"Ahhhhhh!" Gasper screamed as he ran around the backyard of the academy.

The reason that the young vampire hybrid was running is that Xenovia was currently following him around with Durandal in hand, forcing him to continue running in circles.

"So," Yugo - who was standing at the side with his brothers along with Issei, Asia, and Koneko - said with a sweatdrop. "What is she doing?"

"If I recall, she said something about a healthy body and a healthy mind," Yuri replied as he watched the scene in front of him with a sadistic smile. Unlike the others, who were concerned, he found it nothing short of comical. "Basically, she's trying to force Gasper into shape believing it will get him to control his Sacred Gear."

"While I do agree that he needs some physical training, this is a little... Extreme," Yuto commented with a concerned look. He was all for training, but he can tell that they should definitely take it easy with the young Bishop since he didn't appear like he did much of any physical activity.

"Alright, Xenovia, knock it off!" Yugo decided he had enough seeing Gasper run for his life like that. "Whatever the hell you're doing isn't helping him."

"What do you mean?" Xenovia asked with honest curiosity as she stopped running, which gave Gasper the chance to fall on his knees and start catching his breath. "We were tasked with training him and there's no better training than desperately fighting for survival," the way she said this made it sound like there was absolutely nothing wrong with it.

The Clearwing dragon groaned and pinched the bridge of his nose. "I know you're trying to help, but scaring the kid half-dead doesn't really help anyone," he tried to explain.

"Koneko seems to have the same idea," at Xenovia's statement, Yugo looked confused until he looked at where Gasper was supposed to be.

He barely could believe his eyes. Gasper was running again, but this time it was from Koneko who was chasing him with some garlic in her hand. "Nooooo! Please keep it awaaaaay!" the young Bishop yelled.

"Oh, for the love of..." Yugo stopped as he couldn't help but facepalm before turning to his brothers. "Is this what Lord Haou feels like when he deals with us?" he asked.

Yuya looked away with an embarrassed look. "I really don't want to say this... But I think we caused Lord Haou far more trouble than this," he confessed which caused his brothers to share the same look of embarrassment as he has.

"Koneko, stop that!" Yuto cried out, thinking that Gasper already had enough running from Xenovia.

"He needs to train. He's too pathetic," was Koneko's blunt reply as she continued following Gasper.

Yuri snickered at the reply. "I thought Akeno was the sadistic one," he commented, still finding the situation amusing.

"Alright, stop that, seriously," Yuya stepped between Koneko and Gasper. "I don't think we're helping Gasper at all. The only thing we're teaching him is to be scared," he explained.

Gasper took the chance to stop at a nearby tree and lean on it for support, panting and covered in sweat. "How is this *pant* supposed to help *pant* my Sacred Gear?"

"It's not, I think Koneko just wanted to bully you," Yuto replied as he started walking closer to Gasper. "Listen," he instructed as he narrowed his eyes. "When it comes to Sacred Gears, physical training will barely cover half of what you need. A Sacred Gear requires also a strong will, so you need to start getting stronger mentally as well," he instructed.

However, Gasper got the wrong idea and immediately hid behind the tree. "S-Scary!" he cried out, shivering in his place.

A metaphorical arrow seemingly pierced Yuto as this was the second time Gasper has called him that. "H-Hey! I'm not scary!" he yelled out, but that had the opposite effect as the young Bishop only seemed to hide further.

Yuri barked a laugh. "Yuto, I think you're scaring him more than the two girls just did," he mocked enjoying the shocked look on his brother's face.

"We're not off to a good start," Issei sighed seeing that the only thing they managed to do is exhaust Gasper.

"What are you doing here, Hyoudou?" Saji suddenly appeared beside the Gremory pawn, taking him and Asia by surprise.

"Oh, we're just helping Gasper, President's second Bishop, with their Sacred Gear," Issei quickly summarized pointing at the exhausted vampire. "What about you?"

"I'm just taking care of the garden?" Saji replied, showing that he was holding a shovel and wearing a pair of rubber gloves. "So that's Gremory's second Bishop?" he looked over Gasper before a perverted smile crossed his lips. "She's pretty cute."

"I hate to break it to you, but that's a guy," Issei revealed in a tone that made it obvious he's still mad about that himself.

"What!? You gotta be kidding me!" Saji yelled, looking just as shocked as Issei when he found out.

"Both of you, shut up," Yuri said, suddenly taking a serious tone. He and his brothers were slightly sniffing the air before the Starve Venom Dragon frowned. "Great, we have an overgrown crow here."

"What do you mean?" Asia asked and the purple-haired teen pointed at the trees.

Everyone looked at where he was pointing and they saw someone slowly walking towards them. While the four brothers easily knew who it was, Issei was the first of the Devils to recognize him.

"Azazel!?" the Red Emperor called out, identifying the person.

"Did you say Azazel?!" Saji called out before summoning his Sacred Gear after Issei did the same with his.

Asia hid behind Issei, Xenovia held Durandal up, and Koneko entered a defensive stance while Gasper hid further behind the tree. Meanwhile, the four brothers did nothing.

"Hey, Red Dragon Emperor, what's with the hostile look?" the leader of the Fallen Angels asked in a laid back tone. From his reaction, the four brothers can tell he didn't recognize them yet.

"Hey, Hyoudou, when you said Azazel, do you mean as in the leader of the Fallen Angels?" Saji asked, hoping that the answer would be 'no'.

Issei nodded raising his Boosted Gear. "Yeah, he's been pretending to be a client for a while, but he revealed himself recently," he quickly summarized the situation while also avoiding the embarrassing truth about how he didn't notice who he was.

"Relax, people," Yugo suddenly said, looking as relaxed as he was before they noticed Azazel. "If he wanted to fight, he would have done so already," he commented, but his logic didn't let the Devils let their guard down.

Azazel looked at the four brothers with a raised eyebrow. "Have we met before? You four look pretty familiar," he asked in a friendly manner. In response to his question, their eyes turned to slits as they let out a bit of their aura. "O-Oh, it's you guys," Azazel's calm tone was gone and was replaced by a nervous one. He swallowed the lump in his throat and looked around. "Is... Is Haou around?" he asked, obviously scared of the answer.

"That's 'Lord Haou', to you," Yuto scolded, glaring at the Fallen Angel.

"Alright, everyone, calm down," Yuya decided to be the voice of reason in the situation. He knew that the Supreme King wasn't fond of Azazel at all, but the Odd-eyes Dragon didn't have anything personal against the leader of the Fallen Angels. "To answer your question, no. Lord Haou isn't here," Azazel sighed in relief at hearing that. "But, while he's away, he left us in charge of guarding this town, so explain your reasons for being here, Azazel," Yuya commanded, making sure to leave no room for arguments.

Azazel raised his arms in mock surrender. "Relax, I'm honestly here for peaceful reasons," despite being the strongest Fallen Angel, and having regularly trained with Vali, he didn't believe for a second he can take on ACTUAL Heavenly Dragons. "I'm just here to see if I can find the Holy-demonic sword wielder. I just want to get a look at their Sacred Gear," he explained his reasons. The four brothers can tell his honesty. After all, it was pretty much a well-known fact that Azazel was a Sacred Gear fanatic.

"Kiba isn't here, he went with President to see the meeting place," Issei informed Azazel, still holding a combat stance.

Azazel looked visibly disheartened. "So, no holy-demonic sword around? Lame," he commented before he noticed Gasper and gave him a critical look. "Ah, Forbidden Balor View, huh? Not bad. But, it looks like you can't fully control it."

"Azazel, may I make a suggestion?" Yugo suddenly spoke up, getting the Fallen Angel's attention. "Considering your knowledge on Sacred Gears, how about you tell us something that will help with handling his Sacred Gear, and I promise that I won't tell Lord Haou that we saw you here."

Azazel gained a few nervous sweatdrops on his forehead. "N-Now, now. I hardly believe this is worth troubling the Supreme King with, but I'll go along," he agreed before clearing his throat to regain his composer. "Anyway, there are several ways to help him control it. The first would be drinking some blood from a Heavenly Dragon, even a few drops should do."

"Noooo!" Gasper immediately denied shaking his head. "I hate blood! I don't want it!" he yelled out as he hugged the tree he's hiding behind.

Azazel looked absolutely taken back by how a vampire just said that they hate blood. "I think we'll settle for smaller else. Do you have any other ideas?" Yuya asked, seeing that their first option wasn't much better than following him around with a sword-like Xenovia did.

Azazel put a hand on his chin. "Well, I guess if you want to train him, you can use Absorption Line to lower his Sacred Gears power while you train him. That should make it easier for him to control it," he explained.

Saji looked at his Sacred Gear in shock. "My Sacred Gear can do that?" he asked.

"You didn't know?" Yuya asked looking rather surprised. "Your Sacred Gear holds a piece of Vritra's soul, one of the Dragon Kings. What? did you think that your Sacred Gear was just an indestructible line or something?" he asked and Saji just looked away, unwilling to answer. "You're kidding me," Yuya commented with a face-palm.

"Well, at least now we have a far more peaceful way to train him now," Yuri noted. A part of him was a little sad that the sadistic show of torturing Gasper was over. "You can leave now, Azazel, you'll find the Holy-demonic sword in the meeting which you're supposed to prepare for."

"Thanks, I guess," Yugo gave his half-hearted gratitude. "And, as we said, we ain't telling lord Haou about you."

"Yeah, thanks for that, I'll take my leave then," with that, Azazel turned around and started walking back to where he came from.

Once they were sure he was no longer around, Xenovia turned to the four brothers. "Are you sure it's wise to not tell Lord Haou about him?" she asked, uncertain that keeping the fact that the Governor-General of the Fallen Angels made an appearance a secret from the Supreme King was a good idea.

Yugo simply waved off her worries. "Don't worry. Lord Haou is coming to the meeting, remember? Besides, Azazel knows not to try and mess with lord Haou, and he learned that the hard way," he explained which only made Xenovia more curious than concerned.

After a few moments, Gasper was on the field but standing instead of running. His leg was connected to Saji's Absorption Line, said Devil was standing at the side with the four brothers, holding his Sacred Gear.

Issei was standing in front of Gasper with a volleyball in hand, ready to throw it so Gasper can try to freeze it. They decided to try this method since it was far more peaceful than following him around with a sword, even though Xenovia insisted her method was more helpful.

While Issei started throwing balls and Gasper started trying to freeze them, Yuya looked at Saji. "Thank you for helping us out," he said in gratitude.

Saji waved it off. "Don't worry about it. It helps me train with my Sacred Gear, so think of it as an exchange of favors," he replied.

Gasper managed to stop time and finally freeze the ball... Only for him to vanish. "That kid has some serious self-esteem issues," Yugo sighed with a hand on his face.

Koneko soon came in dragging Gasper back. "Listen, Gasper, running away isn't really gonna help you teach anything," Yuya commented, and the vampire hybrid just groaned. "Let's try absorbing more power," he instructed Saji, who nodded.

"Hey, wait a minute," Yugo's eyes suddenly widen before he looked at Yuto. "Can't you do it, Yuto? I bet you can do a better job than Saji, no offense," he asked his brother before looking at the Sitri pawn in the last comment.

"Wait, he can absorb power too?" Saji, Koneko, Issei, Asia, and Xenovia looked pretty surprised. Gasper, on the other hand, looked scared that Yuto might do it instead of Saji.

The Dark Rebellion dragon nodded. "Yes, I can. Though I don't suggest for me to be the one doing it," he replied. Seeing their visible confusion, he decided to explain further. "Gasper's body as it is now is rather weak. Not on magical energy, but physical one. He's not ready to have his power absorbed by someone as strong as me. Best case scenario, he loses consciousness and passes out."

While that did sound a little arrogant, the Devils can all see that he was honestly saying that out of being concerned for Gasper, so they decided to simply drop the subject.

"I just hope this kid gets over his fear soon," Yugo commented as he shrugged his shoulders.

"Hey, don't jinx it," Yuya scolded his brother, believing they have enough trouble teaching Gasper as it is.

The Clearwing dragon scoffed. "Please. The only way I can jinx is if I said 'how can this get any worse'," he replied.


"Gasper, please come out! I'm sorry that you had to go through that!" Rias pleaded looking at the locked door of Gasper's room. After Gasper returned to his room and refused to come out, the Gremory heiress immediately rushed over.

From behind her, Yuya punched Yugo's shoulder. "You had to say it, didn't you," he glared at his brother who just looked away nervously while rubbing his shoulder. Yuto and Yuri weren't around because they mostly would have made sure Gasper stays in his room out of fear, albeit unintentionally on Yuto's part.

"This is all my fault," Rias said, full of self-loathing. "I should have never tried to take Gasper out of his room."

"No, president, it's my fault. I was the one who was supposed to see his training," Issei said as he tried to soothe his King. "Look, why don't you go back to the meeting? I promise you that I'll do my best to help Gasper. And, this time, I'll really help him," he added in determination.

Rias looked at her Pawn for a second. As much as she wanted to stay and help out her first Bishop, she was only allowed a few moments of leaving the meeting since it happened so suddenly. So, she has no choice but to put her faith in him.

"Alright," Rias nodded her head before looking at the two brothers. "Please, if you can help with anything-"

"We'll do it," Yuya didn't even allow her to finish her request before accepting. "Besides, it was partially Yugo's fault for jinxing us," he added, sparing another glare at his brother who just looked further away.

Rias nodded before reluctantly leaving. The only thing she can do now is trust in Issei and the two brothers. When she was gone, Issei turned to the door. "Gasper, can you hear me?" he asked even though he already knew the answer.

"I think the poor kid is traumatized," Yuya mumbled, shaking his head in sympathy. 

"Gasper, I know you're scared, but we got to help you control your Sacred Gear," Issei tried to reason with the young Vampire. "I promise that we won't hurt or scare you any-"

"N-No!" Gaper suddenly cried out, stopping Issei halfway through his talk. "I hate this power! it only makes people hate me! I w-wish it can just disappear!" he confessed, shocking the Devil and two Dragons.

Yuya sighed and suddenly stepped forward to stand beside Issei. "Gasper, can you hear me? It's Yuya," he called out.

"O-Oh, the guy with the tomato hair?" Gasper asked causing Yuya's eyebrow to twitch and for Yugo to hold his laughter. 

After taking a deep breath, the Odd-eyes dragon managed to overlook the unintended insult. "Yeah, that's me," he can hear his brother snickering behind him, but he paid it no mind. "Let me ask you something, Gasper. Are you scared of your power? scared that you will never help anyone with it?"

There were a few moments of silence before the Bishop finally replied. "Y-Yes."

"Let me tell you, you're not the only one," the green-haired teen confessed, surprising both Issei and Gasper. "I have... A unique power like you. My power is only meant to hurt and destroy. At first, I honestly didn't mind that... But, after the years, I didn't want to hurt people anymore."

[Some dragon you are, you freaking coward,] Ddraig suddenly commented, shocking Issei and Gasper to some extent about the sudden interruption.

Yuya glared at Issei's arm for a second but returned his gaze to the door. "I know how it feels like to be afraid of your own power, Gasper, do you want to know how I dealt with it?" he asked. Despite not receiving an answer, everyone can tell Gasper was listening from the other side of the door. "I... Saw someone. Their name is Sky Magician," Yuya's eyes gained a certain gleam to them. "Where me and my brothers come from, he's the greatest entertainer out there. He's powers are meant to destroy, but he still managed to make many people smile. I once got the chance to meet him personally. I asked him... If someone like me, someone who is meant to destroy, can make people smile like him. Do you know what he said?" there was a dramatic pause for a moment before a silly smile spread across Yuya's features. "He said, 'absolutely not'."

*Thud X3*

Gasper, Issei, and even Yugo did an anime fall. "Then what the hell was the point of that story!?" They all - including Gasper surprisingly - yelled out.

"Let me finish!" Yuya instructed before turning back to the door. "He said, 'you can't entertain people like me because you're not me. You need to find your own way to entertain people. I can guide you. But, the rest is on you'," he said finishing the story. "He showed me how to use my powers to create amazing colorful tricks. And, slowly, I finally understood what he meant. I wasn't the same as him, but I can still use my powers to make people smile. That was more than enough for me. Gasper, listen closely. I know you don't see a way for your power to help others, but if you try hard enough you'll be able to find it. So, please, just try at using your power like that."

With that, Yuya turned and walked away now that he said his part. Yugo followed his brother while Issei stayed because he still wanted to talk to Gasper and make sure he comes out

"You think he'll come out?" Yugo asked his brother with a raised eyebrow as they walked through the hallway.

Yuya smiled. "I have a feeling he will," was his reply.


Later on that same day, Issei was standing in front of a staircase that led to a Shinto shrine, looking over the gate hesitantly. He was called over by Akeno, but he didn't know if it was safe for him to walk into a shrine as a devil.

"Are you going to stand there all day?" Issei jumped as he heard a familiar voice before turning around to see Yuri. "I suppose you were called here by Akeno as well? Then why don't you go in?"

"Well... Because I'm a devil, and this is... You know, a shrine," Issei replied, explaining his hesitation.

Yuri snorted, finding the fear of the Red Emperor amusing, despite being somewhat justified. "Ah, you both came?" the two boys looked over and saw Akeno standing at the other side of the gate wearing a shrine-maiden uniform. "I'm so glad you can make it."

"Well, seeing the poor vampire continue to cry was getting dull, so I needed something new to do," Yuri commented with a shrug of his shoulders. This caused Issei to hang his head in shame and for Akeno to be concerned for Gasper's sake.

However, the Gremory Queen had other matters to look into right now. "I'm glad you two can come at such short notice. Please, follow me," she requested as she walked back into the shrine.

Issei looked at the gate one more time... Before Yuri suddenly pushed him inside. The Red Emperor fell through the gate and tensed while covering his head, expecting a form of divine punishment to strike him down.

However, when nothing happened, Issei slowly uncovered his head and looked around confused. "Are you really that stupid?" Yuri questioned with a chuckle. "Do you think Akeno would ask you to come here just to see you burn in holy fire? Better yet, didn't you see her inside just a moment ago?"

Issei really couldn't bring himself to answering either questions from embarrassment, so he just stood up, dusted himself, and went to follow Akeno to see what she called him here for.

Yuri chuckled again before following the Gremory pawn. Truthfully, a part of him was hoping that he would see Issei being struck down by Amaterasu or another one of the Shinto deities - mostly because of Ddraig, of course. But, he already heard from Haou that there was a shrine in Kuoh that was neutral territory.

After entering the shrine, Akeno led them to a living room of sorts. "Issei, you can sit here. Yuri, would you be kind enough to wait in the next room?" the Gremory Queen asked looking at the pink-haired teen.

The Starve Venom Dragon raised an eyebrow before shrugging his shoulders. He went through an Eastern sliding door before sitting on the mat on the ground that is obviously meant for guests.

"Please wait a moment here," Akeno instructed from the door before sliding it to a close.

Yuri remained seated where he was. Questions kept filling his mind about why he and Issei were called and why he was asked to be in a different room.

However, those questions stopped as his eyes suddenly widen feeling the great holy energy that suddenly appeared in the building. Unmistakably, it was one of the Seraphims, Michael to be exact.

Yuri's eyes narrowed suspiciously. He opened his palm on his left hand and his gauntlet formed before a long vine started extending. The vine kept going until it slid under the door and slowly formed an eye-looking flower at its end.

Through the connection with the vine, Yuri was able to see what was going on in the other room. Michael was definitely there. He was apparently speaking to Issei about being the Red Emperor and how important the role is supposed to be. The Seraphim didn't seem to either know that Yuri is there or simply didn't care.

Still, Yuri didn't let down his guard, especially when, in a shocking turn of events, Michael suddenly summoned Ascalon... And offered it to Issei.

Yuri... Was beyond suspicious. Ascalon was one of the very few Dragon Slayers that the church could use against the Heavenly Dragons. Why would Michael give it to the Red Emperor, who is a devil.

Something didn't add up to the pink-haired teen. This conversation had too many unanswered questions. And, Issei, being the naive teenager he is, didn't question much and just took the gift while making it bond with the Boosted Gear.

Yuri was definitely going to report this to Haou. He doubted Michael had any ill intentions, but the entire situation was far too suspicious for his liking.

After a few more words, Michael left and Issei received a phone-call that caused him to panic for some reason and immediately run out of the room. Seeing that Akeno was approaching the room now, Yuri immediately pulled away the plant, making sure to leave no signs of spying.

"Sorry to keep you waiting," Akeno apologized as opened the door before bringing tea into the room.

Yuri waved it off. "Oh, don't worry about it, I can keep myself entertained," while what just happened with Michael and Issei was beyond suspicious, Akeno was obviously just someone who was picked to host the event because she takes care of the shrine, which is neutral territory, so she most likely had no business with what they were going to discuss here. Perhaps Amaterasu would know since Michael would definitely need her permission to appear in one of her shrines.

However, Yuri was now a guest, and there was no need to be rude. "Well, I'm glad you didn't get bored," Akeno commented before bringing in a tray with some tea.

After some tea was served, Yuri decided to ask one of the questions that plagued him. "So, mind telling me why I was brought here?" he asked.

Akeno's whole posture became tense. She remained silent for a few moments before finally speaking. "Tell me, what do you think about Fallen Angels?" she suddenly asked.

Yuri raised an eyebrow at the odd question before answering. "Well, I never met any of them on a personal level. Most of who I met were mostly in the middle of battle, and they didn't exactly get the chance to talk," he explained.

The Gremory Queen simply lowered her head. "I see..."

"Is this about you being a hybrid?" Akeno's eyes shot wide as she stared in shock at Yuri. "Before you ask how I know, please remember that I'm a Heavenly Dragon," he said before pointing at his nose. "I figured out literally the moment we met," he explained to her, implying that he simply found out through her scent. "If you want to know my opinion... I don't care."

Akeno looked even more shocked now. "You... Don't?..."

"Do you know anything about the world of Duel Monsters?" the Starve Venom Dragon suddenly asked and Akeno shook her head. "In there, all kinds of creatures live. You name it, it's most likely there. There are also all kinds of possibilities. I swear I once saw Lord Haou deal with a report about an Elf raping an Orc," Akeno had to blink at the extremely backward situation. "Anyway, the point is, there's no such thing as racism in the world of Duel Monsters. Except with the occasional Types of monsters, but people get over that quickly. I couldn't care less that you're a hybrid. I didn't care when we met, and I don't care now," Akeno simply kept looking at him slack-jawed. "Now, how about some more tea? I'm growing addicted to yours, I swear."

That managed to snap Akeno out of her shock. She looked at him for a couple of seconds, trying to find any spark of deception... But he was being serious. So, she chuckled and gave her usual smile. "Well, that just means I have to make some for you every now and then. I just hope I can satisfy one of the Heavenly Dragons," she said before pouring another cup of tea for Yuri.

The Starve Venom Dragon just shrugged and took his tea. While what happened between Issei and Michael definitely should be reported, that was for later. Right now, he'd rather enjoy the peaceful present.


The four brothers were currently together, all waiting outside the room that the meeting between the three Factions was being held in.

They were getting ready to go in. They just needed to make sure when Haou was coming. None of them revealed their presence, making sure that no one knew they were coming.

Yuri opened his eyes. "It's time," he told his brothers.

Yuya, Yugo, and Yuto all nodded with serious expressions. This was definitely a large scale meeting that will probably affect the World of Duel Monsters and their image. Whether it's negatively or positively depends on how the meeting goes.

They all went to the door and entered one by one. Inside the room were the leaders of the three Factions, and the two Devil heiresses with their respective Peerages - except a few members - to report what happened with Kokabiel.

"What the-!?" Azazel and Michael stood from their seats, surprised to see the four brothers.

"You four?... What are you doing here?" Michael asked, not believing he would see those four peculiar Heavenly Dragons today, especially in the middle of the meeting.

The four brothers stood in a line beside each other and held a firm gaze. "We're here to welcome our King."

Azazel and Michael's eyes widen realizing who they were talking about. However, before they could say anything, a portal made of darkness with golden outlines suddenly appeared in front of the four brothers.

The young Devils were expecting to see Judai walk out. But, they all saw a knight in pitch-black, spiky armor walk out with a long red cape fluttering behind him. "Hello, Michael, Azazel," through the slits of the mask part of the Supreme King's helmet, the people in the room can see a pair of glowing, golden eyes. "It's been a long."

(A/N: Thank you for reading this.

First, I apologize for being late. I won't make excuses. I'm a lazy bum, and you have the right to be mad at me.

Second, yes, Sky Magician is here. I decided to give him the role of Yuya's role-model since he was his father's Ace.

Third, as you can see, the relationship between Akeno and Yuri is developing slowly and well, like it should be.

And lastly, the big meeting is here. The reason why Haou hates the Angels and Fallen Angels is going to be revealed in the next chapter.

Again, thank you for reading this. Please comment, review, and give me your thoughts on my story.)

P.S. I have a question. Should I add a few characters from Fate? Lots of people seem to like that in Dxd Fan Fics, and I'm pretty interested. But, I'd like to hear your thoughts.