The sun dawns in the town of Kuoh. Tomorrow was the day of the three Factions meeting, and last night Haou left to meet the Greek pantheon.

Xenovia was currently in the middle of a great discovery. She had always suspected that Haou was the one to always keep the four brothers in check. However, now, she knew that it was a fact, not a suspicion.

"Who the hell took all the hot water!" Yugo yelled on top of his lungs from upstairs.

"Yuya! When's breakfast coming along?" Yuto asked impatiently.

"Just a few more minutes, Yuto!" Yuya replied from the kitchen.

"You've said that thirty minutes ago!" was the purple-haired teen's response.

"Can someone please tell me where's the TV remote!?" Yuri asked as he looked around.

Xenovia was sitting in the living room of the house, watching the chaos unfold. She forgot that, despite these four being Heavenly Dragons, one of the strongest beings in the world, they were still brothers, and will act as such.

"All I want is one warm bath!" Yugo came into the living room with nothing but a towel. "But I can't because you all keep using the hot water!" he yelled out.

"Then wake up earlier than someone, for once," Yuri replied, believing that it was his brother's own fault. "Now, tell me where's the remote is!" he demanded as he started glaring.

"Yuya, where's breakfast?" Yuto asked impatiently, uncaring of his other two brothers.

"Five more minutes!" Yuya's voice came from the kitchen.

Xenovia was honestly reaching her limits with the constant yelling. There was only so much she can take of the brothers' bickering, and without Haou around, there seem to be no limits to that.

Finally, as the brothers continued yelling at each other, the young Quarta snapped. "QUIEEEEEEEEEET!" The entire room finally fell into silence as the four brothers looked at the blue-haired girl with shocked looks. Realizing what she did, she couldn't help but blush slightly. "Sorry, but you were getting out of control," the only reason she apologized is that she felt rude at telling them what to do in their house, especially since she was staying with them as a guest.

Yugo whistled. "Those are some impressive set of lungs," he complimented. Xenovia didn't know how to feel about that compliment, but it still made her cheeks go darker.

"I… guess she's right," Yuri admitted reluctantly as he sat down on the couch. "We really should be more mature, especially without Lord Haou around. He left me in charge, so I say we settle down before we bring the house down. I'm sure Lord Haou would be pissed to come back to a pile of ruins," he reasoned with his brothers.

"Breakfast is ready," Yuya finally called out from the kitchen. "Sorry it was late, I still haven't memorized the kitchen's interior," he apologized.

"I'm going to finish my shower," Yugo commented as he held his towel(for some reason, Xenovia had an unknown tingly feeling at seeing him in just a towel). "Leave some breakfast for me," he added before leaving.

"So, what do you guys have planned today?" Yuto asked as they started breakfast.

"Rias contacted me a few minutes ago," Xenovia said. "She told us to meet them at the old school building. Something about another Bishop," she said explaining what she understood of the phone call. She was half-asleep at the time, so she didn't pay complete attention.

"Well, this should be interesting," Yuto commented, interested in what the Gremory is planning to do before the Three Factions' meeting.

"That aside, do you think Lord Haou is doing okay with the Greek Pantheon?" Yuya asked, changing the subject.

Yuri shrugged his shoulders. "I don't know. What he did is rather huge, but I can't see Zeus being ignorant of how Hades has been acting lately," he replied, believing that the worst Haou will receive is having to listen to Zeus complain.

His other two brothers agreed with him, while Xenovia decided to simply trust their judgment, believing they would know more than her. "I'm back," Yugo announced as he came back to the living room. "Wait, who ate all my pancakes!?" he cried out, noticing that the plate that was supposed to be his just had some vegetables.

The Starve Venom dragon gave a coy smile. "You said to leave you breakfast, never said anything about what to leave for you," he replied, having eaten his brother's share of the pancakes.

Yugo slammed his head on the table with tears in his eyes. "This is abuse and lord Haou would never approve of this," he commented sparing a glare to his pink-haired brother.

"You can have some of mine," Xenovia offered, moving what's left of her pancakes to his plate.

The blue-haired boy regained his energy and smiled. "Oh, thank you so much!" he cried out as he started eating through them.

Xenovia couldn't help but chuckle. She knew that Yugo was most likely a thousand times her age without exaggeration. However, he still acted like any other teenager. It created a few questions in her head about the lifespan of dragons, but she was a devil now, so she would most likely live quite a long time herself, and that made her just shrug those questions off.

Later that day, the four brothers and the Gremory Peerage were in the old school building, looking at a door that had tape all over it. Despite it not seeming much, the four brothers can tell it was quite the powerful seal, which meant that no one was entering as long as it was here.

"So, president has another Bishop?" Asia asked, curious to meet someone who had the same piece as her.

"The kid is in there," Rias explained pointing at the door. "They spend nearly all of their time inside this room. And, while they can go anywhere as long as it's inside the old school building, they refuse to come out," she explained. "Brother sealed the room because the Bishop has a problem with controlling their Sacred Gear."

"That explains the powerful seal," Yuto commented, knowing that only someone like Sirzechs could have made a seal like this.

"I wonder how they will be?" Xenovia muttered, curious about meeting another peerage member.

"Do you think they're like Asia? a hot blonde?" Issei questioned, earning a blush from the blonde Bishop, while Akeno chuckled for some reason.

"The Bishop is actually the biggest earner between us," Kiba admitted, gaining surprised looks from the three new peerage members.

"They complete contracts through computers," Rias explained as she moved closer to the door.

"Is that even possible?" Yugo wondered out loud. He never got to fully learn how Devil contracts work, but doing them through the internet was news to him.

Rias replied with a nod. "Yes, they contact their clients through the internet and complete contracts there. Those types are mostly done by people who don't want to meet Devils face to face but still desire to make a contract, so the Bishop handles them. They have the highest earnings in my Peerage," she explained.

"That's… interesting," Yuya commented, confused one how it makes sense for someone to not want to meet a devil but still want to make a deal with them.

A magical circle appeared in front of the door before it slowly faded away. "Alright, I'm opening the door now," Rias said as she walked towards the now normal door and opened it slowly.

"NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" a high pitched voice yelled out loudly all of a sudden, which caused Asia to hide behind Issei while the four brothers covered their ears.

"Aah, my highly sensitive dragon ears," Yugo groaned out as he and his brothers now rubbed their sore ears.

Rias completely opened the door with Akeno at her side. "Hello? It's good to see that you're energetic as always," she greeted politely as if the scream was something common.

"W-Whyyyyyyyyyyy!" the same voice cried out as everyone walked into the room to see it was rather well designed with feminine toys around, which also was completely dark as the curtains were closed tightly.

"The seal was removed, you know," Akeno explained gently, her voice holding a spark of sympathy. "You're free to come out now, so let's go out together," she requested.

"Nooooo! This place is goooood! I don't want to come out and meet people!" the voice cried out again, obviously scared of leaving the room.

The source of the voice was apparently a coffin that was filled with pink thrills, which was opened by Rias to reveal a feminine child wearing the female uniform of Kuoh academy. They had short, pale, blonde hair, and red eyes. Their skin was somewhat pale. They were also looking at everyone in mild panic.

"Woah, it's a cute foreign girl!" Issei cried out which caused the young Bishop to shriek and attempt to hide.

Sniffing the air a couple of times, Yuya noticed something wrong. "Uhmm… Issei, I hate to break it to you, but that 'she' is a 'he'," he revealed, noticing that the Bishop smelled like a male, not a female.

"W-What!?" Issei looked downright terrified at the very idea of what the green-haired just revealed. "Nonononono! this can't be true! right, president?" he looked at Rias, hoping that she would confirm otherwise.

"What Yuya said is true, he might look like a girl, but he is one hundred percent a boy," Akeno was the one to confirm the Red Emperor's fears. "He has a hobby of dressing up like a girl," she explained further.

"Whaaaaaaaat!" Issei cried out, his dream of two blonde Bishops being crushed with every second.

However, that only seemed to startle the young Bishop. "Eeeeh! I'm so sorry! I'm so sorryyyyyy!" they kept on repeating as they started to freak out because of the sudden scream.

Yugo burst out laughing as he saw the expression on Issei's face. "Holy shit! you actually thought he was a girl?" he jabbed between laughs.

"Why does fate has to be so cruel?" Issei fell to his knees and started to mumble to himself. "For him to be a man… It's even crueler that he has a hobby of wearing girls' clothes! They suit him too well! Why are you even wearing the clothes of a girl!?" he questioned, still affected by the reveal.

The young boy in the coffin was nervous, which is obvious because he couldn't stop shaking. "B-But girl clothes look so cute," he said, as if it justifies his actions. It sounded like he could start crying any minute to the four brothers.

"Don't say that in such a cute way!" Issei cried out, scaring the male Bishop even further.

Before Issei can say anymore, he was hit in the head by Yuto. "Would you knock it off? you're scaring the kid," he scolded, causing Issei to notice what he has been doing.

The young boy seemed to calm down but only slightly. "Uhm… who are these people?" he asked, noticing that there was more than the original members of Rias' Peerage.

"These are my new Peerage members that joined when you were here," Rias replied as she pointed at her new pieces and started introducing them. "Issei Hyoudou, my pawn. Asia Argentino, the Bishop. And Xenovia Quarta, my knight," she explained.

"T-The numbers increased a lot," the introduction seemed to only cause the male Bishop to be more nervous. "A-And who are these?" he asked again, this time pointing at the four brothers.

"These are friends of mine, so there's no reason to be scared," Rias briefly explained. she didn't want to risk revealing that the four brothers were Heavenly Dragons, mainly out of fear of the young Bishop's reaction. The four brothers, seem to understand that, as they simply kept quiet. "Can we go outside, please? You don't need to be sealed anymore, you know?" she requested gently, almost like she was speaking to a scared puppy.

"Nooooo!" the young Bishop rabidly shook their head, terrified of the idea. "For me to go is impossible! It would only cause problems for people and me!" he exclaimed which caused some confusion to those who didn't know him.

Issei mistakenly thought of his response as an insult towards his king. "Hey, president said we should go outside so-" he attempted to grab the young Bishop.

However, when he did, the scared blonde boy shrieked and did something. The four brothers felt some kind of power pass through them, and when they looked around they found the Gremory Peerage frozen in place.

"What just happened?" Yugo asked, confused about the situation.

"I believe time just stopped," Yuri replied as he studied the area around them, noticing that only the old School building was affected by this phenomenon.

"W-What!? you're not frozen?" their attention turned towards Rias' male Bishop, who got out of Issei's grasp and went towards the corner. All of them noticed the glow coming from his eyes.

"Is that the Forbidden Balor View?" Yuri commented with a hand on his chin. "That must be the reason why he was sealed. He can't control it yet," this also explained why he and his brothers weren't affected. It's because this happened by accident, and they were too strong for it to cover them.

"I'm sorry! I'm so sorry! please don't hate me!" the Bishop cried out as he kept cowering.

"What's with this kid and apologizing?" Yugo questioned with a deadpan look. He felt bad for the kid, and but the constant apologies were getting annoying.

Yuto walked closer and knelt to look at the Bishop in the eye. "Calm down. This happened because you panicked, so take a deep breath and everything should be alright," the purple-haired teen instructed.

However, the way he said it didn't send the right message. "S-S-Scary!" the Bishop retreated further into the corner, if that was even possible.

"Scary!?" Yuto was taken back by that statement, and looked even a little offended.

"Hey, hey, calm down, no one is going to hurt you," Yuya decided to use a more gentle approach as he knelt towards the cowering young boy. "How about we start off slowly, hmm?" the Bishop only seemed to calm slightly, but Yuya still saw that as progress. "My name is Yuya, what's your name?"

after a couple of seconds, he mustered enough courage to reply. "G-Gasper."

"Well, it's nice to meet you, Gasper," Yuya's method seemed to be far more effective than Yuto's, which annoyed the Dark Rebellion Dragon. "I'm sorry if my brother scared you, but he was only trying to help. You're worried about that, right?" the green-haired teen asked motioning towards the still frozen Gremory peerage, and the Bishop nodded. "It's alright. No one got hurt, and you can undo it by calming down. So, just take a few deep breaths and everything will be alright."

Gasper seemed cautious of Yuya, which was normal since they just met. However, he can see that Yuya had no deception in his words and that he had the kindest aura between his brothers. So, deciding that he has nothing to lose, he started taking deep breaths to help himself calm down. And, after a few seconds, the aura around the Gremory peerage vanished, restarting time around them.

"What the!?" Issei exclaimed as he noticed Gasper was no longer in his grasp.

"Did something happen?" Xenovia asked, having felt something but couldn't tell what it was.

"When did you four move?" Koneko asked, realizing that the brothers were in a different position than what they used to be just a second ago.

Yugo pointed towards Gasper. "That kid freaked out, and it caused his Sacred Gear to activate, but me and my brothers weren't affected, while you were," he explained.

"I see," Rias nodded, understanding the situation. She wasn't surprised that the four brothers weren't affected, mainly because she had already believed they were too strong for Gasper to freeze in his current state.

"My, to think you were able to resist time being stopped. Quite impressive," Akeno commented with a hand on her cheek.

"That's mainly because the kid is still too weak to affect us," Yuri admitted, knowing that the kid's inexperience has affected the way his Sacred Gear works.

"Wait, what?" Issei asked, confused about the situation.

Rias walked closer to Gasper and hugged him. "This is Gasper Vladi, my first Bishop. His Sacred Gear, Forbidden Balor View, has the ability to stop time within his vision. Because it's considered unstable, my brother had to seal Gasper so that his powers don't hurt anyone. He's a first-year student in Kuoh Academy. Before I reincarnated him, he was a half-human and half-vampire hybrid," she explained.

"Stopping time? isn't that kind of broken?" Issei questioned, believing that kind of ability was broken.

"All Longinus Sacred Gears are broken, that's why they're called the strongest," Yuto commented, still feeling a little sour from Gasper's comment about him being scary.

A few moments later, everyone moved towards the club room. Most of them occupied the couches, while Gasper preferred to stay in a cardboard box for some reason, staying at the side of the room and away from everyone.

"Gasper's Sacred Gear seems to get stronger whenever he's unconscious. The fact it activates at random made it worse. My brother sealed him in fear of his power becoming too dangerous," Rias explained further, now sitting behind her desk. "He's been in this room since. But, despite the seal, his power kept growing, and it's only a matter of time before he achieves Balance Breaker," she admitted.

"I suppose that is rather dangerous if he can't control his Sacred Gear," Yuri commented, seeing the potential dangers of the situation.

"C-Can you not talk about me like I'm not here?" the half-vampire Bishop requested in a hushed tone from inside his hiding place.

Issei lightly kicked the cardboard box, causing Gasper to shriek from the inside. "Aren't vampires weak against sunlight? Will he be alright?" he asked, concerned for the young devil.

"Thanks to his human half, he should be fine," Rias replied.

"I hate sunlight! It's better if the sun just disappeared!" Gasper exclaimed, still hiding in the cardboard box.

"This kid has such a negative view of the world," Yugo commented. Granted, he saw many people like that while working with the Supreme King, but not many this young.

"Even though he's half-vampire, he comes from a lineage of pureblood vampires that are quite powerful. He also has a natural talent when it comes to magic. Add his Sacred Gear, and he might be my most powerful piece after Akeno," Rias admitted with a hint of depression, which was understandable since all that was wasted over the fact that her Bishop couldn't control his powers.

"What about blood?" Yuto asked, wondering if the vampire half makes Gasper want to drink it.

"He doesn't thirst for blood as often as he should since he's only half-vampire. Supplying him with blood every ten days or so should keep him alright," Rias explained.

"I hate blood!" Gasper suddenly yelled, much to the surprise of most of those around. "I hate how it smells! I hate it so much!"

"A vampire that hates blood?" Yuri shook his head in disappointment. "if Alucard was here, he would have put a bullet in your head by now," he commented, which caused Gasper to shriek in fear and hide further inside the cardboard box.

"I will leave Gasper's training to you," Rias suddenly announced looking at Issei, Asia, Koneko, and Xenovia. "In the meantime, me and Akeno will have to meet up with my brother in the place of the Three Factions' meeting. Kiba, my brother requested details on your holy-demonic sword, so you'll be coming with us as well."

"Yes, president," Kiba obliged as he walked beside Akeno inside the magical circle that the queen just created.

The Gremory heiress walked into the circle as well before looking at the four brothers. "You don't have to help, I only ask that you do. I would appreciate it if you assist Gasper," she pleaded, not as an heiress, but as a friend.

Yuya waved his hand. "Don't worry about it. We really had nothing better to do until Haou announces that he's coming over to the meeting," he explained. He can see that the heiress was truly concerned for her Bishop, and he also wanted to help Gasper.

Rias nodded, showing her appreciation with a smile before she, Kiba, and Akeno vanished in a flash of light inside the magical circle, leaving her new pieces and the Heavenly Dragons with her half-vampire Bishop.

"So… how should we start this?" Asia asked, having no idea how to help her fellow Bishop.

An air of awkwardness started covering the club room. "So, uh," Yugo tried to think of something to break the silence. "Ya like jazz?"

The entire room fell into an even more awkward silence. "W-What?" Gasper asked, more confused than anything else. Xenovia and Asia looked equally confused.

Yuri couldn't stop himself from facepalming. "Oh for the love of… Yugo that reference was so ugly, I honestly have the urge to disown you."

"Yeah, I deserve that."

Meanwhile, in the Greek pantheon, in a garden surrounded by clouds, the meeting between the Greek Gods and the King of Duel Monsters was taking place.

"Do you have any idea how much trouble you caused!" yelled out a man with a long beard and hair, wearing white robes over his body and a grass crown on his head. That was Zeus, the leader of the Greek Pantheon. "Not only did you kill Hades, but also destroyed our territory in the underworld!"

Haou was sitting in front of Zeus in a golden chair. He was now wearing his Supreme King armor with the mask part of the helmet slid up. He looked rather bored, but that's mainly because all he did for the past hours was listen to Zeus complain.

Utopia was standing behind Haou, looking vigilant. He had no reason to since this was a friendly meeting of peace, but his job was protecting the Supreme King, and he will see it through.

Sitting on the side and between Haou and Zeus was another man wearing white robes similar to the latter. However, he wasn't wearing a crown, but instead, he was holding a trident. That was Poseidon, the god of water.

"Zeus, calm down," Poseidon requested as he crossed his arms. "I agree that what he did was drastic, but you can't deny that Hades' actions have been more than just questionable lately," he said in Haou's defense. He might have been greedy and had anger issues, but he knew when to draw the line, and in his eyes, Hades has crossed that line.

The leader of the Greek Pantheon took a deep breath while putting a hand on the side of his head. "I'm not saying that what Hades didn't warrant punishment, but we lost a lot of territory and reputation because of what you did," he said back.

"I believe I did you a favor," Haou commented, earning their attention. "If word of what Hades tried to do got out, your pantheon would have been on the hate list of every other pantheon. They would have suspected that you might have had something to do with Hades' plan, and in turn, might plot against them as well. If that happened, you can kiss your reputation goodbye," the Supreme King explained causing Zeus to take another deep breath, realizing that Haou was right. "Besides, I can easily give you the required materials in order to rebuild your territory in the underworld. There are a few Duel Monsters that can fill in for Hades' absence, maybe even do a better job. I'm sure that I can offer them a payment that will let them accept the position."

Zeus knew that the world of Duel Monsters was filled with all kinds of creatures, so it didn't come as a surprise to him that they can find a replacement for the former God of hell there. "Even so, this matter cannot be solved simply like this, and I hope you're aware of that," he said and Haou nodded, showing that he was ready to work out everything. "But, before we begin, there's someone I want you to meet."

The Supreme King raised an eyebrow as Zeus waved his hand, causing a small flash of light to appear in the middle of the two gods and king, what appeared from the light caused the latter to raise his other eyebrow. It was a little girl wearing a hood while holding a scythe with a cartoonish skull on it.

"This is Bennia, the last Reaper," Zeus introduced the little girl.

"A Reaper?" Haou questioned a little confused. He was sure that everyone was killed by his attack, but he supposed she must have been outside of the underworld when it happened. "Why is she here, then?" he asked as his gaze fell upon her.

When Bennia saw those golden eyes look at her, she tensed as sweat began pouring down her head. She wasn't one for politics, and she didn't know who the Supreme King was, but she DID know that he was the one who killed Hades, which means he can do that to her just as easily.

"She was outside of our territory on a mission when the incident happened," Zeus said, confirming Haou's thoughts. "Your actions made it sure that she has nowhere to go, and the other gods don't feel well at taking in one of Hades' workers, so I ask that you take care of her until our territory in the underworld is built again."

Haou turned his gaze back towards Bennia, who started sweating bullets. "Bennia, right?" he asked to make sure of her name.

"Y-Yes, sir," Bennia replied.

"Let me ask you something, do you have something against me for killing Hades?" the Supreme King asked. If that was the case, then that would cause many problems if he took her in, and he would rather avoid that. The young Reaper seemed hesitant. "You can speak freely. Nothing you say will be held against you."

With permission to speak as she wanted, Bennia took a deep breath and answered. "No… I don't hold anything against you. In fact, I'm glad you killed him," she decided to be something she rarely became: serious. "Lord- no, Hades was not a good person. All the time he would talk about how the other gods were cowards, and how we should attack the Biblical Pantheon now that Yhwach was dead. I still don't know who that is, but he sounds important. Anyway, he was pretty cruel, and would often give punishments for barely any reason. He also hated me in particular, because I was born half-human. So, I say this again, I don't hold anything against you for killing him, and I'm glad you did it."

After Bennia's confession, both Haou and Poseidon gave Zeus a look that was half deadpan and half a glare, and he simply looked away, unable to meet their gaze.

He knew why they were giving him those looks. 1: Bennia just confirmed that Hades was planning on raging wars with other pantheons. 2: Hades was apparently abusing Bennia for being a hybrid while most, if not all of Zeus' children and heroes of their pantheon were exactly like that.

"It seems I did do you a favor after all," Haou commented, having more than enough evidence to show that what he did was a good thing. "Bennia, I am willing to take you with me, but only if you desire, just stand there and think about it," he instructed, motioning towards Utopia.

The half Reaper hybrid nodded and went towards where the angelic(and if she was being honest, Badass looking) Warrior was standing. She turned back and looked at the two gods and king as they started talking about politics again.

She simply tuned them out as she looked at the person who was going to take her in. He didn't seem like a bad person, a little cold but not bad. He definitely seemed powerful. Plus, his armor looked cool in her opinion. She was honestly interested in what will happen from now on.

(A/N: Thank you for reading this.

First: I'm sorry for the late update. I got mixed in the timeline and had to double-check my information. I wanted to make the cliffhanger about Haou appearing in the meeting. However, that would have either skipped a few crucial moments or made the chapter longer than necessary. (Which in turn made it take longer to make. I think I kept you waiting long enough.)

Second: about the Yu Brothers not being affected by the time stop. They're Heavenly Dragons. And, unlike Ddraig and Albion, they're not limited to being stuck inside a Sacred Gear or a host, so do you really think Gasper would have been able to freeze them in his current state?

Third: about the way Bennia acted. She was about to decide her own fate. Do you really expect her to act like her usual childish self?

And lastly: The Yu boys will have something to do with Gasper's training. Just nothing major.

Again, thank you for reading this. Please comment, review, and give me your thoughts on my story.)

It seems there's a misunderstanding.

I don't hate Naruto. I loved the anime, and I would watch it again. However, what I hate is those overused crossovers with no originality.

I don't really care about people using Naruto as a crossover, what I hate is how they waste the potential of great original stories on the same protagonist over and over again.

People keep coming up with entirely new backgrounds, new abilities, and new plots, but they waste all that over "Naruto Uzumaki".

As an author, I can't help but feel disgusted at all that wasted potential! All because people seem to think that Naruto will get them readers. Not to mention that they're mostly OOC.

Not to mention that they don't even follow the actual Naruto story, but their own rules. Either that, or they heavily exaggerate Naruto's abilities.

Also, most of them describe Naruto as a Nine Tailed Fox. That's wrong! That's the kind of bullshit that the village used against him when he was a kid.

If it's about the Nine Tailed Fox or the sage of the six paths, then let me tell you that neither belong to Naruto. The Nine Tailed Fox story belongs to the Shinto mythology, and the Sage of the Six Paths belong to the Buddha mythology.

I don't mind Naruto stories. But, I want you to honestly look at those Naruto stories, and answer me this: are they using the REAL Naruto? Or are they using an OC named Naruto?