United we fall

"I SAID WHAT'S TAKING YOU SO LONG" the tall orc-ish-looking guy yelled his voice like thunder.


"I apologize lord wrath" spoke a lieutenant with fear in his voice.

"These humans seem to be especially strong, just the four of them alone managed to eliminate over 600 of our men."

"Interesting, these will prove to be the most worthy of specimens," said a hooded figure with glee.

"Would you like us to capture them alive lord greed?" The lieutenant asked cautiously.

"Oh there's no need, dead or alive it matters not, either way, their bodies will be in my lab" he replied heinously.

"Save the boys for me would you greed darling I like the way they look." this time the one who spoke was this weird cross-dressing guy.

"They'll look lovely in my collection," I noticed he was eyeballing me in particular.

The other three remained silent as if they were waiting for Michael to pass the final judgment. Finally, he spoke.

"Why must you mortals put up such a fight?" His voice was smooth and calming. Which did not match the situation at all.

A greenish light shines from greed's body as a gigantic screen appears in the sky. The image on the screen is that off all of us and somehow I knew this could be seen in all the cities.

"You all waste what little life my father has given you pathetic leeches. You sin so terribly that Lucifer himself wants nothing to do with you. You raped, murdered, and killed your kind and called it justice, but when we purge you we are the villains?" He says.

"You disgusting creatures are a virus that destroys everything it touches and we? We are merely the cure. We are the cure that will eradicate the plague that is humanity to avenge our fathers and brother for the sins that you have committed." He goes on with his monologue.

"We were born first we are perfect while you were born diseased and weak, it is clear to see who the chosen ones are-"

"My man I'm gonna have to stop you right there, I mean I know you're trying to make a point right now, but if your gonna kill us just do it now. I mean I kinda feel like u practiced hard on this and everything but you're just sitting there monologuing and your kinda killing the whole vibe you know?" I call out.

I only interrupted because he was doing the whole cliche villain speech while we were ready to fight to the death and it kinda sucked.

Kevin smiles and my dad couldn't help but try to stifle his laughs. Suddenly a blur appeared next to me taking my left arm off in an instant. I yell out in agony and try to look up to see who had the fucking balls and was kicked back into the arms of my dad.

" Interrupt again," said the asshole with a dumbass mask on.

"And I'll take the right one next."

"You're on my shit list now bitch." I say through gritted teeth.

"Calm down pride" that bald douche bag Michael said.

" A wolf should not concern itself with the opinions of a sheep."

The dickhead's ego was so big it was visible.

"If he wants to die we can easily grant his wish"

Fucking hate this guy.

"How about we make the game a bit more interesting?" Michael said with a cocky look on his face.

"I'll give you ten minutes, come at me however you want, with however many you want, if you can land a single blow within that time I'll spare your worthless lives."

The seven generals ordered the soldiers to step back.

Dad handed me to mom so she could apply first aid.

" You know when I was younger" my father stood up while cracking his knuckles.

" I loved to fight assholes like you who were so sure that they were the strongest."

Kevin and James stood up next to him.

"It made it all the more fun to crush you."

With that James rushed Michael swinging his kusarigama wide the blade was aimed at Michael's neck but it stopped as if it hit an invisible wall, Michael grabbed the chain pulling James towards him and lightly tapping him on the chest sending him flying backwards. He then snapped the blade off of the kusarigama and tossed the broken blade at my feet.

"Next." He said like the asshole he is.

Dad and Kevin flank him on both sides launching rapid-fire attacks each one faster than the last. Micheal dodged all of them with his eyes closed as if he knew what they were gonna do before they did it. With two powerful blows he knocks both of them back, dad clutches his chest while Kevin coughs up blood.

"Don't tell me this is all you powerful mortals can do?" Michael says sarcastically.

"What happened to the bravado from earlier?"

Dad looks back and sees the situation we're in: James is on the ground badly injured coughing up blood, mom is still trying to heal my arm, or at least stop the bleeding, Kevin is also missing an arm and is in bad shape. Despite this, he smiles.

"Kids, we're doing the technique of Heaven-Limbo-and Hell got it?"

Kevin and I instantly know what he means.

"Sir yes sir," we say simultaneously.

I generate several small energy spheres and launch them at Michael after that I start gathering energy, as much and as fast as I can. As Michael dodges my attack, Dad launches himself in the air while Kevin rushes from the ground Michael avoids the strike from Kevin but narrowly blocks the attack from dad.

They try again this time he blocks the attack from dad but just barely dodged the slash from Kevin. This exchange happens several more times and each time they get faster and closer to hitting him than the last.

"Hmm, I get it. If I block the heavens I'll be attacked from hell, if I block hell I'll be attacked from the heavens. Interesting humans, but what if I dodge both?" He smiled slyly.

As dad and Kevin swing at him from both the top and bottom he jumps putting his body parallel to the ground dodging both.

"Well," my dad chuckled "if you focus too much on heaven and hell you'll forget about limbo."

At that moment the broken blade of James' kusarigama that I threw leaves a deep gash on Michael's right cheek. The battlefield went silent.

"H-how is this possible" Wrath said in bewilderment not believing his eyes for one second that Michael had been wounded by mere humans.

"That boy is most impressive," said pride with a shocked look in his eyes.

"He used his Mana to not only sharpen the blade but to also increase the blade's speed to such a degree that not even Lord Michael could dodge it fast enough." He explained

"For a lowly human, I guess being able to do this much is praiseworthy."

"Haha it's all thanks to you," I told him "ya bitch ass should've taken off my right arm instead," I said while giving him the finger.

"D-did we win?" James asked while struggling to sit up.

"I fucking hope so," I say while coughing up blood.

"A deals a deal," dad said.

" We landed a hit on you within ten minutes can we go now?"

Michael watched his blood fall to the ground with a strange look on his face.

"Of course," he said still looking down "a deal is a deal."

Before dad could even turn around he was stabbed through the chest with a blade.

"The problem is, I don't honor deals made with humans," Michael said sinisterly.

"NOOO!!" My mother screamed in despair.

Kevin charged him but was instantly cut down.

"RUN JAMES RUN!!" I scream at my little brother who's paralyzed with fear.

"As if I'd let him"

Michael moved like a ghost cutting James' head off in the blink of an eye.

My mother screamed once more until a knife suddenly pierced her throat. I recognized the blade and saw pride with a smug look on his face.

" YOU'RE FUCKING DEAD!!!" I roar as I use the excess mana I gathered to open my third eye and my anger as well as my magic power explodes.


I charged pride punching him right through the lower level of the nearest building. I generate three large energy spheres and all three simultaneously rain down a barrage of attacks bringing the building down on top of him before he could get a chance to recover

"What the hell!" Lust exclaimed.

"Where's he getting this power from?"

I rush to finish Pride off when Michael intercepts me.

"We're not finished here." He says viciously while swinging his sword at me. I grab his blade and pull him in closer.

"What the-"

He doesn't get the chance to finish the sentence as I grab him by the face and slam him to the ground. I gather an enormous amount of mana into my fist and rain down a barrage of blows detonating the energy over and over again causing a series of explosions.

At this point, the sins have started to move to help Michael. Wrath summoned a pair of gauntlets and stood in front of Michael for all of two seconds before I sent him flying with a kick.

Sloth, Greed, and Lust attacked all at once unleashing one high tier spell after another and as I dodged their attacks Pride, that asshole somehow managed to dig himself up, materialized behind me and slashed me across the back, which did nothing but piss me off more, I punch him through another building and unleash a powerful magic attack on the other three and as they try to block it I land on top of pride as he's getting up, channeling my energy into my remaining arm I form an energy blade made of mana and slash him across the chest leaving a deep gash. I sense someone approaching and Wrath appears beside me, I swing the energy blade aiming at his head, which takes him by surprise, he barely dodges the strike losing his left eye in the process when his power suddenly skyrockets and he hits me hard sending me flying through the air and Lust appears above me and knocks me to the ground, my magic power once again increases, as I spit blood and stand up I hear the astonishment in Greed's voice.

"How the hell did he get back up!? I'm positive we've already destroyed several of his muscles along with the bones!"

"It's his anger." Wrath explains.

" This human is utterly consumed with a level of rage I've never experienced before in all the eons I've lived" he observed.

"It's similar to my released form but somehow it's his anger that's fueling his power."

"It matters not," Michael says.

"Greed and Envy have finished their preparations."

I look up and see a large mass of Mana in the air and it's coming at me fast. I stop it with the one arm I have left and blast through it with my energy obliterating it suddenly barbed wires coated in magical energy appear out of the ground entangling me and sealing away my energy as all six of them attack me at once smashing, slashing and impaling me until I'm too wounded to fight back anymore. But Pride still cuts off my remaining arm just in case.

"I'LL KILL ALL OF YOU," I scream.

" He's STILL alive?" Greed asks with a hint of excitement in his voice.

"An interesting specimen indeed."


I roar at them as I slowly stand, pulling against the magical barbed wires, breaking a few, and cracking the ground in the process.

"You'll never get the chance," Michael says coldly as he points his sword at me charges up an insane amount of mana, and blasts me along with all of city 8 into oblivion.