2 Month Later

<2 Month Later>

At an open field near the Lannister Palace, two figures could be seen. One of them was a fierce-looking middle-aged man wearing only a pant, exposed his muscular body filled with a scar. The other one was a handsome youth which also only wore his pant, exposed his perfect looking body.

Both of them were in the midst of a fierce battle against each other. Even though both of them looked evenly matched, but discerning eyes could see the youth suppressed the middle-aged man. The battle was going for another 5 minutes before the middle-aged man took the initiative to stop.

"Your Majesty, your process is simply monstrous! Forgive me for being rude, but I have nothing to teach you now." The middle-aged man said emotionally. He remembered one month ago, His Majesty came over to him and asked him to be his teacher at Martial Art. Even though he worried His Majesty would get hurt, but he was mind blown by the talent showed by His Majesty.

Initially, His Majesty didn't show any sign of Martial Art. He showed an extraordinary physical attribute, just like the Inborn Divine Strength. The middle-aged man didn't get surprised as although something like that was uncommon, there were many people throughout the history showed something like His Majesty. Even he himself could be considered as the legendary Divine Strength.

The middle-aged man believed God blessed His Majesty and the Lannister Kingdom. He also thought this was a sign for the Kingdom to rise. So he then excitedly trained His Majesty as this could also be considered as passing his inheritance.

"Well, it's thank to your effort, General Yang. Anyway, how is the Noble situation right now ?" James asked as he wiped his sweat with a towel.

"They behave well since the recent month. I believe they must hold their own agenda. But don't worry, Your Majesty. As long I'm still alive, nobody can ever dream of harming you. As long they dare make any petty move, my troop and I will be the first one to move." Yang Feng said murderously.

"Hahaha, it's good then." James laughed. Since the day of his grandfather died, many Noble had behaved pretty abnormally. Even though on the surface they behaved normally, but he knew it was just a facade. He also knew this from experience as an Emperor in his memory.

James just laughed for those Noble actions. Any conspiracy would fall apart before the Absolute Strength. He was the legitimate heir for the Throne, and he also had full support and loyalty from Zhou Huang, Joseph, and Yang Feng. The three of them came from a different background which was Politic, Aristocrat, and Military which mean he already controlled all the vital force of the Kingdom.

How could James rest assured about his people loyalty? Well, it came from the discovery of another System function last month.

[Name: Yang Feng

Position: General of the Army of the Kingdom of Lannister

Loyalty: 95

Life Intensity: 3.67 (1 is average adult human)

Life Expectancy: 43/87

Comprehensive Ability: 87

Outstanding Ability: Military 91]

From System explanation, 60 Loyalty was barely trusted, under normal circumstances, the person would not betray. 70 was more loyal and could be used as a dependable person. 80 was highly loyal, and I mean was very loyal. The person who reached this level was difficult to betray even with huge money figure. 90 was almost absolute loyalty, even if the person threatened with death, he would not betray unless exceptional circumstances arose.

95 could be called absolute loyalty, the person who reached this level would not betray you under any circumstances. 100 was the theoretical limit of Loyalty, if any person could ever reach this, that person would treat his object of Loyalty word the same as God word. If you want him to die, he would not hesitate to commit suicide immediately.

James already satisfied with Yang Feng loyalty, as it was enough for him to control the Military firmly. Since ancient times, strength always ruled everything. So even if those Noble wanted to rebel, they must think twice even to attempt it.

The Comprehension Ability was the indicator for a person talent. 50 was an average talent. 60 was the talent that among the best among 1 million people. 70 was top-notch talent among 10 million people. 80 was top talent among 100 million people, the person who had this level could be called as the pillar of the country. 90 was the topmost talent in the entire world, and usually, there were only a few of them existed at the same time.

95 could be called a civilization pioneer. It was a blessing for the civilization that could give birth to such a person. 100 was almost impossible to achieve, as this was the realm of God.

Outstanding Ability was simple. It was an indicator for a person specific talent. All in All, this System function was super useful for James. He could check a person loyalty, talent meter, and particular talent. This ability would provide him a basis for the future of his Kingdom.

"You can go now, General Yang." James said as he wore his clothes. Yang Feng quickly left as he must stabilize and prepare his troop for the upcoming coronation ceremony. After two months of preparation, the coronation for the new King of the Kingdom of Lannister was ready.

After Yang Feng left, James fell into deep thought. In the recent two months, he received various training from Zhou Huang, Joseph, and Yang Feng. Zhou Huang taught him all the skill he needed to govern the Kingdom. Joseph trained him how to be a majestic King and various aristocrat etiquette. Yang Feng mainly taught him Martial Art with some Military management skill.

Even though James was more than ready to board the Throne, but he felt it was not yet the time. Since its founding until now, the Kingdom of Lannister was relatively unknown to the outside world. The Kingdom only had a diplomatic relation with the UK. Even only a few people inside the Kingdom ever went to the outside world.

The Kingdom of Lannister situation now was pretty embarrassing in James mind. He was not content with the status quo, especially since he had a System now.

James already had a plan inside his mind. A plan to reveal the Kingdom to the outside world. It would also boost his reputation so he could continue to buy various black technology to enhance the Kingdom strength.

So for whatever reason, James must find a way to reveal the Kingdom at one fell swoop to the outside world. He felt the coronation ceremony would be a good starting point.

As time going, James felt more emboldened about the plan inside his mind. He must quickly discuss this with Zhou Huang and Joseph to seek their opinion. Before he left the field, he took a quick look for his attribute table.

[Host: James Zhang

Position: Crown Prince of Kingdom of Lannister

Authority: First-Level

Life Intensity: 4.55 (1 is the average adult human)

Life Expectancy: 26/124

Reputation Value: 98,854]