
You better kill me

Rigel continued as if he hadn't heard her gasp. Meanwhile, Lynn's knees began to tremble, and her teeth to chatter.

It seemed as if he was narrating a story:

"Several creatures were able to enter the mansion thanks to Mr. Archill. Some were more powerful, others less. But certainly, all with the same purpose..."

"No..." Lynn whispered, and she would have fallen if it weren't for the man's grip.

"And because of whom do you think it was?" - He continued to be inflexible without appearing to notice that she was drowning. - "Well, because of her father's most beloved daughter. You see, Mr. Archill couldn't have her. Straugh had already refused him twice." Rigel continued, making elegant gestures in Archill's direction without looking at Lynn.

"¿Where are my parents?" - Lynn interrupted Rigel with a distorted voice.

"¿So, what was the solution?" - The man continued mercilessly. Each word he pronounced as if distilling acid. - "Well, give up everyone in exchange for getting the beloved miss. Of course, Mr. Archill planned to come out as a hero after rescuing her and giving her protection." - At this point, he paused and looked straight into Lynn's eyes. - "Because of you, they are all dead. Because of you, I have lost April. Forever."

"Lies... ¿April? ¿How do you...?" - Lynn could hardly articulate words because her jaw was trembling uncontrollably. ¿Did the lord know her mother? And more importantly: ¿where was her family? - "Could you be kind enough to tell me..."

"¿Me, kind enough?" - He laughed bitterly. - "No, woman, I have no kindness for anything or anyone."

"It's not true. Please, tell me the truth. Please." - Lynn tried with a plea, but she only received a shake from him.

The next thing Lynn knew, she was in a large, white room. She couldn't see other details because tears blurred her vision. Immediately the man released her, so Lynn stumbled in confusion until her back collided with something solid that managed to support her in return. Lynn turned as she regained her balance to find out she was leaning against a bookshelf full of books. She suddenly felt a hand on her shoulder. And she quickly turned around.

In front of Lynn, Rigel held out a long, yellowish piece of parchment. Hesitantly Lynn took it. She was about to jump when she recognized her mother's handwriting on it. It was undeniable, among other things, because of the strange way her mother had always written the letter "a".

betrayal... please help Lynn...

¡Oh... Mother...!

¡Oh my God...! It can't be... Just, it couldn't be. After rereading it, over and over again, Lynn began to tell herself that they were fine. "This... This doesn't mean they are..." She couldn't say it. Something very wrong was happening to her. She felt like she was going to bend or break. She was going to vomit.

By force of will, somehow Lynn was able to compose herself. Then she looked for Rigel.

He was looking towards two large open doors that led to a large balcony. His hands were clenched, and his sight seemed lost somewhere far away.

Lynn didn't know how but somehow, she knew that he was sad too, and that feeling was like a bond that pulled from her to him for a second. Yet she also recognized that he was angry. Anger was the feeling that occupied him the most, and that anger was directed at her.

"Everyone is fine. Everything is going to be fine." - Lynn said to herself. However, at that moment, the man turned around and gave her a look that oscillated between reproach and accusation.

He blamed her. Maybe he's right...

For his part, Rigel turned to take two steps away. As much as he despised her like nothing at that moment, an invisible force continued to draw him to the woman without remedy. ¿Was it her scent? And how good the damned woman smelled. On the other hand, sense kept whispering it was not logical to blame Straugh's daughter. But in those moments, his mind was shut to any reasonable thought. So, sometimes he blamed her stupid father and sometimes her. Rigel had felt like that the moment he had gotten his hands on Archill and proven his theory about the exchange for the eldest daughter. Now, the young lady next to him shifted slightly. Then, she moved forward until she ended up leaning on the balcony. Immediately afterward, she raised both hands to her face and, for the first time, she sobbed. Rigel was about to marvel: no adversity suffered so far had made her cry. Without knowing the exact reason, he raged again. So, blinded with fury, he apparated close to her and grabbed her face roughly.

"Crying is useless. Stop."

"¡Let me! ¿Are you insane?"

"What did you just say" Rigel shook her. The human had no idea whom she was dealing with. It was true: he had yet to introduce himself. He thought. "Listen, woman: I'm Rigel. Known among your people as the Red Duke of Scaz, the first inhabitant and lord of these lands. Perhaps the vampire or the lord of the red castle will sound more familiar to you..."

"¡What do I care! If what you say is true... ¿How can I not cry? You better kill me and put me out of my misery.

And that was as far as his patience had come. Rigel told himself. If she wanted to challenge him, she would have a taste of his wrath. He caught the battered dress by the lapels and ripped it open, exposing much of the skin on her shoulders. He saw the woman making a startling face when he took her by the waist. Then, Rigel leaned down and bit her right shoulder.