The King Death

Different from the previous tranquil atmosphere, the King Residence now surrounded by many people. All of them waited outside as the door was guarded with four armed guards. James group arrival immediately noticed by the people. But as the situation was urgent, James and Madison didn't respond to their salute and immediately entered the room.

Inside of the King room, there were five people stood before the Zhang Kui. Zhou Huang, Joseph, Charlotte, a middle-aged man wore a military uniform, and an old man wore a doctor suit. James hurriedly approached Zhang Kui side and held his hand.

"My grandson..." Zhang Kui said weakly with respirator equipment on his mouth.

"Yeah, it's me, grandpa." James said quickly.

"I'm sorry for not able to find you earlier. There is nothing I can do that year when your father leaves fro...Cough.coughh." Zhang Kui said as he coughed.

Even though James and Madison only met with Zhang Kui yesterday, but after all, he was their biological grandpa. So when they say Zhang Kui situation now, they lied if they weren't panic and sad now.

"I have sensed it. My time has come." Zhang Kui said. Suddenly, he got up and leaned back against the bed.

"Prime Minister Zhou Huang, Duke of Westwood Joseph, General Yang Feng, accept your last order from your King." Even though Zhang Kui was weak, but his dignity as a King could still be seen. The three men immediately kneeled as a subject to their King.

"Assist Crown Prince James Zhang to the throne, and since then, you're his subject and shall on loyal to him. Charlotte, I hereby pointed you as the fiancee of the Crown Prince, and you shall be the Queen. This is my last order as the King." Zhang Kui said majestically.

"Your subordinate accept His Majesty order and shall never violate it." The three men shouted. Even though Charlotte wanted to refute it, but saw her grandfather and Zhang Kui stare, she 'respectfully' followed the oath.

"Good, good, good. James, this is the only thing your grandfather can do for you. I hope you can forgive your grandfather mistake..." Zhang Kui said as he exhaled his breath. Slowly, he closed his eyes while the heart rate monitor beside the bed began to turned into a flat line.

"Lorraine, I'm coming..." Zhang Kui whispered as the heart rate detector sounded a sound, a sound that all people in this people could never forget.

All of the people in the room tried to hold their tear. But even the toughest looking General Yang Feng could not help but shed a few tears, what was more the rest. Madison and Charlotte already kneeled beside the bed as their tears flowed like a waterfall. James could only pinch his fist tightly as this was his grandfather!

<17 March 2019>, this date would be remembered by the Kingdom of Lannister people as their second King died on this day. Shortly after the news of the King death transmitted, another piece of news immediately followed after.

The newly appointed Crown Prince James Zhang shall succeed the throne. The coronation date was temporarily unknown, but Prime Minister Zhou Huang revealed it would be two months at the latest.

As the infrastructure of the Kingdom of Lannister was relatively backward, their primary way to spread the news was by the newspaper operated by the Kingdom itself. So it took two days to spread the news truly to all corner of the Kingdom. But nevertheless, the two pieces of news was shocking as it means a big change about to happen in the Kingdom.

Even though all of the civilian mourned for their benevolent King death, but as long their bowl of rice wasn't affected, they didn't care much about who would the new King be.

It was a different story for the Noble circle of the Kingdom. At present, there was one Duke, one Marquess, three Earls, seven Viscount, and 21 Baron. Each of them occupied one island, the higher the title, the bigger the island, it was that simple.

At present, none of the Noble except Joseph already seen their newly appointed Crown Prince. Even though the Crown Prince was the biological grandson of the late King, but many of the Noble still hesitated about this.

Nevertheless, an invisible undercurrent already started beneath the seemingly calm surface.

There was one week of mourning time for all of the people in the Kingdom. During this time, all of the official, business and other activities temporarily slow down or even stopped completely.

After the mourning time passed, it was a busy period for the next two month. All walk of life prepared for the coronation of the new King. Zhou Huang temporarily stabilized the internal situation of the Kingdom, while General Yang Feng and the army were at standby for any situation called for them.

Meanwhile, a simple internal ceremony held two days after the mourning time. James and Charlotte were now officially engaged with each other. Although Charlotte was helpless with this, but she couldn't even reject this as Joseph sternly enforce her. Moreover, even though Zhang Kui was not her biological grandfather, but she still respected his last wish.

So, now James and Charlotte were officially a fiancee. Even though they were a fiancee, but all the parties knew this was just a formality. James was also helpless about this as this was his grandfather last wish. Even though he was 'fell in love' with Charlotte, but he didn't like the way how they got together.

But the situation called for no man. The next day after the ceremony, Joseph immediately took a role as a teacher for both James and Madison. Joseph taught everything about how should a Noble behave, the etiquette, everything. He also specially taught James how to be a King, after all, he also followed Zhang Kui for at least 30 years. So Joseph still knew how to taught James.

The coronation would be held after Joseph deemed James ready for the King position. Even though James was a Crown Prince now, but he was a civilian for all of his life. So there was many still need to be studied by him. But how could Joseph know there was an Emperor memory inside James's head?

Even though it was just a memory, still it helped a lot for James for a reference. But it couldn't be digested completely as there was a fundamental difference between them. The memory was about an Emperor ruled a middle-aged empire on an unknown planet.

But the Kingdom of Lannister was located in a modern world. So James still needed to study hard.