The student council room was slightly quiet. They all stared at Judai after his enthusiastic introduction.

The most shocked were the four brothers. In all their time of working with him, they had never seen Haou acting like this. All bubbly and happy.

After looking through a few papers, Sona took out five schedules and gave them to the boys. "Here, these are your classes and their schedules. The teachers were already informed of your arrival, so just ask them to come in."

"Sweet. Thanks a lot, prez," Judai smiled using a short version of 'president' as he took the paper. The four brothers, while slightly disturbed at Haou's change of character, took their own schedules. "I just hope to not get lost in this big school. This place is super huge," he said chuckling.

While Sona felt a little annoyed at the nickname, it wasn't the most embarrassing one, especially compared to the ones from her sister. "I'm the student council president. Helping new students is my job," she said tipping her glasses.

"Well, you sure are great at it," Judai complimented gaining a proud smirk from the young Sitri. Judai, or to be specific, Haou knew that the best way to get on a Sitri's good side was an honest compliment about their job. "Well, we better get going," Judai, along with the four brothers, turned towards the door to leave.

"Can you wait for a moment?" Sona asked gaining their attention. They all looked at her as she motioned to chessboard. "This might seem like an odd question, but tell me, what do you think of chess?"

All five new boys blinked at her question. They weren't surprised that a Devil plays chess, especially considering how important the game was in the underworld. But, they were surprised that she asked it out of nowhere.

Meanwhile, Sona was keeping a critical, almost unnoticeable gaze at the five boys. The fact that all five of them just suddenly transferred here, along with the fact that they had four brothers with the same face, put them as 'suspicious' in her book. So, she decided to ask them about chess. Mainly because most supernatural creatures have a certain reaction to it.

The first to answer was Yuya. "Well, it's not exactly my style. I prefer stuff that is flashy and catch everyone's attention," He said with a smile. He always loved the flashy magic shows that the circus had. Especially Sky Magician, the biggest entertainer in the world of Duel Monsters.

"Not a bad game," Yuto said crossing his arms. "However, I never got the time to play it much," he added. It's not like he had time, fighting a Civil War, and helping Haou.

"Confusing," Yugo said earning a sweat drop from the student council. "I honestly can't tell my head from tail in it… which piece is the king again?" he asked earning more sweat drops.

"I suppose its strategies are interesting," Yuri said shrugging his shoulders. "But, I personally prefer the more… physical kind of activity," he said with a faux smile. The student council thought he meant sports, but his brothers knew he meant things that make your opponents cry for mercy.

Judai shrugged his shoulders. "Well, I don't hate it. But, I personally like card games," he said grinning from ear to ear. "There's lots of action in those, you gotta try it."

If Sona had suspicions about them being supernatural, they were practically gone now. Not only did she not sense any energy from them, but she also noted that their answers were genuine and unlike most supernatural creatures.

If asked about chess, Angels would get uncomfortable because it's relation to the Devils and try to avoid the subject. Fallen Angels would either say the game is boring or they're not good at it to avoid suspicions. And Devils would gloat about their abilities in it, even the most humble of them.

"I see, sorry for the sudden question," the young Sitri apologized. Mainly because she basically accused them of being related to the supernatural world.

"Don't worry about it, Prez," Judai waved it off with a smile. The brothers all left out through the door, but Judai stopped just before getting out, turned around, and did a pose where he pointed his middle and pointer fingers at Sona. "Catch ya later, alligator," and with that, he walked out.

The student council remained quiet after that unique introduction. After a few seconds, the vice-president, Tsubaki Shinra, said, "They were… an odd bunch."

"I say they're weirdos," the blonde boy, Saji, said. He was still annoyed about the incident at the gate.

Sona simply stayed quiet staring at the door. Truthfully, if these people proved that they were truly normal humans, then she would leave them alone, but she still had some suspicions floating in her head.

Meanwhile, the four brothers and Haou, or Judai, were now walking the hallway going towards their classes. To avoid questions, Yuya and Yugo were placed in the first year, Yuri and Yuto in the second year, and Judai was a third year. Mainly because he looked somewhat older than them.

"Oh man, look at these classes," Judai noted looking at the schedule. "And here I was hoping we'd get more free time. But, at least now I know when's lunch," He said thinking about food.

The four brothers looked at Judai worryingly. "Lord Haou… are you alright?" Yuya asked.

Judai looked at him with a raised eyebrow. "Of course I am, why wouldn't I be?" he asked before holding his stomach. "Well, I guess I'm a little hungry."

"Oh, I get it," Yugo suddenly snapped his fingers smirking. "This is an act. Something to throw off the Devils," he concluded thinking, or at least hoping, that it was the case.

"I honestly have no idea what you're talking about," Judai said before noticing they came to a crossroad in the hallway. "Oh, guess this is where we split up. Let's meet together at lunch," He said as he started walking towards his own class with the third years.

The four brothers just stood there, looking at Judai as he walked away. To say they were taken back by the MASSIVE change of character was an understatement.

"I can't be the only one who thought that was weird, right?" Yuya asked, hoping that he wasn't the only one confused between his brothers.

"I think there would be something wrong if you DIDN'T find it weird," Yuto said crossing his arms.

"Well, we can't dwell on it, not right now that is," Yuri said. He was just as troubled as his brothers, but he knew over-thinking doesn't help. "Let's just hope that it IS an act and he won't keep it up," his brothers all nodded and they all separated to go on their own way.


In the first-year class, Yuya and Yugo stood in front of them and introduced themselves. "My name is Yuya Sakaki, I hope we can all get along," the red and green-haired teen introduced himself.

"My name is Yugo Sakaki," the blue-haired teen introduced himself. "As long as you don't say Fusion, we'll get along."


In the second year class, Yuri and Yuto were introducing themselves. "My name is Yuri Sakaki, a pleasure to make your acquaintances," the pink-haired teen introduced himself.

"My name is Yuto Sakaki," the purple-haired teen introduced himself crossing his arms. "Don't bother me, and I won't bother you."


And in the third-year class, Judai stood in front of the class. He noted another pureblood Devil. A red-haired girl with a voluptuous figure.

'First a Sitri, now a Gremory, then what? An Astaroth and a Stolas?' he thought sarcastically to himself remembering the generals of the Civil War. He then put up a grin and pointed at himself with his thumb. "It's nice to meet you all. My name is Judai Yuki. Let's get along, okay?"

He saw that the students were looking at him curiously. Some girls were sad that they didn't get another Kiba, whoever that is, while some were commenting on how he's kind of cute or hoping that he isn't a pervert.

The Gremory, however, simply exchanged look with a girl that has long black hair tied to a ponytail and violet eyes. She had a figure that was actually more curvy than the Gremory and judging by the way she returned that look, she was probably her Queen.

"Alright, you can sit beside Ms. Himejima. Ms. Himejima, please raise your hand," the teacher said and the Gremory Queen was the one to do that.

Judai nodded and walked towards the seat beside her, which put him between the Gremory and her Queen. The girl smiled at him and he returned the smile. She was expecting him to say something but he just sat in his seat and crossed his arms over the table. It was slightly refreshing for the ravenette. She didn't want another boy trying to get up her skirt.

"Alright, people, let's focus," the teacher said and the students quieted down as he turned to the board. "We'll continue where we left off the last class. So take your book out and open page-"

At that moment, the Gremory and her Queen heard a very quiet thud and light snoring, the only reason they were able to hear it was thanks to the Devils' enhanced senses.

They both looked beside them… and their eyes widen seeing Judai had already fallen asleep on top of his crossed arms on his desk.

If someone was looking at the two, they can almost see the question marks appear above the confused Gremory and her Queen.


Now, it was lunchtime. Judai just met up with the four brothers as they gathered in the cafeteria.

Normally, the four brothers would be eating silently. But, they were more focused on Judai and his… high enthusiasm about food.

"Oh boy, look at all these sandwiches!" the Supreme King said in glee as he looked over the menu. He was standing at the front of the line with many students waiting for him to finish. "I almost can't decide!"

"Well, can you not let the other students wait?" the chef asked. He was happy that someone was so excited about eating his food, but he didn't want to hold the line for one student, even if he was new.

"Oh, sorry about that," Judai chuckled nervously scratching his head. He looked at the menu one last time. "I'll have my all-time favorite, fried shrimp sandwich, along with two cups of pudding for dessert."

The chef raised an eyebrow. That sandwich wasn't something he made much, but he just shrugged it off thinking that the new student might be a foreigner.

After giving Judai his order, he moved out of the line and allowed the other students to have their order.

The four brothers, who already ordered, were waiting for him at the entrance of the cafeteria. "Hey, guys. Did you find a place to sit?" Judai asked since they went to look for a table after they ordered.

"All the tables are full, so no," Yuya replied shaking his head. He was honestly surprised at how fast the cafeteria was occupied.

"Well then, let's go eat outside," Judai suggested with his usual grin. "Fresh air is pretty good for you, you know," he said as he started to walk away.

The four brothers just looked at him as he walked away. They were weirded out, that's for sure. But, they also had to stay with Haou, so they followed him.

After walking outside, Judai decided to sit under a tree that was in the Academy's yard. It had just enough shade to cover you from the heat and a nice breeze around it.

"Ah, This seems like a good spot," Judai sat down putting his lunch in front of him on the grass. It was still wrapped, so the food wasn't in danger of getting dirty.

"What are you doing here?"

"Ahhh!" Judai yelled, almost jumping out of his skin as he heard an emotionless voice talk to him from the side.

He looked at the source of the voice and saw a petite, white-haired girl with yellow eyes looking at him while sitting beside him. She had a cat-clip on her hair and had a lunch box on her lap.

"Holy guacamole, where did you come from?" he asked. True, his powers were off, and he was relaxing his senses that were sharpened through the years, but he still thinks that he should've noticed the girl.

"I was already sitting here," she replied with the same emotionless voice as before. Honestly, she thought that he didn't notice her because he was staring at his food. "Now, what are you doing here, new kid?" she asked again. The fact that she never saw him before, add the fact that there were barely any boys in the Academy, it was pretty easy to guess he's new.

Deciding that it would be rude to not answer, especially since he didn't notice her until now, he replied, "Well, the cafeteria was full, so I decided to have some food outside," he replied honestly. He then looked at her confused, "What about you?"

Sensing that he was asking out of genuine curiosity, along with the fact that she can see he was honest with his reply, she gave him an answer. "Too noisy inside," she said taking a bite of her homemade lunch. "I came here because it's quiet."

"Oh, then sorry," Judai apologized as he picked up his food thinking that he was intruding on her. "I'll leave you alone then."

"You can stay," she suddenly said which caught him by surprise. She didn't seem like the type to let people around her. "As long as you're not too noisy," she added. Honestly, the only reason she let him stay is that he didn't seem like a pervert or an annoying person.

"Sweet, thanks a bunch," Judai replied sitting back down. He then took one of his pudding cups and handed it to here. "Here, as a thank you for letting me stay."

The girl looked at the sweet dessert slightly surprised. "You sure?" she asked and was answered with a nod. Never one to refuse sweets, she accepted it. "Thanks."

"No problem," he said before remembering that he doesn't know her name. "Sorry for not saying who I am. I'm Judai Yuki, and you are?"

Thinking that it was common courtesy to give your name to someone who gave you theirs, she replied, "Koneko Toujou."

"Well, Koneko, I hope we can become friends," he said with a grin that the white-haired girl can only describe as goofy. "Now, let's eat-"

He stopped mid-sentence as he noticed that a brown, slightly chubby cat with dark brown lines and closed eyes stopped in front of him. (Pharaoh)

The cat and Judai looked at each other for a second… before the cat picked up Judai's lunch with its mouth and started running away.

"My sandwich!" Judai cried out as he immediately stood up and started chasing the feline thief. "Give it back, Cat!"

Koneko just sat there, blinking at the scene that was happening in front of her. She really didn't know how to react to a teenager chasing a cat over a sandwich.

Meanwhile, Yuya, Yugo, Yuri, and Yuto were standing on the sideline, watching as the Supreme King ran around the yard for a sandwich.

"This is… just wrong," Yuya said, unsettled by the scene in front of him.

"Understatement of the century, Yuya," Yugo pointed out shaking his head. "What in the name of the Crimson Dragon is going on?"

"That's it," Yuto said putting a hand on his ear, where a purple magical circle appeared. "I'm calling Yubel, this is not normal at all."

"I'm already doing that," Yuri said with his hand on his ear where a pink magical circle was, making his brother turn off his. He already started the call when he saw the Supreme King stand up to follow a cat.


In the kingdom of Duel Monsters, all kinds of creatures live. Many of them, of all shapes and sizes, are walking, crawling, flying, or rolling through the streets of a large city made of all kinds of buildings.

The main color of the buildings was either dark silver or light purple. The buildings were in a variety of shapes. Each one made to hold a specific kind of species. There are buildings that looked like normal houses, futuristic homes, old-style houses, giant buildings in the sky, even a few underground caves.

In the middle of the large city was a giant, pyramid-like building. The outside was covered in glass, had magical runes going through it, and two giant rings floating around it to help power it with magical energy.

At the top of the pyramid was the throne room of the Supreme King. It had a big window giving a view of the city below. In it was a wooden desk for work in front of a large, golden outlined throne, a few shelves with books in them on both sides, and a pair of giant metal doors.

Since Haou was not available, Yubel was the one occupying the throne in front of the desk. She was the only one Haou trusted enough to leave in charge when he isn't around.

However, she wasn't alone. On the other side of the desk, sitting on a chair, was a teen in his early twenties. He had silver hair with green highlights. He was wearing a white shirt under a blue jacket. He was wearing pants with a darker shade of blue with black shoes.

"And, done… finally," the teen sighed as he slumped in his chair. He has been helping Yubel deal with large amounts of paperwork it takes to do by the ruler of an entire world. "I don't know if I want to see a piece of paper ever again. How does Haou do it?"

"There's a reason he's the Supreme King instead of you," Yubel pointed out with a deadpan glare. "And it's not just because you got your ass handed to you, Zarc."

Zarc put a hand on his face out of shame. "Please don't remind me," he mumbled not wanting that memory.

Truthfully, a long time ago, Zarc had challenged Haou for the title of Supreme King. It was more because Zarc wanted the fancy name than to rule Duel Monsters. Which is childish, now that Zarc thought about it.

It was a decent fight, at first. However, when Haou stopped holding back, it became a one-sided beating… and Zarc was the one receiving instead of giving.

Suddenly, a magical circle appeared near Yubel's ear, meaning that someone was calling her.

Recognizing the energy of the circle, Yubel sighed. "It's the first day, and they're already calling for something," she said in a disappointed tone.

"Seeing as Haou took those four with him, I'm not surprised," Zarc deadpanned as if it was something obvious. He knew the four brothers had a tendency to get into trouble, especially when they're together.

Yubel ignored him and answered the call, "What is it?" she asked.

"Hello, Yubel," Yuri said through the other side. "We have a… situation," he said nervously.

The two on the throne room raised an eyebrow at Yuri's tone since he's usually the calmest between the four. "How many troops do you need?" Yubel asked thinking that they're asking for back up.

"Not a single one," Yuto said making the two confused while realizing that the call was on speaker. "You see, Haou is acting… weird."

If the two weren't confused before, they definitely were now. Yubel doubted that her friend would ever act weird, but she decided to humor them. "Define 'weird'."

The one to answer was Yugo. "Well, he's acting all bubbly and calling himself Judai, he was talking about free time and getting away from classes, he also got some obsession over sandwiches, and now he's chasing a cat for one of those sandwiches."

The room fell into silence after he was finished. Zarc honestly thought that the four brothers were either playing a prank or simply confused someone else for Haou. He truly couldn't imagine the Supreme King doing any of that stuff.

Suddenly, Yubel exploded into laughter catching everyone off-guard. She kept laughing for a few minutes with a hand on her face. "Oh, dear Ra! I haven't seen him act that way since his eyes turned gold!" she said before she continued laughing.

After a few seconds of stunned silence, Yuya asked, "So, is he sick? Do we give him something to drink? Or…"

"No, don't worry about it," Yubel said making them surprised at how she was handling the situation. "Believe it or not, this is Haou's way of relaxing."

"Haou knows how to relax?" Zarc and the four brothers asked surprised. They always saw Haou as the strict 'By the book' type that did not allow even himself to rest.

"Yes, and what you're seeing now is the reason he doesn't do it much," Yubel informed. Honestly, she wished she was there to see her friend act as he used to all those years ago, but she couldn't leave her post. "Now, if you don't need anything else, I've got work to do," she said and hung up before getting an answer.

Yubel just started looking through the papers, making sure that everything is in order while ignoring the stunned look she was getting from Zarc.


Yuri slowly put down his hand after the magical circle disappeared. Both he and his brothers just stayed quiet.

They were already stunned by what Haou was doing, but now that Yubel told them this is his way of 'relaxing', they honestly had no idea what to say.

Meanwhile, Koneko just kept sitting there, looking at Judai as he followed the cat around like a scene from a cartoon.

Seeing a grown man follow an animal, for a sandwich of all things, not to mention it was a CAT that took his sandwich no less, the irony there wasn't lost to her.

Koneko could only give a small smile, letting out a soft chuckle as she took the pudding cup that Judai gave her, open the lid, and took a spoonful with the plastic spoon that comes with the cup as she watched the scene in front of her. "come on! Just give me back my sandwich and I promise I'll buy you a fish!" Judai yelled, still chasing the cat.

Unknown to her, the young Gremory was watching the entire thing from a window on a second floor. She was confused about why the new guy was following a cat around, but her attention was on something else entirely.

"Did Koneko… just laugh?" she questioned in disbelief at the scene that barely happened in years.

(A/N: Thank you for reading this.First, I know there isn't much action in this chapter, and I'm sorry, but I just wanted to finish the first day in school without problems and have them meet a few characters.

Second, I know it seems confusing how Koneko seemed to just warm up to Judai, but I assure you that there's a logical explanation to that, which will be explained in the next chapter. I want my story to make as much sense as possible. (not like a Naruto Fan Fic. I like Naruto as much as the next person, but people are just taking it, and him, too far by using him for literally every story. Plus, most of them are the bullshit OP type with bullshit plot armor.)

Third, some of you think that the dragon aura isn't the reason girls just fall for Issei. I never said it was the only reason. I do admit that there are a few girls with a reason to love him, but there are those who don't have one. Like Xenovia or Kuroka. They just wanted babies because he's the Red Dragon Emperor, and even admitted that they won't go back to him afterward. Also, that won't actually work, I mean them having powerful children, and that's a fact. I will explain why at some point in the story, so don't worry.

Fourth, I'm sure you noticed that the girls didn't start gawking over Haou. Honestly, this "He's super hot!" stuff had gotten REALLY old at this point, so I'm not doing it here.

And finally, if anyone is kind enough and has the time, can you try another story of mine called "A Fox and her Watcher" and give me your thoughts on it? I'm not telling you to do it, I'm just asking. I would honestly like more people giving me their opinion.

Again, thank you for reading this. Please comment, review, and give me your thoughts on my story.)