Chapter 6: That Damned Qin Nanyu!

Ji Weitian tried her best to control her emotions as she turned around and got ready to enter

the house.

She had barely taken a step when Su Sumei spoke up again, "Weitian, although your father

speaks harshly, he's still your biological father. It's all for your own good. It's fine if you show

me attitude, but how can you do that to your father? If word of this spreads outside, other

people will laugh at the Ji family for not being able to teach our daughters well."

In the Ji family, there was more than one daughter.

Were Su Sumei's words supposed to mean that she was indirectly dragging down the other

girls in the Ji family?

Did she steal, rob, or something else of the sort? She had only been arrested by the police

because she was wronged!

That damned Qin Nanyu!

Ji Weitian was about to explain herself, but right at this moment, Ji Kaisui brought over a cup of water from the living room and chimed in as well.

"Sister, I don't want to stick my nose in your matters, but you should have more self-respect.

Others might not currently be aware, but if word gets out that the Ji family has a daughter

with such an indiscreet private life, and had even experienced premarital pregnancy when

she was still schooling… Who in our high society would still dare to marry a daughter from

our family?"

"Suisui's right…"

"Just stop talking! Do you think that I'm not annoyed enough?" Ji Mofeng snapped, thus

ceasing all further discussion. His expression immediately darkened when he heard the

words 'premarital pregnancy'.

"No one is to mention that child again! You are to go on a blind date with Chen family's son


After saying this, he entered the mansion without looking back.

The only ones left in the yard were Ji Weitian and the pair of mother and daughter.

Once Ji Mofeng's silhouette was gone, Su Sumei walked up to Ji Weitian and put on a kind

smile. "That's how your father's temperament is. He hasn't changed after all these years, so

don't take it to heart. What he said is right though, you're not young anymore. You also have

a child with you now, so no good family will want you. The only reason the Chen family is

willing to send their son on this blind date is because our family had a marriage agreement

with them, and they're still willing to fulfill it. Rest assured, your father and I will make sure

they're good for you. We won't wrong you!"

Was that so?

Ji Weitian raised her head and stared at Su Sumei as she laughed bitterly to herself.

Did they think that she was a fool who knew nothing?

When the marriage agreement was formed between the Chen family and the Ji family, she

had not yet been brought back to the Ji family. This meant that the marriage agreement was

supposed to be between Chen family's son and Ji Kaisui, was it not?

She had heard that the Chen family's son, Chen Xu, was a spoiled second-generation child

who was an ignorant and incompetent bum. He was also dissolute and had endless stream

of scandals with starlets, which often appeared in the news.

Even worse still, a while back, he got involved with a married woman and ended up with a

broken leg after getting beaten up. Even though his leg eventually healed, it was never the

same anymore because he now had to walk with a limp. This was why the Chen family was

rushing to carry out the marriage agreement with the Ji family.

Su Sumei was obviously not willing to marry her dear daughter to such a person. However,

the Chen family and Ji family were more than family friends — they were also important

business partners.

Even if Su Sumei was unhappy with this marriage, she could not reject it upfront and

humiliate the Chen family.

This was when she shifted her attention to Ji Weitian and convinced Ji Mofeng to bring her

back home.

After all, in everybody's eyes, the elegant and intelligent second daughter of Ji family was

too good for Chen Xu. However, they could thank their lucky stars if Chen Xu was interested

in someone like Ji Weitian, who was brought up by marketplace peasants and had a burden

with her.

"Sister, as humans, we must know when to be content with what we have. Although Chen

Xu is crippled, the Chen family is wealthy. You should be honoured that they're willing to

marry someone like you into their family, despite the fact that you have a child. If you know

what's good for you, you should prepare well for the blind date tomorrow and not make

Father angry."