Chapter 27 [Numb]

Pisces 13/2261 16:26

Everything shifted. Melted and flowed like ink in water. I stared at the shadows. Dancing like smoke in the sky. Soft music played in the background.

Do you remember when we learned how to fly? We'd play makebelieve, we were young and had time on our side. Now you're stuck on the ground. You're lost can't be found. Just remember that you're still alive.

I knew that song. Mom used to sing it. I spun around, trying to find her. Mom?

Jay! Come on! Look! A shadow darted off.

I ran after the running shadow. We skidded to a stop on top of a huge cliff. The shadows danced into waves, crashing on rocks.

Cool huh! Look how strong they are!

Wow! I gasped. I sat on the grass and peered at the waves. It's so beautiful.

The shadows blurred again. They turned sharp and dangerous. Then I was running. The shadows tugged at my hair and clothes. Ripped apart my skin. I screamed.

I jolted upright. Pain spread through my body from my side and shoulder. I fell back on the cold floor, grasping my side. I gasped for air, struggling to keep it even. I was still in the lab. Vix sat on her holo-pad, crossed legged and watching me.

"Your sensor said you got badly hurt." She said. I braced my elbow under me and rubbed my eyes. "Where?"

"Everywhere," I answered. I sat up, pulling my legs under me. I gripped the counter and pulled myself up. Damn it. A tank running me over would hurt less. I stared at Vix. "Hack the medial files. Let me know if Ethan had been in there since we returned. I want to know about his injuries."

"What the hell happened on that mission," Vix asked. She glowed brightly as she hacked.

"Hell," I answered. "Anything?"

"He was admitted a few hours after returning. Three broken ribs and bruises on his back as well as a concussion."

"Bloody hell." I sighed. "Has the video file been submitted yet?"

"Yes." Vix accessed it. She closed her eyes as she watched it. In five minutes she was done, having watched it at high speed. She opened her eyes and stared at me. "What the hell!"

"Like I said. Hell." I rubbed the back of my head.

"Lily is going to flip," Vix noted. I limped to the door. In the counter beside it, was an earpiece. I put it in my ear.

"Talk as I walk. I need to get to my room." I said. I turned and left the lab. Vix continued speaking into the earpiece.

"Not only did you lose Greflin again, but you also lost the girl with the code to that Core," Vix said. "Also, Fexlain. Jefferson sent him, and he killed a whole team!"

"I know," I answered. "I don't know what to do there."

I took the lift down to the main floor and walked to the living quarters. The grass was bright green after the rain. I loved seeing the grass go from dark green to light green.

"Lily has called for you and Ethan to meet in her office," Vix said. I crossed my arms over my stomach. That was fast. I'd figured I had at least a few days before she watched the video.

"Shit." I sighed. I saw my Legend, in full armour like always, exit the medical building. I paused to let him catch up. "Selene wants to see us."

He nodded. I watched him approach me. He was limping, his movements stiff. I bowed my head, unable to look at him. Unable to look at the pain he was in because of me.

Legends were perfect in every way. They were made to be. Never showing any weakness. Always following orders. That is what they are designed to do. It is what they live to do.

This is my fault. I ruined him. I thought. Maybe... I should have fought harder against being paired. Being like me... being reckless and defiant isn't as good when it involves others. I can't keep going like this.

A hand on my face made me jump. I looked up at my Legend. Not my Legend. No. Just another Legend. I couldn't get close to him. I made a mistake. A lot of mistakes. Now he's paying for them.

I took his hand and pushed it away. I closed my eyes. Ice. Hidden behind walls of indifference and ice. A cold feeling filled my veins. When I opened my eyes, they were cold. I turned away from him. I walked to the office building, ignoring his limped steps beside me. We took the lift to the top floor and walked to Lily's office. The door was open.

"I disagree," Jermia said from inside. He went to continue before noticing us in the door. He sighed and glared at Lily. "We will finish this later."

"I told you my answer," Lily said. She sat in the large black chair behind the metal desk. Her eyes were cold and sharp. "Storm, Ethan."

"What?" I asked. Lily's eyes widened slightly at my icy tone. I saw Jermia frown. Concern flickered over his face I knew why. I hadn't acted this way in months. Unfortunately, cold was safe.

"I'm sure I don't have to list your failures," Lily said.

"No, sir." I folded my hands behind my back. I gripped my wrist in one hand.

"What should we do?"

"I figured you would tell me," I answered. Lily narrowed her eyes at me.

"Jermia, Ethan. Please leave us." Lily said, glancing at them. I saw the pair share a glance.

"Go," I commanded. The pair looked at me. I gave them both a warning glance. After a moment of tense silence, they left. I looked back at my sister.

"How are you so dumb?" She asked from her chair. I narrowed my eyes at her. "You could have died, and for what? To protect a Legend? You hate them."

"Maybe, but his life is worth more than mine," I answered.

"Maybe. But I cannot sit back and watch you get killed because of him." Lily said. "I suggest you go back to being solo."

"Why? Because I'm corrupting him?" I smirked. Lily narrowed her eyes at me.

"Because you're safer alone. For your own life, request to be a solo soldier again." Lily said. I laughed and crossed my arms.

"I've never cared for my own life. You'll have to do better than that." I snapped. Her face darkened.

"Fine. You want a better reason? How about this. You're a virus." Lily stood. Her tone was deadly. I stared at her, stunned for a moment. My arms dropped to my side. Virus? I closed my eyes. "Every single time you get close to someone, you hurt them. Get them killed."

I kept silent. Her words hit me worse than any attack. Worse than any bullet or blade. It hurt because it was true. I saw it, time and time again.

"It happened with Cleo, Jack, Quinntus, now Ethan," Lily said. I swallowed the lump in my throat. Cleo's arm. Jackie and Quinn's life. Ethan new injuries. All my fault.

"Quinn wasn't my fault. I told you not to go after Jefferson." I said quietly. Lily raised her hand. I didn't move. I flinched as her hand met my cheek. Fire raced through my skin. The sound echoed in the bare room.

"It is your fault we have to deal with him, to begin with!" Lily snapped. This was what I was used to. Yelling. Anger. A fire flickered to life in my chest.

"He shouldn't have found me! I never called him here!" I snapped back.

"I just lost a whole team because of him," Lily said quietly. I took a shaky breath in. I knew that. She didn't have to tell me everything I messed up. I knew all this. Anger flickered in my chest.

"As if that's any different from you sending a suicide mission to Minerva!" I crossed my arms.

"That was strategic. This was murder, and you know it." Lily turned and returned to her seat. I blinked at how fast she lost her anger. She looked at me sadly. "I am losing Legends left and right. I cannot lose another because of you."

"So? Break up, my team. You have the power to do so." I sunk into the chair in front of her. I held my side and bowed my head. "I never wanted to be paired. I didn't think he would act so stupid."

"You have that effect on people. A lot of people have died because of you. Do you really want to add him to the list?" She asked. I shook my head slowly, my eyes on the ground. I felt like a child. My fear ran wild in my mind. I nearly got Ethan killed. He almost died because of me. I can't let that happen. I won't! "For the sake of him, put in the request."

My eyes dropped to the ground. His sake. His life.

"You are poison to everyone around you. It is just a matter of time before we all die." Lily hissed. "Maybe its time you go back to the Norns. For good."

Every part of my body burned. Not with the fire, I felt when I was mad. Not from the ice flowing through my veins. It burned with acid. Shame. Fear. She's right. I've always known this. I hurt everything I touch. I swallowed the lump in my throat. My eyes burned. Virus. Another name to add to the list. Soldier, assassin, scientist, experiment, and now virus.

"I'll put it in tonight. But I'm not going to the Norns." I whispered. Lily stared out the window, seeming to ignore me. I won't let him die because of me. This mission is proof I'm too dangerous to be close to anyone. I failed the entire mission, and now he's hurt because of me. I turned and walked to the door. I paused, knowing Jermia and the Legend were on the other side. I straightened my back and let the ice freeze my expression into one of indifference. I opened the door. Jermia watched me. His eyes flickered with worry when he saw my cold expression. I avoided their eyes and walked past. I could feel their gaze on me as I left.