Author Note.
Hello, disciples of the patience sect, I am your humble elder and have left my secluded cultivation to give you this gift. But soon it will be time for me to return to my seclusion. Before I leave though, I have one simple question and a small request to make...
Have any of you ever read Spiderman Ultimate Peter Parker!? If you haven't then you should!! Cause it's the best Spider-man/Marvel fan-fic you'll ever read and we should all bombard the author on all of the chapters and tell him we want MORE!
...Also follow me on Twitter @GH0STS27 that's with a zero.
The Death Rider docked on the island and the crew disembarked and went to explore the town in pairs. Nojiko and Nami went to go shopping, Koby went to check if the marines here were corrupt like the ones he met before and Zoro and Kuina went to find a weapons shop. They didn't new ones after getting the best swords in the world from Miles, but they did like collecting rare swords, like the Wado Ichimonji sword that hangs in their bedroom.
Now that the rest of the crew had something to do in Loguetown, the only ones left back at the ship were Miles and Erza. Erza didn't really know what to do here as she didn't care much about shopping like the sisters, she did not collect swords and armour like the married couple because she got all her stuff from Miles, and she definitely didn't care about what Koby was doing either.
Miles, seeing his girlfriend's apathetic look at arriving here, knew just what to do to cheer her up.
"Erza, since it's just the two of us here why don't we go on a date?" Miles asked as he held out his hand to the pretty redhead.
"I would love that" She replied with a joyous smile after seeing his outstretched hand.
After Nojiko and Nami had left the rest of the crew to go shopping, they went into a high-end clothing store and quickly started trying on the most expensive clothes there.
"What do you think about this?" Nami asked as she stepped out of the dressing room while wearing a long red dress with a slit that goes all the way up her thigh and a white fur scarf around her neck.
"You look wonderful!" The shop owner said with a big smile on his face.
"How about this?" Nojiko asked as she came out of the dressing room beside Nami's, wearing a long seafoam green sundress with black frill lining.
"Exquisite taste!" The shop owner said with a happy smile. He was trying to butter up the girls with compliments so he could make a big sale today. The girls had been trying on clothes for over 30 minutes now, and with the way they looked, he assumed they were rich girls.
"So will you be buying all these items?" He asked as he rubbed his hands together. Nami and Nojiko looked at each other and nodded.
"We'll take them on one condition," Nojiko said to him.
"And what might that be?" The shop owner asked in anticipation. At this point, Nami walked closer to the owner and asked in a voice that only he and Nojiko could hear.
"Do you have any lingerie? We want to surprise our boyfriend tonight." She asked.
"A surprise huh? I think I have just what you need, right this way please."
While Nojiko and Nami were picking out their surprise for Miles, Koby had made his way to the Loguetown marine base and snuck in to see if the marines were corrupt or not. But strangely enough, it was very quiet there, almost like it had been abandoned.
'What's going on, where is everyone?' Koby thought as he made his way through the empty base. While he traversed through the desolate halls he came across a door labelled 'Cpt. Smoker'. Koby used his observation haki to check if anyone was inside, and just like the rest of the base, it was empty. He reached for the handle only for it to be locked, so using his devil fruit, he turned himself into sand and slipped through the crack under the door then rematerialized on the other side.
Koby looked through the office and some of the marine reports and found that the soldiers here were not corrupt like Morgan was. In fact, they were the complete opposite, they helped the people here more times than he could count. Having learned that the marines on this island were fine, Koby was about to leave, when out of the corner of his eye he saw a map rolled up on the desk.
letting curiosity get the best of him he opened the map and what he saw shocked him. 'I need to tell the captain about this' Koby thought as he quickly made his way out of the base.
Meanwhile, as Koby was exploring the Loguetown marine base, Kuina And Zoro had found an arms shop and walked in. As they did, the couple noticed the plethora of weaponry on display, from guns to swords, axes and shields, this shop had everything.
As they walked in, the shop owner named Matsu noticed them and put on a merchant smile.
"Welcome, come in and look around," Matsu said in a false happy tone. The two swordsmen ignored the salesmen and split up walking to other ends of the shop. After a few minutes of window shopping and seeing nothing interesting, they were about to leave when the sight of a certain sword in a barrel caught Zoro's attention.
The sword had a golden tsuba shaped like a rounded cross pattée, the hilt is wrapped reddish-brown, with a golden clasp around its middle and a golden kashira pommel. Zoro pulled the sword from the barrel and as soon as he gripped the handle he felt something attempt to attack his mind. Zoro quickly used his haki to overpower the attack, and soon the pressure on his mind faded.
"Interesting," He said as he unsheathed the katana.
"What's interesting?" Kuina asked after she walked up behind him.
"This sword is cursed" Zoro whispered low enough so the shop owner wouldn't hear them.
"Cursed? let me see." She said as she took the sword out of her husband's hands. As soon as she had the sword, the same thing that attacked Zoro's mind attacked hers, but she swiftly dealt with it the same way he did. She then completely pulled the sword from its sheath and held it up for both of them to see. The blade was a moderately curved katana with a white edge and a distinct blue hamon that has the appearance of flames.
""Nice"" The couple said at the same time then smiled at each other. Kuina then put the sword back in its sheath and walked to the counter with it.
"We'll take this," Kuina said as she put it on the counter in front of Matsu.
"A-are you s-sure you want this thing? I-it's cursed." Seeing the sword that was placed in front of him, Matsu started stuttering.
"We're sure" Zoro replied while pulling out the money to pay.
"Fine just take it and go," Matsu answered.
"Let's go find the captain, he can break the curse on this sword," Kuina said as she and Zoro left the weapons shop.
Finally, while the rest of the crew were doing their own things, Miles and Erza had a wonderful date. After leaving the ship they went to get lunch and after that, they left to get dessert in the form of ice cream. After they left the ice cream shop with cones in their hands, the two of them just started walking around town.
As they walked, Miles noticed the festival-like atmosphere around. Suddenly they heard music coming from down the street and as they walked closer they saw a large stage with a person performing on it in front of the famous execution stand. Erza was excited to see a concert, but Miles on the other hand was utterly stunned when he saw who was performing.
♪ I still see your shadows in my room
Can't take back the love that I gave you
It's to the point where I love and I hate you
And I cannot change you so I must replace you oh
Easier said than done
I thought you were the one
Listening to my heart instead of my head
You found another one
but I am the better one
I won't let you forget me ♪
'Juice WRLD, how in the fuck is he here!?' Miles asked Chloe.
{A few months after your accident, Juice WRLD died of an overdose. My father thought he died too young so he reincarnated him here without his memories. There are also a few more surprises for you to find in this world, but don't worry you'll like them.}
(A/N. No, there won't be OP Reincarnated OC's, so get that out of your head. This is just a cameo cuz I like Juice Wrld. R.I.P)
'*Sigh* Chloe, you know I don't like surprises... Wait, if he was reincarnated here without his memories, then how is he performing the most popular song he ever wrote right now?'
{Father let him keep the memories of some of his lyrics, Juice WRLD thinks he wrote all of his music in this world, not on earth}
'Oh, I see...'
As Miles was speaking with Chloe and Erza was enjoying the concert. They sensed four familiar aura's walking up behind him, so they turned around to greet them.
"I see you've come to ruin our date," Erza said with clear annoyance written on her face as looked at her crewmates that just arrived.
"Oh sorry, we didn't know you were on a date when we saw you," Kuina replied with obvious fear in her voice. She knew that when Erza was angry, Kuina and Zoro would usually suffer.
"It's fine, what do you need?" Erza asked, still annoyed.
"We just wanted to let you two know that we were finished with business and are heading back to the ship," Nojiko said, also not trying to piss off Erza.
"Hey, guys we got a problem!" As they were talking Koby arrived in a panic.
"What's wrong?" Miles asked calmly. Koby handed him a rolled-up piece of paper then Miles opened it and read its name aloud.
"Operation heart attack?" Miles read through the plans and basically, the marines wanted to lure the Black Heart pirates to the execution square and surround them. How they were planning to get them here wasn't written on the orders, but since the crew was already here it didn't really matter.
After Miles had read the plans he just scoffed and burned them.
"Why were you so panicked Koby? It's not like they can hurt us." Nami said.
"B-but there's an entire marine base coming after us, and apparently the captain at that base is really strong," Koby replied still alarmed at the prospect of facing so many enemies.
"Koby, you've seen me easily take down one of the strongest vice-admirals in the marines, and you think a single captain can stop us? Also, I don't think you understand how overpowered you are right now." Miles said with a deadpanned face.
"What do you mean?" He asked. But before Miles could answer, the crew heard a shout from behind them.
"BLACK HEART PIRATES, YOU HAVE BEEN SURROUNDED, SURRENDER YOURSELVES AND FACE THE LAW." The crew turned around to see that they were indeed surrounded by marines, but they already knew that. Leading the marines was caption Smoker and beside him was his petty officer Tashigi, a woman with chin-length black hair, wearing red glasses and a purple flower patterned shirt along with a marine jacket overtop.
Seeing Tashigi, the Black Heart pirates, except for Miles froze. The same thing happened to the marines, minus Smoker as he was the only one who had seen the wanted posters and knew what Kuina looked like.
"Wow Kuina, I didn't know you had a twin sister," Miles said nonchalantly. Nobody responded and simply looked back and forth between Kuina and Tashigi. Seeing that his subordinates were distracted Smoker yelled at them.
"ALL OF YOU FOCUS, WE HAVE WORK TO DO!" He roared. Quickly they all put on serious expressions, even though they were all curious as to what kind of relationship their petty officer had to this pirate, they knew they could ask questions later.
"Wow, you got them under control fast. So before we fight, and we will fight because why would surrender, I have one thing to do." Miles said with a calm smile on his face as he pulled out a large red beats pill then started scrolling through the music on his phone.
"Captain what are you doing?" Koby asked anxiously as he looked at Smoker and the marines who were getting ready to attack them.
"He's probably looking for what he calls 'fight music' " Nami answered him as she and the rest of the crew brought out their weapons.
"This will work," Miles said as he put the speaker on the ground next to himself.
"Now then, shall we dance?" Miles said as he pressed play on his phone. Suddenly, Voices by Motionless In White started playing.
"WHITE OUT" Smoker yelled as smoke poured from his body engulfing the surroundings. Seeing this, Nami stepped forward and swung her spear while channelling her power through it.
"Gale!" She said softly as a large wave of wind clashed against Smoker's attack, nullifying it.
"!!? You have a-" Before Smoker could finish his sentence Nami's spear came crashing down on him causing him to block with his jitte. Unfortunately for him, his weapon was nowhere near as strong as Nami's spear.
"Ugh" *Snap* With that sound, his jitte broke in half and Nami made a large gash on his chest, similar to the one Zoro received in cannon thanks to Mihawk.
"CAPTAIN!" Tashigi screamed as she ran towards Smoker but before she could get close, Kuina blocked her path.
"I can't let you do that," Kuina spoke. "OUTTA MY WAY BITCH" was the reply Kuina got which pissed her off and stunned Miles.
'Since when has Tashigi been so aggressive?' Miles thought. {I told you there will be more surprises for you. A slight personality change of some people is only the tip of the iceberg.}
While Miles was speaking to the voice inside his head, Tashigi slashed at Kuina in an attempt to move her. Sadly for the Petty officer, it didn't go so well. Kuina cover her hand in haki and grabbed Tashigi's blade, crushing it in her hand.
Seeing this made Tashigi's eyes go wide but before she could react to what just happened, she felt the impact of a fist on her abdomen causing her to faint.
Seeing what Kuina just to Tashigi did made Zoro cringe a bit. He had felt the same pain many times when he sometimes misremembered their anniversary or when he didn't give his wife enough attention. 'Rest in piece miss doppelganger' Zoro gave a silent prayer.
"...So does anybody else want to fight?" Miles asked the stunned marines. They had just lost both of their strongest fighters in a matter of seconds, to say they were stunned would be an understatement. But soon one marine stepped forward with a determined look on his face.
"Even if Captain Smoker and Pettey officer Tashigi are down we will still not let you leave!" The marine said passionately. Soon more and more marines became resolute and decided to fight the pirates.
"I see. Very admirable, foolish but admirable none the less." Miles spoke with a smile. "Alright Koby, as I said before you don't know how overpowered you are right now, so I will show you."
Miles then raised his hand making the marines flinch and quickly lots of tree branches sprouted from the ground and wrapped around the marines constricting them and causing their weapons to fall to the ground and knocking them unconscious.
"Whoa cool," Koby said elated but after a few seconds his excitement left him and he was just confused. "Captain, that cool and all but how does that help me? I have the Sand-Sand fruit not... whatever fruit you used to do this."
"That is where your wrong Koby. You see your fruit probably has the most potential out of all of ours... well except for mine. Once you awaken your fruit, you'll be able to use the earth itself as a weapon. Trees, rocks, dirt, anything from the earth, save for metal, will be yours to control."
"Alright everyone I think it's time we leave. It's about time we get to the Grand Line don't you think?" Miles addressed the crew.
"Took long enough, come on let's go," Nami said as she dragged Miles by the arm back to the Death Rider. And with that, the Black Heart Pirates were finally off to the Grand Line.
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