It was a new day in Kouh. As normal as it gets that is. Currently, Haou was walking towards the academy with Yuri, Yuya, and Yuto at his side. Yugo had already left on his bike.

"So, what are our plans now?" Yuya asked looking at the Supreme King. It was yesterday that they have established a connection with the Devils, and all the four brothers were curious.

"What we're here to do," Haou replied bluntly. "Watch for the Devils, and make sure that the town is safe."

"Speaking of, how long are we going to stay here?" Yuto asked remembering that Haou never told them when they'll leave.

"A few weeks, months at most," the Supreme King replied making the purple-haired teen groan.

"Well, we might as well enjoy our stay," Yuri said with a carefree smile. "There's no reason for that to not happen."

"Enjoy what?" Yuto asked not finding anything entertaining in Kouh.

"How about you try to make friends for once?" Haou asked catching the boys off guard.

"We have friends," Yuya defended, not wanting the Supreme King to think they were loners.

"Siblings don't count, Yuya," Haou added making the three brothers tense realizing that he was right.

They continued walking towards the academy when they crossed paths with a certain White Haired Rock.

When Koneko entered their field of vision, Haou left and Judai took his place. " 'Sub, Koneko," He greeted as they started walking together to the academy.

"Hello, Judai," Koneko replied as she walked beside the Supreme King.

"Got anything planned for today?" Judai asked as they neared the Academy.

The White-haired girl shrugged her shoulders. "First, I'm going to ask President if the club has any activity," she said. Judai and the brothers were already informed about the Occult Research Club that Rias had formed for her Peerage, with her being the president. Koneko then gave Judai a sly smirk. "Second, I'm going to see if you have any sweets for me to take."

Judai's shoulders slumped. "Am I just a refrigerator for sweets to you?"

Koneko did a 'so so' motion. "50-50."

The Supreme King raised an eyebrow that she split him in half. "Why?"

"50 percent a refrigerator for me, and 50 percent a refrigerator for that cat that keeps stealing your sandwiches," the white-haired girl smirked as Judai acted like an arrow just struck his chest making her chuckle.

They reached the entrance to the academy and found Yugo… arguing with Saji. "How many times do I have to tell you that bringing a motorcycle is against the rules!?" the blonde boy yelled.

"And how many times do I have to tell YOU that I'm not inside the school!?" the blue-haired teen yelled back showing that his bike, like the other day, is still not in the school.

Judai shook his head. "Oh boy, better go settle this before the student Prez finds out," he said before walking towards the two arguing boys. "Hey," he said gaining their attention. Yugo tensed but relaxed slightly seeing that he was dealing with Judai and not Haou. "You know, causing a ruckus like this is going to get Sona here."

This time, Saji was the one to tense. He was about to say something, but someone beat him to it. "I'm already here," said none other than Sona Sitri.

Saji looked panicked, Yugo didn't really care, he was more worried if Haou was mad than the student council president, and Judai just waved lazily. " 'Sub, Prez."

The young Sitri simply nodded, acknowledging Judai's greeting before looking back at the two boys who were arguing. "Is there a problem?"

"Yeah," Yugo replied leaning back on his bike. "This idiot keeps yelling at me, even though I didn't actually enter the school grounds," he explained, agitation coating his voice.

Sona took a quick glare at Saji, who paled slightly, before looking back at the blue-haired teen. "Do you have the proper paperwork to own this motorcycle?"

"Sure," Yugo replied taking a few papers from his pocket before giving them to her.

The student council president took the papers and checked them. A permit for the bike, a driver's license, and a license to prove his ownership.

After checking for the papers, Sona gave them back to Yugo. "Very well. You can come to the academy on your bike and do as you want, as long as you don't cause trouble inside the academy itself."

"Thanks," Yugo replied before taking back his papers and walking away with Judai. When they left, Sona returned her glare to Saji, who paled even more.

Judai and Yugo regrouped with Koneko and the three brothers. The first to speak was Yuri. "Can you go five minutes without getting into trouble, Fusion?" he asked as they walked into the academy.

"It's not Fusion, it's Yugo!" said boy yelled with a tick mark on his head.

Judai sighed and Koneko looked at him almost sympathetically. "You sure have a lively morning," she said before taking another hallway. "See ya later."

"Bey, Koneko," Judai waved back as the white-haired girl vanished into the hallway, leaving the Supreme King with the four brothers in another hallway that was empty.

"So, what do we do-" Yugo was about to ask for their next action since he wasn't with them on the way here but was stopped by someone grabbing his neck.

He ended up staring at the golden eyes of Haou as he glared at him. "Exactly, What part of 'Do not cause trouble' don't you understand?" he said tightening his grip.

"Lord Haou, please," Yuya immediately moved in trying to save his brother.

"He wasn't completely at fault," Yuto added making Haou look at him. "That Sitri pawn was obviously the one causing the ruckus first."

Haou grunted before letting go of the blue-haired teen, who immediately moved behind Yuya and Yuto out of fear.

While they were happy that their brother is safe, they didn't like it that he was using them as a human shield against the Supreme King.

"Next time, I'm going to take one of your limbs to remind you," Haou threatened making Yugo shake in fear. The Supreme King shook his head deciding not to dwell on it. "Let's keep going," he said as they returned to walking in the hallway, all while Yugo was still hiding behind Yuya and Yuto.

"Hey, Lord Haou, I have a question," Yuri said as they stopped at a crossroad. "You seem to have gotten along rather quickly with Koneko Toujou, any reason why?" he asked knowing that, even if Haou was trying to make friends, someone shouldn't have warmed up to him so much in such a short amount of time.

The Supreme King answered that question with another question. "What do you know about Gentle Darkness?"

The four brothers looked between each other before Yuya answered. "Well, it's pretty old and it's the power you use, but… that's about all we know," he said awkwardly.

Truthfully, even while being Heavenly Dragons, none of them know what 'Gentle Darkness' is. The only people that knew about it were Haou himself, Yubel, the three Egyptian Gods, and a few other deities that are friends of the Supreme King.

"It's a power that had a hand in creating the universe, and Nature itself," Haou explained shocking the four brothers. "That's why creatures who use the power of nature, like Yokai and certain deities, are way more calm and open in my presence since I am the incarnation of Gentle Darkness. In other words, it's like a child being in the presence of their mother."

The brothers all nodded understanding his words. Some deities use the power of nature around them, like the deities of the sun, moon, and aspects of nature.

Yokai, however, used the Sage arts. Created by the sage of the six paths through the power of nature itself. It also connected to their very life force. So it made sense why Koneko opened up so fast.

They already picked up on 'what' she is. Having a Dragon's sense of smell helps a lot. But, how Haou himself knew what she is, they didn't know. It honestly wouldn't surprise them if he knew just by looking at her.

"We better get going," Haou said before giving a warning glare. "And this time, stay OUT of trouble. Not in it," The four brothers nodded before all of them split up to their respective classes.

During lunchtime, Judai was at his usual spot with Koneko under the tree in the yard. The Supreme King was holding a sandwich with a cup of pudding. He used to have two of them, but one was given to the white-haired girl.

"So, you figure out what you'll do today?" Judai asked taking a bite of the sandwich.

Koneko nodded. "We'll be going to Hyoudou's house to have our club meeting since our clubhouse is being cleaned by the student council."

"Why Hyoudou's house?" Judai asked. It wasn't his business, but he was curious.

Koneko got a deadpan and somewhat annoyed look. "President likes to spoil him."

The Supreme King was about to ask more, but he stopped hearing a familiar voice. "Meow," he looked beside him and saw the usual brown cat.

"Oh, not this time you won't!" Judai yelled dramatically as he pulled something out of his pocket. "I came prepared this time!" the thing he pulled out was a fish. "Here, have this instead of my food."

Judai offered the fish to the cat, who sniffed it a couple of times before taking it with its mouth and started eating it beside the two students.

Koneko looked slightly disturbed. "You… were keeping a fish in your pocket?" she would be lying if she didn't find it extremely weird.

"I ain't losing my sandwich again," Judai said as if it justifies his actions.

Meanwhile, the four brothers were sitting on a bench on the side of the yard, looking at the two have their lunch. "Well, at least he's having lunch," Yuto pointed out that the Supreme King's food wasn't stolen this time.

"I still don't see why we should be friends with the people here," Yuri said crossing his arms. They weren't going to stay here, so why make bonds that you'll eventually break.

"I don't know," Yuya said scratching his head. "I mean… we kind of are loners, so getting friends isn't that bad," he said thinking back to what the Supreme King said.

"Who gave you that idea?" Yugo asked with a grin. "We're not loners."

"Lord Haou said that siblings don't count," Yuya added making his brother flinch.

They all sat in silence thinking of those words and realized that, other than each other, they don't really interact with many people, or make friends for that matter.

"Get back here!" "Perverted creep!" their train of thoughts was interrupted by screaming and running.

When they looked, they saw Issei Hyoudou being chased by a few girls wearing a Kendo uniform. The Red Emperor tripped on a rock and fell down.

Issei immediately looked at the angry girls as they surrounded him. "W-Wait, let's talk about this," his opinion has gone to deaf ears as the girls raised their wooden Kendo swords and started beating him up.

When the girls were satisfied, they all started walking away while saying, "Creep," "Pervert," "Always peeping on us," "I don't know how Asia puts up with him."

The girls left, and a beat-up Issei was left in their place. He was covered in bruises, dirt, and a few bumps in the head from the wooden swords.

Hearing what the girls said and seeing their reaction, the four brothers understood that the brown-haired Devil had peeked on the girls as they were changing, and was spotted. Remembering that he was the Red Emperor, they all had the same reaction… which is laughing uncontrollably.

"HAHAHA- That's-HAHAHA Ddraig's host?-HAHAHA," Yuya said between laughs.

Yuto was the same as Yuya. Yuri was holding his side with a hand covering his face. And, Yugo was on the ground holding his gut.

The idea that Ddraig's host was this embarrassing pervert was nothing short of hilarious to them. They thought that he deserved it, honestly. They didn't even feel like beating him up anymore.

Judai was looking at the scene himself, not at the four brothers since he knew they would find it funny, but at Issei as he got up scratching his head.

"Pervert," Koneko growled glaring at her fellow Peerage members. She didn't believe that Issei was a bad person, but he was too Perverted to show his good side.

"That happens often?" Judai asked receiving a nod of confirmation. Judai, or Haou to be specific, found this a little troubling.

Since Koneko pointed out that Rias likes to spoil Issei, that probably means that she relies on him the most. Even if he was a reincarnated Devil, Issei was too weak to be the wielder of the Red Emperor. That means that he was wasting his training time for his Perverted actions instead of getting better.

That would be very problematic for the Gremory Peerage. While he didn't care personally about Rias, her brother was still a good friend of his.

However, he decided to put those thoughts in the back of his head. Right now, he was just Judai Yuki, not Haou, so he would like to just enjoy his lunch.

"Can you go five minutes without causing trouble!" Yelled a beautiful feminine voice.

The voice belonged to a woman of incredible beauty, greater than even Rias, Akeno, Grayfia, and any other woman, with a voluptuous figure that also beat all of them.

She had long, pitch-black hair that, despite the color, seemed to glow. Her eyes were like embers and had a fiery glow in them. She was wearing a black yukata with red sun themed trimmings. On her head was a small golden crown with the shape of the sun on the back. That was Amaterasu, the Shinto goddess of the sun, and the leader of the Shinto pantheon.

"I'm right here, so you don't have to yell," said a laid back male voice.

It belonged to a man who looked like in his early thirties sitting down in front of Amaterasu. He had black hair tied into a messy ponytail, and a goatee connected to his mustache. He was wearing a green yukata with some pieces of leather armor. On his waist was a katana with a purple sheath. That was Susano, the Shinto God of the storm.

"Give me a reason not to yell and I won't," Amaterasu growled at her brother.

Apparently, she was still mad about what happened yesterday, which is when Susano got drunk and ended up destroying one of the walls.

"Yeah, Yeah, sorry," Susano apologized before taking out a guard-bottle and taking a drink.

Amaterasu can feel her eye twitching as her brother started drinking again, and in front of her no less. Honestly, if he didn't kill the Yamata no Orochi and bring her a sword made from its tail, then Susano would not have been allowed back into Takama no Hara.

"So," Susano put the bottle down. "What got you so angry?" he asked knowing that his sister must have been doing something important. Otherwise, she wouldn't be so mad that he interrupted it.

Amaterasu huffed crossing her arms under her large bust. "If you must know, then I was having a conversation with Haou."

"The Supreme King?" Susano asked before he smirked deviously. "So, I cut off your call with your crush?"

The sun goddess blushed slightly but kept her firm gaze. "I'll have you know that the call was for business only."

"I didn't hear you deny what I said" Susano pointed out, his grin still present and became wider when his sister looked away.

"Well, at least, unlike you, Haou is a gentleman," Amaterasu said before adding. "Besides, there's a reason many women want Haou, and I assure you that it isn't just because of his power. I don't want to imagine what would happen if the supernatural world actually found out how powerful Haou REALLY is."

"Let me tell you what would happen, women would start throwing themselves naked at his feet begging for children," Susano remarked making his sister's expression turn rather dark and somewhat murderous.

Both she and her brother knew that most supernatural women follow power like moths to a flame. And, to say Haou is powerful is like saying that Great Red is just an overgrown salamander.

To Amaterasu, those women were nothing but desperate harlots out for their own greed. She had fallen for Haou BEFORE she realized how powerful he is.

Sadly, however, Amaterasu and most of the people that know the Supreme King knew that Haou has his eyes on one woman for now. 'keywords, for now' she thought.

Serafall Leviathan. Honestly, Amaterasu had nothing against Serafall. In fact, they became really good friends since they started having meetings between their Factions. Which is why the sun goddess didn't stop the contract of Kouh when she knew about it. While she didn't trust Devils, she trusted Serafall.

"Lady Amaterasu," A Tengu Warrior came towards them before kneeling down. "We just received a letter from Lady Yasaka," he said taking out a scroll.

The Shinto goddess of the sun sighed. "What is it now?" she asked taking the letter. After opening and reading it, her eyes narrowed. "Oh?... It seems I'll be calling Haou back after all," she said. Susano would have said some cunning remark but stayed quiet seeing his sister's serious look.

During the end of the school day, Judai came out of class with Rias and Akeno, since they were in the same classroom.

"Koneko told me that you guys have a meeting in Issei's house," Judai said as they all started walking through the hallway.

"That's right," Rias nodded, she figured that Koneko would tell him. "Our club room is having its annual cleaning by the student council, so I decided that it would be better to have it in Issei's house," she explained before looking at the Supreme King. "Would you like to join us?"

Akeno was slightly surprised to see her King offer such an invitation, mainly because Judai and the four brothers weren't members of their club.

Normally, Rias wouldn't invite outsiders to their club meetings. However, she was doing this for Koneko. The Gremory heiress can see that her rook made a friend in Judai, and was honestly glad to see the white-haired girl smile more often.

Just as Judai was about to give a response, his phone started ringing. "Excuse me, I have to take this," he said taking out his phone and walking some distance from the Devils.

Answering the phone, Amaterasu immediately spoke to him from the other side of the line. "Haou, we need to talk."

Judai's brown eyes were gone and Haou's golden ones began glowing in their place. Since his back was turned to them, Rias and Akeno didn't notice. "What is it?"

"I just got a report from Yasaka," Amaterasu replied. "It seems that members of the church have entered Shinto territory."

"Seeing that you called me, I suppose they're in Kouh to be specific," the Supreme King pointed out.

"Yes," Amaterasu replied as Haou heard some papers moving around on the other side of the line. "Two of them, both Excalibur wielders."

Haou hummed in thought. Two Excalibur wielders meant that the church was desperate to do something. Not desperate enough to send Dulio, the strongest member in the church, but still.

"Do you know why they're here?" the Supreme King asked.

"No, but I do know that there has been some suspicions Fallen Angels activity lately," Amaterasu replied making Haou narrow his eyes.

The Supreme King nodded. "I'll keep an eye out," he said before ending the call. Haou left and Judai took his place as he walked back to Rias and Akeno. "Sorry," he apologized scratching his head. "Something just came up, so I can't take you up on that."

The Gremory heiress nodded. "It's alright."

"Well, see you later," Judai said as he started walking away.

"Say hi to Yuri for me," Akeno called out as she and her king walked away.

Rias sweatdropped at her Queen's action. During the meeting the other day, Akeno and Yuri got to talk… about the ways to torture your prey. While Rias was glad that her Queen was making friends, she was still disturbed on how two people can talk about torture so cheerfully like it was their favorite game.

Meanwhile, the Supreme King was deep in thought. Mainly about what Amaterasu just told him. He didn't care much about the church members, but the Fallen Angels were another story.

Haou knew that Azazel wouldn't do something rash in territory that doesn't belong to the Grigori. Especially after the… last 'meeting' that the Supreme King had with the Governor-General.

But, he had a suspicion that he knew who the cause for these problems was. There was a Fallen Angel that didn't exactly like how things were in the world.

"Great," Haou sighed shaking his head. "I just came here to watch over Devils, and now I have to deal with Kokabiel. At least I'm not working THAT much. Otherwise, Yubel is going to scold me for not taking this chance to rest."

(A/N: Thank you for reading this. Sorry for the late update. College has been a b*tch and I was experiencing some writer's block, so I hope you forgive me.

First, I hope the explanation about why Koneko warmed up to Judai was reasonable. As I said, I want my story to make as much sense as possible.

Second, about what I said the last chapter. I phrased it wrong. When I talked about the girls being off-limits, I meant the ones that are ALREADY in a relationship when the Canon began. (Grayfia, Venelana, etc.) so girls who are free when the Canon began are still open.

Third, I wanted Amaterasu and Susano to have a role. I didn't want to just cut them off out of nowhere. Plus, someone had to inform Haou about the church girls.

Fourth, about the boys seeing Issei getting beat up. It would have been rather far fetched that they just don't hurt him from Haou's orders. So, I decided that seeing how Issei was embarrassing Ddraig was enough to leave him alone.

Again, thank you for reading this. Please comment, review, and give me your thoughts on my story.)

P.S. This question just popped up in my head.

Dante Sparda VS. Jackie Estacado: Who would win?

Personally, my money is on Jackie.