Chapter 35: You May Know How the Story Started, but Not How it Ends

Ji Weitian: "???"

"Once upon a time, there was someone who liked to work late in the lab. One day, he heard a noise near the window. He thought it was someone tapping the window, but when he got to the window, did you know what he saw?"

His deep voice made a creepy ghost story sound like a fairytale. 

If Ji Weitian didn't have some sense left, she would have asked, 'What did he see?...'

Though she didn't ask, Qin Nanyu continued talking--

Ji Weitian started to interrupt him, "I'm not afraid of ghost stories like this, don't try to scare me..."

As soon as she spoke, he reached out his hand and turned off the lights in the lab. The bright room was instantly pitch dark.

"Argh-- "

Ji Weitian was so freaked out she plastered herself to Qin Nanyu. Her arms tightly gripped his neck, as if afraid a ghost was really outside the lab.

Her daughter was so young, she needs her mom!

Qin Nanyu was only trying to scare her, he had no idea she would be this afraid. She ran into his arms so quickly, and stuck onto him like an octopus, making him lose his breath.

Qin Nanyu tried to pry her off of him, but couldn't. "The ghost would be afraid of you, Ji Weitian, let go!"

She didn't move at all.

Qin Nanyu struggled to find the light switch, turning the lights back on, and then, he finally managed to extricate himself from her grasp. 

He tugged his tie. His grim face faced hers, "Why are you so scared? It's just a ghost story. How would you have the guts to go into the lab?"

 "I'm... I'm not scared. I'm not afraid of ghosts, just the dark."

Ji Weitian backed up a few steps under Qin Nanyu's serious gaze. She licked her lips, "I... I didn't mean to be so scared. You were the one who turned off the light to scare me. It's late. I better head home."

The minute she left the lab building, she ran toward her house.

She really regretted how she acted earlier.

She was a well-educated and rational person. How could she act like a chicken because of a ghost story? It was mortifying. 

She was the only one on the quiet street.

Maybe it's in her mind, but tonight, everything seemed very scary. 

She seemed to hear another set of footsteps behind her...

Her back felt cold. She didn't dare to turn around; she walked faster. 

As she sped up, so did the footsteps behind her.

Qin Nanyu was such a jinx... was there really a ghost behind her?

Ji Weitian forced herself to calm down. Her education taught her there were no ghosts, but her instinct told her there was someone following her.

It was really late...

She looked around and saw no one. Bending at the waist, she took off one shoe and turned around, wanting to catch her stalker by surprise. Before she threw the shoe, Qin Nanyu stepped into the pale light of the street lamp.

He could see her turning around and was looking right at her.