The Arlong Pirates are led by Arlong. Every member of the crew is a fish-man, they existed before the Sun Pirates but joined with them when they were formed. After the death of Fisher Tiger, (the captain of the sun pirates) they split from the new captain; Jinbe, after Jinbe became one of the 7 Warlords of the sea. The Arlong pirates became their own crew once again. They believed they were above humans as the stronger species and looked down on them as inferior.
Arlong himself is a large, muscular, light blue saw-shark fish-man whose most distinctive trait is his saw-shaped nose. He has long, black hair with a widow's peak reaching down to his shoulders, under a brown ushanka. He has a fin on his nape, surrounded by his hair, and the gills are located on both sides of his neck. His Sun Pirates tattoo is on the left side of his chest, while his own Jolly Roger is on his left forearm.
"100,000 Berries per month for one human adult, and 50,000 per month for one human child. considering that we came with no notice we'll only kill those who can't pay up right now...!" Arlong said with a smug smile. " Kuroobi, how much have we collected so far?" Arlong asked the ray fish-man now identified as Kuroobi. Kuroobi had the typical appearance of a martial artist with grey skin, a dark blue gi, a black belt, and his hair is tied into a straight ponytail.
"Almost 25 million..." Kuroobi answered as he sneered at the humans around.
"Excellent!" Arlong said with a vicious grin plastered on his face.
"This is... too much... how are we supposed to make a living, if we need to pay that much every month...! " One of the villagers asked Genzo with sorrow in his voice.
"Just bear with it for now... fortunately no none will be killed this time. Genzo replied with a sad look on his face.
'They've taken control of our village, I guess we should consider ourselves fortunate if we can solve this crisis with money alone. Now please just go back without noticing Belle-mear's home! with 4 kids, they'd have to pay 300,000 berries... there's no way she'd have that much money saved up!' Genzo thought in a panic.
"Alright, let's pull back for today, brethren!" Arlong said as he started to walk away with the other fish-men.
Genzo relaxed his tense body as the pirates started to leave, unfortunately for him, it did not last long.
"Arlong! There seems to be a house a little away from the village. Over there, the smoke must be coming from someone's house." A fish-man said as he walked towards Arlong.
'NO!' Genzo thought in a panic.
"Hmm? We almost missed it" Arlong said with an ominous tone as he led the pirates over to Bell-mere's house.
"Chew. Have you found any sea charts?" Arlong asked one of his crew officers named Chew. Chew is a smelt-whiting fish-man with a muscular build, blue skin, and thick lips.
"Nope, not a single one." Chew replied.
"Not the most useful village is it..." Arlong said in annoyance.
Back with the villagers, Genzo was freaking out.
"What are we going to do!?" Genzo said in a panic.
"Genzo, do you know where the kids are?" Dr. Nako asked.
"They should still be at home," Genzo replied in agitation.
"What do we do? Belle-mere won't be able to pay them!" Dr. Nako said, scared of what would happen.
What villagers didn't know was that, not only could Belle-mere afford the monthly payments for the kids and herself, she could easily pay for 3 more adults on top of that. After Belle-mere was given the plant-plant fruit, she had never had a bad tangerine harvest again, and when she awakened her plant-plant fruit, she could even make the tangerines taste better.
Belle-mere had begun selling her tangerines to the surrounding islands and making a lot of money from having the best tangerines in the area. Genzo and the other villagers knew about this but they didn't know how much of a profit she was making.
Bell-mere was currently making lunch for her and the kids, this was the cause of the smoke coming from the house. Miles had been teaching Belle-mere how to cook for a few years now, and even though she was not as good as him, she still had a talent for it. In the house with Belle-mere were the girls, Nami, Nojiko and Erza, Miles was not home because he said he had something to do that morning so he left after breakfast.
Nami and Erza were sitting at the table, Nami was drawing maps and Erza was eating a piece of strawberry shortcake that Miles made yesterday, and was leftover from last night. Nojiko was laying down on the couch reading a Harry Potter book. All of them liked reading so, Miles had bought a plethora of books and manga from his world for them to read. Of course, he left out anything that had to do with One Piece for... obvious reasons.
As soon as Belle-mere was finished cooking, a knock on the door was heard as they all looked over.
"Oh? Maybe Miles is back" Belle-mere said, then she and the other girls glared at the door.
"It should be open. Come in." The pirates heard a voice say from behind the door.
"Excuse me then," Arlong said as he slowly opened the door.
"Hmm?" Arlong was confused to see that nobody was on the other side of the door.
*Wham* A surprise roundhouse kick was sent to Arlong's jaw by Belle-mere, at the same time sweeping his leg and taking him to the ground. As soon as Arlong's back hit the floor, Belle-mere put the barrel of an M4A1 rifle in his mouth.
"Unfortunately for you, I used to be a marine. What's a pirate from the grand line, doing all the way out here, in the little village of Cocoyasi?" Belle-mere asked.
"SHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" Arlong started laughing maniacally.
"What's so funny?" Belle-mere asked with a glare as she switched off the safety on her rifle.
"The incompetence of your inferior race" Arlong replied as he bit down on the barrel of the gun intending to shatter it with his strong teeth. Needless to say, the only thing that shattered was his teeth.
"Hmph" Belle-mere gave a victorious smile and Arlong frowned. Arlong quickly pushed Belle-mere off and got back to his feet. Belle-mere obviously let him do this. Arlong spat out his broken teeth, then immediately new ones grew back.
"Interesting gun you got there," Arlong said as he stared menacingly at Bell-mere.
"You like it? It's indestructible. Now I suggest you leave this island before things get worse for you." Belle-mere said as she kept the rifle trained on the fish-man.
"You think you can take us down. You, an inferior being?! SHAHAHA!" Arlong said sarcastically as he and the other pirates started laughing.
At this time, Nojiko, Nami and Erza all walked out of the house behind Bell-mere. Nojiko was holding a .454 casull pistol in each hand, one black with blue runic engravings on it, and the other silver with gold runic engravings on it. (Alucard's guns) The pistols were built by Miles and could use normal 13mm ammo or could use her devil fruit powers as ammo. Nami and Erza were also holding their own specially made weapons.
Erza had a red two-handed longsword with black runic engravings on it, and Nami was holding a silver spear with green runic engraving on it. Once they channelled their devil fruit powers through the weapons, they would be able to make space or wind type attacks respectively.
"I will give you 10 seconds. Leave or face the consequences." Belle-mere said, giving the Pirates their first and last warning.
"SHAHAHAHAHA!" "HAHAHAHA" Arlong and the other pirates started laughing again.
"WHY WAIT?!" Arlong said suddenly, as he lunged at Belle-mere intending to grab her by the throat. Belle-mere skillfully dodged to to left, then gave Arlong a haki infused kick to the stomach sending him flying towards his crew.
"Anyone else?" Belle-mere said, ready to fire on the fish-men pirates.
"KILL THEM ALL!" Arlong screamed at his crew, as he struggled to stand back up.
After Arlong gave his order, the fish-men pirates rushed at the girls intending to kill them, but unfortunately for the fish-men, they were woefully unprepared for these girls. Belle-mere and Nojiko opened fire on the fish-men, Belle-mere aiming for their torso's and Nojiko going for their heads. Erza and Nami on the other hand, ran into the group of fish-men, dodging their attacks using observation haki and cutting them down one by one. They aimed for the vitals such as the heart and neck, killing them quickly and efficiently.
At first, Nami and Nojiko were a bit hesitant about killing, but they knew if they wanted to survive this and survive in the future, they would need to kill. Erza didn't have such a reaction to killing someone because this was not her first time taking a life. The first time she killed was when she was in the tower of heaven, she killed a few cultists in her escape. Finally Belle-mere.... did not react to taking life at all. She had killed plenty of criminals during her time as a marine, and this was nothing new.
At this point almost half of the pirates were dead, and the remaining ones were starting to freak out.
"What the fuck is happening, why can't we hit them!?" A fish-man said just before he got cut down by Erza. One particular fish-man saw the writing on the wall, this fish-man was Hatchan an octopus fish-man. Hatchan was not the brightest person, but he was smart enough to know that the Arlong pirates were outmatched, so he quickly escaped into the ocean when nobody was looking.
A few minutes later, all the fish-man pirates were either dead or bleeding out, the only ones left were; Chew, Kuroobi and Arlong, who were only injured.
"NO NO NO NO! HOW COULD FEEBLE HUMANS KILL MY ENTIRE CREW!" Arlong screamed in anger at the loss of his crew to the "Feeble" humans.
"Oh please. You're from fish man island in the grand line. You of all people should know how strong humans can be." A voice sounded from above them. The girls and the pirates looked up, only to see a handsome 10-year-old boy hovering in the air.
This boy was unquestionably Miles. He slowly floated down to the ground and stood beside the girls.
"Where have you been?" Erza asked. She was confused as to why he only showed up when the fighting was over. Miles looked over at Arlong and glared.
"I was taking care of some corrupt marines that were paid off by Arlong, so he could have Conami islands as his territory."
""""What!?"""" The girls said surprised and angry by this news.
Belle-mere was the most pissed about this revelation.
"Don't worry. Like I said I took care of it." Miles said, giving a smile to the girls, making them all slightly blush.
"Now then, you three have a combined bounty of 33,500,000 berries, so if you surrender quietly I will turn you in, to the marines that aren't corrupt. If not then... well, you know what will happen then." Miles said to the 3 fish-man pirates that were still alive.
"You think I would surrender to a measly human like you!?" Arlong said with obvious anger in his voice.
"Option 2 then... good, I was hoping you would say something like that." *Shing* Miles said with a grin, as the sound of his wrist-mounted hidden blades unsheathed. His hidden blades were like that of Nojiko's guns, Nami's spear and Erza's sword. The only difference was that his blades had purple engravings, enabling him to use any of his devil fruit powers with them.
Miles then ran at the 3 pirates disappearing from their sight and then reappearing behind them, sheathing his blades once more with the sound of a *shing*. As soon as that sound was heard, Chew and Kuroobi's heads fell to the ground, along with Arlong's arms. Surprisingly there was no blood, this was because at the moment Miles cut into the 3 fish-men, he channelled his flame-flame power through his blades, cauterizing their wounds instantly.
"AHHHHHH!" Arlong screamed as he fell to his knees. Miles walked in front of Arlong and gazed at him with a cold look on his face.
"P-please have mercy" Arlong begged.
"Did you spare anyone who begged for their lives in the past? Would you have spared anybody here if they couldn't pay their monthly fees? The day you took an innocent life, is the day you gave up your right to beg for mercy." Miles said as he put his right hand on Arlong's shoulder, unsheathed the hidden blade on his left wrist, then stabbed Arlong in the heart. Miles watched as the light in Arlong's eyes faded, and his body fell to the ground, lifeless.
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