Chapter 7: Truly a Head-of-the-House Princess

Ji Weitian shot a glance at the cocky Ji Kaisui and eyed her sarcastically.

"Since Chen Xu is so great, why don't you go for him?"

Ji Kaisui was about to start arguing with Ji Weitian but was stopped by a glare from Su


"Weitian, rest well tonight. Don't let your father down tomorrow." Su Sumei pulled Ji Kaisui

away with her once she finished talking.

Ji Weitian was still fuming when her mobile phone suddenly rang.

"Madam Ji, your flight touched down at 5pm, and you only need one hour for the cab ride.

You should have reached home by 6pm, but it's already 9pm now. Why aren't you home

yet? And you didn't even give me a call to let me know you've arrived safely."

When she heard the loud, young voice that was trying to sound mature, Ji Weitian finally

remembered what she had forgotten. "Sweetie, I'm so sorry!"

The little princess sighed. "See? Without me by your side, you can't even take care of


Ji Weitian sheepishly gave an excuse. "Mummy was held back by something. Sweetie, be a

good girl and sleep with Grandma tonight, okay? I will head home as fast as I can tomorrow

to be with you again."

"Mummy, I'm already four this year!" The little princess emphasised grumpily. It seemed like

she was unhappy at being called 'sweetie'.

Ji Weitian could even imagine her showing four fingers to the phone and pouting,

emphasising the fact that she was four years old.

During this period that she had been overseas, Ji Weitian had missed her daughter dearly.

Although she wanted to return to her daughter right this instant and embrace her little body

in her arms, she could only give her flying kisses through the phone to relieve some of the

pain of their separation.

On the other end of the call, Ji Xingyao was still lecturing her like an adult. "When I'm not

with you, you have to eat regularly. Don't stay up late, and don't kick off your blanket when

you sleep…"

When the call ended, Ji Weitian was miserable for a long while.

It looked like she would have to get the blind date that Ji Mofeng had arranged for her done

and over with quickly so that she could quickly reunite with her daughter back home.

She opened her sleepy eyes and ruffled her hair as she yawned. She had been busy

replying to an important email last night and had only managed to sleep at dawn. Thus, she

was a little confused to have been woken up so suddenly.

"Miss, Mr. Ji has given us his orders. The Chens are a wealthy family, so they follow a lot of

rules. You're too used to your lazy ways, so he wants you to head to the restaurant early to

give a good first impression." The butler explained to her in detail.

"..." Ji Weitian finally recalled that she had a blind date planned for today.

Her eyes immediately burst open as she got up to get ready.

She put on proper makeup for the first time in her life and changed her clothes. Before

leaving, she even put on a mask to hide her face as she followed the chauffeur out.

She avoided everybody else and left the mansion quietly.

When she reached the high-class restaurant that had been agreed upon by both sides, Ji

Weitian saw a tall, distinguished figure enter the restaurant before her.

Qin Nanyu?

Was she hallucinating? To think that she'd see that jinx here! Enemies are truly bound to

meet on a narrow road!