Chapter 36: Proud for an Instant

Ji Weitian was so shocked she dropped the shoe. She blinked in surprise, as if not believing her eyes.

Why is he here?

"Why are you creeping and following me like that?" Ji Weitian didn't even pick-up the shoe. She scooted back, hopping on one leg, staring at him warily. 

Her place is on the side of the campus. She was taking the side door, not the main entrance; Qin Nanyu shouldn't have gone the same way.

He wasn't trying to kill her in the dark, was he?!

 The more she thought about it, the more likely it seemed. She swallowed nervously.

When Qin Nanyu heard "creeping," his gaze darkened. Seeing her standing on one leg, with a guarded expression, he asked himself why he bothered following her home to keep her safe.

This woman was not only ungrateful, but she also treated him like a criminal. He regretted bothering to protect her, he should wring her neck!


Ji Weitian was stupefied for a second. When she came to her senses, she was reminded of his words in the lab.

Was he... walking her home?

She was shocked by this idea.

Now, Qin Nanyu's face didn't seem so cold. He may not say the right things, but he wasn't evil.

Was he really walking her home?

Ji Weitian tried to put her other shoe back on.

She asked incredulously, "Qin Nanyu, were you walking me home? Why would you do that?"

Qin Nanyu: "..."

He overestimated her. A woman with no substance wouldn't be endangered.

His gaze became steely, "I didn't want you to die inside Jiangcheng University and soil the campus, is that a good reason?"

Ji Weitian: "..."

Why did she even bother talking to this jinx?

 She took back the positive thoughts she had of him and continued to walk. After exiting the side door of the college and walking a little bit, she could see the sign of her home, Nanpo Apartments. 

She didn't stop and kept walking to the apartment building. When she got downstairs, she looked back at Qin Nanyu, who was behind her.

"I'm here."


Qin Nanyu had stopped when she got close to the apartment. 

He was ready to leave when he wanted to play a prank on her. The wariness and caution in her eyes made it seem as if she really wanted him to go.

 He stepped forward, looking into her eyes.

After making sure the resistance in her eyes was not his delusion, he squinted his eyes, "I need to use the restroom, could I use yours?"

Ji Weitian wanted him gone and was about to refuse him, but he did walk her home; it was hard to say no.

And she was the contact person for the program after all. She couldn't act too terribly.

She took out her entry card and opened the door. "If you don't mind, come up."

 Acting rather familiarly, he went inside the elevator with her. 

Jiangcheng University was a school with 70 years of history. Many of the buildings near the campus have been around for a while too. 

 While Nanpo Apartments was close to the campus, it was one of the oldest and worn-out apartment buildings around here.