Gate to Life

The darkness was indescribable, yet the words were so distinguishable. The noise made my mind feel tired, even in the void known as death. I was pissed, I honestly don't have the capacity to listen to more gibberish.

[ability undefined]

Shut up! I just want to sleep. I don't need to hear this right now. I just want to call it a life, and bathe in this ocean of self.

[ability undefined]

Can't you see I am trying to be philosophical? This noise is ruining my train of thought, I wish a had some ear muffs...

[ability selected: Pure Focus]

[pick 2 more abilities ]


[ability undefined]

Kill me.

[skill unacceptable]

Just as I die, this shit happens. I can't even be dead in peace. I honestly don't understand how this stuff has anything to do with me.

[ability undefined]


Let me feel like my body can move effortlessly. I want to swim in this void.

[ability selected: Flexibility]

[ability too low class, upgraded to: Fluidity]

[pick 1 more ability]

It feels like I am cutting through and infinitely large ocean right now... if only it was quiet. If only I had a remote or something, so I can shut off whatever that shit is...

[abilities selected: Blade Mastery and Telekinesis]

[combine to: Blade Manipulation]

[select main weapon]

Arrrrrggghh.... just shut up already. I am gonna stab somebody!


SHUT UP! I will actually knife you.

[weapon selected: Dagger]

[bonus ability: Dagger Saint]

Finally... this thing has stopped talking.

[please allot points]



Power- 2

Agility- 3

Vitality- 2.5

Intellect- 4

Visualisation- 9.9 (Max)

Charisma- 2

Remaining points- 12





Power- 5

Agility- 6

Vitality- 5.5

Intellect- 4

Visualisation- 9.9 (Max)

Charisma- 6

Remaining points- 0


[bonus stats allotted]



Power- 6

Agility- 7

Vitality- 6.5

Intellect- 5

Visualisation- 9.99 (Max)

Charisma- 7

Remaining points- 0


Uggghhh... finally. It's ended.

[entering world]


"Robert Kelsey."


"Damian Lewis."


"Emilia Rose."


"Kira Lin."


"Liana Moon."


"Simon Grey."


"Simon Grey?"


I suddenly opened my eyes as I felt a stinging sensation on my shoulder. Im not in the void anymore; I am in a room? A classroom? And for some reason everyone is staring at me?

"Simon Grey is present... make sure to stay awake in class." A middle aged woman spoke as she continued to read out names.

I looked around me to find that everyone seemed to be around 16 years old, and all of them wore immaculate rose coloured blazers and black pants and skirts. The blazers seemed so eye catching, I just looked at them and I could see the individual strands of rose coloured fabrics sewn together in perfection. Not a single strand was out of place and the blazers were all tightly fitted to their persons. It was like a movie, the lights shone on the handsome boys and the pretty girls, emphasising their 'light', their importance. Their clothes reflected the gentle lights to give off a subtle aura like glow of confidence and power.

I couldn't help but feel out of place. I mean seriously? I was on my death bed a while ago. I wasn't important, otherwise I would have had family to visit me. But nope, I was alone for practically a year; no friends, no family. But now I felt like I was surrounded by the most powerful people in the world!

"James House."

"Present" a black haired youth spoke. He seemed to be familiar. He has the same name as my main character, what a coincidence.

"Piece of shit that doesn't even have an ability." A buff looking guy at the back corner of the room spoke.

"What's your problem, Jack?" A skinny kid with glasses asked in an annoyed voice.

'Ugggghhhhh... I wrote this scene. This is from my novel isn't it?'

"Don't worry, Dan. I can take a small blow to my ego." James comforted.

Come to think about it, I sort of remember the name 'Simon Grey'... he was definitely the guy I killed off in the 'siege'. He was the 21st of C-class, born to the head of the Grey family: Martin Grey. As things go, he never really had that much of a role in the story, he duelled James once, but was defeated easily. After a while, I decided to just kill him off when the 'ODC' attacked the school.

'O wait! This place is 'Haven', the main setting of my novel!' Most Of the novel takes place in the school for the elite. Everyone had to get through relentless testing to get into this place, which is how James got in; by acing all of the non-Visualisation tests.

"Huh? You chicken? Piece of shit doesn't even have a backbone."

"Oiii! What did James ever do to you?!" Dan shouted angrily as he clutched his fists.

This is the scene that the protagonist meets with the female lead. Welp, James is gonna get beaten up bad... but as a C-class, I can't really help.



Power- 6

Agility- 7

Vitality- 6.5

Intellect- 5

Visualisation- 9.99 (Max)

Charisma- 7

Remaining points- 0


Suddenly a holographic screen popped up in front of me, it was out of this world. The individual pixels all seemed to be 100 times smaller than anything in the market! The photons tinged blue just like in any other sci-fi setting, and gave off a cool feeling.

'Wait... these are the same stat settings I used for my novel characters... DAMN! My stats are great!' Well for reference, an average person has '1' in all stats, the average Haven student has '3' in all stats, and a top grade genius would have anywhere from 5-7 in all stats. A single '8' stat was enough for people to faint, and a '9' was virtually impossible except for the female lead and some of the harem candidates.

It was like I hit the jackpot! And this was not even the best part. Stats still increase until a person hits 18 years of age. That means I am as powerful as the Big Three! The only problem is that Simon is C-class, that means he's average. And don't even get me started on my Visualisation... let's just say that Visualisation is the true hero of all stats already, this is just broken.

I'm going to have to learn to bullshit.

"Ffufuff!" I suddenly realised that there was no pain in my body. New body= no more terminal disease!

"Mr Grey?"

[goal added: socialise]

[goal added: top 5 in exam]