
A great tragedy

For a second time, the young Straugh struggled and tried desperately to push him away without success. No, she wouldn't be able to move him away because the woman smelled so good for a terrible reason: she tasted like heaven. And Rigel was unable to suppress a deep moan in his throat. Like a wild animal... He thought with some disdain.

Since Rigel had given up devouring souls, his thirst for human blood had grown stronger. However, he had always been able to control this craving. Rigel had given up souls mainly because he was sick of the death that the act entailed. But now, her essence was the most sublime flavor Rigel had tasted in his entire existence. So, he made a horrible effort to stop. And Rigel finally did it, partly because he felt the girl had fainted. But the most important thing was that his body was on fire.

Rigel found himself in a dire state of unprecedented excitement and craving. However, he only carried Lynn carefully toward the washroom. Once there, he gently lowered her into the wide tub filled with water; and he placed her slender arms to the sides, so she wouldn't slip into the bathtub and drown in it. Immediately afterward, he prepared to call a servant. But a powerful force left him standing there looking at the human. Then the maiden's battered dress became damp, and the fabric became translucent. Rigel continued to watch her without being able to leave. The damned piece of cloth clung to the lines of her slender body scandalously.

Noticing that was a mistake, one that left him paralyzed. Rigel watched her calmly, feeling more and more eager to touch her and also bite her.

¡Damn it! She had flawless skin: white and smooth. But now she was full of welts. So, Rigel wondered again about what had happened during her escape. Well, he would know as soon as he talked to Zhutak. There was also the fact that she got to escape from the castle. ¿How the hell? That was a matter yet to be settled. However, the first thing was to calm his energy; because he was seriously turned on. And that the cause was a mere human, infuriated him. Mercilessly attracted, he reached her and ran his tongue over the wound on her shoulder, healing the small lesion immediately. However, his desire to continue licking the human was too powerful. Tormented and annoyed by this, Rigel decided to pay a visit to his favorite lover: Lidye, daughter of a peculiar race that lived on the tops of Mount Kuzuma in a distant country in another dimension. So, casting a vicious look at the swooning woman, Rigel vanished from his domain and Scaz, the doomed land.

When Lynn opened her eyes: she first noticed the clear and fresh water around her body. Her skin burned in several places, and her muscles, too, were numb and cramped.

After stretching, she took some nearby oils and rubbed her body gently with a sponge. Anyway, her skin protested, but she took all the dirt away. Lynn didn't want to get an infection on a scratch or cut. When she finished, she stood up and poured clean water over herself from a beautiful shiny white porcelain vase with dark, mysterious patterns.

She carefully climbed out of the tub and searched for a blanket. Lynn was drying herself off when the memories hit her.

¡He...! ¡He had bitten her! She quickly searched for her image in a big iron-edged mirror. Lynn was blushing when she looked at her shoulder. But she got a surprise. There was nothing there, not the slightest mark.

¿Have I dreamed it? It was so strange. Lynn could swear that she had been bitten. She could even remember hearing the shocking sound of his mouth slurping. So ¿how much of what she remembered was reality, and how much was not? She ran her hand over her face in confusion. Oh god. She hoped that her family's revelations were also part of the nightmare.

"Just... it can't be..." Then Lynn began to cry as she had never done before.

Lynn couldn't tell how long she'd been crying, lying on the shiny white marble floor. She was still wrapped in the damp blanket she had used to dry herself when a knock on the door woke her. She couldn't help but be alarmed. Because under the white plush, she was completely naked. Looking for a possible exit, she saw only darkness through the balcony doors. As a child, Lynn used to think of the dark as a big mouth that wanted to swallow her.

Another thump sounded, and she pulled the blanket over herself as she looked around. The impressive room was lit by various chandeliers beautifully sculpted. Lynn thought she might as well use one to defend herself. So, she turned her face and moved cautiously away from the doorway.

Then the door opened, and relief washed over her when she recognized Nana's gaunt face.

"My child... But ¿what has happened...? - After assessing Lynn's situation, Nana raised a hand to her mouth. - "What did that monster do to you...?"

"¡Oh no!" Lynn hurried to clarify: "¡Nothing of the sort! He's gone... I... I just... took a bath."

"But... ¿Were you...? You cried..." -The nanny hesitated before saying: "He told you, ¿right?"- Nana finally asked. Then, her face contracted in a grimace as if in agony.

So far, Lynn hadn't noticed, but her nanny was paler than usual. In just two days, Nana had lost weight. As if such a thing was even possible for her body, which was always exceptionally thin.

"Nana... ¿you...?"

Then, eradicating any hope she may have been harboring, Nana took out a newspaper. It corresponded to the current date, and on the first page was a large photograph of what appeared to be a ruined square. Lynn didn't want to read because she had a terrible feeling.

"What... ¿what is this?" But somehow, she already knew, even before seeing the page.

Suddenly, horrendous tremors began to shake her entire body.

"N..Na... ¿Nana...?" Lynn couldn't control the quivering in her lower jaw.

"It's... the mansion..." Her friend's voice was almost inaudible.

Lynn didn't answer. She blinked a few times in puzzlement, then fell to the ground in a pitiful crouch. Immediately Nana was with her and hugged her desperately. In the end, feeling no reaction, Nana worried and separated from Lynn. So, Nana looked at the young lady's face.

"Lynn. ¿Lynn? React, child. Oh, Lynn... I'm so sorry... God, saying I'm sorry seems so empty... This is all terrible... It's such a great tragedy, Lynn..."

Lynn blinked a few times and looked at Nana. Then, she read the article mechanically. Lynn read, reread, and continued to stare at the journal until the letters and the photograph began to blur and circle between them.

"Lynn, please, you have to..."

"¡What!" The young woman finally exploded: "I have to... ¿What?" She yelled. Lynn stood up and continued shouting like a mad person: "¿What do I do? Because... ¿What am I supposed to do?... ¿What can I do?"

She finally began to cry again. For her part, Nana sighed and trembled; she was crying too.

"It's not fair..." Lynn continued. Standing up, she began to walk around the room. "I should have been there... I had to go with them wherever they went. Wherever ..." Then she stopped abruptly: "Oh no... It's not like that. It's supposed to be all because of me. ¡They are all dead for me!"

"Don't say that, Lynn. Your mother wouldn't forgive you." Nana tried to cut her off.

"It was me... Yes, it was because of me..."

"Lynn..." The nanny was horrified. However, very soon, the young woman's hysteria took another path.

"He... He's here... He's right here, somewhere in the castle... I'm just going to make him pay... Wait and see... Oh god, I'm going to destroy him... ¡I'll kill him...!"

Saying this, Lynn bolted out the door that led to the corridor. The nanny followed her in alarm with a wince and a silent cry. In her hasty stride, Lynn had grabbed a gold sconce from the hallway, and after shaking it, she disposed of the candles that fell scattered on the red carpet.

Two pale maids stepped out of the crazed young woman's path. They were carrying some pieces neatly folded, and Lynn had made them throw everything on the floor.

For her part, Nana continued behind her lady. Nana was trying to keep up with Lynn's steps but was having a hard time. It was then that the butler appeared in front of Lynn's path. The old butler looked as calm as ever when Lynn lunged at him, taking him by the lapels of his austere suit. The chandelier she was carrying had fallen to the ground with a loud crash.

The nanny gasped as the lady began to shake the butler.

"Lynn, stop... Mr. Nordack, I... she..." Nana blurted out, not daring to touch her.

"¿Where is that murderer? ¿Where is the dungeon? Take me immediately!"

However, the butler remained silent, preserving his dignity and impassivity as best he could.

"¡Answers!" Along with this scream, the blanket that covered Lynn fell to the floor, and her slender body appeared naked.

"¡Oh my God!" Nana pounced to grab the blanket. However, someone had beaten her to it. He was a very tall, handsome young man with strong, slender limbs. He wore his hair in a ponytail. His hair was so dark that it could rival Lynn's. Deviating his sight and with respectful gestures, he took the plush cloak and managed to cover the young woman.