Chapter 34: Let me Tell You a Story

Ji Weitian stood to the side for so long that she felt like a statue. 

She wanted to move but was afraid any motion would remind Qin Nanyu to give her work.

After looking at him a bit, she figured he had completely forgotten her. She pursed her lips, her eyes becoming brighter. 


She had always wanted to study this lab, with Qin Nanyu not noticing her right now, she would not waste the chance.

With her mind made-up, she slowly turned to inspect the layout of the lab.

There are three areas in this lab, from the doorway, to where she was now.

Test counter, model area, central command area.

She and Qin Nanyu were in the innermost zone, the central command area of the lab.

All experiment data would be sent to the central command area for saving before the end of the day, and all of the lab equipment was controlled by the central command too... so this area was the heart of the lab.

The machine on which she set off the alarm looked like a supercomputer connected to the security door, or, is it?

Ji Weitian couldn't resist walking forward and checking out the machine more.

Regardless of shape or color, the machine resembled a giant white robot. 

There were quite a few robots in the model area too.

Could Qin Nanyu's experiment be about robots...

"What are you still doing here?" A stern voice came from behind her.

Feeling sheepish, Ji Weitian looked back. Qin Nanyu had turned off the machine and was staring at her.

Ji Weitian moved her lips, but with her thoughts still jumbled, she couldn't say anything. 

She also looked a little stunned, as if she was shocked. 

Qin Nanyu noticed her expression, he thought she was still afraid of ghosts. He frowned.

After a brief hesitation, he walked up to her. "I thought you were brave. You're terrified to leave because of some ghost?"

"I'm not terrified to leave. I just didn't want you to work alone, and maybe, I could see your lab, since I'm here anyway." Ji Weitian turned to leave.

As soon as she moved, someone grabbed her collar.

She looked like a chick pulled up by her neck. She turned with difficulty to look at Qin Nanyu.

He was talking with a mix of coldness and mercy, "Wait at the door. I'll come after setting the security alarm."

Ji Weitian: "???"

She could understand the security part, it was for protecting the computer, but why did she have to wait at the door?

 Is he going to help her get home?

 She really is seeing a ghost.

Ji Weitian couldn't even process the information. She finally looked up, when Qin Nanyu finished the task and joined her. "I live next door to Jiangcheng University. It's really close. I'll head back now."

She started to leave, afraid that he would walk her home.

But to him, she looked like she was faking bravado.

Qin Nanyu moved his arm again, tugging on her collar. His body leaned forward, his gaze fastened on the creamy skin on her neck. With an even tone, he said, "Ever heard of the ghost in the lab?"