
Chapter 33 : Flirting Shamelessly

"Congratulations for your engagement! Our princess's patience is at her end so would you be so kind to give us some time to talk? Please?"

The male adventurer that had been standing behind Zhanna-san congratulated us.

"Eh?! Ah.."

I was surprised when I heard someone talked to us.

But this was the first floor of the inn, a lot of adventurer were here so it was given that everyone heard about our conversation before.

I completely forgot that we were in public space!

I felt my face grew hot because of embarrassment, my face must be so red right now!

Ah, so embarrassing!

I looked at the most muscular member of Zhanna-san's party, he seemed to mumble about something but it was too low so I couldn't hear it.

I wonder what they wanted to talk to me about?

"Okay, what do you guys want to talk about?" I said.

"Ah, it's so good to be young."

Another adventurer were talking about us.

"Boy, you did great just then. You can't let such big catch like them go, nice job on capturing them!"

And another.

"But he is so adorable and cute so I think it was more like those three guys that actually managed to capture him instead. Well, I doubt anyone would have enough guts to pursue that boy with three outstanding hunk like them."

The other adventurer in the inn started to talk about us, so embarrassing!

I wanted to dig myself a hole and just hide inside it forever!

"Ren, your face is so red like you're going to combust any second. Come here, hide your face here." Sig-san said as he grabbed my shoulder and hugged me tight, hiding my face from the crowd with his chest.

In a second, I was engulfed between Sig-san's pectoral muscle and biceps muscle.

It was a muscle wall.

No-no no!

Well my face got hidden because the difference in our physique and the amount muscle that Sig-san had but it was much more embarrassing this way!

"Eeeeh~ Sig, so unfaiiiir~" Chris-san whined.

Smirking, Sig-san said,"First come first served, right?"

Ah, whatever.

I couldn't let them see my face right now, everything was getting more embarrassing each passing seconds!

"Everyone, I know Ren-kun is so cute that you couldn't help but tease him but please go easy on him. Since today is such a joyful day, the day the four of us got engaged, we will cover everyone's bill today!" Fer-san said as he tried to divert everyone's attention from me.

"Ooooh! As expected from A-ranked ! Cheeeers!" A male adventurer raised his glass to us.

"CHEERS!" Everyone in the inn said in unison.

"Well then, Ren-kun please show me your face." Fer-san said as he gently stroked my head, his sweet and calm voice resounded inside my heart.

Hesitantly, I raised my head from Sig-san's muscle wall.

I took a peek at my surroundings, there was about 30 adventurers in the inn.

"Umm..Is it alright for us to treat everyone?" I asked.

Most adventurer ate a lot, I was worried whether we will get in trouble financially if we treat all these adventurer.

"Fufufu~ The three of us are A-ranked, you know?~ Our income is pretty good~ If we're going to live moderately, we could go by without doing any work for about 10 years. So that's why, it's alright to splurge a little like this once in a while~"

"Yeah aside from weapon and armor, we don't use our savings that much." Sig-san added.

Wow, being A-ranked adventurer sure had its perk.

You could earn a lot of money and live luxuriously if you wanted.

"Fu-ah! Enough already!" Suddenly, I heard Zhanna-san yelled in frustration.

Ah, I forgot about her again..

"I-I'm sorry, what was it again?"

Zhanna-san opened her mouth as if she was about to say something but decided against it and closed her mouth again.

She hesitated for a moment before she braced herself and finally said,"Umm.. You know..! About… You helped us by saving Roger, I wanted to thank you that! I don't have any talent with supporting magic, so .. You really did us a favor back then.."

"No, it was nothing. I only did what I could but, I'm happy I could help Roger-san."

"You really helped me greatly! Back then when the dragon had me inside his mouth, I thought I was done for. When I regained my consciousness, I felt a warm light spreading against my body and… Look! My wound was already closed thanks to your healing magic!"

The man called Roger-san, he pulled his shirt up to show his smooth stomach to us.

Even though his stomach was covered in blood before, right now there was not a single scratch could be seen on his stomach.

"Even though I'm an A-ranked adventurer, I could not do anything against that dragon.. I'm so ashamed of myself.." Another member of Zhanna-san's party said dejectedly.

He was the man that picked Roger-san up and carried him to safety after I healed Roger-san's wound.

"You know~ Without Ren-chan, the three of us wouldn't be able to do much either~ So don't beat yourself so much like that, White Knight~"

"You know about me?!"

"Of course~ There's not much A-ranked and our age is not that far apart too~"

"Certainly our age is only 2 years apart but.. To think that Lightning Twin Sword Chris that is about to be S-ranked knows about me.. I'm so grateful!"

"Stop shouting my nickname!~"

"You should stop shouting my nickname too then…"

Chris-san was really nice, he tried to comfort the A-ranked adventurer.

"You know… Actually we wanted Ren to join our party too but when we were about to approach you just a little, your fiance would glared at us so we couldn't get close to you at all. Actually now that I think about it, your face is not my type at all but you do look cute." Roger-san said.

"You fucker!" Sig-san roared, his wolf tail bristled angrily.

Now that I thought about it..

Since I was his fiance now, I could touch his tail, right?

His tail looked so fluffy, I really wanted to touch it..

Anyway, Zhanna-san's party already had 8 members, wasn't that too much already?

Was that alright to have that much member in one party?

"That's why I told you, we stopped pursuing him, right? Anyway between Chris and Ren, of course I would prefer Chris. After all, he had already shown me his skill in bed.. It was.. Amazing.." Zhanna-san interrupted before Sig-san got even angrier.


I knew it, they had that kind of relationship before..

But when she said it out loud like that..

I felt a liiitle bit upset now….

Was this feeling.. Jealousy?

"Why are you saying something like that!? Ren-chan, while it is true I played around a lot in the past but right now I only have you in my heart! Please believe me!" Chris-san said frantically, he quickly pleaded me to believe me but I couldn't help to look at him in disgust.

"Weeeell, since in Alsar having polygamous marriage is common here.. So I guess it wouldn't be that weird if someone were to pursue multiple companion at the same time then. It's exactly what's happening to me right now, right?" I asked.

Did it count as cheating?

I didn't want that.. I hated cheating..

"No, Ren-kun it's not like that. Although right now Ren-kun has multiple fiance, it doesn't mean you're cheating on us because all of us acknowledged that and fine with it. If in the future there's someone else that also wanted your hand in marriage, then that someone will need to acknowledge us as your companion as well. Even though it sounds frivolous,but it's different because the one that chasing after you is us, not the other way around."


I see..

Malik-san was also okay with it, after all he was the one that told them about me.

"Ren is the only one for me! Well, I don't know about Chris though.."

"Wait a minute! Stop it! Ren-chan, I only have you right now, I don't care about anyone else at all! Please Ren-chan, please believe me!" Chris-san clung to me with all his might, even though he usually looked very calm and composed but right now he was being very distressed.

"Is that so?~ Well you still have 3 months to prove me your honesty to me though."

When I said that, Chris-san's face immediately stiffened before he face relaxed and he leaned closer to whisper softly into my ear,"Yes, do you want me to prove my honesty to you now?~"


I tried to surpass myself from letting out a weird voice but I couldn't help it!

My ears were too sensitive!

Especially when you leaned into my ear and whispered to me like that!

Perhaps.. Had I just said something wrong?

Had I dug my own grave once again??

"How long are you going to keep flirting in front of me so shamelessly like that?! Enough! I already said what I had to so .. Let's meet again at another time..!"

Zhanna-san then stomped her foot as she turned her back to us, retreating to her room.

Ah, we made Zhanna-san angry again.

Somehow, we always made her angry one way or another.

"Once again, thank you for saving me! If there's anything you need from us, feel free to contact us!" As they said that, Zhanna-san's party member went up to the stairs, trying to catch up with Zhanna-san.

"No, thank you. The three of us will do just fine." Fer-san replied curtly.

Even though Roger-san was trying to repay us..

Ah, the three of them were unexpectedly really childish.

"Okay then!~ You're hungry, right? Do you want to have dinner now? The three of us had already eaten so, what do you want to eat, Ren-chan?~"

After our table had quieten down, I just realized that I hadn't eaten at all.

"Well since we're already here, I want to try this inn's recommended menu!"

I didn't know whether I would come back here again so I was dying to try the local cuisine here.

"How about a beef stew then? You can eat it together with breads and maybe with some salad. They're pretty tasty." Sig-san suggested.

"Umm.. I don't think I could eat that much.."

The portion in Alsar was really big after all.

"Ren-kun, it's alright. This inn has a good variety of meal so it's alright if you just take a little bit of each and just eat until you're full enough. We will eat the rest so you don't have to push yourself to finish the meal."

"Is it alright? Well then let's order now."

If it was like that then there was nothing to worry about.

I looked around to look for the waiters but Chris-san beat me to it.

He placed our order so all I had to do now was wait.

"I want to return back to Pedrell as soon as possible but judging from the rain I guess it's impossible after all. They said the rain will last for a few days so I guess we're trapped here until then." Sig-san sighed.

I looked to the windows to see it was still raining hard as ever.

So we couldn't go home for about.. 2-3 days at most?

"That's true.. We need to return to Pedrell so we can receive our subjugation fee as well."

Since we returned to the inn without reporting our subjugation so I guess we had to wait until we reached another adventurer guild?

But if it was only for reporting, couldn't we do it here instead?

"If it's only for reporting, yeah we could do it here but we couldn't sell the materials we've gathered so I think it'd be best if we just report our subjugation in a proper adventurer guild and sell our materials at the same time~"

"I see.. Oh the food is here. Itadakimasu."

The food finally arrived.

And true to Sig-san's word, the beef stew was delicious.

The meat was really tender and easy to chew, the soup was full of flavor as well.


Since we've become engaged and we were also sleeping in the same room..


Did we have to do that ?!