"Hmm, interesting," Haou observed as he looked around. "It seems that whoever did this did not have enough power or is a novice," he commented before looking back to the four brothers behind him. "I do not sense interference from the time-lords. Do you know of anything that could have caused this?"

"If I'm not mistaken, this is the work of the Forbidden Balor View, the Sacred Gear of Rias' second bishop," Yuto replied cautiously looking around. "However, why it was activated is something we don't know," he knew that where it was activated was far too convenient for it to be an accident like usual.

"It seems those of greater power were spared the effects," Vali commented looking around. "Me and Issei were spared because of our Sacred Gears and the Holy sword wielders were spared because of their weapons."

"Rias was protected because she was holding onto Issei, it seems," Yuya commented seeing the Gremory heiress not being frozen along with the other young Devils.

"It seems you protected me," Rias said to Issei who just blushed and scratched the back of his head.

"Now, is someone going to tell me the why this happened?" Haou asked, looking around at the other leaders.

"I believe you'll find your answer out the window," Azazel said, looking outside the room.

Everyone followed his gaze and saw many magical circles appear in the air. From the circles appeared many people wearing dark robes and hoods that concealed their identity. Each one of them started blasting the guards from the three Factions that were meant to watch over the meeting, causing them to instantly vanish.

"Are those Mages?" Yugo asked, narrowing his eyes. "What the hell are they doing here?"

"If I'm not mistaken, then the marks on their robes means they're from the Old-Satan Faction," Yuri noted as he studied the patterns on the robes. "So, there were survivors of them after all."

"Wait, what's going on!" Issei asked looking around at everyone, still not understanding what's happening.

"Mages are people who study magic after the teachings of the Mage Merlin," Azazel replied. "Some Mages take sides in the supernatural world for either protection or power, I assume anyone who joins the Old-Satan Faction only does it for the latter."

"Pfft, why would these guys wanna follow Merlin?" Yuya asked with a raised eyebrow. "That guy is a jerk. They want a real mage, they should study after Solomon," he commented, making everyone wonder if he knows mentioned Mages.

"If these people actually do follow Solomon, we would actually be in trouble," Yuto commented with a deadpan look.

"How cruel!" Serafall suddenly cried out, puffing her cheeks. "Why are these guys pretending to be Mages when I'm a real magical girl right here!" she said causing everyone to look at her in disbelief while Haou shook his head in amusement.

"They must have captured Gasper and made him use his Sacred Gear," Yuri said, looking over the current situation.

"How dare they use a member of my family!" Rias cried out in rage, feeling that her loved ones were in danger.

"That can be problematic," Azazel commented with a hand on his chin. "Gasper's Sacred Gear is getting stronger. If it keeps like this, it might become a Balance Breaker and end up freezing even us."

"Gasper's Sacred Gear is that strong?!" Issei cried out in shock, surprised to hear that the little vampire is so powerful.

"He's a mutated piece for a reason," Kiba said catching Issei's attention, the knight then began explaining what mutated pieces are to the pawn.

Meanwhile, Yuto looked outside and narrowed his eyes. "If I'm not mistaken, then these Mages should be somewhere near the power of a middle class devil. Possibly a high class for a few. That is not a problem, but they're numbers would cause one," he studied the situation.

Azazel raised his hand and summoned several light spears outside of the meeting room. With a wave, he managed to send it to the Mages, who were not fast enough to dodge or block.

A great deal of the Mages were killed by the light spears and those who survived were severely wounded. However, more magical circles appeared, replacing the dead Mages with even more.

"Great, they obviously came prepared," Yugo grunted in annoyance. "They're probably planning to stall us long enough for Gasper's Sacred Gear to start effecting us."

"Why don't we simply kill the vampire boy and be done with it?" Vali asked with a raised eyebrow, using a tone people would normally use when speaking about the weather.

"Do that, and I'll murder you myself," Yuya threatened, glaring at the White Dragon Emperor.

"Is there a way to get to the old school building without being noticed?" Haou asked looking around.

Remembering something, Rias' eyes widen. "Castling," she said, catching the attention of everyone else.

"Castle-what now?" Yugo asked with absolute confusion covering his face.

"It's a certain move in chess," Yuri answered, deciding to explain to his brother. "It's when a King replaces their location with one of their Rooks."

"That's right," Rias nodded before looking at her brother. "I have an unused Rook in the Old School building. We can use that to send me there," she explained her plan with determined look, obviously dead set on saving her Peerage members.

"I can't send you there alone," Sirzechs stated. He knew that his sister was stubborn and would definitely go, so he at least wanted someone to go with her.

"He's right," Yuto backed up crossing his arms. "That building is most likely filled with Mages. While you can probably fight them, being overrun will be your demise. Someone should definitely go with you."

"I'll go," Issei immediately said taking a step forward.

"I should be able to send you two there, but only you two, as more would be more detectable," Grayfia said standing forward.

"A wise decision," Haou said, still sitting on his throne that he summoned. "Having the element of surprise would definitely give you more chances of success. As such, make sure to only focus on getting your captured allies. Defeating your enemies is only second priority," he instructed.

Rias nodded, understanding that Haou was telling her to not let her anger at the Mages for kidnapping Gasper cloud her judgment. She looked back to see that Grayfia had prepared the teleportation circle, in which she and Issei stood up on.

"Be careful," Sirzechs told his sister, who smiled and nodded at him before she and Issei vanished in a red flash of light, and in Grayfia's hand appeared a Rook piece made of a red crystal.

"Well, now what?" Yugo asked looking around, hoping that someone has a plan.

The Supreme King suddenly narrowed his eyes, sensing something. He looked behind and called out. "Utopia, if you would."

Suddenly, the Angel like Warrior sprang from his location, surprising everyone since they believed he was frozen as well, but Haou knew that he didn't move by choice because he never saw a reason to.

Utopia jumped above everyone and spread his mechanical wings just as an explosion covered the whole area. When the smoke cleared, the meeting room was covered in a wall made from metallic feathers. The feathers split apart and started folding back inside Utopia's wings.

"To have someone lower than you protect the leaders of the three Factions, have you no shame?" a woman's voice said as someone floated into view.

"Katerea Leviathan," the Satan of Lucifer identified the woman.

"Good evening, Sirzechs," Katerea greeted, giving a mock bow with a smug look.

Serafall glared at the woman. "Katerea, what is the meaning of this?!" she demanded and explanation from the Leviathan descendant.

"Serafall," Katerea sneered down at the new Satan. "You took the position of Leviathan from me. To think you were chosen for that position."

"She's far more worthy of that name than your entire bloodline," Haou commented, stepping beside Serafall.

"Oh," Katerea smiled at seeing the Supreme King. "Well, this is a nice surprise. I only came to deal with the leaders of the Factions, but to think that the Supreme King is also here," she chuckled darkly, figuratively and literally looking down on everyone. "You know, you killed my brother when you first appeared."

"Did I?" Haou asked with a dismissive tone, obviously uncaring of what she said. "I killed many fools in the past. Sorry, but I don't bother remembering them all."

"Oh, don't worry. I don't even want revenge or anything," Katerea replied in a tone that really showed she didn't care. "He was an annoyance anyway. I actually have the urge to thank you if it wasn't for the fact you were an enemy to our new order."

"New order?" Michael asked, not liking the sound of what she said.

"Exactly," Katerea spread her arms and began speaking loudly. "Who wants to live in a world where God's death is kept a secret! We will start a new world order! And we'll begin by ending you!"

"Is that the excuse you're going with?" the Supreme King looked at the descendant of Leviathan with a bored look. "How pitiful. I was hoping that, if there is any survivors of the Old-Satan faction, they would be at least smart enough to not attack without a reason. But, it seems you lot didn't actually learn anything. You're still deluded fools who are raging about how they didn't get to rule the Devils, and now you're trying to make it sound like you're creating a new world order. You're no different than the catholic church during their witch hunts," that last comment caused Michael to flinch harshly and hang his head in shame.

"Hmph! I don't expect you to understand!" Katerea dismissed Haou's statement, though it was obvious that she was dodging the subject. "People like you can never understand! Our new world order shall be built on your Corpses!"

The Supreme King sighed in annoyance, not wanting to deal with any deluded idiots for a while. "Do you want us to get rid of her, Lord Haou?" Yuri asked, seeing that the descendant of Leviathan was nothing but a headache.

"No, you four handle the Mages," Haou replied looking over the enemy forces. "They most likely have more prepared just in case. Cause chaos and thin out their numbers. That should start throw off whatever they're planning."

"Yes, Lord Haou!" the Four brothers immediately nodded and jumped out of the building. Landing between the Mages as they each manifested their powers in the form of Gauntlets, or wings in Yuto's case.

Yugo vanished, moving faster than the eye can see, and started cutting down Mages left and right. Yuya summoned orbs of crimson fire in his arms before he began burning his enemies. If anyone got close enough, he would punch them instead.

Yuto flew into the sky. Spreading his wings, he began raining purple lighting around the area while, making sure to corner the Mages so none would escape so his brothers can take care of them. Yuri was simply walking around, instantly cutting down any mage he came across or melting them with acid. Just as Haou had suspected, more Mages would appear with every one that was killed.

"Hey, Vali, why don't you join in?" Azazel asked and the White Emperor gave him a look that asked for a reason. "I'm pretty sure you want to see how Heavenly Dragons themselves deal with enemies, right?"

That seemed to catch the teenager's attention as he immediately summoned his Sacred Gear in the form of wings and flew into battle. "You should join as well," Sirzechs instructed who was left of his sister's Peerage and Irina. "Haou is right. Their numbers will not thin out easily considering that they most likely brought an army to replace whoever dies. Having as much help in thinning their numbers will be appreciated."

Kiba and Xenovia nodded, while Irina first looked at Michael for confirmation which she received, so all of the Swordsman jumped in to join the battle, with Irina making sure to stay close to Xenovia.

"You don't mind if I handle her, do you?" Azazel asked, referring to Katerea, who was still looking down on them from high in the air.

"I don't waste time on grunts like her," Haou said dismissively, resting his head on his hand at the side of his throne. "Just make sure she dies. As long as that happens, you can do what you want."

Looking at the other leaders, Azazel saw that none of them seemed to mind. So, unfolding his many black wings, the leader of the fallen angels flew to the sky until he reached the same level as Katerea.

Serafall sat back on her seat and sighed with a hand on her face. "I can already see the mountains of paperwork we'll get once people find out that there's survivors of the Old-Satan Faction," she groaned out and Sirzechs' expression mirrored his fellow Satan's annoyance as he realized she was right.

"If it makes you feel any better, I'll also be suffering from paperwork once I return to my office from this incident," Haou commented, which actually made the Satan of Leviathan a little more cheerful knowing she wasn't gonna suffer alone.

Meanwhile, the Mage were being killed by the four brothers, Kiba, Xenovia, Irina and Vali. While cutting down Mages, Irina moved closer to Xenovia. "Why didn't you tell me the real reason why you left?" she asked. This question has been on her mind ever since she heard that her blue haired friend was exiled because of learning of God's death rather than actually betraying the church.

"I couldn't let you suffer the same fate as me," Xenovia replied as she dodged a few magical bullets before using Durandal's large size to cut down two Mages at the same time. "If you had learned the truth, you would have been exiled as well."

A streak of green light passes through several Mages, which all were cut down swiftly. The green light stopped near Irina and Xenovia to reveal Yugo. "Hey, I really don't want to cut your reunion short and all, but can you not discuss this in the middle of battle?" he requested. He truly didn't mind that they were fixing their relationship. In fact, he was glad. But, he didn't want them to make a mistake to end their life during a fight.

"Sorry," both girls apologized, hanging their heads in shame.

"Give them a break," Yuya said, creating an orb of red fire between his hands before throwing it and a group of Mages, burning them near instantaneously. "They haven't seen each other in a while. This is the first chance they got to actually catch up."

"In the middle of battle?" Yugo asked, questioning his brother's choice of time and place for catching up.

"Less talking, more fighting!" Yuto yelled out from the sky, causing his brothers to immediately go back to focusing on the battle.

While the Dark Rebellion dragon was in the sky, cornering Mages for his brothers to finish off, he narrowed his eyes at seeing that Vali was barely putting any effort to in fighting the Mages. He found it suspicious that someone who appeared to be a battle Maniac would show more enthusiasm for battle. It was as if he was waiting for something.

"We're back!" Issei declared as he suddenly cried out as he, Koneko, Rias, and Gasper came from the direction of the old school building.

They all appeared to have had a hard time. Koneko and Rias were covered in some bruises, Gasper looked absolutely exhausted, and Issei was bleeding from his arm.

However, their attention was taken by Azazel suddenly being covered by a golden armor that looked similar to Issei and Vali's Balance Breaker. His wings vanished and he was holding a single spear of light in his hands.

"My, my," Yuri chuckled, looking away from the Mages that were currently being eaten alive by carnivore plants. "I did sense some dragonic aura on Azazel, but to think he came this far in his research on Sacred Gears."

"If I'm not mistaken, then that's Fafnir's soul," Yugo noted while rubbing his chin. He and his brothers already realized that Vritra was sealed away into a Sacred Gear, but they didn't expect to see another one of the Dragon Kings in the same state.

A mage was coming up behind Yugo and was about to attack. Just as Yugo was about to dodge, the Mage was cut down by Xenovia, who immediately gave the Clearwing dragon a deadpan look. "What happened to 'don't talk in the middle of battle'?" she asked sarcastically.

The only response she received was Yugo looking away in embarrassment. However, their attention was again taken by the battle between Katerea and Azazel, this time the descendant of Leviathan was getting surrounded by snakes made of an odd energy.

"Is that... Ophis' power?" Yuto questioned in shock, recognizing the auro of the Infinity Dragon, his brothers wearing similar reactions.

Haou narrowed his eyes at Katerea. "Interesting," he commented, also recognizing the power.

"I have been blessed by Ophis herself," Katerea cried out as she started radiating even more power. "I will not have you fools stand in the way of our new order!"

"Hmm... Should we help him?" Yuya asked before punching the ground hard, creating a shockwave that sent the surrounding Mages to the ground. Before they had the chance to get back up, Yuya unleashed crimson flames upon them, burning them near instantly.

"I don't think he needs it," Yuri replied, burning a few other Mages with acid. But, unlike his brother, he was doing it rather slowly in order to make the pain last longer. "Blessed by Ophis or not, Katerea is still a fool. Plus, Lord Haou has not given us any orders," he added, motioning to the Supreme King, who was simply sitting on his throne, watching the battle.

"Okay, fair enough," Yuya nodded, understanding that if they had any need to interfere, Lord Haou would have gave them some sort of signal.

Yuto noticed a group of Mages getting closer to the Gremory group as they just came back. Seeing to give a warning or call his siblings, he decided it was better to interfere himself.

Dashing downwards, Yuto covered his whole body in lightning. Landing right in the middle of the group of Mages, the lightning exploded when the Dark Rebellion dragon connected with the ground, sending the Mages away flying and surprising the Gremory Peerage.

"What the-!?" Issei cried out but then noticed the Mages that Yuto has just blown away. "O-Oh, thanks Yuto."

The purple haired teenager scoffed and looked at the with a surprising glare. He suddenly walked up to them and grabbed Gasper by his collar before lifting from the ground, further shocking the Devils.

"Do you want people to stop hating you?!" he yelled at the face of the scared vampire.

"I-I-I don't-" Gasper stuttered in fear.

"Then grow up!" Yuto yelled at him. He didn't seem to care as more Mages started gathering around them. "You think people hate you because of your power? Well, the fact you can't control it is making them hate you even more! So, if you want to be done living in fear and hatred, then grow up! Stand up for yourself! Control your power! And prove to everyone that you can be helpful!"

The Mages around them began firing magical bullets and blasts, but Yuto simply spread his wings and covered the whole area in purple lightning, and the attacks of Mages began to slowly vanish into particles made of light that were quickly absorbed into Yuto's wings.

Yuto dropped Gasper as his eyes began to glow purple. He flew off the ground and then spread his wings, immediately covering the whole area in lighting again, but this time striking the Mages and frying them alive as Gasper looked at him in frightened awe.

"Gasper, are you alright?" Rias immediately knelt down beside her Bishop. It took all her will-power to stop herself from attacking Yuto when he grabbed Gasper.

"N-No... He's right," the young half-vampire surprised his King as he slowly stood up. "I... I'm hurting people by not controlling my power... I... I don't want anyone to hate me... But... But I also don't want anyone of my friends to get hurt," Gasper clutched his hands as his eyes began glowing. "I... I want to do my part too! I want to help everyone!" he looked at the direction where the rest of the Gremory Peerage was frozen. "This is my power!... And I want to use it to help my friends!"

Gasper's body, especially his eyes, began glowing brightly, and the aura around the Gremory and Sitri Peerage vanished, freeing them from their frozen state.

"Ara, what happened!?" Akeno gasped as she looked around.

"What's going on?" Sona asked, seeing all the chaos around her.

"I... I did it!" Gasper cried happily before he suddenly fell down with Rias catching him.

"Rest, Gasper, you did amazing," She instructed her Bishop, holding him while giving him a proud smile.

While Serafall was explaining the situation to the newly freed Devils, Haou looked back to the fight between Azazel and Katerea, and he couldn't help but sigh in annoyance when he saw that Azazel's hand was grabbed by Katerea, and that she was planning to kill Azazel alongside herself.

"Utopia, go and save that fool," Haou ordered and the angelic warrior immediately jumped and flew to battle to do as he was told. Normally, the Supreme King would rather leave Azazel to his fate, but the fact they were finally gonna establish peace meant he couldn't afford for him to die now.

Utopia quickly flew towards the battle and pulled out of his cleavers. Reaching his destination, he swung his blade forward, cutting Azazel's arm and then kicked Katerea away. Utopia spread his wings covering himself and Azazel in a shield of metallic feathers as Katerea's body exploded.

When the smoke cleared out, it revealed Utopia's shield without as much of a scratch. The metallic feathers broke apart and retreated into Utopia's wings to reveal the angelic Warrior and Fallen Angel behind it to be unharmed beyond Azazel's arm.

"You could have given a little warning, big guy, but thanks anyway," Azazel said before his armor suddenly disappeared and a golden orb appeared in front of him. "Shit. Stay with me, Fafnir," he whispered, clutching the orb with his remaining arm.

"Well, well, well, would you look at that," Yuri chuckled at the remaining Mages. "You're leader is no longer around, and it seems you have run out of forces," he commented, noticing that no new Mages appeared for quite a while.

The Mages began panicking, some tried to escape while others began attacking desperately. Those who tried to escape where hunted down by Yugo and Yuto, while those who kept attacking were dealt with by Yuya, Yuri, Irina, and the newly freed Gremory and Sitri Peerage.

It seemed as if everything was finally under control now that the Mages and the descendant of Leviathan was dealt with. Until something suddenly crashed on the ground in the middle of the field.

When the dust cleared out of the way, it revealed Utopia holding Azazel over his shoulder. "Geez, I'm really starting to rack up a debt for you. Thanks again, big guy," Azazel said before turning his gaze upwards. "Dammit, bad Vali," he groaned out.

Everyone turned their sights to Vali, who is floating where Azazel and Utopia used to just a few seconds ago. "Sorry, Azazel, but this side seems far more interesting," the White Emperor said as he looked down on everyone.

(A/N: Thank you for reading this.

The next chapter is an Author Note with lots of important stuff. So, please make sure to read it.

I would have put it all here, but I didn't want to make this chapter seem longer than it actually is. And the author note I want to say is quite long.)