(A/N: This takes place after Riser and Issei's fight, but before the church girls show up. Mainly because I don't want the underworld to know about Haou yet.)

It was another normal day in the town of Kouh. For the normal humans, that is. What those humans didn't know was that the area they live in was hosted with Devils and considered Devil territory.

In the town, a new house was just bought by a special group of people. It was a two-story house with a lot of space. The outside was a pale white color. Inside the house was a spacious living room with an L-shaped couch in front of a coffee table and a plasma TV. An open kitchen was beside the living room. The stairs lead to the upper floor which had five bedrooms and two guest rooms.

"And finished!" a boy yelled as he put down the last box inside the house.

The boy was a young man with two-colored hair. The bottom was red and the top was green. He had red eyes and was wearing an orange shirt with green pants. (Yuya)

"Hey, Yuto! I finished moving the boxes," the boy yelled.

"Just a second," he heard from upstairs before another boy came down.

He had the same face as the first boy. In fact, they could be passed off as twins. The difference is that this boy had black and dark purple spiky hair. His eyes were grey and he was wearing a dark shirt with a short tie and black pants. (Yuto)

"I was just checking the rooms to make sure everything is in order," the boy called Yuto said. "Thanks for getting that done, Yuya."

"No problem," Yuya waved it off. He really didn't mind helping around, especially his brothers. "So, where are the others?"

"Well, Yugo is out buying groceries, and Yuri is in the back with his garden," Yuto replied crossing his arms. "As for Lord Haou, he's still sleeping."

Yuya tilted his head. "Didn't he tell us to wake him up early?" he asked recalling last night.

Yuto nodded. "That's right, but I think he should get some rest. You saw how tired he was last night," he said and Yuya had to agree. Haou had fallen asleep literally the minute he hit the pillow.

They heard the sound of an engine and looked outside the door to see a high tech white motorcycle park outside their house.

Someone got off the motorcycle and took off his helmet to reveal the same face as the first two boys, but his hair was dark blue with the front strands being yellow. He was wearing a white bodysuit meant for bikes. (Yugo)

"I'm back!" the boy yelled as he took the bags from the grocery store off his bike. "And I got breakfasts ingredients!" he said with more enthusiasm.

"Somehow, I know he accepted this job just to get breakfast quicker," Yuto shook his head while Yuya simply chuckled.

"Oh, Fusion finally got us something to eat," Someone said from behind them.

They looked over their shoulders and saw another boy with the same face. However, this one had light purple hair at the top and pink hair at the bottom. He was wearing an elegant purple suit with flower trimming. (Yuri)

The boy with blue hair gained a tick mark and glared at him. "It's not Fusion! It's Yugo!" he yelled. His brother would always tease him about his name.

"Sure, sure," the pink-haired boy just waved it off. "Now, let's cook something. I'm sure Lord Haou will be hungry when he wakes up."

"So, who's turn is it to cook?" Yuya asked as he and his brothers went to the open kitchen in the living room.

"Yuri cooked last night, so I guess it's my turn," Yuto said referring to the pink-haired boy.

The purple-haired teen started cooking in the kitchen after taking the groceries from Yugo while his three brothers went to the living room and sat down on the couch waiting for breakfast.

"Does anyone know why we're in Shinto territory again?" Yugo asked putting his feet on the table.

While Yuri would have commented on his brother's lack of manners, he was also curious. "For Shinto territory, it strangely reeks of Devils and a little of Fallen Angels," he pointed out.

"Calm down," Yuya said as he turned on the TV. "I agree that this is strange, but Lord Haou wouldn't have got us here for no reason," he said which earned a nod of agreement from his two brothers.

They sat in silence for a few moments, just flipping through TV channels as their brother prepared breakfast.

Just as Yuto was finishing breakfast, they heard someone walking downstairs. Knowing who it is, they all looked at him.

It was a young man, barely older than them. He had brown colored hair with the top being a lighter shade than the bottom. He was wearing a black turtleneck with black pants and red shoes. The most notable thing, however, was his golden, white pupiled eyes. (Season 4 Jaden Yuki.)

"Good morning, Lord Haou," the four brothers all said at once.

Haou simply nodded before raising an eyebrow. "What time is it?" he asked noticing the sun was higher than he liked.

"We still have an hour before… Urghh… school," Yugo said, almost gagging at the name. He obviously didn't like the idea of going there.

Haou looked at them with narrowed eyes. "Didn't I tell you to wake me up early?"

"With all due respect, Lord Haou, but even you need rest," Yuri said as he moved to make a place for the Supreme King.

Haou sat in the middle of the couch. "You sound just like Yubel," he sighed shaking his head. His dear friend would always tell him to rest.

"Breakfast is served," Yuto said as he came in holding a tray full of plates.

After everyone had their plates, they started eating while making small talk. "So, Lord Haou, Why are we in Shinto territory?" Yugo asked repeating his previous question.

"This isn't Shinto territory," Haou replied making the four brothers look at him confused. From what they knew, all Japan is Shinto territory. "Kouh right now is considered Devil territory. It was rented, to be more precise."

"Rented?" Yuri asked raising an eyebrow. He never heard of a territory being rented before. "Care to explain?"

"Two heiresses wanted to experience a normal school life, so the Devils rented this area to try that," Haou explained as he took a bite of toast.

"Bunch of spoiled brats," Yugo grumbled. Between the four brothers, he hated the Devils' noble system the most. "That doesn't explain the Fallen Angel scent."

"There were some rogue Fallen Angels in the area a while ago, but they were taken care of," Haou explained taking a sip of tea. He already had a report of the events that happened here.

"So why are we here?" Yuto asked. He didn't see a reason for them to get into Devil business. Not after the Civil War was over.

"Do you remember that meeting I had with Amaterasu a few days ago?" the Supreme King asked receiving nods from the brothers. "Apparently, she doesn't completely trust the Devils, mainly due to the Neko purge, so as a favor, I agreed to come here and check on the place for her."

They all nodded, understanding the reasoning. All of them knew of the Neko purge when the Nekoshuo were hunted to extinction by the Devils.

"Seriously, what was Sirzechs thinking?" Yuto asked shaking his head. "Hunting an entire kind because one of them lost her mind."

"That's too far, even by my standards," Yuri said gaining deadpan looks from around the table. "What?" he asked.

"Nothing," Yuto, Yuya, and Yugo all said turning away. They doubted their brother's words but decided not to voice it.

"That wasn't Sirzechs' doing," Haou quickly denied, defending his friend. "I personally knew him, and I know he would never allow something like that to happen. My guess is that the purge was done by the family of the Black Cat's old Master as a way of revenge, and the current Satans didn't know until it was too late."

"That makes sense," Yuya nodded agreeing with Haou. He got to know Sirzechs during the Civil War, and he knew that Haou was right about him not agreeing.

"So, because Lady Amaterasu doesn't trust Devils, we're here to make sure everything is in order," Yuto summarized getting a nod from the Supreme King. The Purple-haired teen sighed. He felt like they were babysitting. "Why did she allow them to take this place in the first place?"

"That decision was made by Yasaka, queen of the Yokai," Haou informed them. "Amaterasu didn't exactly approve, but the contract was already made. So, we're here to make sure the Devils stay in line."

Yuri adopted a devious smile. "Are you sure that's ALL that we're here to do, Lord Haou?" he asked.

"What's that supposed to mean, Yuri?" Haou asked noticing the tone in the pink-haired teen's voice.

Yuri kept smiling deviously. "I just think that you agreed to do this in order to meet a certain Sitri turned Leviathan."

His brothers all smirked at Haou as his eyebrow twitched. During the Civil War, it's safe to say that the Supreme King and the Sitri general had gotten close.

"Yuri…" Haou mumbled in a threatening tone.

Yuto decided to get into the fun. "If I remember correctly, you two spent the entire night together in your quarters after the celebration when we finally won the capital of Lilith," he teased as he and his brothers smirked at the Supreme King.

"If you two don't shut up, I'll tie you to a chair and force you both to watch Twilight on repeat for the entire day," Haou threatened making the two tense and immediately seize their teasing.

Of course, the movie wasn't THAT bad. But, to people who met actual Vampires, and dealt with them, it was like a grown-up scientist being forced to watch a show written by a 5-year old.

Haou sighed with a hand on his forehead at the brothers' attitude. "I could have just brought Zarc, but no, I had to bring you four instead."

"Well, you needed someone to watch the kingdom with Yubel," Yuya said reminding Haou of his decision. "Also, you didn't leave us because, in your words, we're untrustworthy," he mumbled. Truthfully, all the four brothers felt slightly hurt for Haou's lack of faith.

"Can you blame me?" The Supreme King asked looking at the red and green-haired teen. "You would probably start a city-wide circus, making people skip their jobs. Yuto would go to the military and triple their training. Yugo would stop all the roads for a national racing game. And Yuri would probably start a real live version of The Hunger Games."

All brothers simply looked away knowing Haou was telling the truth. They started understanding why he didn't leave them instead of Zarc.

Haou finished his breakfast and stood up. "We should go now before we're late. It's our first day after all," he suggested as the four brothers nodded and finished their own breakfast.

They all went to their rooms to prepare and wear the school uniform. It consisted of a black suit with thin white lines, matching pants, a white undershirt, and a tie.

Yuya didn't wear the white undershirt and kept his orange shirt. The jacket was dropped on his shoulders, looking somewhat like a cape. Yuto was the same but a black shirt instead of orange and he kept his short tie.

Yugo wore it completely, but he left the jacket open showing the white shirt under it. He didn't wear the tie and left the top button open.

Yuri, however, wore the suit completely prepared. He also added a short purple cape on his shoulders.

Haou wore his black turtleneck under the unbuttoned jacket. The bottom of the jacket was bent up as if being held by something.

"What?" Haou asked realizing that the four brothers were staring at him.

"Nothing," they all looked away from Haou's jacket, that seemed to defy gravity.

The Supreme King just shrugged it off. They all walked downstairs and reached for the door. Haou then stopped as he looked at his reflection on the small glass window on the door.

He closed his eyes and opened them again. The golden demonic eyes were gone and were replaced by normal brown eyes.

Haou had stopped to stare at his reflection. This was a look he hasn't taken in a REALLY long time. Only Yubel and a selected few have seen this form.

He shook those thoughts away as he exited the house with the four brothers. "So, where are we going?" Yuya asked.

"Kouh academy," Haou replied as they started walking away from the house.

"How original," Yuto muttered sarcastically after hearing that the academy was named after the town.

"You guys go on ahead," Yugo said as he walked towards his bike. "I'll be taking this baby for a spin before going to prison- I mean, school."

His three brothers and Haou deadpan at him as he got his bike while grinning. "I hope this isn't some idiotic attempt to skip school," Haou said.

"No way," Yugo quickly denied, putting on his helmet. "I might HATE school, but if I said I'll do something, then I do it!" he turned on the bike's engine. "See ya!" he yelled as his tires screeched on the ground before his bike shoot forward.

The three brothers sighed. Yugo's love for bikes and speed has been well known and he took every chance to ride his bike. Haou, however, was more worried that Yugo will come to school with dozens of police cars chasing him… like the last time, they let him drive freely.

He shook his head and looked at the three brothers. "Let's just hope he doesn't break ALL the rules of the road this time," the Supreme King said and the brothers nodded.

After some walking around, Haou and the three brothers managed to find the academy, which looked like it was meant only for the rich folk.

Yuya whistled seeing the academy's interior. "This place isn't bad," he said amazed.

"I've seen better," Yuri said shrugging his shoulders.

"Where?" Yuto asked doubting his brother's words.

Before he received an answer, they all heard an engine that made them, and the students around them who were entering, look at the source.

They saw Yugo on his bike, coming at top speed. He turned his bike to the side and screeched to a halt right in front of the gates, making students around jump in surprise.

"Yeah! Now that's what I'm talking about!" Yugo yelled taking off his helmet. He noticed all the students around looking at him strangely making him tilt his head. "What?"

"Hey, you!" Someone yelled. Yugo looked to see a male student with blonde, slightly messy hair walking towards him. "What do you think you're doing?!"

"Oh boy. Here we go," Yuto sighed seeing that his brother got into trouble on the first minute.

"Yuri, go and save that idiot," Haou said with a hand pinching the bridge of his nose.

"Which one?"

"Both," Haou immediately answered and the pink-haired teen nodded as he walked towards them.

"What's the big deal?" Yugo asked agitated.

"Don't give me that," the blond boy yelled. "You can't bring a bike to school! Are you even old enough to drive?" he asked.

"Excuse me," Yuri said making the blonde boy look at him and jump in shock at seeing the same face. "Is there a problem with my brother?" he asked.

Hearing the word 'brother' made the blonde boy think they're twins. "Yeah, he brought a Bike into school ground, which is against the rules!"

Yuri remained unfazed. "It seems you need to check your facts," he said before pointing at the ground. "My brother isn't ON school grounds," he said making the blonde boy look at the ground and see that, while Yugo's bike was close, it hasn't actually entered the school. "That means that he parked his bike outside of school, which isn't against the rules. Now, please stop causing my brother, and the people around a ruckus."

The blonde boy looked around and realized that his yelling has drawn a lot of attention. He didn't want the president to come and see him causing problems so he just walked away.

Yugo got off his bike and stared at the blonde boy. "Yuri… that's-"

"I know," his brother nodded noticing the same thing as Yugo. "He was a Devil, and from that scent… Vritra," he said noticing the dragon smell on the boy.

"That energy-sucking weirdo?" Yuto said as he walked towards his brothers.

"Pot calling the kettle black," Yuri smirked pointing out how Yuto's power resembled Vritra's.

The purple-haired teen glared at his brother. "At least I don't do it with my tongue," he grumbled.

"Wasn't his Soul split apart?" Yuya asked remembering what happened to the black prison dragon.

"Most likely, he has a part of his soul as a Scared Gear," Haou said before looking at the four brothers. "Now, let's get going. I don't want any more attention than you already caused," he said glaring at Yugo who flinched.

The four brothers nodded. And, after Yugo made sure to park his bike right, they all started walking towards the inside of the academy.

Being new students, along with four boys who share the same face, they obviously drew looks from around but paid them no mind.

They kept walking until they reached a door that leads to the student council room in order to get their schedules.

After opening the door, Haou noted that all the students there were Devils, including the blonde boy they saw before. However, one stood out the most.

The one that stood out was a young woman with a somewhat petite figure. She had a bob-cut black hair, purple eyes, glasses, and a female version of the school uniform.

What made her stand out was that she was a pure-blood Devil and the fact she looked familiar.

'If she isn't a Sitri, then Kaiba isn't egotistical,' Haou thought seeing the girl as basically a younger version of Serafall.

"Oh, you must be the new students," the girl noted as she raised an eyebrow looking at the four brothers, confused at their similar faces.

"We're brothers, before you ask," Yuya quickly said. He was already used to the question about why they look so much alike, it wasn't the first time, and it won't be the last.

The young Sitri nodded, from his quick answer, she realized that they must be asked about their similarities a lot.

taking out a few papers, the young Sitri said, "I'm Sona Shitori, the student council president. Now, please tell me your name so I can give you the schedule of the class you're in."

Haou noted that she changed her last name. He admitted it was smart to avoid those who study the supernatural, but a little paranoid since the name of Sitri isn't THAT famous in the human world. However, the name change is useless to someone who already met her sister.

Yuya was the first to answer. "My name is Yuya Sakaki."

"I am Yuto Sakaki," Yuto said.

"The Name's Yugo Sakaki," Yugo said.

One of the girls in the room, one with red hair, asked. "Fusion? A fusion of what?"

A tick mark appeared on the blue-haired teen's head. "Who the hell is Fusion!? It's Yugo! Yugo!" he yelled making the girl jump.

"Sorry about that," Yuya apologized with an awkward smile. "People get his name confused a lot."

Yuri, after chuckling at his brother's name problem, introduced himself. "Yuri Sakaki, at your service."

With the four brothers introduced, the student council turned their gaze to Haou who was quiet the whole time.

A name. Truthfully, Haou didn't know what to say. For a really long time, he was only known as Haou, the Supreme King. But, that wasn't his real name. That was the name the Duel Monsters gave him when he became their ruler.

Then a name popped up in his head. A name he thought was long forgotten. A name that only Yubel has ever known of.

"Judai," Haou mumbled. A big grin suddenly appeared on his face as he pointed at himself with his thumb, taking the four brothers by surprise. "My name is Judai Yuki! It's nice to meetcha!" he said with an enthusiastic chuckle.

(A/N: Thank you for reading this.

Now, some of you have asked about the monsters that would show up, especially Exodia. It would be stupid of me to NOT include Exodia. Mainly because he is the Duel Monsters version of Trihexa.(Only more badass)

There will be Antagonist monsters, but I'm not saying who they are.

And some have asked what I meant when I mentioned Akeno. It didn't show in the anime, but when Issei 'helped' her let out her emotions, he was actually using a magical ability that allows him to talk to boobs (I'm serious, he actually made such a f*cked up ability.), so when I said he was just looking at her boobs, I literally meant it.

Also, some of you pointed out that the reason girls fall for Issei isn't only plot armor, but also because of the dragon aura. Which, in my opinion, is actually WORSE than plot armor. It's like Issei is drugging the girls into loving him. What do you think will happen when that aura suddenly goes off and the girls realize that their feelings weren't real? (nothing good, that's for sure.)

There won't be bashing, mainly because it sometimes ruins a good story. There will be correcting, however. Like Haou guiding Issei to be better.

And as for who else knows about Haou, that would spoil some events so I'm going to keep it a secret.

About Yugo's name. I know there aren't summoning methods, but Yugo itself means Fusion, so it's normal for people to get confused… plus, you have to admit it's funny.

Also, I didn't explain what Ka is in the last chapter, so sorry. Ka is basically the ancient Egyptian version of Chakra. It is mentioned a few times in the Yu Gi Oh Manga being the power that connects the Duelist with their monster.

Again, thank you for reading this. Please comment, review, and give me your thoughts on my story.)