Judai and the four brothers were returning from lunchtime now. It ended a while ago, and the Supreme King spent most of the time trying, and failing, to catch the cat.
"Oh man, I didn't get any food," Judai complained as they were walking towards the entrance to the academy, coming back from the yard.
The four brothers wanted to comment on how it was because he kept chasing a cat, but decided to keep it to themselves fearing Haou's wrath.
Suddenly, all four brothers stopped moving. Judai went ahead of them a few feet before he realized that they weren't walking anymore. The brown-haired teen looked at them confused. "What's up, guys?"
The brothers didn't answer him, they just started sniffing around, picking up a familiar scent. "Please tell me I'm not the only one who smells that," Yuya said with an angry frown.
"No, I smell it, too," Yuto backed up his brother's theory with a similar frown.
"Can't be… " Yugo mumbled before his eyes narrowed to a glare.
"Ddraig," Yuri said through his grit teeth. The mood between the brothers immediately went hostile as they looked around before spotting the source of the smell.
It was a brown, messy-haired teen, wearing the school uniform but with a redshirt under the jacket. He was walking beside a girl with long, blonde hair and green eyes. Both of them walking on the other side of the yard, obviously coming back from lunch.
The brothers were more focused on the boy, or to be specific, the aura and scent around him. It didn't take them seconds to recognize it, and for their hatred to skyrocket.
"You're kidding me. HE is here?!" Yuya growled glaring at the boy.
"Why I outta-" Yuto was ready to stomp to the boy and rip him a new one, but stopped when a hand grabbed his shoulder.
The four brothers looked and saw Judai shaking his head. "Not here," he said motioning around them.
Yuri, Yuto, Yuya, and Yugo looked and saw all the students walking around. They realized what the Supreme King was telling them. These were all innocent lives, unknowing about the supernatural, and a fight between Dragons would take all that from them.
While the four brothers wanted to give the Red Emperor a piece of their mind, they knew that Judai, or Haou to be specific, would show them no mercy if they got innocent people involved.
So, deciding to avoid conflict and the punishment from the Supreme King, the four boys kept control of their anger and just followed Judai as they all walked towards their designated classes.
The sun started setting as the school day came to an end. Judai and the four brothers went through the classes as normal as possible.
Right now, the Supreme King and the brothers just walked out of the school's gates. "Man, who knew school would be so boring and in need of so much work," Judai said scratching his head at the homework he was giving.
"I did, and I warned you about it," Yugo said. When Haou told them about the school, Yugo kept complaining about how boring it will be.
"No one said it would be easy," Yuto said, also feeling bored but trying to hide his discomfort.
"So, what should we do next?" Yuya asked. Now that they were out of school, he suspected that they won't just go back home on the first day.
Suddenly, they heard a loud growl and they looked at the source, which was Judai's stomach. "How about some food?" the Supreme King asked holding his stomach. "I'm starving," he chuckled as the brothers sweatdropped. But, they couldn't blame him since he never caught that cat that stole his lunch.
Yuya put a hand on his chin as they stopped around Yugo's bike. "Well, I guess we could visit one of the restaurants around."
"I don't see a problem with that," Yugo said as he slung an arm over Judai's shoulder. "I'm pretty sure that our friend Judai is going fun around. I'm also sure that he'll let me drive as much as I want."
Yuri, Yuto, and Yuya all looked at their brother with deadpan glares. He was taking advantage of Haou's relaxed state, which they deemed Judai, and everyone can see their brother's true intentions.
Judai looked at the arm over his shoulder before looking at the blue-haired teen, but this time, his eyes were their usual gold with white pupils. "You have only ONE chance to get your arm off me before I rip it out of its socket," Judai, or this time, Haou said making Yugo jump away raising his arms in surrender.
"There's the Haou that we all know and fear," Yuri smirked, happy that the Supreme King stopped his bubbly personality. "I actually missed that scowl of yours."
"I do admit, meeting Judai wasn't that bad," Yuya said awkwardly. It's not that he hated the way Haou acted, it's just that it caught him off guard.
"Don't get used to it," Haou grumbled. It's not that he hated for people to see him like that, it's just that he wanted people that he absolutely trusts to see it. Which, in all honesty, is a VERY shortlist. "But all being serious, I am hungry so-" Haou suddenly stopped mid-sentence as he turned his sights to the west.
"What's wrong," Yuto asked knowing that Haou would only stop for a reason.
"Stray Devils, and a few of them," Haou said and the four brothers turned their sights at the same direction and started sensing for the Rogues.
After a second, they managed to find their presence. It was obvious that they were trying to use a spell to hide their presence, but Haou sensed them in an instant. The Supreme King never ceased to amaze them.
"So, what do we do about it?" Yuya asked since they were supposed to keep the town in check.
Haou thought about it. He could just let the two heiresses deal with it as they go on their own way. But, he promised Amaterasu to make sure that Kouh is safe. "Let's go," he sighed as he started walking through the streets of the town towards the location of the Rogues. The four brothers nodded and they followed him.
Haou and the four brothers were now standing in front of a cave at the edge of the town. The trees were behind them as the sun had already set and the moon was high in the sky.
"Why do strays always pick such predictable places?" Yuto asked no one in particular. Stray Devils would always hide in caves, old mansions, and abandoned warehouses.
"Same reason why Ray keeps beating up Zarc," Haou said in a matter of fact manner. "They're naturally idiots," he added making the four brothers snicker. His eyes suddenly turn to normal brown ones and he looks back. "Oh, we've got company, guys," it was Judai that was speaking now.
The four brothers looked behind then and saw a magic circle with the Gremory sigil appear on the ground. They realized that Haou changed personalities to not be recognized by the new guests.
From the magical circle came a group of six Devils came in. They were made up of the Gremory heiress, her Queen, the Brown-haired boy and blonde-haired girl who they saw earlier, a blonde, a handsome young man in the school uniform, and Koneko.
"Alright, everyone, let's-" Rias stopped as the light of the circle died down and she saw the new students.
The Devils were all surprised to see Judai and the four brothers here, but the first to say something was Koneko. "Judai? What are you doing here?"
"Oh, Hey Koneko," the Supreme King greeted with a wave. "you know, just hanging around," Judai replied earning a sweat drop from the four brothers.
"You shouldn't be here right now," the Gremory heiress said ready to use hypnosis magic in order to make the boys forget what they saw.
The four brothers looked at Judai, expecting him to already have a story made up in case of a situation like this. However, he just asked, "Is this about the Stray Devils?"
*THUD X4.*
The four brothers did an anime fall as the Supreme King just said their reason for being here. They thought that they were supposed to stay a secret!
The Devils looked surprised. "You know about Stray Devils?" the young Gremory asked surprised.
"I mean, yeah, there's four of them in there," Judai replied pointing at the cave behind him.
"Four? But I only got a report of one," the young Gremory replied remembering a sighting of only one stray.
"You have to REALLY feel to notice," Judai simply said with a carefree smile. He wasn't surprised, he knew that sensing wasn't the Gremory family's fort.
The young Gremory simply narrowed her eyes at the cave before she finally noticed the three other presence. She immediately started mentally scolding herself. She had almost led her Peerage into a trap because of a simple hiding spell. True, sensing was more of Sona's field, but she still should have checked for something like this.
"Well, we should go deal with it, right?" Judai said catching the Devils by surprise as he turned to the cave. "Come on, guys," he said walking inside and the four brothers immediately followed.
"Wait!" the Red-haired Devil tried to stop them from getting involved at the fear of them being hurt.
The Gremory Peerage immediately started following trying to stop the five boys, who were walking the inside of the cave by this point. The cave was pretty much what you expected, dark and damp. Something you would find in any cave.
"Man, this place stinks," Yugo said as he took a whiff of the air. "And I can tell that those strays have been 'having fun'," he added in disgust.
"That's not our problem," Yuto said before looking up. "Our problem is them," he pointed at the ceiling where the strays were hiding.
They all looked up and found four people sticking to the ceiling. Three men and a woman. They all dropped from the ceiling and their bodies mutated from their previous human forms.
Now, they looked like giant mutated spiders with sharp fangs and acid dripping from their mouths. "Spider-Man called, he wants his Copyrights back," Yuya said referring to how the strays showed themselves.
"Ha! That was a good one!" Yugo barked a laugh at the joke while the others chuckled.
The Gremory Peerage, who was already behind them, simply looked in a mixture of confusion and disbelief as the boys made jokes at this current situation.
Suddenly, one of the Stray Devils jumps into attacking the five boys. The Gremory Peerage all went to action and were about to attack the Stray Devil.
However, before they could, a green glowing blur passed by the attacking Stray. The green glow disappeared to reveal Yugo. Suddenly, the attacking Stray fell into pieces, literally.
"That's it?" Yugo asked looking over the now-dead Stray Devil.
The Gremory Peerage was shocked, especially the blonde young man. As a knight, he was supposed to be the quickest piece, yet even he couldn't see Yugo as he moved.
Another Stray jumped at Yugo, seeing that he was closer than the others, but before he reaches him, a fist collided with his side, sending him to the wall and killing it from the powerful impact.
The person who did it was Yuya, who turned at the blue Haired teen. "Well, they are simple Strays, so you can't expect much out of them," he said reminding his brother that they shouldn't have expected much of a fight to begin with.
The other two strays hesitated, seeing that their comrades were defeated so easily. However, one of them thought that the two brothers were distracted, and tried to jump them by surprise.
But, a rain of purple lightning came down on the Stray and fried it alive before it dropped dead. "Don't lose focus, you two," Yuto said walking towards his brothers. "Even a small slip up can be catastrophic."
The last Stray Devil saw that it was obviously outmatched and outnumbered. It turned around and tried to run away, only to find out that it couldn't move.
The Stray then noticed that vines were holding it from its feet. "Now, Now. It's not nice to turn your back on your guests," Yuri said smirking at the now panicking Devil. "It's considered bad manners you know," Before the Stray can do anything else, the vines lifted it and threw it at one of the walls of the cave. The Devil was hurt, but still alive. "Oh, that's good, I didn't want you to die yet," Yuri chuckled as his smile turned sadistic. "There's still much more pain I want to inflict."
A whip made of a spiky vine appeared in the pink teen's hand as he swung it at the Stray. The whip coiled around its body and it screamed as the spikes pierced its skin. Yuri used the whip and flung the Stray at the other side of the cave.
The pink-haired teen gave a sadistic laugh. "Come on, don't die on me yet! I still have more to do!"
What came next was a show of how Yuri brutally and mercilessly started beating and torturing the Stray Devil as it kept screaming in pain.
"Yuri is going overboard again," Yugo sighed as he, Yuya, and Yuto shook their heads at their brother's sadistic nature.
The Gremory Peerage just stood at the side. Completely stunned at the one-sided beating they were seeing. The blonde-haired girl even covered her eyes, unwilling to see more.
However, the Gremory heiress knew someone who was enjoying this. She looked beside her and found that her Queen was actually smiling at what she was seeing. "Oh my, he certainly knows how to bring pain," she said with a hand on her blushing cheek. The young Gremory sweatdropped.
After a few moments, the screams died down as Yuri had enough… for now. "Well, I suppose it's time to end this," he said creating a ball of acid in his arm. "Now, be gone!" he threw the ball at the Stray which melted in seconds from the strong acid.
"Awesome work, guys!" Judai yelled as the four brothers walked up to him. The Supreme King turned to the Gremory Peerage. "So, are done here?" he asked, but he knew they would start demanding answers.
The first to break the silence was the young Gremory. "Who are you?" she demanded rather than asked.
"I'm your classmate, I mean, I sit right beside you, don't I?" Judai replied bluntly earning a chuckle from the four brothers.
The Gremory heiress can feel her eye twitching at the semantic answer. "I mean, who are you, REALLY?" she said with more authority.
Before anyone can say anything, a loud growl was heard with its sound being amplified by the echo inside the cave. The Gremory Peerage jumped slightly until they realized that the sound came from Judai's stomach.
"Can we answer tomorrow after school," Judai said holding his stomach. "I'm STARVING."
Koneko gave him a deadpan look. "You never caught that cat, did you," she said as more of a statement than a question drawing a few confused looks around.
"Noooo," Judai whined much to the white-haired girl's amusement. "Please, can we answer tomorrow, I really need something to eat," he practically pleaded.
The young Gremory couldn't bring herself to decline. Either because he sounded sincere, or the sheer awkwardness of the situation, she didn't know. "Very well. I'll hold you up on that."
"Sweet! Thanks a bunch," Judai said as he started walking and passed by the Devils.
Suddenly, Yugo yelled, "Not so fast!" everyone turned their eyes to him as he pointed at the brown-haired Devil. "You! You're Ddraig's host, aren't you?"
His brothers also glared at his target as The boy seemed surprised. "H-How did you-"
"Doesn't matter!" Yugo cut him off stomping towards him. "I have some business to-" the blue-haired teen immediately froze on his spot as he started looking nervous.
The Gremory Peerage looked at him, confused that he both stopped and he looked freaked out, but they didn't realize that Yugo wasn't even looking at them anymore.
Yugo was actually looking at the pair of demonic golden eyes with white pupils that were glaring at him from behind the Devils. Haou was obviously daring Yugo to do something rash so he can beat him within an inch of his life.
Having already seen what happens to those who anger the Supreme King, Yugo decided that it wasn't worth it. "N-Never mind," he suddenly said as he walked passed the Devils. "See ya."
His brothers also wanted a piece of the Red Emperor, but they also noticed the glare, so they just decided to call it a day.
The Gremory Peerage looked at Judai confused, only for him to shrug his shoulders like he didn't know what happened.
The Devils kept looking at the boys as they walked away and out of the cave. Many questions were in their heads, but they knew they had to wait for answers.
Meanwhile, a certain Dragon turned Sacred Gear was looking at the four brothers through the eyes of his host. "(Could it be…? But they've been gone for thousands of years.)" Ddraig thought to himself sensing the familiar energy of the boys.
As for the five boys, they waited until they walked a good distance from the cave before looking at the Supreme King. "So, is there a reason we exposed ourselves to the Devils?" Yuya asked.
"Of course there is," Judai, or this time, Haou said. He already had a plan, but it didn't involve them staying secret. "All will be explained tomorrow," he added before glaring at Yugo. "Now, let's go get something to eat before I start craving for Dragons."
The four brothers all flinched at his tone. The message was obvious. Either they get something to eat fast to please him, or he was going to cook one of them. He was just THAT pissed off.
A new school day begins. The Supreme King and the four brothers started the day pretty much like the last one. There wasn't anything noteworthy.
After walking to school, and Yugo getting into some trouble because of his bike again, they all went to their classes while ignoring the looks from the local Devils.
During lunchtime, Judai pumped into Koneko at the same tree he sat under the other day. "Oh, 'Sub, Koneko," the Supreme King greeted sitting down with his lunch.
The White-haired girl simply nodded as she started eating her own lunch. After a few moments of silence, she asked, "Want to explain what last night was about?"
"Sorry," Judai shrugged with a teasing smirk. "But you'll have to wait until after school."
Koneko gave him a half-hearted glare at his tone before she realized that his lunch was just like yesterday. "If you want me to wait, then you'll have to give me something to eat while waiting," she said.
Noticing that her gaze was at his pudding cups, Judai sighed before handing her one. "Here," he offered.
"I want two," Koneko quickly added.
Judai sweatdropped. "But… I only have two," he said telling her that he wouldn't have one for himself afterward.
"I know," Koneko replied making him realize that there was a reason for that specific number. She then held her hand open and said, "Now, cough 'em up."
Knowing that she isn't giving up any time soon, Judai reluctantly gave Koneko the pudding cups, leaving him with just the sandwich. The white-haired girl took the sweet dessert with a victorious smirk.
'What is it with cats taking my food lately?' Judai thought to himself while sadly and quietly eating his sandwich.
At the end of the school day, the five boys didn't go out of the academy this time. Instead, they were all escorted by a member of the Gremory Peerage to the back of the school.
They met along the way there. Judai was being escorted by the Gremory Queen, Yuri and Yuto were being escorted by the blonde young man with the Red Emperor and the blonde girl with them, and Yuya and Yugo were escorted by Koneko.
The Gremory heiress had already left there, saying that there is something she needed to do first. Judai suspected that she was talking to the Sitri heiress about him and the four brothers.
They all walked towards an old building at the back of the school. "This place looks haunted," Judai noted looking over the interior of the building.
"I don't think ghosts are real," the brown-haired Devil said scratching his head.
"There are Devils, Angels, and Fallen Angels. So, why wouldn't there be ghosts?" Judai asked and the Devil was about to say something but stopped seeing the logic in what the Supreme King said.
Honestly, Judai was talking about facts. There are many creatures that live in the world of Duel Monsters. Ghosts just so happen to be on that list of creatures.
The interior of the inside was far better looking than the outside. After walking through a few halls, and passing by a door with a seal on it, they reached a fancy looking door which the Gremory Queen wasted no time at entering.
Inside was a mixture between a living room and an office. It had a Gothic, yet elegant structure with two couches, a coffee table, an office table with a chair, and what appears to be a bathroom in the back.
Inside the room, sitting on the couch, was the two heiresses from the Gremory and the Sitri family, which confirmed Judai's thoughts about them meeting up.
"Oh, hey, Prez. How's it hanging?" Judai asked innocently as they all walked into the room. However, his question was unanswered.
The Gremory Peerage walked behind the couch that their King was sitting on and stood there, while the two heiresses motioned for the boys to take a seat on the other couch.
Judai and Yuya sat on the couch, Yuto and Yugo kept standing and leaned on one of the walls, and Yuri sat on a chair that was beside the couch.
"Let's go with introductions," Sona said tipping her glasses. "I am Sona Sitri, the heiress to the Sitri household," she introduced herself using her real name this time.
"I am Rias Gremory, the heiress to the Gremory household," the young Gremory introduced herself. She then motioned to the Devils behind her, "These are my Peerage. Akeno Himejima," she said motioning to her Queen. She then motioned to the blonde young man and said, "Yuuto Kiba," she then motioned to the white-haired girl and said, "Koneko Toujou," she then motioned to the blonde girl and said, "Asia Argentino," she finally motioned to the brown-haired Devil and said, "And Issei Hyoudou."
"Nice to meet you all, I'm Judai Yuki," Judai greeted before motioning to the four brothers. "These are Yuya, Yuto, Yuri, and Yugo."
"Now that introduction is out of the way, let us get down to business," Rias said as she crossed her arms. "Who are you?"
"Are you members of the church?" Sona asked thinking that they might be Exorcists. Rias had already explained to her about last night.
"No, we're not with the church," Judai shook his head. "We're here to help keep the town safe," he added drawing confused looks from around.
The two heiresses narrowed their eyes at him. "What do you mean?" Sona asked suspiciously. "This town is already under our watch and it's OUR job to keep it safe."
"You know that Kouh, despite being Devil territory, is in the middle of Shinto territory, right?" Judai asked receiving nods from the two heiresses, but confused looks of the Gremory Peerage, which apparently didn't know.
Truthfully, this was something the two heiresses were forever grateful to their siblings for, especially Sona. If it wasn't for Serafall, they would have never got this place from the Shinto territory, and she wouldn't have got the chance to experience a school life outside of the underworld.
"Well, Lady Amaterasu wanted to make sure that the town was safe, so she sent us to help deal with the Strays since more have been showing up," Judai explained gaining surprised looks this time. "So no need for hostility, we're friends here!" he added with a goofy grin.
The four brothers finally understood the Supreme King's plan. If Devils remained suspicious of them, then they would send someone to spy on them, which would be greatly annoying in their opinion. But, now that they think that they are here to help instead of keeping the Devils in check, they won't be much questioning about their presence here.
Meanwhile, the two heiresses were thinking about what Judai said. It wasn't that hard to believe his story. Truthfully, they also had noticed that Strays have been annoying. Just last week each of their Peerages had to go deal with them at least three times. So, Lady Amaterasu sending someone here wasn't such a far fetched idea.
However, they still needed something. "Do you have proof that you work for Lady Amaterasu?" Rias asked wanting to make sure that he was telling the truth.
Before Judai can say anything, they heard a ringtone come from his pocket(Yu gi oh gx English opening.) "Excuse me," he said pulling out his phone and smirking at the number. "Oh, speak of the Devil, am I right?" he joked chuckling as the people in the room gave him deadpan looks at the joke. He answered and put it on speaker for everyone to hear. "Hello, this is Judai speaking."
"Hello, Judai," a beautiful voice was heard through the other side of the line. Judging by the joke he just made, the Devils deducted that it was Amaterasu.
"Oh, Hi, Lady Amaterasu," Judai replied confirming who the person was. Truthfully, Haou had already told the Sun goddess about his plan, and to make this call. The timing wasn't a coincidence, it was planned. "Need something?"
"I just wanted to see how things were going in Kouh," Amaterasu replied as Judai sat the phone on the table.
"Everything's going great," Judai replied grinning. "We already dealt with a few Strays, and the heiresses here seem pretty nice."
Rias and Sona gave him a somewhat grateful look that he praised them in the presence of the Shinto goddess of the sun. They knew the call wasn't fake, mainly because no one was stupid enough to actually impersonate the leader of an entire pantheon.
"That's good to hear. I'm glad that the town is safe," Amaterasu said before her tone suddenly became suggestive. "You know… I finally have some free time, so why don't you come over and-"
Suddenly, a loud crashing noise was heard through the other side of the phone call. Everyone stayed silent as they stared at the phone surprised about the noise. "Excuse me, I have to go and deal with my idiot of a brother," Amaterasu said. Even if it was a phone call, everyone can tell she was gritting her teeth. "SUSANO! GET YOUR ASS OVER HERE!" her yelling was heard right before the line was cut.
Everyone just stared quietly at the phone, not knowing how to react to how the call was ended.
Eventually, Judai broke the silence. "Well, that just happened," he said scratching his head.
Kiba then noticed something from the call. "You have Lady Amaterasu on speed dial?" he asked making the other Devils look at Judai in disbelief.
The Supreme King shrugged his shoulders. "Well, duh, I work for her," he replied. Kiba was about to say something else but stopped realizing that Judai's answer made so much sense, that he actually felt a little stupid for asking the question.
Sona sighed as she stood up from the couch. "Well, seeing as everything has been sorted out, I'll be going back to the student council room," she said before walking out of the room.
"See ya later, Prez," Judai waved at Sona as she left before looking at Rias. "So, are we done?"
The Gremory heiress nodded, seeing that there was no reason to stay suspicious of these boys. "Yes, I suppose we are."
"Awesome!" Judai yelled as he reached into his jacket and pulled out a wrapped sandwich. "I've been a little hungry."
"Didn't you eat at lunch already?" Yuya asked remembering that the Supreme King didn't lose his lunch this time.
"I did," Judai nodded before looking at Koneko. "But thanks to a certain someone, I didn't get any dessert, so I didn't eat enough," the white-haired girl just looked away innocently. "Now, let's-"
Everyone stopped as they heard a noise and looked at the window of the room. Sitting on the window was the cat that stole Judai's lunch the other day.
"Oh, a little kitty," Asia said, smiling about the cut animal while gaining confused looks from around. Taking in the Cat's chubby appearance, they didn't see it by any means as little.
The cat gained a glint in its closed eyes as she was directing her gaze at the sandwich that the Supreme King was holding. In one swift movement, the cat jumped in and snatched the sandwich with its mouth, and ran out through the door that Sona had forgotten to close.
"Noooooo! Not again!" Judai yelled, jumping to his feet as he, like yesterday, started chasing the cat that stole his sandwich. "Get back here with my sandwich!"
They all just stared as the Supreme King ran out of the room to chase the feline thief. The remained in silence, blinking at the door until Yuya asked, "He's not going to catch it, is he?"
"Nope," Yuto, Yuri, and Yugo replied at the same time. They knew that Haou can catch it in an instant, Judai on the other hand, was a different story.
Koneko chuckled at the scene again, which gained a round of confused looks from the Gremory Peerage, as they barely see Koneko smile, let alone laugh.
(A/N: Thank you for reading this.
I hope you enjoyed the chapter, also the reasoning why Haou didn't keep themselves a secret and made up a story.
First, some of you(a lot actually) asked about if Dark Magician and Dark Magician Girl will appear. Also if they'll be allies with Haou. Well, Haou is the king of Duel Monsters, so why wouldn't they be allies. And I will try to give them a role.
Second, some of you has asked to change some things about the story. Like Sairarorg's fight, or pair Haou with Grayfia. Like I said in the last chapter, I want my story to make as much sense as possible, so some events will be changed but to be more believable. However, girls that are already in a relationship from the Canon are off-limits. So, sorry to Grayfia fans.
Third, I know I said that I'll explain why Koneko warmed up to Judai and all that, but I didn't get the chance to do it in this chapter. So I'm really sorry.
Again, thank you for reading this. Please comment, review, and give me your thoughts on my story.)
P.S. This is why I don't like Naruto Fan Fics.
First, they are highly overrated now. For some reason, people just jump at any Naruto Fan Fic, crossover or not.
Second, about the crossovers, why do people keep using Naruto for every role out there? People use him for any role they can think of. Not just that, but some of them(no offense to any Naruto authors.) are completely stupid. They completely change Naruto's background. They are also full of bullshit powers with bullshit plot armor. It would be far easier AND more creative to make your own OC instead of using that fox faces assh*le. You can even base your OC on him instead of actually using him. Also, they keep shipping him with literally everyone. Newsflash, there's a reason only ONE girl actually liked the guy in the anime, and it's because he's unlovable. If you look into it, you realize that he is selfish, naive, and a hypocrite. So what if he had a bad childhood? That's every anime Protagonist ever! Ichigo lost his mother in front of his eyes and he blamed himself for his entire life(On a side note, people should really use Bleach more.) Naruto's childhood wasn't even that bad! Sarutobi(the 3rd Hokage) made sure that no one actually hurts Naruto, he also had many friends between the children and there are flashbacks that prove that! He was just slightly neglected. Also, if you look into the world of Naruto, you realize that the ninjas there are stupid. Take a ninja from Mortal Kombat, give him Chakra, put him in the Naruto universe, and he'd f*ck up the entire world. The ONLY ninja that did his role right was Itachi, and he's f*cking Itachi!
(I'm sorry if this was insulting to anyone, but If you can prove me wrong about this anime or that pathetic excuse for a Protagonist, then be my guest.)