Fighting fear

As his aura seemed to solidify he sneers at me.

"Though your life was short, at least you were killed by me, the great Lord Razan."

He launches the spikes at me which I avoid by dodging to the left as I form several mana bullets and fire back at him.

Which for some reason takes him by surprise, he blocks my attack but instead of counterattacking immediately he stops and stares at me.

" Human how did you do that." He asks me.

"Do what?" I respond nervously.

I try my best to not run away but every part of my body is telling me to get out of here, to freeze up and not move an inch. The amount of bloodlust he's giving off is making it hard to breathe.

"How did you dodge my attack just now?" He asks with a strange look on his face.

"What do you mean?" I ask him confused.

"You tried to attack me and I moved."

"Yes I know that child," Razan said frustrated.

"But I'm asking if you dodged because you sensed I was going to attack you? Or did you dodge because you saw me attacking?"

"I saw it duh, you were covered in red and shooting spikes at me so I moved out of the way."

His entire mood changed after hearing that. He got dead serious as he stared at me, his bloodlust somehow increasing even more.

"You can see them?" he asked.

This one question sent chills down my spine as I knew that he was no longer looking at me as a child but as a threat.

"Uhhh m-maybe?" I stutter.

Razan draws his sword and lets loose an even greater amount of bloodlust. The only thing that dwarfed that was the wave of mana he released at the same time.

As soon as I felt the combination of both, my hands and legs began to shake ever so slightly.

"I no longer care if you're only a human child, if you can see the Grim Rain you MUST die."

Charging at me he swings his blade down with his full force. I dodge his attack and launch a barrage of mana bullets, all aimed at his head, he blocks my attack and growls as he clears the smoke.

Razan managed to block most of the mana bullets but few got past his guard and hit him in his face. The exposed skull and muscle, plus his overwhelming power, terrified the shit out of me.

(I'm scared.)

"I've made up my mind. Instead of just killing you, I've decided to make you my next meal child!"

(I wanna run.)

He grinned sinisterly as he charged at me once again. I try my best to avoid his lightning-fast blows but little by little my small body was starting to get covered with various cuts and wounds. They're way too heavy for me to try to block.

(This hurts.)

I steady my breath and focus, just like dad taught me.

(I need to fight.)

When Razan brings his sword up to slash down on me again instead of jumping back or dodging left or right, I swallow my fear and charge forward sliding between his legs and slicing both of his thighs through the gaps in his armor, which causes him to growl in pain before he grabs me by my head and throws me in the opposite direction.

As I'm hurled through the air I form and launch a dozen more mana bullets. Which Razan blocks with ease. I backflip and land on the ground while he just stares at me.

"You're not like the rest of these humans," he says.

"I admit that I don't know much about you miserable insects, but I do know that human children should not be this powerful."

He readies his sword, I lower my stance.

"If given the chance to grow you'll become an abomination unlike any other, I'll kill you now to avoid any future threats."

His mana once again shoots up when he suddenly disappeared for a second before reappearing directly in front of me I barely dodge his sword, which almost takes off my head.

I jump back just in time to avoid his blade before launching a barrage of attacks back at him.

Razan just laughs as he easily blocks and dodges all of my blows before hitting me square in the chest. I fly back and crash into a boulder coughing up blood before sensing Razan moving toward me, and once again manage to dodge in time to avoid another strike. I guess he's mad that I'm still alive as he kicks me away, sending me flying once more.

"I'll enjoy feasting on your flesh."

Razan grins as he slowly walks over to me.

"I'll take my time, ensuring to savor each bite."

After hearing that fear began to wash over me again and tears began to form in my eyes.

I don't want to die here. I don't want to end up in some monster's stomach.

(It's gonna be dark in there.)

(I don't want my mom and dad to cry.)

( I hope Kevin doesn't cry.)

I struggle to look up as Razan stands in front of me smiling, his mouth dripping with drool, he raises his sword ready to cut my head off.

"You fought well for a human runt."

He swings his blade down and I close my eyes ready to die when suddenly.


I open my eyes to see Razan's sword had been blocked.

Looking over I see that Kevin was the one who blocked the attack.

"What in THE FUCK do you think you're doing with my little brother?" he asked.

His eyes cold, his voice trembling with rage.

"The same thing I'm going to do to you." Razan sneers.

Kevin's eyes start to glow brightly as he uses mana to enhance his strength enough to parry Razan's attack.

"Keugh." Razan grunts.

"There's a lot of interesting things happing today."

As he spoke his mana once again starts to rise, and as it did all the wounds I had to fight tooth and nail to give him suddenly started to heal.

"C'mon that's just cheating," I yell out as I struggle to stand.

"You okay Malcom?" Kevin asks.

"Everything hurts," I complain.

"This butthole's a bully."

"Remember what dad told us about bullying?"

Kevin asks as he backs up and readies his stance.

"Never bully the weak?"

"N-no the other thing." Kevin looked at me frustrated.

"Oooh, if someone ever tries to bully me I need to break every bone in his fucking body." I smile.

"That's right my guy, don't be afraid I'm fighting right next to you, you can go all out this time."

He points his sword at Razan, who finished healing and gets ready to charge him.

"Kev wait," I call him.


"There's an attack that he uses that he says is invisible, but I can see it."

"Really?" Kevin looks at me shocked.

"Yep," I tell him.

"But don't worry I already blocked it twice."


Razan's voice boomed as he began to charge us.

" Alright, bud I'll let you deal with that, watch closely and try to attack him when you see an opening but try not to overdo it okay," Kevin says as he rushes in to meet him head-on.

I follow them and carefully watch their battle and as I did I realize how strong my big brother is.

Razan was very powerful but Kevin was somehow able to keep up with him.

I focus and study the flow of Kevin's mana and watched it moved inside him and how he used it to enhance his strength further than what should seem possible.

Is that how he's able to keep up?

I focus on the mana within me and follow the same pattern that Kevin used and as I do I feel my strength multiply several times.

Grabbing my knives I charge in as Razan is distracted by Kevin.

He's too busy blocking Kevin's sword to notice me moving in behind him. I slice through the armor on his back and pull away before he has time to react.

"Miserable brats." Razan growls as he pushes Kevin away.

His body glows with a purple energy as dozens of mana blades shoot from his body in all directions.

Kevin wraps his sword in mana and slices through blade after blade.

Using my new speed boost I move in between each blade, I wasn't strong enough to block them so I had to avoid them.

As we close in Razan readies his sword and blocks Kevin's attack.

He blasts Kevin away with a mana bullet and grabs me out of the air by my throat.

I stab Razan in the arm multiple times with my knives, trying my best to loosen his grip.

He growls in pain stabs his sword into the ground and grabs my left arm before I can stab him again.

"You won't be needing this anymore."

He snarls as he squeezes my arm, easily breaking the bone.

I scream in pain and try my best to not black out.

I raise my remaining arm to stab at him one more time but Razan catches it.

Holding me up by my remaining arm I see him raise his hand in front of my face, as he does he starts charging up mana.

"This is the end brat." He sneers.

But before he can blast my head off a bright light flashes between us.

I suddenly land on the ground as Razan howls in pain I look over and see that his right arm was cut off.

Kevin stabs the severed arm with his sword and throws it at Razan.

As he reaches out to catch it Kevin's sword blurs sending out a storm of mana blades that dice the arm to pieces, completely destroying what was left of it.

I look at Kevin and noticed the change immediately.

His mana levels shot through the roof, his body was overflowing with power causing his eyes to glow blue.

Electricity was crackling from his body as he walked forward and pointed his sword at Razan.

"Keep your filthy fucking hands off my little brother."