Chapter 20: This Man is Difficult

Karma came fast; she had no time to prepare.

Ji Weitian stared at the durian in his hands. Her knees felt weak as if she needed to kneel.

Open a durian with her bare hands... Is he the devil?

Wait! Ji Weitian's mind worked hard to find a solution, then her eyes lit up.

She just said she'd open a durian for him. She didn't say she was doing it by hand. She could go find a knife. Maybe, after cutting the durian, she could off him too.

That was just a fantasy. Ji Weitian couldn't really kill Qin Nanyu. She looked around the lounge; there was no fruit knife either.

The fruit was probably used to decorate the lounge. Most of the fruit was readily edible, like tangerines, bananas, grapes, etc. No one would put a dangerous fruit knife in the lounge.

Ji Weitian guessed that there were probably no VIPs like Qin Nanyu who insisted on trying all the fruit in the lounge.

Ji Weitian assessed the situation and took over the durian from him. "Chairman Qin, please wait a moment. I'll get this durian for you."

Then, she took off.

By the time she prepared the durian at a workroom next door and brought it back on a plate, she ran into a colleague from the office of academic affairs.

When her colleague saw her, he stopped her in a rush. "Where were you? You weren't answering your phone either."

"Peeling a durian. Qin Nanyu had to have it," Ji Weitian angrily said as she puffed up her cheeks.

The words "Qin Nanyu" represented her enemy.

"Don't worry about the fruit. The director told me to tell you, the equipment wouldn't be fixed this morning. You need to explain to Chairman Qin that the forum has been pushed back to this afternoon. Ask him if he has the time to stay..."

Before her colleague finished talking, Ji Weitian was feeling suicidal.

Did he see the durian in her hands? She had just peeled it. She wished there was a wall she could hit her head against... 

Solemnly, she walked into the lounge. The moment she opened the door, Ji Weitian put on a smile, "Chairman Qin-- "

"... I understand what you're saying, Director." Qin Nanyu was on the phone. He had goosebumps on his back from Ji Weitian's voice. He turned around in surprise. Did peeling a durian lower her IQ too?

Qin Nanyu hung up and sat back on the sofa. He watched the plate of durian she put in front of him and furrowed his brows from the fruit's pungent smell.

He didn't eat durian. He only asked her to peel the fruit to make her suffer. Who knew she would actually get it done. 

Ji Weitian didn't know all the thoughts swirling in his head. Seeing his frown, she thought he was unhappy with her being gone for so long. She explained with sincerity, "This durian is hard to peel. I had to try a few knives before I could open it. My finger was cut too, it was bleeding."

Ji Weitian opened her hand. One of her pale fingers did have a smear of red.

She put the bleeding finger in her mouth and acted pitifully. Sitting down across from Qin Nanyu, her eyes got red before she talked, then she sniffled. 

"Chairman Qin, you live a privileged life, you have no idea how we ordinary workers live. When our boss says anything, we have to do it. I'll be honest, I didn't even have any breakfast this morning before coming here..."