
In the main building of the marine base. In an office with a window overlooking all of Shells Town, and two marines inside. One man sat at a desk smoking a cigar, while the other man stood in front of the doors.

"I AM... GREAT!" The man with the cigar said.

"Yes sir! You are right captain Morgan sir!" Said the marine to the now identified, captain Morgan.

"And yet the taxes we collect don't even compare to my sheer degree of greatness," Morgan said while taking a large puff of his cigar.

"About that... It seems the citizens are having financial problems..." The marine replied nervously.

"The issue is not about money. It's because they don't respect me enough!"

In the hallway, the sound of footsteps and wailing could be heard. Suddenly the office door burst open, it was Helmeppo holding a cloth on his face where Zoro had punched him.

"DAD! I need you to kill someone!" He whined.

"What happened, Helmeppo?" Morgan asked.


10 minutes earlier at the Food Foo bar...

"Why did you let him go?" Nami asked, a bit angry with Miles for preventing Zoro from killing Helmeppo.

"Because I have an idea," Miles said with a devilish smile.

"What is it?" Nojiko asked. Out of everyone here, she has always been the most mature, so she was able to calm down almost immediately after Zoro punched Helmeppo.

"Haven't you noticed it yet? It seems the Marines here don't like their boss or their bosses son for that matter. The problem is, they can't rebel in fear of either Morgan himself, or the punishment they would get from marine HQ for usurping a marine captain. That being said, what would happen if a crew of pirates attacked the marine base here, and captain Morgan was killed?" Miles asked his crew.

Nojiko caught on quickly and answered his question with a smile.

"If a crew of pirates attacked, then there would be no repercussions for the marines if they lost their captain in battle."

"Ding ding ding, she wins. Any suggestions for your prize?" Miles asked.

"I will tell you later." She said as she gave him a seductive stare.

'I can't wait till later' Miles thought while trying to shake off the urge to take Nojiko back to the ship for a night of fun.

"Ehem." Erza cleared her throat getting the attention of Miles and Nojiko who were slipping into their own little world. The two of them snapped out of it and noticed that everyone, save for Zoro, Kuina and Koby, were glaring at them. Zoro and Kuina had gotten used to the girls fighting for Miles' affection a long time ago, and Koby was too innocent to understand what just happened.

"The plan?" Erza said in a miffed tone.

"Hehe. Right, the plan, it's very simple actually." 'So simple that I'm stealing it from the original canon'. "Here's what's gonna happen. Zoro, Kuina and I, will go to the courtyard where Saga is being held, tell him what Helmeppo was going to do, then release him. As that's being done, I want Erza and Nojiko to go to the top of the marine base and destroy that big ugly statue of captain Morgan they're putting up." Miles explained his plan, but one person was left out.

"What will I be doing?" Nami asked.

"You my dear, have a different job. While all that is going on, I want you to go into the base and rob them of everything they have. Here, take this with you." He said as he handed her a purse.

"It's nice, but why are you giving me this now?" She asked as she looked at the beautiful Louis Vuitton-inspired handbag.

"That is an item bag. It can hold an infinite amount of items, so you can put anything in there. Don't lose it" Once Nami heard of what the bag could do she hugged it like a child who had just found a new toy.


Back to the present...

A few people hopped the wall at the marine base and made their way over to the tied-up prisoner, Saga. Saga heard the sound of footsteps and looked up, there he saw 3 people walking towards him. One of them was the man he met earlier who called himself an observer, the other was a beautiful woman with long dark blue hair tied in a ponytail, and the last person had short green hair and was very familiar to Saga.

"Zoro is that you!?" Saga called out to the man with 3 swords.

"Hey buddy, it's good to see you again after all these years," Zoro replied with a smile.

"Why are you here?" Saga asked, to which Zoro replied

"We overheard that bastard Helmeppo say he was planning to execute you later today. So we're here to bust you out."

"WHAT!? THAT MOTHERFUCKER!" Saga yelled in indignation.

"Calm down. You're not dying today. My captain came up with a plan to free you, without making you a fugitive from the marines." Kuina said as she pulled out one of her swords and cut Saga's bindings. Suddenly a loud boom was heard from above them then Nami came casually strolling out of the base walking towards them.

"Hey, guys." She said as she waved to them.


5 minutes earlier...

Atop the main building of the marine base, Captain Morgan was watching as his marines pulled the stone statue of himself to its feet.

"Heave ho, heave ho, heave-ho."

"Well dad, are you going to get revenge on this guy or what. I mean he just outright struck me in public. You've never hit me why should he be able to?" Helmeppo whined to the back of his father.

"Do you have any idea why I never hit you?" Morgan asked, turning his head slightly.

"Uhh... Is it because I'm a great and beloved son..?" Helmeppo inquired.

"No... IT'S BECAUSE YOU'RE A STUPID FOOL WHO ISN'T EVEN WORTH HITTING." Morgan said loudly as he turned around punched Helmeppo sending him into the wall. Morgan is a very tall and muscular, intimidating man with blonde hair and a steel jaw. His right hand is replaced by a huge steel axe, the handle of which seems to go right through his forearm.

Morgan slowly stepped towards the down Helmeppo and picked him up with the nose of his axe.

He then started speaking again.

"I don't want you to get the wrong idea... The only great one around here is the man you call Your father!" He said to the shaking and terrified Helmeppo. He then dropped him and turned around while taking.

"Which reminds me. I heard a rat snuck into the crucifixion yard?" Morgan said.

"Y-yes the little girl b-but I had her dealt with..." Helmeppo stuttered.

"I hope that means killed" Morgan spoke.

"No, I-I didn't kill her she's just a kid," Helmeppo said.

"You there! Go into town find that girl and kill her" Morgan ordered his lieutenant.

"But sir. You can't be serious... She's Just a child, Sir!" He replied.

"I don't care if she's a child or the queen of the world! Anyone who disobeys my orders is a traitor!" Morgan said.

"No sir... I can't do it..." The lieutenant said. Morgan then raised his axe, then swung it down on the back of the lieutenant.

"UWAAAAAH, YOU KILLED HIM!" Helmeppo screamed.

""LIEUTENANT!"" two marines rushed over the lieutenant the check on him.

"My strength is what I used to rise to the rank of captain. Rank is the most important thing in this world!! I am the highest-ranking officer in this base, which means I'm the greatest one here!! THAT MEANS EVERYTHING I DO IS RIGHT!! Is that clear?" Morgan said as he gave an intimidating glare to the marines.

"YES SIR! VERY CLEAR!" They responded, scared they would be next to die.


"That has got to be the ugliest statue I've ever seen! We should get rid of it."

"I was thinking the same thing." A pair of voices were heard from behind. The marines turned around to see two extremely beautiful women standing on the edge of the roof. One had long crimson hair that reached down to her waist, and the other had wavy shoulder-length blue hair and tanned skin tone. This was Erza and Nojiko. Suddenly Erza disappeared, then reappeared by the statue. She then cut the ropes that the marines were using to pull the statue making it fall. As it fell, Nojiko pulled out her guns, channelled her light power into them, then pulled the trigger. The light beams crashed into the statue, blowing it into little pieces.

All the marines were dead silent, even Morgan.

"Well, it looks like our work here is done," Nojiko said as she and Erza jumped off the roof.

"AFTER THEM, I WANT THEM DEAD!" Morgan yelled to subordinates.

"Captain, they jumped towards the crucifixion yard!" One of the marines said. Morgan ran over to the edge and looked down at the yard. There he saw the 2 girls who broke his statue and saw that 4 other people had released the prisoner.


"Yes sir!" The marines responded as the ran downstairs, with Morgan leading the charge.


Earlier, after Miles had explained the plan, he sent Nami ahead of everyone else so she would have enough time to search the base for the vault.

She easily infiltrated the base and was ready to have some fun.

'Now, let's find some treasure.' Nami thought as she made her way through the base. After 10 minutes of walking through the halls, Nami came across a door that was guarded by two marines. She quickly knocked them out, then entered the door. This door turned out to be the office of Captain Morgan. She searched the place looking for anything useful when she came across a wall safe, hidden behind two barrels.

"Why, hello there." She whispered as she opened the safe. Inside, was a small grey box of jewels and a rolled-up paper that looked like a map. She put the jewels in her bag then picked up the map, opening it in the process. She looked at it and was instantly annoyed by what she saw. On the map were the words "I have flashily stolen your grand line map - Buggy" accompanied by a jolly roger with a big red nose on it.

"What kind of moronic thief leaves a note... Well on the bright side, if I give this to Miles, I might be able to get a 'reward' like Nojiko." Nami said as she put the map into her bag. She then continued to scour the base and eventually she found the vault. She coated her hands with haki, then ripped open the vault door. Inside the vault were mountains of berries and treasures, which she happily put into her bag. Once Nami had finished, she heard a boom from above, then the building shook a bit.

"I guess that's my queue to leave," She said, as she made her way to the crucifixion yard. She casually walked out the door and waved her crewmates and said: "Hey guys". Nojiko and Erza then landed and walked towards the crew as well.

About a minute later Morgan and his marines finally showed up.

"End of the line! For the crimes you have committed against me, I sentence you all to death! FIRE!" Morgan said as the marines around him shot their guns at the intruders.

Miles quickly used his devil fruit to make a sand wall in front of Saga. The crew then all just stood still as the bullets passed through them. When the marines stopped firing after seeing their bullets did nothing, they were all very scared.

"What the fuck are these people!" One of the marines asked.

"They aren't normal... they must have eaten devil fruits... Listen up, men! If guns don't then use a sword!" Morgan said. The marines then proceeded to pull out their swords and rush the crew.

Kuina then took a step forward, and destroyed the swords of the oncoming marines with a single slash of her katana, knocking them down in the process. Miles then slowly walked past her and the grounded marines, as he made his way to Morgan.

"Well, this has been fun. But we have many other things to do and I'm getting bored so let's end this, shall we?" Miles said as he looked at Morgan.

"If you think you can fight me alone, you'll regret this, boy!" Morgan responded as he stepped forward while taking off his coat.

"I don't think I will," Miles replied sarcastically.

"HAH!" Morgan swung his axe down at Miles, but instead of it passing through him, Miles caught the axe with his left hand, and with his right, he used his hidden blade to stab Morgan in the heart.

"If you honestly thought this fight would go any different after seeing what we were capable of, then you are dumber than I originally thought. Goodbye Morgan, You won't be missed." Miles said. He then channelled lightning through his blade and fried Morgan's insides. Morgan's skin turned red and his eyeballs popped as blood poured out of his ears, nose, mouth, and eye sockets. Miles gave him a quick but painful death.

"*Sigh* Well that was anticlimactic," Miles said as Morgan's lifeless body fell to the ground.

"Morgan's dead... YES!"




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