Author Note.

Hi, Xana here.

First and foremost, I am honestly sorry for the late update, but I actually have a reason this time.

I was hoping that I could update this story a month or two ago, but then my midterms started, and had to study.

Then my finals were pushed forward to next week or so. So, every teacher I have in college dumbed a shit load of stuff on us in order to finish as soon as possible before the finals. I still have a few final exams, and the only reason I got to update is because I finally had a few days of freedom before my next final exam.

In all honesty, I'm surprised I didn't lose any hair from the stress.

But still, even though I had my reasons, I was still incredibly late. So, I'll be answering many things that many of my readers have questioned through the story. I hope this makes you feel better.

Number 1: about the harem. Only Serafall and Rossweiss are guaranteed. Kuroka and Amaterasu are a very strong maybe. But, that's pretty much it. There's no reason to just add any girl I like. Staying reasonable is one of the keys to a good story. (you know, that isn't just pure crack.)

Number 2: and this has been the question of many, the relationship between Haou and Judai. Honestly, Yubel hinted on it on the 3rd chapter, but I guess I wasn't clear enough.

Haou and Judai are the same person. However, Haou is Judai AFTER he became the Supreme King.

Yubel already stated that Judai continuesly went into one war after another after becoming the Supreme King. No matter who you are, war changes you. (the details of those wars will be explained later in the story.)

Number 3: some asked for the power of the 4 Brothers, and yes I'm giving them similar powers to their dragons, but a little different.

Not entirely different, just enough to actually fit real battle.

Number 4: another question that has been asked by many, Yugi, Atem, and Kaiba will get a role eventually. The chance just didn't come yet.

I'll try my best to make sure they all (including Yusei And Jack) get an appearance.

Number 5: more Monster Cards will make an appearance. It's just that, like with the Protagonists, they just didn't get the chance. But it will happen soon.

That also includes the Egyptian gods, Exodia, and other cards.

Number 6: I will try to also pay attention to other Mythologies, not just Egyptian.

Honestly, the author of Dxd made a big plot hole with this point. He honestly neglected a lot of mythologies and gods.

A lot of you seem to agree that the top 10 most powerful beings in Dxd is either flawed or bullshit. Honestly, I agree with both.

Number 7: this is more of a personal point.

Can you not blame me for the mistakes of the Dxd author? XD.

Many of you blame me for how Hades turned out. If it was up to me, I would have made literally every God in Greek except him the bad guy. I really don't like that Mythology.

It's just that the author of Dxd decided to make out Hades as the bad guy.

So, can you not blame me for that? I'd appreciate it.

Number 8: I'll be also trying to give the world of Duel Monsters more attention. I realized that I really didn't include much about it, and I'd like to not end up neglecting it.

Number 9: if I made any mistakes, please don't hesitate to point them out. I appreciate constructive criticism. Just please remember that English isn't my mother language, and I also use my phone to write. So...

Anyway, this is it.

Thanks again for reading. I truly hope that you liked the latest chapter.