It's a new day in the town of Kouh. Right now, the Supreme King and the four brothers were in their home, having breakfast before they have to head to school.
Haou just finished telling the brothers what he talked about with Amaterasu. "So, two Excalibur wielders are in Kouh now?" Yuya asked for confirmation.
The Supreme King nodded, and then Yuri asked, "And are here to deal with Kokabiel?"
Again, Haou nodded and it was Yugo's turn to ask, and his question was, "Are they retarded?"
Truthfully, his brothers shared his thoughts. None of them can actually see just TWO Excalibur wielders beating a Cadre Fallen Angel. One that was part of the Great War at that.
"I don't believe that this is the case," Haou said catching their attention. "I believe that they don't know who exactly they're going against," he explained.
"So, basically, they know it's powerful to send Excalibur wielders, but not how powerful they are," Yuto concluded earning another nod from the Supreme King. "Why only send two, though? Wouldn't it make more sense to send more?"
"My guess is that the church is either running low on Holy Sword wielders, too scattered, or this incident has something to do with Excalibur itself," Haou explained his thoughts. He doubted it was the first option since he already knew about the Holy Sword project.
"What are we going to do about it?" Yuya asked wondering about the Supreme King's thoughts.
"For now, we'll see what the church members are going to do," Haou replied. Since Yasaka was the one to report the church members, that means they entered AFTER getting permission from the Yokai queen, which also means they're trying to do things professionally. "As for Kokabiel, we'll only interfere if it's absolutely necessary."
They all nodded at Haou's orders. None of them would actually have any trouble dealing with Kokabiel. In all honesty, he was actually weak as a Cadre. Any of them can beat him with physical strength alone.
"What about the Devils?" Yuya asked wondering about the two heiresses.
"The church will most likely try to either avoid the Devils or make sure to tell them to stay away from their business," the Supreme King replied finishing up breakfast. "Alright, I believe we should get going."
The four brothers all finished their breakfast and followed Haou as he walked out of the house to head to school.
However, when Yugo was about to get on his bike, Haou grabbed him by the back of his shirt. "Don't even think about it," he said in a threatening tone.
"W-What?!" The blue-haired teen started thrashing his limbs, trying to escape the Supreme King's hold. "Wait, what's going on?"
"You're walking, that's final!" Haou replied as he started dragging Yugo with his shirt. He was tired of the trouble Yugo caused because of his bike.
The blue-haired teen was reaching out to his bike with tears streaming from his eyes, but the Supreme King ignored his cries.
"Oh, dragon up, Fusion," Yuri laughed as he enjoyed his brother's predicament. Yuya and Yuto were also chuckling at the scene.
"It's not FUSION!" Yugo cried out still trying to break free from Haou's hold.
Judai just came into class and saw the two Devil heiresses having a hushed conversation between each other.
Akeno and Tsubaki were there, but they were just staying quiet waiting for their respective Kings to finish their talk.
"What's up, guy- er, girls," Judai greeted, sitting down on his seat. He already had a suspicion of what they were talking about.
Rias and Sona looked at each other before they nodded, deciding to let Judai and his group in the deal since they were here to help them make sure the town is safe.
"I think you should come to the Occult Research Club building after school today," Rias said keeping the details since they were humans around.
"What's wrong?" Judai asked while resting his head on his crossed arms over his desk.
"There are some people who met with me and Tsubaki earlier," Sona said as she fixed her glasses. "They wanted to meet those who are in charge of Kouh. Since I'm a little busy with Student Council work, Rias will be meeting them. However, I believe you should be there."
The Supreme King nodded. He already was suspecting that it has something with the church members, and now he confirmed it along with his earlier assumptions of telling the Devils to stay out of their business.
"Wow, this place is super clean now!" Judai noted as he looked around the ORC room. Everything looked brand new and you can even see your reflection on a few things.
"Yeah," Issei nodded in agreement before looking at the ground and noticing that it showed a reflection of under the girls' skirt. "So clean," he added with a Perverted smile.
However, that just earned him a punch in the back of the head, courtesy of the White-haired Rock. "Pervert," she grumbled before shooting a glare at Judai. "Keep your eyes where they should be," she threatened.
The Supreme King gave her a deadpan look. "What do you take me for?" he asked a little offended that she thought he would look up her skirt. "I wouldn't look up your skirt even if YOU offered it for me," Now, it was Koneko's turn to look somewhat offended. She didn't know if he was being a gentleman or insulting her sex-appeal. Although, she doubted the latter.
Koneko suddenly shook her head lightly. She was surprised that she cared about what someone thought about her sex-appeal. She can't even remember the last time she thought of that. She started questioning if Judai really made her open up that much.
"Oh, this tea is simply wonderful, Akeno," Yuri complemented after taking a sip of tea that the Gremory Queen offered. "I can tell that you used fresh tea leaves in it."
Akeno smiled putting a hand on her cheek. "Why thank you, I'm glad you noticed."
"Why don't you two go make out in a closet," Yugo teased slightly.
However, his teasing backfired. ""We would, but there's no closet here,"" they both said at the same time making them look surprised before chuckling together. They both said it in an attempt to teas the other, but they have the same mindset, apparently. Meanwhile, Yugo just looked slightly disturbed at their response.
Yuya looked around noticing the absence of someone. "Hey, where's Kiba?" he asked.
The mood of the Peerage suddenly went down slightly. "Kiba has been gone since last night," Asia informed them after checking on Issei's head. "He's been in a bad mood lately."
"Did something happen?" Yuto asked. From what he saw, the Blonde Knight was calm and collective, so it was a surprise to hear he was shaken.
"We don't know," Issei replied as Asia finished checking over his head. He lost interest in looking at the reflection on the floor when Kiba was mentioned. "We were dealing with Strays, but he kept getting distracted, and after President Rias scolded him a little because Koneko almost got hurt, he just left."
Koneko herself looked a little down. "I'm worried," she mumbled to no one in particular.
"Alright, everyone," Rias called out as she came into the room. "Let's get this meeting started."
Two more people came into the room. Both of them were wearing a white hooded cloak. One of them also had a large sword with an ax-shaped crossguard.
A few moments later, Rias was sitting on one couch with her Peerage behind her. The two church members were on another couch, on the opposite side of one Rias was on. And Judai was sitting on a chair between them with the four brothers standing behind him.
The two church members had already taken off their hoods. They were both young women, no older than the students in the school. One of them had blue, chin-length hair with a green strand at the front. The other had long brown hair tied into pigtails.
"Thank you for meeting us," The one with blue hair started. "I am Xenovia Quarta."
"And I am Irina Shido," the one with pigtails greeted.
"I'm interested to know why followers of God would want to meet with a Devil," Rias told them forgoing introduction. She had heard that those two were at Issei's house the other day, and while no one was hurt, she didn't like that two exorcists met up with a member of her 'family'.
"It does seem rather random," Irina noted before adopting a somewhat serious look. "You see, recently, three of the seven Excaliburs have been stolen from the church."
Issei obviously looked confused. Noticing his look, Rias said, "Excalibur itself doesn't exist."
However, that only made the Red Emperor more look even more confused. Yuto sighed and said, "The original Excalibur broke apart during the Great War. Seven pieces were left from it."
Irina nodded taking over the explanation. "Those pieces were then collected by the church before being turned by alchemy into swords that are now known as Excalibur," she said and Issei seemed to understand.
Xenovia then held up the large sword that was covered in cloth. "This is what Excalibur currently looks like," she informed before going into details. "Mine is Excalibur Destruction. The destruction holy sword."
Irina then got her hand out of her cloak and showed an armband. "And this is Excalibur Mimic. The mimicry holy sword."
Everyone nodded at the information. Judai was more interested in the swords though. In terms of raw power, Excalibur Destruction is the strongest. But, in terms of being the most useful, Excalibur Mimic is the one, if you know how to use it.
"Irina, do we really have to explain our swords' abilities to the Devils?" Xenovia asked her partner, which made the Gremory Peerage feel somewhat offended.
"Even if they are Devils, we can't have a hostile relationship with them while we're in this situation. This is their territory after all," Irina informed her partner who had no choice but to listen to her sense.
Rias simply regarded them with a questionable look. "So, what does that have to do with a country this far in the east of the world?" she asked. Judai was surprised that she didn't see what that meant.
"Each church that had an Excalibur was guarding two of them," Xenovia started explaining. "The last one went missing during the Great War. One Excalibur was stolen from each church. By the Fallen Angels. The ones who stole them came to Japan, in this town to be exact."
"Looks like Kouh is full of incidents," Rias sighed. Recently, it was simply one incident after another with the territory that she shared management with Sona. "You still have not mentioned the reason why you asked for this meeting," she noted.
"Yes. Our request- no, our order is that the Devils do not get involved," Xenovia practically commanded. "This is between the church and the Fallen Angels. So, we're here to tell you not to interfere."
Judai didn't exactly like her tone. From what he can see, Xenovia thought that she has the right to give orders simply because she wields an Excalibur. Or that she simply thought she was superior to everyone, he didn't know what was worst.
"It seems that you are implying that I might side with the Fallen Angels?" Rias looked rather offended at being accused of siding with the enemy.
"It kind of makes sense," Judai said drawing surprised looks around. "I mean, Devils hate Holy Swords, especially Excalibur. So it would make sense that they'd try to get rid of it," he explained. Of course, he doubted that the Gremory heiress would do that, but he was simply stating logic.
"Excuse me, but, who exactly are you?" Xenovia asked giving the Supreme King a critical eye. She can tell that he wasn't a Devil, nor was any of the four brothers, but she couldn't tell what their role is.
"Oh, my name is Judai Yuki," said boy introduced himself before motioning to the four brothers behind him. "We're here from the Shinto Faction."
"The Shinto Faction?" Irina asked confused. She knew that Kouh was in the middle of Shinto territory, but she also knew that the town itself was considered Devil territory. "Why are you here?"
"Lady Amaterasu sent us," Yuya answered surprising the two exorcists. "She was concerned because of the number of Strays around, so we're here to help keep the town safe."
The two church members nodded accepting the answer. It actually made sense to them that the Shinto Faction would send someone to watch over Kouh. In fact, they thought that they should have expected something like this.
"I see, but you should know that you shouldn't interfere either. As I said, this is between the church and the Fallen Angels," Xenovia noted. Before looking back at Rias. "If you interfere, we won't guarantee that you will not be harmed. Even if you are the sister of the current Lucifer."
"It seems that you are well informed," Rias noted narrowing her eyes at Xenovia's indirect threat. "Well, I assure you, I have no intention of harming my brother's reputation by siding with the Fallen Angels."
"We just wanted to see that we're clear," the blue-haired girl said standing up with her partner. "We'll be leaving now."
"Would you like some tea before you go?" Rias offered. Just because they were members of the church, it didn't mean she should lose her manners.
"Thank you for the offer, but we have a mission to accomplish," Xenovia replied as she was about to leave but stopped recognizing a certain blonde Bishop. "I thought I saw you before. You're Asia Argentino, the Witch."
Asia seemed to be caught off guard and became quite nervous. That drew a few concerned looks from the rest of the Peerage.
"Oh my God, it's really you," Irina exclaimed surprised. "The saint who turned to a Witch that can hear Devils and Fallen Angels," she added really surprised to see her here.
Asia just looked more uncomfortable. Judai, or Haou to be specific, started putting the pieces together after what he heard. He concluded that Asia was a member of the church considered a saint, but ended up being kicked out and branded a Witch because she did something, not something evil, but simply endangered Heaven's 'system'.
"Asia, are you okay?" Issei asked concerned.
"Of course she's not okay," Xenovia cut into the conversation. "She went from being a saint to being a Devil. She couldn't have fallen more low," she stated getting Judai to narrow his eyes. He honestly was wondering which one was the Devil between Xenovia and Asia from this conversation. "Tell me, do you still believe in God?" she asked.
"Xenovia, she's a Devil now," Irina reminded her partner.
"Even if she's a Devil, there have been cases where people still held their belief," The blue-haired girl replied still looking at Asia.
"Really?" Irina asked looking at the blonde girl surprised. "Do you still believe in our God, Asia?"
Asia, still looking uncomfortable, looked down and answered. "E-Even if I'm a Devil now… I could never let go of the teachings… I always believed in God, and I still do."
Judai and the four brothers had to admit that it was impressive how the blonde Bishop kept her belief. Even in such dire situations. However, they all knew that it was pointless.
"I see," Xenovia then, much to everyone's shock, took her sword and aimed it at Asia. "Then let me strike you down now. If you truly believe in God, then you should let me cleanse you of your sins, and I'm sure that God will forgive you."
"Hey, back off!" Issei said as he got between Xenovia and Asia. "Why don't you take that crap and get out of here?!" he asked as he glared at her. Judai now saw that Issei was indeed someone with a good heart.
The blue-haired girl glared at him. "Just who is Asia Argentino to you?" she asked.
"My friend, my family, someone important, but it doesn't matter," Issei replied glaring back at the exorcist. "There's no way in hell that I'll let you hurt Asia. You people were the ones that kicked her out and called her a Witch for something that she had no control in."
"She healed a Devil," Xenovia countered as if it justifies her actions. "That itself is an unforgivable sin for a saint."
"How do you know that?" Judai asked deciding to cut into the conversation.
Xenovia looked at him confused. "As I said, she healed a Devil, which goes against God's teachings."
"How exactly do you know that God didn't want Asia to heal that Devil?" Judai asked making everyone confused this time. "Wasn't it God that created the Scared Gears?"
"Of course it was," Irina answered without a shadow of doubt.
"Then doesn't that mean that he also created Asia's Twilight Healing?" Judai asked again surprising the Devils. As far as they knew, no one told him about Asia's Sacred Gear.
"Obviously," Xenovia scoffed before raising an eyebrow. "What are you getting at?"
"So, if God created Twilight Healing, and didn't want it to heal Devils, then why is it able to?" he asked as everyone's eyes widen. "The way I see it, Asia was able to heal a Devil because God allowed it, and she used her power exactly like he wanted them to be used."
Xenovia and Irina simply looked at Judai in shock. Neither of them could deny what he said, mainly because it actually made sense to them. Sacred Gears were created by God, and if he didn't want one to work on Devils, that would have happened. In fact, they actually started having questions about Asia's exile.
However, Xenovia shook those questions out of her head and aimed her sword at Judai. "Enough with your mind games!" she yelled thinking that Judai was simply trying to shake her beliefs in the church.
"I don't play mind games," Judai said uncaring about the sword aimed at him. "Mainly because they give me headaches, I'd rather play card games."
"If what he's saying is true, then you people are just monsters," Issei said glaring at Xenovia. From what he understood of Judai's explanation, then Asia literally did nothing wrong. "No way in hell that I'll let you touch Asia," his words touched Asia and she was using all her will power to not cry.
The blue-haired girl looked at him with a challenging gaze. "Interesting, you wish to take on the entire church?"
"This is perfect," Someone said and they all looked at the door to see Kiba glaring at the church girls. "I'll take you both on now," he said. Judai noticed the look of blood lust, and it wasn't a good sign.
"And who are you?" Xenovia asked suspiciously.
Kiba gave a smile that only Yuri would usually have. "Your superior."
Now, everyone found themselves at the back of the school with a barrier around them to keep normal people out.
Apparently, they decided to settle this with a little match. Kiba against Xenovia and Issei against Irina. The others were standing at the side.
"Do you think it's a good idea to have this match?" Akeno asked worried that it might go against the Cease Fire treaty.
"This isn't official. We'll consider it a friendly spar," Rias replied having already thought this through.
"So," Yuya looked at the Gremory heiress. "Do you mind telling us why Kiba is acting like some Sasuke wannabe?" he asked. They all knew that Issei was fighting for Asia's sake, but not why Kiba was fighting.
The red-haired devil looked troubled. "It's… complicated," she replied not wanting to bring up the details of Kiba's past.
Xenovia and Irina took off their cloaks to reveal that they were wearing a black unitard that hugged their bodies a little too well.
"It should be interesting to see the Strength of Rias Gremory's Peerage," Xenovia noted before gaining a cocky smirk. "I'd also like to see how you are 'Superior'."
"Be careful of the Holy Swords," Rias informed her Pawn and Knight worried that they might get hurt.
Issei got ready for battle but then heard Kiba chuckling. "Are you laughing?" he asked surprised by such an action at this time.
"Yeah," Kiba confirmed raising his arm and creating a demonic sword with a very Yuri-like smile. "The thing I've searched for and want to destroy is right in front of me. I'm really happy."
Judai and the four brothers can see that Kiba wasn't in his right state of mind. If this keeps up, they knew that it wasn't going to end well for the blonde Knight.
"Sword Birth," Xenovia noted seeing the way that Kiba summoned his weapon. "The ability to create any demonic sword from the wielder's imagination. I had heard that there was a survivor of the Holy Sword project… is it you?" she asked but was ignored.
"Issei Hyoudou," Irina yelled as she looked rather hurt. "To think that when I returned, I'd find out that you have been turned to a Devil. Oh, Destiny has taken such a harsh turn!" she exclaimed dramatically.
"Destiny isn't real, little girl," Judai said in an unusually harsh tone gaining surprised looks except from the four brothers, who knew that it was Haou that was currently speaking. "It's just something those idiots in the church came up with to feel greater about themselves. Saying that God destined them for greatness and all that. I assure you, Destiny is nothing more than a word, and it has no effect on what happens in the universe," he explained rather harshly with a glare that made Irina actually jumped a little out of fear. Haou knew he was being harsh, but he had a history with those who 'believe in destiny'.
After putting her act back together, Irina shook her head. "T-That is not true. Destiny is real, after all, God must have destined this battle to happen!" she yelled before looking back at Issei and taking off her armband making it turn to a katana. "This must be a test from God. He's testing my faith. I'm sorry, Issei, but you have to face judgment from my Excalibur. Amen!" she said taking a praying pose for a second.
The Supreme King rolled his eyes at Irina's rather annoying belief. He then felt someone poking his side and saw it was Koneko.
The White-haired girl was giving a concerned look. "Are you alright?" she asked since a few seconds ago, Judai wasn't exactly himself.
Judai gave her his usual goofy grin and nodded. "Yeah, I'm fine, don't worry about it," he replied with honesty and Koneko nodded believing his words.
Issei just looked confused. He didn't understand why Irina was talking about Destiny, or why Judai was being unusual harsh, or why his childhood friend thinks that this is supposed to be some kind of test of faith.
He decided to not think about that for now. "I don't know what you're talking about, but I don't care," he said before raising his hand. "Go, Boosted Gear![Boost!]" he said as a gruff voice called out and his arm was covered with a red gauntlet with a green gem at the back of the hand.
The four brothers started glaring at the gauntlets while the two church members looked shocked. "A Longinus!?" Xenovia asked.
"Is that the Boosted Gear?" Irina asked surprised. "I never thought I'd see the wielder of the Welsh Dragon here."
"Why do you look impressed?" Yuto asked crossing his arms. "It's just a failure Sacred Gear made from an equally failure Dragon."
That was the most surprising thing the Devils and Church girls had heard in a really long time. Mainly because Yuto just downright insulted one of the Heavenly Dragons.
"We know you can hear us, Ddraig!" Yuya called out making Issei jump but relaxed slightly seeing that the glare wasn't directed at him, but his Sacred Gear.
"Don't take your eyes off your opponent!" before any more can be said, Kiba attacked Xenovia.
The blue-haired girl managed to raise her sword quickly enough to block the surprise attack. "Sword Birth, Boosted Gear, and Twilight Healing. All considered heresy for the church," Xenovia noted with a smirk. "Perhaps it was natural for you to become a Devil."
"My power is that of my comrades' hatred," Kiba said pushing forward with his demonic sword. "They were all killed with regret, and I will use that power to destroy the Excalibur."
"Here I come, Issei!" Irina charged forward swinging down her katana at her childhood friend who immediately jumped away.
"I'm not done yet!" Issei yelled as he dodged another strike. [Boost!] he started dodging while waiting for his Boosted Gear to charge.
What came next was a show of how Xenovia and Kiba clashed swords with a few of the Blonde Knight's being broken, while Irina tried to cut down Issei who kept dodging.
Honestly, Judai thought that the only one who had a chance of winning from the Gremory side was Issei since he's the only one focusing on the battle.
Kiba was too blinded by rage. It was obvious that Xenovia was no match for his speed, and wouldn't be able to block his attacks in a normal situation. However, she is able to block his attacks because he wasn't attacking her, he was attacking her sword.
[Boost!] Issei finally charged up enough power and started giving Irina a perverted look. The pigtailed girl looked a little creeped out. "Such a lecherous face… why are you looking at me like that?" she asked.
"Be careful," Koneko called out, surprisingly to Irina. "Issei has the power to strip women's clothes after touching them."
Judai looked surprised and all hope he had for Issei winning was out of the window. Meanwhile, the four brothers started laughing.
"I honestly couldn't think you can fall any lower, Ddraig!" Yugo yelled laughing at the Red Emperor thinking about the Dragon's embarrassment.
"Nice host Ddraig, 10/10!" Yuri mocked laughing along with his siblings.
Issei just looked confused. He didn't know if they were laughing at him or his Scared Gear. Meanwhile, Irina looked at Issei in disappointment. "Such a perverted technique," she said clapping her hands together. "Please, God, don't forgive this sinful pervert!"
"To gain strength from his sexual desires," Xenovia noted as she crushed another of Kiba's swords. "Quite fitting, for a greedy Devil."
"It's time for you to freeze and burn!" Kiba called out creating two new swords, one coated in fire and the other coated in ice.
He spun around, creating a tornado of those respective elements. Xenovia simply raised her sword. "You're naive!" she said swinging down her sword destroying Kiba's own. The Gremory Knight was surprised that his weapons were destroyed so easily. "The Holy Sword of Destruction. I assure you, that name isn't just for show," she added, and to prove her point, she trusted her sword in the ground making a small crater and shaking the area lightly.
The Devils and Irina were shaken, but Judai and the four brothers weren't affected at all. Kiba, still blinded by rage, didn't seem phased by the display. "To think one piece would be that powerful… so destroying all seven would not be easy," he said as he stood back up.
"Does he really think he can do that?" Yuya asked rhetorically. His brothers shared his opinion. At this point, Kiba was either delusional or in denial.
"Geez, warn me next time you're going to do that, Xenovia," Irina said standing up again and brushing herself. "Now my costume is dusty."
[Explosion!] was heard from Issei's Boosted Gear, implying that it fully charged. "Yes, with this my dream of boobs will be complete!" he yelled as he smiled pervertedly and went to Irina "Sorry to strip you!"
"He'll what!?" Irina yelled, somewhat scared of such a technique before she started dodging Issei's hand. The Red Emperor started following her around, and surprisingly, reached her. "You caught up with me!?" she had to give it to Issei that he knew how to run.
"Nothing will stop me from getting boobs!" he yelled as he lunged at Irina, only for her duck and allow him to fly above her.
Issei ended up touching Koneko and Asia on their shoulders before passing by them and falling on the ground, accidentally triggering his spell.
A magical circle appeared on the two girls on where he touched them before their clothes were ripped apart, leaving them naked.
Issei stood up and saw the dark glare that the White-haired girl was giving him. "N-Now, W-Wait, Kon-" he didn't get to finish as he received a really hard punch from said girl.
"Pervert!" Koneko growled trying to cover her modesty. She then felt something drop on her shoulders and saw it was a male school jacket.
The White-haired girl looked behind her and saw Judai with just his black turtleneck. "Here, you can have it," he said before looking back at the fight.
The White-haired girl just covered herself with the jacket while having a blush of embarrassment on her cheeks. She honestly was thinking of hitting Issei again now that she realized he might have embarrassed her in front of the Supreme King.
Issei, after recovering from the hit, gave Asia his own jacket and went back to the battle. Which he lost shortly after because of a cut on the back of his hand.
Kiba cried out as he raised his hands and created a large demonic sword. "Let's see who's sword is stronger!" he yelled as he dashed forward.
At that moment, Judai knew that Kiba's defeat was sealed. And just as he thought, Xenovia moved forward and struck his stomach with the back of her sword's handle. Even though it wasn't a cut, the Holy aura from the sword pained Kiba enough for him to cough some blood and fall on the ground.
The match is over and Xenovia walked towards Rias with an arrogant smile. "It seems that we're the victors," she noted feeling rather joyful.
"Yes, indeed," Rias replied holding back her anger. She immediately decided to change the subject. "You said that it was the Fallen Angels that took the Excaliburs, do you know who exactly they are?"
"Our research has proven that the Cadre Fallen Angel Kokabiel is the one leading them," Xenovia replied without a care in the world.
"You're going against a Cadre Fallen Angel? Are you planning to die?" Rias asked in disbelief knowing that Kokabiel is far stronger than the two church members.
"We're well aware of the risk," Irina replied as she grabbed her cloak along with Xenovia. "And we're willing to die if it's in the name of God."
"Does the church know that it's Kokabiel in charge, or just you two?" Judai asked catching everyone by surprise.
"Finding out that Kokabiel was in charge was something me and Irina came across while coming here, and we didn't report it to the church yet," Xenovia replied. She didn't see a need to, but since she thought that Judai was with the Shinto Faction, she thought it wouldn't be a problem to tell him. "We also know that he has someone with him that helped get the swords."
That proved Haou's assumption about the church not knowing who was in charge. He couldn't imagine Griselda Quarta sending just two exorcists to fight Kokabiel, especially since one of them might be her daughter.
"It was Freed," Kiba said drawing their attention. "I saw him after he killed a priest, and he had a weird Holy Sword with him," he added remembering last night. Asia shivered at the mention of the deranged priest while Issei growled in anger.
"So it's a Stray Priest, is it," Xenovia noted. It actually made sense, since only a former Priest would know where the swords were.
Judai looked at Kiba and Issei as Asia looked them over. "Man, this fight was pathetic," he said getting surprised and shocked looks from the Gremory Peerage.
Xenovia merely smirked. "It seems that your friend does not believe in you," she gloated to Rias.
"I was talking about you," Judai added looking at Xenovia and Irina catching them off guard.
"E-Excuse me?" Irina asked surprised. She didn't notice anything wrong with the fight. Other than how Issei tried to strip her that is.
"How can you actually be happy with that victory?" the Supreme King asked as they looked confused.
"We won, what do you mean?" Xenovia asked suspiciously. She thought that it was another mind game.
"Against opponents who weren't trying to win in the first place, can you really call that a victory?" Judai asked again as he pointed at Issei. "He only ran around and tried to strip his opponent, and not once has he actually fought back," he then pointed at Kiba. "And he wasn't trying to win, or even beat you, he was trying to destroy your sword by hitting it as strong as he can," he said as both Gremory members looked down in shame. Meanwhile, the church girls couldn't say anything, because he spoke of facts, again. "If Griselda Quarta was here, she'd be shaking her head in disappointment at you two."
The two church members looked at Judai in shock. "H-How do you know about Lady Griselda?" Irina asked shocked since, outside the Church, Griselda was pretty much non-existent.
"I've met her a few times in the past," Judai answered as he turned around and started walking away, seeing no reason to stay here. "Come on guys, let's go."
"Wait!" Xenovia called out as she followed him. She wasn't satisfied with his answer. "Tell me, how do you know Griselda?"
She grabbed his shoulder trying to force him to stop. But, at that moment, Judai, or Haou looked over his shoulder, and Xenovia froze in her spot.
The blue-haired girl was now being glared at by a pair of golden demonic eyes with white pupils. Looking at those eyes, she couldn't help but be overcome by an immense amount of instinctive fear that told her to run away.
Slowly, Xenovia removed her hand from Judai's shoulder, and he continued walking with the four brothers, who had fun laughing at the Red Emperor.
When they were off the school grounds, Yuto decided to ask, "So, what will we do know?"
"Nothing," Haou replied much to their surprise. "We'll only get involved in the town is in danger, but we won't do anything about the church girls."
"But… Lord Haou, they're going against Kokabiel," Yuya said, hoping that the Supreme King would at least help them.
Yugo was in the same spot as Yuya in this situation. "Yeah, they can't take him on alone."
"That's their fault," Haou replied bluntly, uncaring about the danger that the girls are getting into. "If they want to die for a God that's no longer there, then so be it. I have no reason to help them."
Even if he was being rather cruel, Haou had his reasons. His first impression of the two Excalibur wielders wasn't a good one. Irina didn't seem like a bad person, but she was too blinded by her belief and refused to accept anything other than God's teaching. Xenovia, however, didn't have such a strong belief, but she obviously had an obsession with proving herself to the church.
Besides, the Supreme King didn't really like the church at all. In his eyes, they were all a bunch of stuck up hypocrites with God-complex. Griselda Quarta being the only exception.
Also, Haou didn't like helping anything related to heaven. He had a grudge against the angels for… an incident that happened a while back, and he still held a grudge.
Meanwhile, the four brothers had mixed reactions. Yuri, like Haou, didn't really care about the church girls, and couldn't care less if they died. Yuto didn't believe leaving them was fair, but respected Haou's reasoning.
Yuya and Yugo, however, didn't feel right just leaving the church members to their fate. They looked at each other and both realized that they had the same idea… one that they will probably regret greatly.
(A/N: Thank you for reading this.
First, I hope it didn't sound like I was bashing Xenovia or Irina, but you have to admit, they were being b*tches when they first showed up.
Second, I'm sure you saw that Griselda was mentioned a few times. She will show up, but won't have a major role.
Third, about Haou's grudge against Heaven, that will be explained further in the story, so don't worry.
Fourth, I think you can see that Akeno and Yuri are getting along. Personally, I want to find a match for each of the Yu boys, since it'll be rather cruel for them to not have one.
Lastly, I might not update for a while, not because I'm quitting. I have no plans to quit on any of my stories. However, I decided to start an entirely new story with my own characters, plot, and universe. So I hope you understand.
Again, thank you for reading this. Please comment, review, and give me your thoughts on my story.)