The city of Leviathaia, formerly belonging to the Old-Satan Faction, now belongs to the Anti-Satan Faction. The morals of the Devils couldn't be higher.

Right now, the Anti-Satan Faction was in the process of gathering the resources that they could find in the city. The soldiers that were waiting in the camp outside the city had joined in with them, seeing no reason to stay out of the city.

In the center of the city, where Klaus Leviathan kept his castle, a large commander tent stood in front of the castle. General Sirzechs Gremory could not stop himself from smiling as he stood in the tent.

He received reports of the MANY things they managed to find. From food to medical equipment, and even a few files about some plans from the Old-Satan Faction.

He looked beside him and found Serafall and Grayfia, with the Sitri general giving him a knowing look. Sirzechs sighed but kept his smile. "Go ahead, say it."

"I told you so," Serafall said with smugness. She was overjoyed to see that her faith in Haou had paid off more than they already planned.

Sirzechs shook his head but kept his smile. He couldn't remove it if he wanted to. From the beginning of the Civil War, this was the biggest victory the Anti-Satan Faction had gained.

Grayfia just stood at the side smiling. She couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction. True, she felt guilty for betraying the Old-Satan Faction and her brothers.

However, she saw how the Anti-Satan Faction was much more kind to each other. When she was with the Old-Satan Faction, they would always threaten each other, bribe, lie, and cheat. They also would always take prisoners to either torture for fun or to use as slaves.

Honestly, fighting for the right cause gave Grayfia a warm feeling in her chest. It was… pleasant.

"Lord Gremory," Sirzechs' lieutenant came into the tent.

"Lieutenant," the Gremory general acknowledged his soldier who stood attention. "Do you have the status of the city?"

The Lieutenant nodded. "Yes, Lord Gremory. The city is completely cleared out. All Old-Satan soldiers are either surrendering or, in case of resistance, put down. You already have a report of what we already found, and the soldiers are making sure to find whatever else is hidden."

Sirzechs nodded with a pleased smile. "Did you also send the request for a meeting to the other two generals?" he asked. Taking over Leviathaia was a huge deal, they needed to call over the other generals.

"Yes, Lord Gremory. In fact, they're already here," the Lieutenant replied. "Both the two other Generals are outside, they are asking- no, DEMANDING for an explanation of the other creatures here."

Sirzechs and Serafall gained serious looks as they nodded. "Very well, we'll go meet them," the Gremory general said.

"Also, please locate Lord Haou for me," Serafall requested wanting to see the Supreme King.

While the Lieutenant worked for Sirzechs, he still had to respect the orders of other Generals. "Yes, Lady Sitri."

As the Lieutenant left, Sirzechs turned to Grayfia and said, "You should come with us."

The Silver-haired devil looked at him surprised. "Are you sure?" she asked, uncertain that she should see the other generals yet.

However, in Sirzechs' opinion, she already proved worthy of trust. "It's alright, I'll vouch for you should something happen."

Grayfia still looked hesitant, but that's when Serafall spoke. "It shouldn't be a problem. As long as you're with us," she said reassuring the Silver-haired devil.

Truthfully, the Sitri general still doesn't fully trust Grayfia. But, when she saw Klaus looking genuinely surprised at her being with them, she started thinking that the Silver-haired devil might be telling the truth.

And so, the three Devils came out of the tent and made their way through the city. Looking around, the two generals were pleased with the low amount of the casualties and wounded.

After reaching one of the outskirts of the city, they saw the other two standing there with their own forces while carefully watching Haou's forces. Those generals were Ajuka Astaroth and Falbium Stolas. Serafall and Sirzechs noticed the looks of the other two generals.

Falbium was mostly curious about those creatures, he and Ajuka thought they were enemies at first, but then the soldiers here told them that Serafall gave an order not to harm them.

Ajuka, however, had his head full of questions. First, Sirzechs left saying an emergency signal from Serafall came. Second, he suddenly got a report that says Leviathaia was under attack, which is something that wasn't planned to happen for a while now. Third, he heard one piece of good news, which is that they won Leviathaia. And lastly, he arrives seeing unknown forces standing in the middle of Leviathaia, made of creatures he never even heard of.

Ajuka looked at Serafall and Sirzechs as they walked towards them. "So, mind explaining to me what's going on?" he asked but made it sound like a demand. He then noticed Grayfia. "Also, What reason is Grayfia Lucifuge herself walking beside you?" he asked.

"Sirzechs, Serafall, What in the name of the Satans is happening here?" Falbium asked looking at them confused. "And who are these people?" he asked motioning to Haou's Dark World Knights.

"Good to see you as well, Ajuka, Falbium," Sirzechs greeted as he, Serafall, and Grayfia stopped in front of them. The newly arrived generals gave him a look that said they weren't in the mood for formalities, which made the Gremory general sigh. "As for what's going on here, as you can see, we managed to take over Leviathaia."

"We have eyes, Sirzechs. We can use them," Ajuka said with an annoyed tone. He knew that Sirzechs was avoiding the main topic, which was the weird creatures. "And don't bother trying to waste time explaining Grayfia's case either. Who or what are these?"

Sirzechs sighed. He knew that he couldn't trick Ajuka. His friend was just that smart. Truthfully, he didn't know exactly what to say to his friend.

Thankfully, Serafall was the one to answer. "These are our allies," she said making Ajuka and Falbium look at her, obviously expecting an explanation. "These forces belong to a man named Supreme King Haou. He assisted us, or to be specific, WE assisted him in taking over Leviathaia."

"Supreme King Haou?" Falbium asked as neither he or Ajuka recognized the name. "Can't say I heard of him."

"By the looks on your faces, it's safe to say that you didn't either," Ajuka deducted as he noticed their expression.

They nodded which was slightly troubling to the Astaroth general. That means Sirzechs and Serafall took help from an unknown faction that could be dangerous.

Sirzechs' lieutenant returned. "Lady Sitri, I have found Lord Haou," he said drawing the attention of the Four generals and Grayfia. "He is at the southern side of the city with his Dragons."

Ajuka and Falbium look shocked. "Dragons?" they asked in unison.

"It's better if you come and see," Serafall said thinking that seeing is believing.

The newly arrived generals nodded and they all started heading towards where Sirzechs' lieutenant said Haou is. Falbium and Ajuka were now really interested in meeting this person.

As the group of five Devils walked towards the location. Haou was currently talking to the three Dragons. "I hope you three had fun."

Yuri gained another savage grin and started cackling. Haou understood that he enjoyed hunting the Old-Satan Devils and was asking for the next battle.

Haou shook his head. "Of course you would love that," he was used to the Starve Venom Dragon's behavior.

The White and black dragon started growling in annoyance. He was obviously annoyed that he didn't get to join the actual battle.

"You had your own job, Yugo," Haou said. Yugo's job was to stay up in the air and wait for when something goes wrong. Like when Klaus tried to destroy the city. "And it was important, so don't complain."

The red dragon growled. It was happy that it got to fight, but it was sad that so much blood was shed. Even if it was the Old-Satan Faction.

"I know, Yuya," Haou sighed. Between them, Yuya was the most kind-hearted, even to the enemy. "I'm sorry that you have to fight so much, but it's a must, so please understand."

Yuya nodded his head. Yugo then growled slightly, asking what they'll do now that they finished their business in Leviathaia.

"First, we'll wait for Yubel," Haou replied planning to wait for the rest of his forces. "Then, we'll see where our next attack will be."

Yuri then growled. He was asking what are Haou's plans for the Anti-Satan Faction. Truthfully, Haou did not know what to do about them. They did somewhat help the invasion, but they weren't his business, so his best idea was just to leave and go on about his own business. Yuya then growled telling Haou that they have company.

The Supreme King turned around and saw the four Anti-Satan generals and Grayfia walking towards him.

Ajuka and Falbium got to see the Supreme King and his Dragons for the first time. While normally they'd be looking at the Dragons, they were more focusing on Haou and the powerful aura around him.

Sirzechs walked forward. "Haou, I'd like to introduce you to the other two generals of the Anti-Satan faction," he motioned to the newly arrived generals. "These are Ajuka Astaroth, and Falbium Stolas," he then looked at the aforementioned two. "This is Supreme King Haou," Ajuka and Falbium locked eyes with Haou's golden ones.

Falbium knew a great Warrior when he saw one. He might not have been 'By the Book' as the other generals, but he was one for a reason. One glance at those golden eyes and Falbium knew that whoever makes an enemy out of Haou is pretty much screwed.

Ajuka was more intrigued by the way that Haou was presenting himself. The Astaroth general always prided himself with the ability to read people. However, he couldn't get a read off the Supreme King. He was someone who knew how to keep his secrets to himself.

"Well, it's nice to meet the person that helped us take Leviathaia," Falbium said breaking the silence. "I thank you for assisting us in this."

"Like I already said to general Serafall Sitri, I was only here to deal with my own enemies, not help your people. That was just a fortunate side effect," Haou repeated, which earned a frown from the Sitri general.

"Even so, this is a really big victory for the Anti-Satan Faction, and we greatly appreciate it," Falbium continued showing gratitude to the Supreme King.

Ajuka, who was looking at the Dragons this entire time, decided to finally bring out his question. "If I may ask, what Dragons are these?" he asked. The Astaroth general researched Dragons before but never came upon Dragons like those.

Haou found no problem at telling them about the Dragons, so he motioned to them. "Well, first is Yuri, the Starve Venom Dragon," he then motioned to the red dragon. "Then, there's Yuya, the Odd-Eyes Dragon," he then motioned to the white and black dragon. "And Yugo, the Clearwing Dragon. There is one more, Yuto, the Dark Rebellion Dragon, but he is with the other half of my forces acting as back up," he explained.

"You said that they were Heavenly Dragons," Grayfia said causing Ajuka and Falbium to look at her surprised. "Is that true? I mean, we all learned that only Ddraig and Albion are the only ones."

At the mention of those two names, the three Dragons immediately started growling and glaring at the Devils making the take a step back.

"Enough," Haou said making the Dragons calm down. He looked at the Devils saying, "Please refrain from mentioning the Red and White ones. They're not liked between other Heavenly Dragons. In fact, they're downright hated."

They all nodded deciding not to bring up the subject again. It didn't surprise them that there was hatred between the Heavenly Dragons. After all, Ddraig and Albion had an eternal rivalry for who knows what reason.

"May I ask a question?" Falbium requested. "What reason do you have for fighting the Old-Satan Faction?" he asked, wanting to know if he could trust the Supreme King.

The other generals started listening closely. While Sirzechs and Serafall trusted Haou, they also had to wonder why he would attack the other side of the Civil War.

The Supreme King narrowed his eyes to glare. "Simply put, they attacked my home and people. Would you not be angry if someone did that to you?" he asked. One thing Haou does not tolerate is those who threaten his people.

Falbium nodded satisfied with the answer. Grayfia realized something. "Wait, did you not say that your home is far and unpopular? How did they find it then?" she asked suspiciously.

"Euclid Lucifuge," Haou replied. At that name, the generals tensed while Grayfia paled. "He found my domain while experimenting on new types of teleportation circles at random destinations. It was purely coincidental how he found it. Since my people are considered special, the Old-Satan Faction thought they can send soldiers to enslave them. It's safe to say that those soldiers returned in body bags, TINY body bags," Haou explained with obvious hatred.

The generals can tell that Haou was being honest. It wasn't hard to believe his story. After all, Euclid Lucifuge was one of their most wanted. A Devil with enough intelligence to match Ajuka Astaroth.

Meanwhile, if Grayfia didn't look pale before, she definitely did now. Out of all the enemies her brother could have made, it had to be Haou. She was hoping that she can convince her brother to surrender, but with the Supreme King after his head, she honestly didn't know if she can do that now.

Suddenly, a black portal appeared beside them. From the portal walked out two new figures.

The first figure was another Dragon. This one was dark purple and was covered in black and dark silver armor. It had metallic wings with orbs in their joints. (Dark Rebellion Xyz Dragon.)

The Devils realized that it was Yuto, the Dark Rebellion Dragon. But, The other figure is what truly drew their attention. It looked like a combination of a woman and a demonic monster. Their right side looked feminine, while her left side looked manly. They had miss-matching eyes with a third one on her forehead. The right side of their hair was white while the left side was purple. They also had a pair of demonic wings. (Yubel)

"Yubel," Haou walked forward for greetings while Yuto moved towards his brothers. "Is everything going as planned?"

"It is," Yubel nodded before taking notice of the Devils. "Seeing as they are still breathing, I assume that they are the Anti-Satan Faction?" she asked.

Haou nodded. "Yes, I encountered one of their generals before the attack, and the rest joined afterward," he summarized. "Speaking of other matters, what of our forces?"

"They all accounted for," Yubel replied. "We also just did a count for the soldiers that came with you. There were barely any casualties, and just a few wounded," She said recalling what she did before coming here.

While those two were having their conversations. The Devils were trying to analyze Yubel and her form.

Sirzechs, Serafall, Falbium, and Grayfia turned to Ajuka, who noticed their looks and immediately said, "No, I don't know whether it's a man or a woman. Let's just consider it a 'she' judging by the voice," answering their unasked question, making the look away.

Haou finished talking to Yubel and turned back to the generals. "Now, is there anything else you need?" he asked wanting to leave.

Ajuka decided to finally ask what has been bothering him since he got to Leviathaia. "What are you people?"

Haou sighed. He was getting annoyed at the repeated question. It's not that there was something wrong with telling them, it's just that there's a reason his people are hiding, and he wanted it to stay that way.

Just as he was about to say something to avoid answering, someone else answered. "Duel Monsters."

They all looked at who spoke and the Anti-Satan generals immediately stood attention and gave a bow of respect. Even Grayfia bowed, but it was more to not seem rude than honorific.

The man who spoke was a middle-aged man with black hair and a beard. He had deep purple eyes and was wearing black robes covered in golden armor.

Haou and Yubel recognized the man almost immediately from the reports. He was Zekram Bael. The great king Bael, the creator of the Power of Destruction, and the whole reason why the Anti-Satan Faction exists.

"They're called Duel Monsters," Zekram repeated as he walked in front of Haou. He took a glance at the generals before his eyes fell on Grayfia.

The Silver-haired devil tensed while Sirzechs clenched his fist. The Gremory general knew that if Zekram ordered for Grayfia to be killed, then the best he could do is try to convince him to spare her.

However, much to their surprise and relief, Zekram turned back to Haou. "Am I mistaken?" he asked.

The Supreme King shook his head. "No, you are correct," he replied. Truthfully, Haou wasn't surprised that Zekram knew about them considering his age.

"Forgive me, Lord Bael, but I've never heard of 'Duel Monsters'," Serafall said hoping to finally get an explanation on who Haou and his people are.

"Of course you didn't," Zekram said in a tone that made it obvious he was expecting that. "These creatures stopped being around since the days of Demons, I would have been surprised if any of you knew about them," he explained.

The other Devils look in shock at what they just heard. They knew that Demons are the ancestors of Devils, and only a handful of Devils have been around when Demons existed and are still alive, including Zekram.

The great king Bael decided to explain further. "Duel Monsters are unique creatures that come in all shapes and sizes. They could look like Demons, Devils, Angels, Fallen Angels, Gods, Yokai, Animals, Familiars, and even living inanimate objects."

The shock just kept coming for the Devils. "Lord Bael, if that's true, then how can you tell the difference between Duel Monsters and normal Supernatural creatures?" Falbium realizing those two would always get confused.

"Through unique energy called Ka," Haou said drawing their attention. "Unlike most supernatural creatures, Duel Monsters aren't powered by Holy or Unholy energy. They are powered by something else, called Ka energy," he then motioned to Yubel. "Here, try to sense the energy from Yubel."

The Devils turned their attention to Yubel and started trying to sense her energy. They could feel something, but they couldn't recognize it. It was… odd, like feeling the air in a desert.

"What you're feeling now is Ka energy," Zekram said knowing what they were sensing.

"If what you say is true, Lord Bael, then why have we not heard of Duel Monsters before?" Sirzechs asked. Even if the only difference is being the energy of Ka, they should have known of their existence.

"That's because a long time ago, those creatures suddenly vanished," Zekram said before turning his sight to the Dragons. "Honestly, when Duel Monsters vanished, four of the Heavenly Dragons also vanished. I suppose they went to wherever Duel Monsters went," he said as a fact rather than a question.

Zekram, along with the other Devils, turned their gaze towards Haou. They were obviously asking for an explanation. Yubel looked at him questioning of they should tell, but he nodded.

The Supreme King didn't find a problem with telling them, after all, Zekram knew about them but told no one. "A long time ago, when Duel Monsters still walked the world, it was still utter chaos. The Duel Monsters, thanks to their special abilities, were being hunted to either fight for a Faction or be their slaves," he started and no one interrupted him. "Seeing the suffering of those creatures, Three ancient and powerful Gods decide to help them. Those Gods were Ra, Osiris, And Obelisk. They created an entire world meant only for Duel Monsters. And so, the Duel Monsters moved to their new home, where only their kind live."

The Devils now understood why they never saw such creatures. It is because they went to hiding, and no one can blame them. During the Great War, all Factions sought powerful creatures to be on their side. Even to the point of forcing or enslaving them.

"That still does not explain YOUR story," Ajuka said realizing that Haou said no information about himself.

"And why should I?" the Supreme King asked. "Just because I told you about the world of Duel Monsters does not mean that I trust you enough to tell you my origin."

While the Astaroth general was annoyed, he did see the sense behind his words, so he stayed silent.

The Supreme King turned to his Dragons and said, "We'll be leaving soon, get ready," he then started walking away.

"Wait!" Serafall called out making Haou stop. "Why don't you work with us?" she asked making the other generals look at her confused and surprised, but Zekram had a somewhat hopeful look. "We all have the same enemy, the Old-Satan Faction, so why don't we create an alliance to fight them."

It was an 'Enemy of my enemy' strategy. Honestly, Haou has no need to help the Anti-Satan or to get help from them. Technically, he was already helping them by killing the Old-Satan Faction.

Just as he was about to decline, Yubel spoke, "Haou, can we have a word?" she asked. He understood the look she had as something important, so he nodded and walked away with her. Far enough out of earshot, but still visible.

The generals noticed that Yubel didn't use 'Lord' when she called for Haou. That meant she was either really high ranked, or she was a close friend. Probably the latter from the way they talked.

Meanwhile, Haou turned to Yubel. "I think that you should take the offer," she said.

The Supreme King was actually caught off guard, which is something that hadn't happened in a long time. "What?"

Yubel sighed crossing her arms and gave him a warm look. "Haou… ever since you won the fight against the Light of Ruin, you have been fighting one war after another all on your own. But, you don't have to do that anymore. This is your chance to fight a war with others on your side. So, please, think about accepting."

The Supreme King sighed. Yubel was looking out for him. She always did. She always has… even before becoming what they are now.

Haou adopted a warm smile. "To be honest, I never was alone thanks to you being by my side."

Yubel returned the smile. This was a side of Haou that he would only show to her. It's something that proves he is still the kind-hearted prince she knew all those years ago.

Haou's stoic look returned as he turned back to the Devils and walked towards them. He stood in front of Serafall, who was giving him a hopeful look.

The Supreme King was at conflict. On one hand, he can just turn away and forget about this. On the other, he was thinking about it as Yubel had said.

After a few minutes of self debating, Haou offered a handshake. "Very well. I Suppose we can work out on an alliance between us."

The Sitri general couldn't help herself from smiling as she accepted the handshake. Zekram Bael was giving Serafall a proud look. He noticed that she was good at diplomatic matters between Devils and other races, something he has to remember.

The Dragons looked at each other surprised, but they trusted Haou. He earned their trust on many occasions, along with their loyalty.

While shaking Haou's hand, Serafall couldn't help but wonder what the future holds for them and the Supreme King. She didn't know, but she was sure it would be good.

(A/N: Thank you for reading this. I know I said I'd post late, but I had a lot of free time and decided to write this chapter and be over with it.

I was asked about the cards that would appear. I honestly am trying to find a way to bring every Ace monster with their own role. So don't worry, I'll make sure they show up.

As for the Harem. Haou will have one but not a big one. You have to admit, it's stupid how all the girls fall in love with the Protagonist just because he's the main character without a reason. That's why we all hate Issei because girls just end up loving him without a reason. (Rias, Asia, and Irina are excused but the other girls honestly had no reason to love him. Even Akeno. He wasn't even helping her with her Father's deal, he was just staring at her chest.)

Also, I just saw a question online saying, "Supreme King Zarc VS. Supreme King Haou: who would win?"

I know Zarc is a VERY broken card and powerful. But he LITERALLY can't beat Haou.

First, Haou is the original Supreme King, a reincarnated spirit that is thousands of years old.

Zarc is just someone who had one wish from a powerful card(Astrograph Magician), so he used it to turn himself to a giant monster.

But the reason why Zarc can't beat Haou is that Haou has the power of Gentle Darkness(the ability to control Duel Monster Spirits) and Zarc is just an overgrown Duel Monster Spirit, so if they do face each other, Zarc would end up as Haou's slave in seconds.

Again, thank you for reading this. Please comment, review, and give me your thoughts on my story.)

P.S. The next chapter might just skip to Canon since I just wanted to just show how Haou and the Devils know each other.