Let The Hunt Begin

Miles teleported them all to an ally that was nearby a marine base. When they arrived, Kuina and Zoro started feeling unwell from the sudden space jump.

"What just happened," Kuina asked as she leaned against a nearby wall, attempting to regain her balance.

"I think I'm gonna throw up" Zoro added as he covered his mouth with his hand, in an effort not to regurgitate his breakfast.

"Hehe. This happens to everyone the first time they teleport with me. Just give it a second, it will pass." Miles said with a chuckle and amused smile on his face. Whenever he teleports someone for the first time, that person will usually experience nausea or dizziness. It never gets any less funny when he sees it.

"Teleport?! How can you teleport? Wait, is that how you beat us during our duel?!" Kuina asked in fury after she had regained her bearings. She thought Miles had cheated during their fight which made her very angry.

"I can teleport because I ate a devil fruit and no, I only used pure speed during our fight," Miles replied in defence.

"I thought devil fruits were a myth?" Zoro asked after his nausea passed.

"I can assure you, they are very real. Now if you two will excuse me I need to cash in a few bounties." Miles said as he transformed to look like an adult.

"Is that part of your devil fruit too?" Kuina asked.

"Yep. Now wait here, I'll be back in 15 minutes." Miles replied as he walked towards the marine base.

Earlier in the day while Miles was waiting for Zoro and Kuina to pack their stuff, he had bought an ability from the system called [Transformation] that could alter his appearance, height and voice. Right now he looked like The Winter Soldier from Captain America 2, complete with the mask and metal left arm. The only difference from the original was that, instead of black hair, Miles' hair was white.

Miles took a sack out of his inventory, threw it over his shoulder, then walked into the base. As Miles walked in, he saw a marine sitting behind the reception desk reading a book. He must not have expected anybody to come in right now, so when he noticed the 6'2 man with a metal arm walk inside, his reaction was very amusing.

"H-how can I help you?" The marine stuttered out.

'He looks a bit scared' Miles thought as he smiled evilly under the mask.

{Thinking of ways to mess with him?} Chloe asked.

'You know me so well' He replied, trying not to let out an evil laugh.

"I'm here to cash in a bounty," Miles said as he dropped the sack he was carrying on the desk, making a loud thud. The marine flinched when the bag hit the desk.

"W-which bounty?" The scared marine asked.

This time Miles didn't answer with words, instead, he walked closer to the marine and reached his 'metal' arm towards him.

"I'M SORRY, PLEASE DON'T HURT ME!" screamed the cowardly marine as he closed his eyes and covered his face. Miles reached behind the frightened and pulled 3 bounty posters off the bounty board behind him. Miles then waited for the marine to stop cowering in fear so he could cash in his bounties.

After a full minute of nothing happening, the marine slowly opened his eyes to see the cold glare of the man in front of him. Before the marine could cower in fear once again, Miles shoved the bounty posters into his hands. Once the marine saw them, his eyes popped out of his head.

"T-these are some of the biggest bounties in the East Blue. I-I need to call my superior." the marine said quickly as he picked up and den-den Mushi and called the captain of the base. Miles just folded his arms and waited. 10 minutes later the captain of this marine base walked in, and with large strides, walked towards Miles.

"Hello sir, my subordinate has informed me that you came to cash in some rather large bounties, Do you have any proof of completion?" The captain said. Miles didn't reply but instead pushed the sack on the table towards them. The captain opened the bag and found the severed heads of Arlong, Chew and Kuroobi inside. Once he saw them he looked ecstatic.

"Quick, go get the reward for these bounties". The captain said to his subordinate. The marine private quickly ran off to the vault. A few minutes later he returned with a large bag that had the symbol for berries on it. The captain took the bag from the private and politely handed it to Miles with an amicable smile on his face.

"On behalf of all the marines in the East Blue, I'd like to thank you for bringing such vile criminals to justice. Your reward is a total of 33.5 million berries." The captain said as he handed the bag of cash to Miles.

"Would you be interested in joining the mari-" "No" The marine captain wanted to recruit Miles into the marines but Miles cut him off mid-sentence, denying him, then turned around and started walking towards the door.

"Wait!" The captain said, trying to stop Miles from leaving yet. Miles halted his steps and turned his head to the marine captain, waiting for him to speak.

"The captain of the Arlong pirates had the biggest bounty in the East Blue, I need to know your name so I can tell the media who took Arlong down."

"Winter soldier," Miles said in a low voice as he walked out the door. He put his money in his inventory then made his way back to Kuina and Zoro, afterwards he teleported all of them back to Cocoyasi village to start their training.

Back at the marine base, the captain gave an order to the marine behind the desk.

"If The Winter Soldier ever comes back here to turn in another bounty, inform me immediately. He was able to kill Arlong and two of his officers, we need to recruit that man into the marines at all costs." The captain said in a strict tone.

"Yes sir!" The marine replied. Unfortunately, they wouldn't be seeing The winter soldier again for a few years.

When Miles returned home with Kuina and Zoro, the crew celebrated to welcome its two new members. The next day, they all entered the chamber and started the training cycle of training, once again.


In the middle of the time chamber, a very attractive young man could be seen sitting in a meditative position on the floor. Suddenly a massive aura was released from his body, engulfing every inch of the time chamber, and suffocating anybody that was inside. After a few seconds, the aura dissipated and the young man let out a sigh of relief.

"*Sigh* Finally... I've done it," The young man said with a delighted face. This young man was obviously Miles.

{Congratulations Miles, you have finally awakened your Nature-Nature fruit!} Chloe congratulated him in a very excited tone.

'Thanks, Chloe' he said to her as he stood up and started stretching.

Suddenly Miles was tackled to the ground by a group of 3 women.

"Congratulations Miles!" They said together while hugging him.

"Well, this is a nice reward," Miles said as he took full advantage of the situation, hugging them back while grabbing a few handfuls of ass. When he did this the girls didn't try to push him off or attempt to slap him like a cliche, instead, they just hugged him tighter.

After they finally let go of each other, Zoro and Kuina arrived with a bottle of sake and a few cups in their hands, pouring and taking sips as they got closer.

""Congratulations on awakening your devil fruit,"" They said at the same time as they offered a cup of sake to Miles. Miles took the cup of sake and downed it.

It's been 5 years since Miles returned to Cocoyasi with Kuina and Zoro. In that time, the crew continued to train in the time chamber and grow much stronger. During that time, Miles had confirmed his relationships with the women in his life and Zoro and Kuina had also got together after realizing they were perfect for one another. Miles hasn't slept with any of the girls yet but it will happen before they leave for the grand line. As for Zoro and Kuina... They went at it like rabbits.

They fucked so much, that Miles needed to remodel their room for the noise cancelling and give them a box of super contraceptives so Kuina didn't get pregnant. Teenage hormones are a very powerful thing.

Right now, Miles, Nami and Erza were 15, Zoro was 16, and Kuina and Nojiko were 17. Each one of them alone could easily fight all four emperors at the same time and win. Back when Kuina and Zoro arrived and they all went into the chamber, the only thing they did was train when inside, and relax when outside. Zoro and Kuina had been invited to the party, made into high humans, and given a devil fruit each.

The devil fruits Miles gave to Kuina and Zoro were the Ice-Ice fruit and Fire-Fire fruit respectively. After getting their fruits and having the curse broken, all they did was work on awakening them and spar with the others to improve their sword skill. During this time, Zoro had developed his iconic 3 sword-style, and it was a treat to see him use it in combat.

"Okay everyone, we have been training here for 5 years, so I think it's about time to put that training to test," Miles said with a cunning smile.

"What do you have in mind?" Zoro asked. He had been itching for some real action for a long time.

"Bounty hunting. We have 3 years until we set sail for the grand line, when that time comes we'll need money for food and supplies during our journey, and we'll also need sailing experience and combat experience. So why not kill 3 birds with one stone, and sail around the east blue and south as bounty hunters. Using this time as a test run before we head to the grand line?"

"Hell Yeah!" "It's a good idea" "I like it" "It should be good for experience" "Let's do it," They all said, agreeing to Miles' idea.

"Good, but since we are doing this, we will need disguises," Miles stated.

"Why would we need disguises?" Nojiko asked confused. She wasn't the only was perplexed by Miles' statement.

"Because even after we become pirates, we'll still need the money and bounty hunting is an easy way to get money. Unfortunately, a pirate can't cash in bounties on other pirates, hence we'll need disguises.

"Ok, so what will the disguises be?" Nami asked.

"That's easy," Miles said as his hair turned white and his left arm became metal. It should be noted that this group of teenagers, do not look like teenagers. They all looked like they were at least 22, they didn't know why, but it was speculated to be because of their high human bloodlines, pushing their bodies into the prime of their lives faster.

"I see, The Winter Soldier," Kuina said.

"Correction, The Winter Soldiers" Miles spoke as he pulled out a bottle of clear pills.

"What are these?" Erza asked Miles as she took one of the pills from him and started examining it.

"These are pills that will change your hair colour to white for 24 hours, after that you will return to normal. Each of you take a few but don't eat it yet. Today we'll rest, and tomorrow our hunt will begin."

After that, they all left the time chamber to relax for the rest of the day, all except for Miles. Instead, he went towards the docks. Miles didn't want to use the Death Rider for bounty hunting as it would be recognizable in the future when they became pirates. So instead they would use Arlong's old ship which Miles had kept. As soon as Miles got close to the ship, the first thing he noticed was the big ugly sawtooth figurehead. He sighed and then took a bunch of different materials out of his inventory, and got to work remodelling.

A few hours later he was finished and was very happy with the new design. The ship's body was now reinforced with vibranium instead of only being made of wood, he had added a propeller at the back, and he had changed the appearance of the ship. The sails and flag now had dark blue colour with a red star in the middle, the ship itself was painted white, and the figurehead was an angel with her wings unfolded. Miles named this new ship the Siberian since it would be carrying The Winter Soldiers for the next few years. After he was finished he went home to relax until he and his crew set out tomorrow.


The next day the crew were on the deck of the Siberian. They were all wearing similar clothing to Miles, which was a black modern military combat uniform with a few modifications such as, sword straps for Erza, Zoro and Kuina, and a leg strap for Nami's folding spear. When the ship started to sail off, Miles looked at his crewmates and said..."Let The Hunt Begin".


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