fight his war for him is no king at all," Haou said before a portal of darkness and golden energy appeared in front of him.

The three Devils silently watched as Haou entered before the portal vanished. They knew that he meant he was joining the front lines, and that there was wisdom in his words. It was obvious that Haou has been a Ruler for a long time if you take in what he said.

Suddenly, a large explosion erupted in the city of Leviathaia that was in the distance. The fire started appearing on the outskirts as the three Devils saw Haou's soldiers advance through the streets, killing Old-Satan soldiers.

Seeing the movement of the soldiers, the two generals realized that Haou had hidden his men around the entire city and told them to attack at once, cornering the Old-Satan Faction in the process. Both generals had to agree that it was a solid plan, especially since it was unexpected.

After a few moments of debating herself while looking at the battle, Serafall sighed. "Lieutenant!" she called out.

"Yes, Lady Sitri!" her lieutenant replied walking towards her. Since he worked for Serafall, he was wearing blue armor, and unlike the normal soldiers, his armor was equipped with fur on the collar to show his high rank.

"I want five hundred soldiers ready for battle in five minutes. The rest are to stay here to finish the camp and look over the wounded," the Sitri general ordered.

While the lieutenant was surprised about the order, he knew from experience that Serafall doesn't make commands without a reason. "Yes, Lady Sitri," the Lieutenant said as he walked away.

Sirzechs looked at his childhood friend. "Serafall… what are you planning?" he asked, although he had a feeling he already knew the answer.

The Sitri general sighed before looking at the Gremory general. "Sirzechs, let's face it. This war isn't going anywhere, and both sides could lose at the end. What we need is something to finally tip the scale on our side," she then glanced at Grayfia. "If you're saying that you trust her, then I trust Haou. He could finally bring the change that we desperately need in this war."

As much as it pains him to admit, Sirzechs knew that she was right. Both sides of the Civil War were on equal terms at this point.

The Anti-Satan Faction might have had numbers because the majority of Devils wanting to avoid extinction, but the Old-Satan Faction had strength because of the descendants of the original Satans.

The Gremory general didn't want to believe it, but either side can win at this point. They needed insurance of victory, and Serafall apparently believed that it could be the Supreme King.

"Lady Sitri," Serafall's lieutenant returned. "The troops are ready. With your word, we shall leave."

Serafall nodded. "Very well, tell them we're leaving now," she said and the lieutenant left to follow the order.

Sirzechs knew that look Serafall had. It's something she did when she wasn't changing her mind. After some thought, he sighed. "Lieutenant!" he called out.

"Yes, Lord Gremory!" Sirzechs' lieutenant came in. His attire was similar to Serafall's lieutenant, but red instead of blue.

"I'm leaving you here in charge," Sirzechs said making Grayfia and Serafall look at him surprised. "I'll be joining the battle. Building this camp is just a secondary priority, your primary priority is protecting the wounded."

"Yes, Lord Gremory," the Lieutenant said as he left to follow the order.

Sirzechs noticed the two female Devils looking at him confused. "A king who hides behind his men while they fight his war for him is no king at all," he said repeating Haou's words making a small smile appear on their faces. Honestly, Sirzechs admired those words and found them nothing but the truth.

"I'll be coming as well," Grayfia said making the two generals look at her. "I want to show you that I truly want to help you create peace for the Devils. I… want to earn your trust," she said remembering Haou's words about earning trust and respect.

The two generals nodded and they looked back to see their soldiers ready. "Right," Serafall brought out her wings. "Everyone, your target is the Old-Satan soldiers only. The other creatures are our allies. You are not to attack them. Am I clear?"

"Yes, Lady Sitri!" the Soldiers confirmed in union.

The general nodded as she looked back at the city of Leviathaia that had become a battlefield. The first ones to get off the ground and start flying towards the city were Serafall, Sirzechs, and Grayfia, the soldiers were not far behind.

Meanwhile, in the city of Leviathaia, it was utter chaos. Haou's forces, the Dark World Knights, were cutting down Old-Satan Faction soldiers right and left.

Yuri jumped in front of a group of Old-Satan soldiers. "A dragon!? Here?" one soldier asked.

Yuri turned to them and shot a blast of dark purple flames from its maw. The Devils were consumed by the purple flames and were killed.

"Damn it! Kill that thing!" another group of soldiers came in and attacked Yuri with a hail of magical bullets.

The bullets harmlessly bounced off of Yuri's body as the only thing it felt was slight tickling. Yuri then waved his hand, shooting the tips of his claws towards the Old-Satan forces.

The claws struck the ground under the Devils, making them laugh. "Ha! Looks like that thing doesn't know how to aim."

Their laughter didn't last, however. Suddenly, from where the claws landed, giant Carnivore plants with razor-sharp teeth erupted from the ground and grabbed the Old-Satan soldiers with their roots.

The Carnivore plants then started eating through the Old-Satan soldiers, ripping their flesh apart and filling the area with their screams.

Yuri just stood with a grin watching the scene in front of him. He was having far more fun than he expected at killing those Old-Satan Devils. Now he doesn't regret that Haou had brought him here. The Starve Venom Dragon then jumped on top of a building and started looking for more preys to hunt.

At another part of the city, Haou was walking through the streets towards the center of Leviathaia, where the leaders should be.

He passed a few groups of Devils being defeated by his Dark World Knights, but he knew his soldiers can handle them so he kept moving.

"Hold it right there!" a squadron of Old-Satan soldiers landed in front of him. They were passing by when they saw Haou. Seeing his different attire, the deducted that he was important. "You have some nerve attacking the city of Leviathaia! You low life scum!"

The Supreme King stayed quiet and kept walking. The Devils took that as an insult and all of them charged up magical attacks.

Of course, Haou could take on the attack, but he didn't want to waste his time playing with mere grunts.

And so, with a wave of his hand, the Supreme King sent a wave of darkness that annihilated the attacks.

Before the Old-Satan soldiers can comprehend what happened, Haou waved his hand the other way sending a wave of golden flames that devoured the Devils before erasing them from existence.

Haou was quite pleased. He was concerned that his powers would not work on the Devils. But, it appeared to have a better effect than he originally expected.

Another group of Devils approached him, much to his annoyance. He wanted to go to the leaders and not have to waste his time on grunts. However, the Old-Satan forces were suddenly destroyed by a blast of black and red energy.

Having studied Devils before coming to the underworld, he knew what it was. Power of Destruction. The pride and joy of the Bael family.

General Sirzechs Gremory landed beside Haou with his hands glowing from the Power of Destruction. Just as he was about to blast another group of Old-Satan forces, they were immediately frozen solid before breaking apart.

"Need a hand?" Serafall asked as she landed on the other side of Haou while Grayfia landed beside Sirzechs.

"I thought I told you that this is MY business," Haou said. They couldn't see his face, but from his tone, they could tell that he was annoyed and somewhat curious as he noticed Anti-Satan soldiers helping his men.

"True, but we never said that we won't join," Sirzechs countered with a smirk. A Devil was about to attack him by surprise, but it was destroyed by a blast of ice from Grayfia.

"I suppose that's true," the Supreme King replied. It could have been their imagination, but the three Devils can swear they heard the amusement in his voice.

"So, I assume you have a plan?" Serafall asked as she created blades of ice and made them rain on a group of Old-Satan forces.

"These soldiers are like dogs who follow orders mindlessly. I'm on my way to deal with the person leading this city, and my soldiers should take care of these pests," Haou explained.

"The person in charge here is called Klaus Leviathan, a descendant of the original Leviathan," Grayfia said as she used a blast of her own ice magic to destroy a group of Old-Satan soldiers. "His specialty is explosion magic."

A Leviathan in charge of Leviathaia. Truthfully, Haou was hoping for something more original. "Then I'll be going to deal with him," he said before he stopped and looked at them. "Can you deal with things here?"

"I assure you, we didn't get the title general for nothing," Serafall replied with a confident smirk as a soldier attacked her, but turned to a block of ice and broke to pieces.

Seeing that they can handle themselves, Haou nodded and started making his way to the center of the city where a giant castle was standing.

The three Devils looked at Haou as he walked away. "Well, he's certainly an interesting fellow," Sirzechs said as he used the Power of Destruction to kill a few Old-Satan forces.

"Other than the many mysteries surrounding him, I suppose you're right," Grayfia agreed. She was still a little cautious because of the many unknowns surrounding Haou.

"To be honest, Why exactly would he tell us anything?" Serafall asked as Sirzechs and Grayfia looked at her confused. "As he said, trust is earned, and we haven't done anything to earn his trust," she explained as the two Devils understood. The Sitri general smirked. "If you think about it, this attack is like one giant trust-building exercise. Everyone can see who to trust from now on."

Both Sirzechs and Grayfia smirked realizing that Serafall was right. During this attack, the Anti-Satan Faction can see if they can trust Haou, while the Supreme King sees if he can trust them, and Grayfia can prove that she can be trusted. Yup, just one giant trust-building exercise.

Meanwhile, at the center of the city where a castle stands, Klaus Leviathan was panicking in his throne room.

He was a tan-skinned man with dark brown hair tied into a low ponytail. And for clothes, He was wearing purple and pink robes.

Klaus was trying to get in contact with the city of Lucifaad in order to get reinforcements. He didn't know what happened.

One minute, Lukas Asmodeus went to deal with the Anti-Satan forces and capture Serafall Sitri to take as his toy. The next minute, they lost connection with Lukas and all his forces. And, if that wasn't bad enough, an army of unknown creatures started invading the city from all sides cornering them, and Klaus can swear he heard reports of several Dragons.

Normally, escaping wouldn't be a problem, if someone didn't put an Anti-teleportation barrier around the city. Whoever made this attack counted for everything. All this left Klaus with one option, which is request back-up.

After a few moments, the magical circle in front of him answered revealing the hologram of a tan-skinned woman with dark brown hair wearing a dress with similar colors to Klaus' clothes along with glasses on her eyes.

"Well, Well, this is surprising," the woman smirked deviously noticing how pale the descendant looked. "Hello, Klaus. What's the matter? You don't look so well, dear brother."

"Shut it, Katerea!" Klaus yelled at his sister. "I don't have time for your nonsense!"

Katerea merely chuckled. She always enjoyed seeing her brother in such a state. "Oh, and why is that?"

"Leviathaia is being attacked!" Klaus said as the smirk on Katerea vanished and her eyes widen. "Anti-Satan forces are being helped by an unknown faction, and the entire city has been placed under an Anti-teleportation barrier. I need you to send reinforcements, now!"

Katerea just looked at her brother shocked. Of all the things she expected this call to be about, asking for back-up against an invasion was not one of them.

Suddenly, Katerea laughed, making her brother look at her in shock. "What's so funny?! You think this is a joke!?" Klaus asked.

Katerea stopped laughing but gained an evil smirk. "I think that you should deal with this on your own," she said making Klaus look at her in disbelief. "After all, you ARE the Leviathan that was chosen to rule Leviathaia, so handling this shouldn't be a problem."

Klaus' face was filled with rage. "Katerea! Don't you dare-" he was cut off when his sister's hologram vanished as the transmission was cut off. Klaus could only grit his teeth.

Katerea was always jealous that her brother was chosen to rule Leviathaia instead of her, and Klaus took every chance to rub it in her face. But, now it seems karma came for him.

"When I get my hands on that bitch, I'm going to give her to imps as a sex slave!" Klaus grumbled through his grit teeth.

Suddenly, the doors to his chamber were destroyed cutting off his thoughts. Klaus looked at where his doors used to be and saw a man in a spiky, Knight-like armor walk in.

"Klaus Leviathan, I assume?" Haou asked. Although it was a rhetorical question. He already knew the answer.

"Who the hell are you!?" Klaus demanded more than asked. "Are you the one responsible for attacking my city?!"

"Your 'city' is nothing short of an ugly joke, especially if you take in the leader here," Haou replied. Honestly, he expected this to be far harder, but it seems that he greatly overestimated the Old-Satan Faction. Now he felt that he went overkill by bringing Yuri and his brothers.

"You low life scum! Do you have any idea of who I am!?" Klaus asked enraged. This man was looking down on him, and he was a descendant of the original Leviathan.

"Of course I do," Haou simply shrugged his shoulders. "You're just a spoiled child who's trying to live off the name of a dead person," he said further angering the descendant. "Honestly, it's actually sad if you take in how strong the original Leviathan was… and how pathetically weak you are."

That was the last straw. Klaus immediately waved his hand and the area around Haou was filled with magical circles for explosion magic.

Normally, any person would start to get concerned over the number of magical circles. But, Haou simply smirked under his helmet. "How amusing," he said before the entire room was detonated.

The entire room was covered with smoke and Klaus just stood there with a grin on his face. If this was their leader, then Klaus would have no problem dealing with the rest.

When the smoke vanished, Klaus was forced to look in disbelief to see Haou still standing and unharmed as golden aura covered him.

Haou simply looked at Klaus. "My turn," he said waving his hand sending a wave of darkness at the descendant.

The wave struck like a train and the descendant was sent crashing to a wall creating spider-web cracks.

Klaus stood up and spat the blood from his mouth glaring at Haou with nothing but absolute hatred.

Back with Serafall, Sirzechs, and Grayfia, they were now dealing with the little forces that were left of the Old-Satan Faction.

Truthfully, the two generals were quite pleased. The attack is going far better than they expected, with barely any casualties. The same, however, cannot be said for the Old-Satan Faction.

The three Devils were destroying them by the dozens. Anyone who would be missed by them would either be killed by the Anti-Satan soldiers or the Dark World Knights.

Serafall was about to attack another group of Devils, but they were destroyed by red and black flames. The Sitri general glared at the only person she knew can do that. "Sirzechs, what did we say about stealing the kills of others?" she asked in a chilling voice.

The Gremory general immediately raised his hands in surrender. "Wait! I didn't do it!" he said. He knew very well how dangerous an angry Serafall can be.

Before Serafall can question him, a loud roar was heard. Through the red flames walked a dragon covered in Crimson armor. The dragon had a T-Rex-like structure with golden Jaws, two horns on its head, and two blades with orbs on its back. Its eyes were miss-matched with one being green and the other red. (Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon.)

"I suppose this is one Yuri's Brothers," Grayfia said as a fact rather than a question. The two generals nodded in agreement.

The dragon roared and attacked another group of Old-Satan forces. It swung its tail, sending three crashing into a building, before shooting red and black flames from its maw destroying the rest.

They all stared at the dragon in awe as it destroyed the Old-Satan Faction easily. The one who was interested the most was Sirzechs since the Dragon's flames were quite similar to his Power of Destruction. He wondered if they were connected.

Serafall broke out of her shock and looked at the castle. "Well, since things here are under control, I say we see if Haou is done with Klaus Leviathan," she suggested.

The other two Devils nodded and they all started flying towards the castle. On the way, Sirzechs decided to start a conversation. "Do you think he's alright?"

"That is hard to say," Grayfia said. "Klaus might not be Satan Class, but he is no joke either," she said. The Silver-haired devil knew that the descendant was very dangerous with his explosion magic.

"I'm actually more worried for Klaus' sake," Serafall said making the other two Devils look at her in disbelief. "Don't get me wrong, I couldn't care less for what happens to that bastard," she immediately fixed the misunderstanding. "What I mean is, after seeing Haou's power, I can tell you that it's foolish to worry about him."

A question popped up in Sirzechs' head. "Serafall, what sort of powers does Haou uses?" he asked. Grayfia shared the same question, so she listened quietly.

"I… don't know," Serafall replied honestly making the two look at her confused. She might have seen Haou's power, but she didn't understand it. "At first, he fought a man called Lukas Asmodeus and took an attack without receiving as much as a scratch. Then, he used golden flames to defeat him in two moves."

The two Devils just looked at her in shock. Sirzechs then noticed something in what she said. "Golden flames? As in holy fire?" he asked. That would have been troubling. If Haou was using holy flames, then he has connections to heaven, and him being in the underworld completely violates the treaty between the Three Factions.

However, much to his relief, Serafall shook her head. "No, I didn't sense any holy energy from the flames or him. It was something else, but I couldn't find out what it is."

That just made the two other Devils all the more curious. They decided to ask Haou of his power when they get the chance.

When they landed near the castle, they were about to enter when one of the walls at the front was destroyed as someone flew from it.

The person who crashed through the wall was Klaus Leviathan. He fell on the ground in front of them as they got a good look at his state.

To say he looked terrible, would be a major understatement. His head was bleeding along with his mouth, which was missing more than a few teeth. His clothes, which used to look luxurious, were now looking like just rags meant to cover his skin. His body was covered in wounds and his left arm looked broken.

Lukas, with much difficulty, managed to stand up. He was panting and looked like he would fall at any moment. He then took notice of the three other Devils, more specifically, the Silver-haired devil. "Grayfia…? What the hell are you doing here?" he asked. While he didn't know her on a personal level, he still met her on a few meetings. He then noticed she was standing with the two Anti-Satan generals and his eyes were filled with rage. "You bitch! You betray us for these filthy low borns!? Did you also help that monster get here!?"

Before any of them can ask what he meant by 'monster', Haou's voice was heard. "Please," he scoffed. The Devils looked at the entrance of the castle and Klaus paled seeing the Supreme King walkout. "Don't insult me. I don't need the help of an enemy traitor to defeat weaklings like you."

Klaus took a few steps back and the Devils were intrigued by how terrified he looked. "What… in the Satans are you?" the descendant asked.

Haou simply kept silent as he started walking towards Klaus. The descendant started looking for a way out of this situation, but he didn't have any.

Klaus grit what was left of his teeth. He was cornered… at least he planned to not go down alone.

Klaus waved his hand and a giant magical circle covered the entire area. Another magical circle appeared on Klaus' chest as he grinned like a mad man.

Grayfia recognized the circle and her eyes widen. "This is… a self-destruction formula!" she looked at Klaus shocked. "Are you mad! A circle that big wouldn't leave anything from Leviathaia!"

"Then so be it!" Klaus yelled with a deranged look. "I would rather destroy this city then let anyone else take command of it. I am a Leviathan and I can do what I please with Leviathaia, even destroy it!"

Serafall, Sirzechs, and Grayfia panicked. They knew that there was no way that everyone was making it out of the city before the explosion, and it would be devastating.

Haou, however, simply sighed and shook his head. "How disappointing. I was hoping you would take defeat like man, not a spoiled child," The Devils all looked at him confused as he acted so calm in this situation.

Suddenly, a bright light shone down from the sky. It was enough to make them cover their eyes except for Haou, whose eyes were protected by his helmet.

When the light vanished, the Devils opened their eyes and looked in shock as the magic circle had vanished.

Klaus just fell to his knees. He couldn't even ask what happened from the shock and disbelief he was experiencing.

Suddenly, a loud roar was heard as another Dragon descended from the Sky. This Dragon was covered in white and black armor while also looking partially mechanical. It had a serpentine lower body with green, glass-like wings connected to its waist. (Clearwing Synchro Dragon.)

Seeing the glow that was imitating from the Dragon's wings, The Devils realized that it was the cause of the light and the magical circle vanishing.

"Now, I believe this is over for you," Haou said as he sent a wave of golden flames at the kneeling descendant, who was destroyed almost immediately.

Serafall, Sirzechs, and Grayfia just stood there awe-struck. It was then that they noticed that the battle around the city was over and that only Haou's forces and the Anti-Satan faction soldiers were left.

The Sitri general couldn't help but let out a big grin as she looked around and saw that they have finally won Leviathaia. Serafall believed that Haou was the change they needed, and now, she was starting to believe it was true.

(A/N: Thank you for reading this. I hope you enjoy it. I would like to first warn you that this is going to have late updates, so sorry about that. I already said it was a side project.

First, about the Dragons. In Arc-V it is confirmed by Zarc that the Dragons are called the Heavenly Dragons. Personally, I always thought it was kind of stupid to only allow Ddraig and Albion to be the Heavenly Dragons. If they were Light and Dark, maybe. But, Red and White, definitely no. So I decided to expand the title a little.

Second, I'm giving the Dragons the names of their owners. They will have similar personalities but not completely like them because, well, Dragons.

Thank you again for reading this. Please remember to comment, review, and give me your thoughts on my story.)